
Survival Strategy Quotes

There are 473 quotes

"Life can be terrifying, so the only way to survive it is to be as scary as life itself. Wise words to live by."
"The stupidest thing to do is to lock up your cabin and say I'll protect my cabin when the boat begins to sink."
"I think the only possible way to survive is with gratitude."
"Keeping focused on just a few things and picking the couple of dials that will determine whether you survive... is the way I try to manage myself as a CEO."
"If you're going to be murdered, you might as well try to make your captor laugh. It might just save your life."
"Diplomacy is not an option. No one is your friend, and you're going to be managing your city economy, resources, defenses, and more to try and survive."
"Most modern predators target juveniles; it's likely then that many of the groups we find of juvenile dinosaurs were a response to a predation threat."
"Surviving isn't just about skill, it's about judging what you've got compared to what you'll have to give up to progress."
"Your plan should be realizing that you may have to evacuate on foot at night."
"Anxiety is a problem in adulthood or maybe adolescence, but at its core, it's actually a survival strategy or an adaptation."
"Do you know why Smith is the most common last name? Smith, Schmidt, and other forms of it, because whenever a war would break out, there was one group of people that would never be sent to war and one group of people that would never be executed when a nation was conquered: the people that could make things, the blacksmiths."
"When threatened, basilisks employ one of the most creative escape strategies known in the animal kingdom."
"Hatred can be strength on the plains; you've needed that strength to survive. But left too long, hatred can twist and consume you."
"Life is constant PVP. You have to understand that a lot of these companies, like, they're paying an actively large amount of people to go against what you should probably be wishing for."
"With just 10 compressed blocks or cans of vacuum-sealed bags of these, you could be eating well long beyond any disaster."
"Start figuring out how you're going to keep me alive through the goodness that you can be as a person."
"Surviving 100 days in a Minecraft natural disaster-filled world with everything from tornadoes"
"Deciding is winning. There is no right or wrong, just surviving."
"The importance of the pack and of community for survival, is present in real wolf populations, and human ones as well—providing ample material for supernatural metaphor."
"Only the paranoid survive. You've got to think about the downside risk and be more skewed towards the bad scenario than sort of the wishful thinking scenario."
"Dead Hard is absolutely amazing. It's one of the best, if not the best, exhaustion perk in the entire game."
"Hope is a perk that will make you run seven percent faster when all generators are completed for 120 seconds."
"We need to colonize Mars within the next 100 years because we may not survive climate change diseases and other troubles we have caused ourselves in this and the last centuries." - Stephen Hawking
"I survived! I thought you said to outlast everyone else."
"Dying is a pretty big deal, so if you can avoid it, you probably want to."
"In a potential death trap scenario, your earliest decisions are often the most critical."
"Fascism survival strategy: engage in community preparedness."
"Smart racecraft as you said there, Jeremy. That was smart. He lived to fight another day. No point in going side by side through turn seven and risking it all with 90 minutes still to run on the clock."
"There's still time to come up with an escape plan and stay away from the looming disasters that are approaching us, so you need to act right now."
"I'm just going to hide right here and then if the shark comes I shoot him."
"Could you become invisible? Could you become the gray man?"
"We upgraded our security system yet again, and this time it guarantees survival up to day 100. It may not look strong, but it's really powerful."
"Staying alive is already a full-time job, but if we play our cards right, we can turn this problem into an opportunity."
"You should have a ton of salt, highly, highly barterable. You should have a ton of salt."
"For all of these people who think they can go along to get along... they're feeding the alligator hoping that the alligator eats them last."
"Being able to see a zombie around a corner is really invaluable."
"Paul faces a deadly needle, and to survive he has to stay still, mastering his fear and his body."
"Set aside the food and water reserves that you need to survive 90 days or more on your own."
"Okay, so now it's really, really important that we start to bring in some food to this colony."
"You need sometimes to start preventive wars to survive, especially if your enemy is stronger."
"Luckily not all your progress is lost because you can still upload your memory to a cloning system and continue with your personal progress when the world refreshes."
"Every group that is going to survive will understand the necessity of preparing the next seven generations."
"The best way to avoid dying is to put a torch under any falling blocks."
"Gold, silver, physical in your possession will enable you to survive anything."
"I consider my victory condition simply surviving the endgame crisis and allowing it to eat everyone else."
"You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that."
"The number one thing you should keep for currency or survival are antibiotics and painkillers."
