
Trees Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"The tallest tree in the world is a sequoia redwood."
"Just me enjoying some giant spruce trees way too much because I really like Spruce."
"The best individual plant of all time is trees."
"The English believed in conscious spirits that inhabit trees."
"Trees can communicate with each other. It's cool."
"A large magnificent American Tree, its native range covers basically the entire country east of the Rockies."
"Did you know, trees are the longest living organisms on earth?"
"Trees are the greatest carbon eaters on the planet."
"Trees can help by trapping carbon dioxide, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases, from the atmosphere, replacing it with the oxygen we all need."
"Once this evolutionary arms race for light had led to trees some 385 million years ago, they proved to be an especially successful adaptation."
"Some trees truly stand out... these are the most unusual trees in the world."
"Savannah's oak trees covered in Spanish moss are one of my favorite features."
"The California redwoods are the tallest trees in the world."
"Trees keep the air clean and breathable for all living beings on earth, they help absorb the heat, give us shade, and provide nutrients to the soil."
"I personally believe that the world needs more trees."
"An oak tree is way more closely related to a pumpkin than they are to pine trees."
"The concept of a tree has evolved throughout history multiple times."
"Look at these freaking trees, man. This is so cool."
"A tree is first of all a special form of graph."
"A single tree produces approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year."
"Anyone who claims that trees can't be fossilized and turned into stone, we know now that's bull crap."
"The largest tree on earth is a giant sequoia named General Sherman. It's over 2,000 years old and is as tall as the Statue of Liberty or Big Ben."
"Trees are going to play a crucial role, not just in soaking up excess carbon emissions but also in providing shade, keeping temperatures down, and giving people a place where they can be outside and still stay cool."
"Trees may be the secret to unlocking the void century."
"The dangerous job of felling damaged trees."
"But these maple trees also produce the most amazing topsoil."
"These trees defy conventional Botanical Norms with their towering height, umbrella-like canopy, and an age that Rivals ancient legends."
"I think there should be more trees."
"Trees make you happy. Plenty of scientific research has shown that."
"I speak for the trees and I'd like to say a few words if you please."
"That is definitely the biggest tree I've ever dealt with in my life by a mile."
"The island is home to unusual rock formations and the infamous Dragon Blood trees."
"The sisters olive trees of Noah may just be the oldest trees on the planet."
"Have your trees professionally trimmed."
"Cherries are the ICONic you know the probably the worldwide most iconic uh flowering ornamental small flowering ornamental trees and beloved all over the world."
"Planting trees helps convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, helping to clean the air."
"That is so crazy about how the pack grew on trees."
"Trees have what we call sky holes... because they can't get through the trees."
"Trees aren't just a vital element in the battle against climate change; they can sustain us and we can sustain them too."
"Embrace the trees, when painted well, they are magnificent."
"Man, we pulled up like two or three large trees with that truck."
"It's like an amusement park for trees."
"This is a great tree when an arborvitae is just a bit too small."
"We can deal with the old maple's roots."
"It does really feel like a tunnel of trees that you drive down... there's a whole bunch of eucalyptus trees."
"This is my original trees that I came with, I had 50 trees in pots that was like five years old by the time I got this land."
"There's also Siberian elm, Ulmus pumilla, which is a weedy and invasive tree that also makes a mucilaginous tea."
"The second you introduce air, it's not pulling up. This is the way that trees move material up and down. This is why you don't top trees."
"Yesterday we moved a whole couple of trees out of Matthew's place you know that's a that's a decent load and the engine was not strained in the least."
"So many tiny trees here all just clustered together rarely even giving you lanes through."
"These trees do give you some sort of magical form of eternal life in the bodies or minds of these different animals, and you're able to just jump from animal to animal forever."
"...pruning has a slight level it does produce a slight level of stress on the trees but it is offset by other increased positives."
"Bare-root trees are the best. They're the way to go."
"For the life of the tree, it's gonna be a healthier, more productive tree."
"If you guys have trees near you, go hammock and paint, it's so much fun."
"...we can save the planet by getting more food growing on trees."
"Join us in the next video when we'll be showing you the next process of pleaching trees."
"I want one of these trees. I want to all live a tree."
"There was something outside in my trees, and it really has me frightened."
"The trees felt primeval, an ancient bastion that extended beyond the laws of man or God, indifferent to the passing eons."
"If trees can remember stress, they might be better prepared in the future."
"Trees are linked by this whole underground network of fungi."
"Trees and scrub are an essential part of a natural healthy ecosystem."
