
Information Dissemination Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Think of yourself as an information warrior."
"Journalists need to be on their game. The stakes don't get much higher when it comes to fulfilling their core mission: informing citizens of what they really need to know."
"If we can bring information to people where they're at and in layman's terms, then it can influence public perception."
"Journalism is conveying information to the public that is in their interest."
"As long as we can keep getting the facts out to the American people and to the world, I'm confident democracy is going to prevail."
"Mass communication is basically the study of broadcasting a lot of information to a lot of people."
"But that’s what we do at NutritionFacts.org. We comb through tens of thousands of studies a year so you… don’t have to."
"Doing bad research and spreading wrong information is a problem because it wastes resources, it can make problems worse, it can very often destroy a structure that's working, and most importantly, it prevents people from finding a better solution."
"The use of propaganda is ancient, but never before has there been the technology to so effectively disseminate it."
"Will you even get to see the information you want to see, will you be able to fight back against the misinformation put out by the left if the left controls all the sources of informational dissemination?"
"While this war is being waged by conventional means, this generation is finding a new way to keep people informed and reminding us there's still hope for the future."
"It's empowerment. It gives you more information about your role in this pandemic."
"The entire institution of information control, the entire narrative control system, is going to fall to pieces."
"We believed in this message, we believed people need this information, this is for the greater good, it's not about money."
"Twitter is like the new radio, folks. Up-to-the-second information all comes from Twitter."
"The media keeps informing us how incredibly important they are to our survival."
"We want to make sure we get this information out to as many people as possible."
"I don't make videos to lie to you, I make videos to make sure that you're informed."
"Anybody that disseminates information to the public is the press."
"Rogan is helping those questions be answered by presenting so much data and information and letting them decide what actions and moves to make for themselves with informed consent."
"We should try to ask questions first and spread information later."
"My entire goal is just to get the truth out to all of you because I see it, I clearly see it."
"You will not get news any better on the geopolitical landscape that is going on in the world today."
"The internet is going to offer us a way to get our information out."
"Thank you for continuing to keep the American public informed about what's going on."
"But yeah I'll post the full call on my YouTube channel because I think that a lot gets lost on Twitter threads."
"Tucker Carlson often brought to the Forefront some of the most important information and asking some of the most important questions about the regime."
"Memes are actually an effective way to spread information and to subvert a mainstream media that is totally corrupt."
"Sanders campaign did their job, but the media didn't pick it up, they did not inform enough people."
"I'm super happy to see all of it being brought to the public attention now."
"Everybody should watch this, everybody should share this."
"We have to read, we have to put out incredible accurate information because people are seeking that."
"No Channel Works harder and moves a mic more than this one right here, to keep you in the know about crypto."
"That's why people like Salvador Pas want to get the information out there."
"In the interest of the people, we need to make sure that people understand what's happening."
"Q is going to be assisting us by dropping information."
"We must get the message across to the whole of Russia about what is really going on."
"I think it's incredibly important that the information is dispersed to the most amount of people."
"Truth will eventually make it into Russia one way or the other."
"These things don't just get announced overnight."
"Thank you for your courage to stand up and be a man amongst men... A deliverer of information that has woken up many humans."
"Good morning patriots! ...jam-packed full of information."
"You know to each person this video will be the best way for me to give you all of that information so I just want to say a few things upfront before we get started."
"People will find Infowars content. They're still gonna find Infowars content."
"Millions of Americans receive their news on social media."
"Everything is speeding up because of social media. You have to be conscious and careful of what's being shared."
"It's a question about what are the facts and how do you properly tell the wider world about them."
"Social media is doing great, spreading truth messages instead of just personal information."
"I just wanted to do one video just outlining everything that we know from start to finish at this point."
"This incredible new technology allowed the dissemination of information on a mass scale and at a rapid pace..."
"Putting out the information to enable the public to help them put the pieces together is important."
"By making people aware as soon as possible, you could save possible lives, protect more people from the information being exposed."