"War is heartless. Euroslov advises doing what's necessary in a pinch."
"Facing these masters, if his lies were exposed, he could still rely on his Vajra Indestructible Body and numerous abilities to escape."
"You need to be preparing mentally physically and spiritually but folks you just you got to be doing it or or you're just not going to be ready you're not going to make it if you if you don't start really pushing these things."
"It's like a lifelong game of Survivor... depending on how you navigate that together is probably key."
"If I am ever being chased by a murderer, I can promise you I'm going to take the stairs at a really sensible pace—quick enough that I'm."
"If you're able to survive whatever we may approach, holding long term, you are still going to be very, very profitable."
"Father always told me, head to the rooftops, use the cover of the skies."
"There's an upgrade process, a process of enlightenment that is also written into religions."
"In any survival situation, you do have to do the math of calories out versus sustenance in."
"Even in a show as fatal as Game of Thrones, it's almost less about if they will survive and more about how they will survive."
"They decide that this is their way of surviving."
"I think it's the only answer at the end of the day is that when you hit their pocketbook and you take away the food out of the stores."
"You can't be thinking when you're in prison because if you take time to think in prison then you too late"
"Palpatine's contingency: a masterful plan to ensure his survival and return, even in the face of a failed Empire and apprentice."
"Driven by a sense of familial duty she made it her mission to survive until she was assured of the continuity of the Tudor dynasty."
"If you run into a bear, make yourself look big."
"Food in Elder Scrolls Online is very important. Without food, you are significantly weaker."
"Thanks for the vid, thanks for the tutorial, I just saved my whole universe from dying in a zombie apocalypse still using my tutorials, that's so amazing."
"It's critical that folks continue to prep the essentials they need in place to meet their most immediate and pressing threats."
"You'd be surprised, the safest place for us to stand was outside."
"They've had hundreds of millions of years to adapt like this."
"We want it to make sense, to understand why the vault's mainframe will kill us if we do not offer one of our own as a yearly sacrifice."
"FNAF 3 strikes the best balance yet between tension and control… what needs to be done to survive is generally clear."
"When you are in that war zone you know that every day is difficult you know that every day is going to be hard you know that your life is at risk but you try to stay strong."
"If caught on a riptide, conserve your strength by floating rather than swimming against the current."
"Okay, they know me. I trade with them. Sometimes I deliver lamps from the girls or goods from dark zones that might be infected."
"To survive the purge though is to make sure you aren't perishable to begin with."
"The only goal, the only objective in Project Zomboid is just to survive as long as you can."
"Zombieland is right: you just need to have really good cardio."
"I think she did what she thought she had to do in order to survive."
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures."
"Surviving is generally very oftentimes going to be better than getting one kill and instantly dying."
"The truth is Gonta and I work together. We formed a duo to end this killing game."
"Run, hide, fight: the best advice in an active shooter situation."
"If you're on your next cruise and your ship is sinking... just get in a lifeboat and hope for the best."
"If ever hits the fan and apocalypse happens, make your way to Costco first."
"Let's keep on survivin', let's try to get some more medical supplies."
"After all, people have friends and relatives there. On the other hand, if we let New London fail, we could take full control of it, although many of its inhabitants would die."
"Facing mutated, stronger spiders every 30 days, the struggle for survival becomes even more intense."
"In the right situation with enough ammo, firearms can be an asset to any survivor."
"That's the only thing that's going to save us."
"You are going to need every penny you can get your hands on in this period to come."
"Survive a fatal fall under water. Let's use our one high gap to get underneath these trees."
"Just like they have for all 100 days of the zombie apocalypse."
"It's time to leave. It's how you stay alive."
"For those of you that don't know, if you're wondering how did we survive, how did we prevent Hype from completely smashing us with a special three? Well, Sorcerer Supreme has a little bit of a power steal mode."
"Sometimes, the key to survival is making the most of what you have, even if it's just a handful of ammo and a laser pistol."
"Surviving the metro means outsmarting not only the creatures lurking in the darkness but also the traps left behind by previous adventurers."
"In the wasteland, every misstep can be costly, but every victory is hard-won and immensely satisfying."
"It's going to be absolutely essential for our long-term survival that we understand the larger cosmic environment."
"You'll need a plan to get out of wherever you are bunkered down in order to find safety food and water eventually."