"Trees are found all throughout the entire season as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of our dimensions."
"...we planted the interstitial area and I counted we have, I think, 54 trees and 96 shrubs."
"Some of the biggest trees on the property are these silk floss trees and we've got one here and a couple big ones in the back."
"I couldn't help but notice this year that lots of manufacturers were turning out decent trees."
"The largest urban forest in the world has almost as many trees as people."
"...somewhere underneath these trees is the actual blood of Jesus Christ shed for you."
"The trees are absolutely incredible. That might be my favorite part of the course so far."
"The beech tree has the widest variety of edible fungus growing with it in Britain."
"When you see a tree this mature, you can be pretty sure that it's going to have some fungus growing with it."
"If you're in a wood full of sycamore in autumn looking for mushrooms, you're in the wrong place."
"The third bay trees so date trees do grow in New Jersey."
"These are cool trees. I mean, they're just, they're just cool."
"I love painting trees, I think I already mentioned that but I do, I really do."
"Push trees times Vans it's gonna happen we're gonna make it popular enough to where they come at us again and go hey let's run it so we're gonna make it happen guys."
"It's one of the main trees that the English harvested."
"Honestly I want to get more of these and put them on all the trees."
"Beaver Creek offers top-notch trees for just about every ability level."
"Steamboat's trees are better than its regular trails by a considerable margin."
"Understanding how trees are genetically adapted to growing in specific environments."
"Each tree is going to be different."
"Do it over time... just make sure that you don't do anything to damage the tree itself."
"But if we're talking about trees that have moved more into mid-stages of development."
"I think the fascinating thing about these trees is their age."
"They're the biggest trees in the world."
"We saved the environment with all these trees, oh my goodness we saved the planet everybody."
"Fastgrowingtrees.com makes it so easy for someone who's obviously not a tree connoisseur to find the right tree for them."
"Trees help give human beings oxygen."
"Trees are a form of living history."
"If you're looking for a tree to put in your yard that's going to be pretty low maintenance and beautiful, I would highly recommend the sugar maple. Really great trees, big fan."
"Trees are the greatest; they are the solve to our carbon footprint."
"Trees are expert rejuvenators of soil for future generations of flora."
"The only way I can even think to remotely help is literally by planting trees."
"Trees absorb huge amounts of pollution, so planting more trees in urban areas will help."
"Trees in a lot of ways are almost literal storage vats of memory."
"Once you have mustered your gifts, you may look where you will and see what the trees have seen, be it yesterday or last year or a thousand ages past."
"Look at the size of this tree, some of these trees along this road are gigantic."
"Absolutely loving all of the canopy trees here."
"The land's trees can help you piece together its history."
"We're not planting some of these trees for us to eat from."
"This is where bristlecone pines are, which are like the oldest trees on planet Earth."
"Bristlecone pines are like the oldest trees on planet Earth, they're even older than the Giant Sequoia."
"We really enjoyed these trees, they're super cool."
"Trees mimic sleep at night; they relax their branches after dusk and perk them up before sunrise."
"Trees make me happy, the green, the breeze."
"I love this tree. I love trees overall."
"Wonderful trees, they can live up to a thousand years if not longer."
"There are more trees here on Earth than there are stars in the sky."
"You're not just cutting down trees, you're cutting down memories."
"With each passing year, trees add a ring around their trunks; the ring width is determined by the climate they experience."
"We want to just return every duplicate subtree."
"Fast transplanting of mature trees without damaging the roots is a reality made possible by specialized machinery."
"The planet can live without us, but not without the trees."
"Trees are obviously what we're going to be talking about a lot today."
"Trees are basically giant CO2 sequestering machines."
"Trees, to an extent, can communicate with each other through the roots."
"Trees clean the air, produce a value to our lifestyle."
"These trees are called evergreen trees, they stay green year-round."
"One generation plants the trees and the next enjoys the shade."
"Real pretty trees, real delicate looking."
"It's time to add some trees on this terrain."
"We're going to plant trees today and I've got them all out here."
"Sometimes the trees make very good pinhole projectors, effectively the tiny little gaps between the leaves in the trees can act as pinhole projectors."
"The deformity seems genetic and the Crooked trees are clones originating from a single mutated aspen tree."
"Trees have personalities; they're like people. There's some big ones and some small ones, and each one's an individual. Let them be that way."
"It is the love of the trees and the trees themselves that for us have a lot of meaning."
"Why did the pine tree get in trouble? It was being knotty."