"So, since the previous day, there have been 1359 new cases and it has a list of all the places where things have been reported and the changes since the previous day."
"Do your part in help inform people... It's a lot tougher for someone like me to inform somebody who doesn't know who I am who hasn't watched my videos."
"Your job as a medical journal editor is to make sure that the truth in whatever form and the best way possible at the time that you make the truth available to American physicians so they can practice the best medicine."
"The more information that is disseminated out to the community the better."
"Share it with your family because they need this information too."
"I'm your one and only daily Advocate, doing all the necessary research and breaking it all down into these short videos so you can stay updated with what is actually going on."
"My goal is not to win a debate or convert an audience. It's to get information out to as many people as possible and to force them into the difficult position of having to question some of the things that they believe."
"Now that phone or computer you have is a printing press itself, able to effortlessly arrange infinite movable type."
"Lee Fang is doing what journalists are supposed to do: convey difficult, challenging, truthful information to the rest of us so that we can make informed decisions for ourselves."
"Thank you for that, so that session guided us through the background of the centralized processing center and the compliances by taxpayers in this filing season."
"I thought the speech was excellent and I thought that it was important that the people in the world begin to understand what we had found out."
"The Russian public is very good about using rumor Mills to get the actual relevant information."
"There's a difference between calling somebody a heretic and saying somebody's false and damned... and saying somebody's in serious error."
"There is a utility to using platforms and technology to get information out to potentially help."
"I believe there's a spiritual law that drives these people to put this information out."
"People aren't waiting to report, and that includes mainstream."
"We salute all of those DJs working around the clock to provide information to people who need it most."
"I have put out this information, it's up to the people to believe it or not, or take my advice or not, but I have done my best."
"YouTube's been fantastic for this channel, for the growth, for getting information out there."
"What I want to do is maybe take that information and then make it accessible for the people that don't have the time to be paying attention to this all day."
"Don't keep going into that echo chamber. Let's just focus on information that has to get out." - Navigating media and information consumption.
"We don't really care how you get the information, just as long as we keep the information getting out there." - Prioritizing the dissemination of information over the means of delivery.
"Thank you very much for joining; subsequent information will be released as soon as available."
"We want this information to come out to other humans, it is time for more people to know about us."
"Absolutely, Twitter is also a competitor to Legacy Media for news, so they are fundamentally conflicted."
"We know there's a hunger out there and we're fully committed to bringing you guys this information."
"People must know what's going on because at last level it's people who has been taken."
"I've always wanted to know what i could possibly do to help change you know it's it's good to see all the stuff that's happening now where we're getting more information out there right."
"More screens and magazines controlled by just five giant media companies."
"Tucker is a popular host who already has a massive audience...he sure as hell can provide that large audience with some actually useful information for a few minutes which is exactly what he did."
"What motivates me is really just getting good information out there."
"Information starts to come out on a massive scale. People start to learn the truth."
"No channel works harder to keep you in the know about cryptos around the blockchain."
"Once the Bible was printed and handed out, it was too late. That's what they're trying to do right now."
"Dive into the websites and especially into the blogs of a lot of these projects because in many cases the project leads will start to give out information in some cases even ahead of schedule."
"We have to tell the truth and arm them with the truth."
"If you don't get content out and the truth out to American minds and those that value Liberty and freedom, we're entering a hopeless situation."
"Thank you for keeping the truth before our eyes."
"You have sites like Twitter with the ability to disseminate information in a way that could slant an election towards one candidate."
"I only care that the information gets out there however it is packaged it's fine by me different strokes for different folks."
"The Wandsmen, an organization dedicated to bringing the news and the truth to all those who seek knowledge."
"The channel is really just literally exploding and people are hungry for this information and we're gonna continue to bring it to you as best as we can."
"How much of the knowledge hidden within the theosophical movement may gradually be communicated depends entirely on the attitude of our contemporaries."
"Every single view on here is important and it shows that there are people that care and there are people that know and there is a possibility that this information can spread and hopefully bring forward some answers."