"Apparently, Mind Manor is trying to kill me, so I have to figure out a way to kill him first."
"If they're gonna murder us then we have to stop doing what we're doing and that is just the worst thing you can do in the in the face of Islam because it's just what they want us to do is submit."
"The whole point of building a base was to start thriving instead of just barely surviving."
"Remember, your people need to eat and sleep from time to time."
"Fight the cold, we need to get the generator working."
"How many people do you think know that if you roll on Cassie with a pulse bomb you could survive no not many not many not many."
"Elizabeth would have to fight to survive and in a man's world, she would need men to help her do it."
"The aesthetic of Frost Punk adds a chilling ambiance to the game. It's brilliant."
"Managing resources and hope in Frost Punk is crucial for survival."
"We're creating the ark, we're creating the lifeboat that we can jump on now."
"You want him to survive a long time... Put him on vampire, ignore defense, and even if he doesn't have a tremendous amount of attack, as long as he has crit damage, he's gonna do fine damage."
"There's something in me that knew, even if you have nothing, I'll go work in a Starbucks. I don't give a [ __ ]. I'll do whatever it takes to pay the bills and I'll figure it out."
"Pathologically narcissistic people are always in survival mode."
"I give her a B-tier because one, she's living in a harsh environment." - Ygritte
"Never let yourself get attached to anything that you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds or less when you feel the heat coming around the corner." - Robert De Niro
"The full suite of orbitals is really gonna be what saves me on that Isaac fight."
"Take the sword, go into the house, grab anything else important from the trunk, go to the castle, hurry."
"Food is essential for energy - prioritize long-lasting options like MREs."
"Stay alive and allow your team to pressure the map for you."
"Frost Punk is a genre-defining survival city builder."
"The one thing we were not going to do is to surrender. We were going to get back to our air troops somehow. We had to win the war, and we were determined to do it whatever happened. Everybody was going to fight right to the bitter end."
"Whatever they do, it'd better be quick, because food and water are extremely limited, and they’re not the only ones out here."
"Someone brought us here on purpose, and I’d rather not stick around for when they come back through in a combine."
"Bug out is just moving from where things are bad to where things are less bad."
"Values of the relative values of the resources in particular triangles are what keep you alive."
"In the face of adversity, cleverness can be your greatest weapon."
"How can you make sure that you survive and thrive this economic storm that is likely coming our way?"
"It's easy for economists to say, 'Just go out and specialize,' but when most people are only making the equivalent of $4.00 a day, it's simply impossible to survive by specializing in a traditional role."
"This knowledge offers a real solution for Humanity's survival amidst the global climate threat."
"Rain World is brutal, it is a game that boils down to exploration and survival."
"This is pure survival. Salange called the cops on her own father because she said he was going to kill him. Stone Cold snitch on your father survival."
"Salange proved that she would throw them punches, she proved that she'll call the police. She called the police on her own dad. So Jay-Z, this ain't looking good for you, dude. Pure survival at this point."
"It's kill or be killed in this instance, Sung Jin-Woo."
"We're gonna make a bunker out of these ruins."
"Stop dying... one of the best and ironic pieces of advice for fighting the behemoth."
"Always go under the assumption that they have everything. What this does, it's gonna be way more safer for you and it's practically could save your life a lot."
"He played that smart. He knew he had to bail on him to survive and that was the right call."
"It's dense, it's tough, and when you finally figure out how to properly survive, it's very rewarding."
"The evil within: Will Sebastian face adversity head-on with weapons and traps or sneak through the shadows to survive?"
"The Islanders Almanac: Pinsir Dodge. You take 5% less damage from Mirelurk melee attacks."
"Islanders Almanac: Children of Adam Expose. We receive 10% less damage from radiation-based attacks."
"Let's put on our engineers caps and get into this zombie apocalypse."
"They changed beyond all recognition in order to adapt to the new conditions: they were in survival mode, resisting the survival of their entire species."
"Be careful what you wish for. If it's an apocalyptic event, I know exactly what direction I'm gonna go in."
"The one thing about the Glock is that there is an abundance of parts...definitely have a Glock in your arsenal."
"In loud gameplay, managing your health and armor is key to staying alive."
"Community and location will probably be some of the most significant determinants of your ultimate survival."
"You need to focus on building that pioneer level of one year or more food storage."
"Prepping now for an economic collapse can put the odds of surviving in your favor."