"It's beautiful, the trees, oh they're gorgeous."
"All you need to know is this: tapered strokes, even when you're making these trees."
"Age-old trees enhance and beautify our landscape, their stately forms impressing and charming us."
"Fantastic trees do that naturally, they have this reverse taper."
"These are beautiful trees to work on; I've worked on quite a few last year, and I don't think I've done one that doesn't shape up really nice."
"I've always loved trees that tell something about the family they belong to."
"Trees actually have well we could call it an immune system."
"Trees do not compete; sometimes they even help each other."
"There's about 400 trees per person in the world."
"The work itself has shown the importance of trees in all the big cycles that support life."
"Trees have evolved ways to communicate with each other through the soil through their root systems and the fungi that associate with their roots."
"They can warn other trees around them that they're hurt and injured and that there's some danger around."
"Isolation Forest is a model-based outlier detection method that relies on decision trees."
"There are few trees; there are few houses."
"It's amazing. I can see why people love trees so much."
"We are all trees, and our circulatory systems branch out like branches."
"Trees do something really special; they take in dirty air and change it to clean oxygen, which all people need to breathe."
"I never really used to take much time to appreciate trees, but over the last 10 years, I've started to grow to become a bit of a tree hugger."
"A forest is a place where there are lots of trees growing naturally."
"I want to plant like 100,000 trees on it or something and just have it be gorgeous."
"Trees are the Earth's way of telling people how much they love them."
"I hope it gets you started on your journey into understanding how to use trees to make your software more powerful."
"I absolutely love all the trees that we have out here."
"I feel like I can already breathe better."
"I love trees. They do so many wonderful things for us."
"Trees make a sound whether we are there or not; the world does not revolve around humans, despite what we think."
"Our mission is to plant 20,000 trees in the biblical Heartland just this year."
"About half a million trees is generally enough to create nice and thick forests."
"Trees are hierarchical data structures needed for data that does not fit into a list."
"Trees are wonderful for connecting with the earth element because they are most deeply rooted to the earth itself."
"How do trees communicate? They communicate like literally the way we communicate."
"Every single tree has some potential."
"Every tree is different; that's what I like about doing these trees."
"The main purpose to establish the garden is to preserve all the trees."
"Trees contribute to the oxygen content in the atmosphere."
"Trees are an important part of the urban environment where we work, where we live, and where we play."
"Pine trees are one of my favorite trees."
"You can learn all that just from studying tree rings."
"Then the creature let out a roar that shook the trees."
"We'll have hopefully more and more deciduous trees of this caliber in the future."
"That is typical orange color of dawn redwood."
"The vast majority of carbon is locked up into plant matter and especially trees, and fungi... enable that carbon to return to the carbon cycle."
"I love being in the trees, around nature."
"Trees communicate with each other via chemical signals and share resources."
"I've always loved trees, so excited to be around more trees."
"Trees are nice people, and you get to know them, you'll like them."
"I think they're woody and majestic."
"Why am I just drawn to like flowery trees?"
"I just started to think about how creepy trees look at night when a little bit of light hits them."
"The leafy trees swayed there with the breeze."
"These giant old growth redwood trees are impressive."
"The trees on the roadside were hung all over with drops which sparkled in the sun like jewels."
"My favorite tree is a ponderosa pine for so many different reasons."
"Are there more trees on Earth or stars in the Milky Way? According to scientist estimations, there are about 3 trillion trees on Earth."
"Let's get started and we will start planting some trees."
"Once your trees start hitting years three, four, and five, you can really start to expect a great harvest."
"The primary characters or motive powers or the deep agents moving the story are not humans or even animals but are trees themselves."
"Trees grow at the top instead of at the bottom."
"Every tree has a topological ordering."
"Monkey puzzle trees, those things are nice."
"Trees are very important to the survival of the region because trees are actually the lungs of the Earth."
"Redwood National Park is known primarily for having the tallest trees in the world."
"We are so lucky that this garden is established in the trees, some of them growing for hundreds of years."
"Planting trees creates oxygen for you to breathe."
"You must treat all trees with reverence."
"The reason for doing this structuring process with deciduous trees is that so over the winter we get a very attractive nice bronzy Twiggy silhouette."
"Trees don't know anything about furniture."
"Millions of trees are planted every year by squirrels who forgot where they buried their nuts."
"Maples are very graceful and flowing trees in nature."
"I'm a huge fan of trees. We need to keep the trees safe."
"Trees are like fingerprints, there are no two alike."