"We believe that from this program that we're trying to get the honest information out."
"My role is to document, to present information, is to give people a voice."
"We need a lot more people to be empowered with this information and to push back against the dominant status quo narrative."
"It goes a long way to help me spread the truth that most a lot of our friends and family don't hear if they're only listening to the mainstream media."
"Share it, just share it. Yeah, 'cause at least somebody will see it. They'll think, 'Huh, that's interesting.'" - Encouraging sharing for spreading helpful information.
"And how could we ever get the public up to speed on this?"
"This is what Third Phase of Moon is all about, getting the word out to the people."
"The people are going to get the information and they are going to react to it, I believe."
"We believe in spreading awareness and knowledge, ensuring our content reaches as many people as possible."
"We need media where we can reach people and give them information that they need."
"I want people to be aware of what's happening, aware of the lawsuit."
"The First Amendment protects the freedom to use a printing press to print and disseminate information."
"Getting credible information to people right now is just so important."
"Support them... so that they can stay out here and continue to bring this information to the forefront."
"If you don't expose something, if something doesn't leak out and this is why I think mainstream does leak out real stuff."
"You want to know who's feared? The ones they don't want to talk about. Society fears the ones that bring out the information that they can't refute."
"The audiences of the future want to get their information from memes."
"We're alive at the greatest moment in history and we need to take this important information to the masses."
"Soon we realize that we all share the same need to get this information out there, to share with the public, to let people know what is being done."
"We can set up a weekly digest, a daily digest that works on a scheduled trigger, a recurrence trigger to send out that information every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, maybe just once a week, maybe every single day at specific times."
"We need more science-based professionals providing information to the world, to better the world, to spread the good news, to spread the science-based good news. So please do it."
"The goal of it is to ensure that the best possible information is out there so that the public can see it."
"We need to inform people. We need to tell you this has happened."
"One of our goals has always been, and still is, to try to highlight the good voices in the space because there's so much bad stuff. The only way to beat it is with people who've got great information who communicate it well. You're one of those people."
"The teacher class this is it for the morning classes and tells them they will have practical classes in the afternoon; but the teacher did not mention the location where there will be so he needs to ask someone for this information."
"While most people spread information that holistically leads to evil and destruction, you can seek to solve problems from superficial to metaphysical and become a massive value creator."
"These people trying to stop this information. This 311, this information getting out baby, spirit is going to let it keep talking."
"As far as the other trim levels, I'm going to update once Mercedes releases all the pricing and features of all of them."
"...make its way to the public which is what has largely happened..."
"You're doing a great job getting the information out to people."
"The whole idea is to extrapolate information, to figure out how you can do something on your own. It's for your information, so you can know what you don't know."
"The invention of the printing press... allowed information to be mass produced."
"We pride ourselves on researching a topic, presenting a really rounded picture before we go door-to-door and provide people with the truth on the topic."
"Our goal must be to get the data out to the medical community and the public where it can actually change lives."
"To prevent the production and dissemination and discussion of those facts is a total disaster."
"I think that a lot of these resources are not made known."
"Propaganda in its broadest definition is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person."
"Media is so prolific at creating narratives and storylines and then pushing that information on the people."
"It's our job to keep pushing the knowledge and information."
"The overall goal of medical affairs is to disseminate scientific information in a fair and balanced, non-biased way to improve overall patient care."
"You want to get the information to people in a timely manner."
"We don't want to forget that it's not common knowledge to you."
"It's important to get the information into the Latin communities down in either Mexico and or Guatemala, El Salvador."
"We're trying to provide as much reliable good information on stream to as many platforms as possible."
"Information in peer networks might be a key determinant of response to policies."
"This type of media informs culture."
"What is the value of every publication? Is getting new information to help surgeons and doctors do something different."
"That's why they scour hundreds of sources every day to provide concise, comprehensive, and objective views of what's happening in the world."
"Social media is immediate, you know the news will have to be vetted and trying to find out things and wait for the news to come on to put it on there, but you can get your information immediately on social media."