"On our world and on others like it, finding a way to use that light might be the only way for life to survive in the long run at all."
"There's nothing to me that stands out for [the ranger]... they've got less options for surviving on the front line than the cleric does."
"If I were Carrie I would recognize how important it is that I keep myself Maxine and AJ alive through this game."
"Better safe than sorry guys, right now so dry goods, extra food, extra water, water purification, Sterno stoves to cook."
"Why are you just storing them and waiting to use them? I mean, well, you know, if you cook it, it kinda kills some of the germs, okay, this just—no, no, it's called survival, Amy."
"Survival is a three-way endeavor: me, my horses, and nature."
"He lived to the end for the mission, did anything he had to do to protect that cause."
"Communication is key when you're not alone in survival."
"Your chances of survival increase the more people are around you to take the blows."
"Survival is not just a matter of keeping your character healthy."
"Apes together strong, if not kill ape. Knowledge is power."
"Above all else, securing your physical health is the primary goal of survival."
"I think you're gonna be way more survivable now with your double health."
"I don't want to die, I'm trying to be the last survivor here."
"Running all these perks that are gonna keep you alive longer is going to help you maintain on your streak and it's super super important."
"So if you're even a crawl inside a septic tank with enough dirt on top of you which I was doing a video on earlier, that's better than nothing because you got dirt between you and the surface."
"Some things are better farmed, some things are better scavenged for, and some things you cannot farm."
"The earth houses assure that we survive in the world."
"Just pick up whatever the hell we can. We don't want to get into a fight with these animals either because they will be very dangerous."
"Can you survive seven? These are minus two, one damage."
"If you're choosing a slug over a pellet, you want a ballistic advantage."
"The idea of routing and retreating is exactly a manifestation of that if they if one side even if they're not really losing but especially if they are losing they don't want to die and so the way to survive that is to retreat."
"No matter what version you're in, a water bucket will always save you from lava."
"Minecraft developer's survival experiences can guide the future."
"You just have to be able to outrun your friend."
"Trust... that's literally all you need to survive. If you've got that trust, everything else just falls into place."
"Batgirl is definitely the one you want to go with because you know you have two additional lives in your back pocket without being afraid of dying."
"A reverse sweep in the finals is what Team Liquid needed."
"You don't fight rough and rugged people with nice people you know what I mean like you either gotta get on their level or or you're gonna get killed."
"Gather whatever food you can before night time happens oh it looks like at night we don't consume food anyways so we're okay."
"Anytime something's going down, fam, if it's somebody threatening your life, all you gotta do is clap one and the rest gonna scatter. Guaranteed."
"Don't bug out. There's a lot of romance about it, a lot of nonsense about bugging out. People act like it's all that, it's horrible. Stay put at your place of residence if at all possible."
"Social learning is crucial to the survival of a group of animals and to the entire species."
"Keep using cover, make sure to heal before you go in and give yourself an escape route."
"Remember, the worst thing you can do is die, because you can't carry from dead."
"When an animal possesses an unpleasant attribute, it is often to its advantage to advertise the fact as publicly as possible."
"All right, explosive is off, let's see if we can get in here now."
"Humanity’s last chance of survival lies 85 million years in the past."
"This is what it looks like, getting regular food in this environment would be super tricky."
"Punch me, I might have to make a break for it."
"It's sort of a last ditch effort, a last chance at lowering your opponent's health because yours is low. You're about to get taken out of the picture, so try and take them down with you."
"Now that they have access to food and they also have access to these beds it should make it so that they start to breed more."
"An ambulance is literally the best car you can get in an apocalypse."
"The most important thing about the FN that makes it ideal in a zombie apocalypse is its accuracy."
"You need to have the equipment for someone to find you rather than self-rescue."
"This is my call. Command left us to die, but I am going to get you out of this."
"You do damage. And if you don't get one-shot, you can actually hit someone. So, you do damage. That's more than zero, right?"
"This build is totally fine in terms of damage. You are just basically able to negate the one-shot."
"So in some ways those who have access to a high-rise building in case of a nuclear event are better off than those just hunkering down in their homes."
"If there is an event where fallout is coming over you uh you don't want to breathe it in so you want some sort of a respirator."
"I loved when he begged that sniper with Stormtrooper aim not to make him kill him."
"By day 308, I realized that if I was going to survive another 100 days, I would need to get some stuff done."
"Shelter first, then fire. Materials first, shelter first."