
Child Rights Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Your birth is pretty much uploaded for 24 million people to watch; you don't even get a say in that."
"Children should not feel the need to perform a certain way to get these rewards. They deserve food, they deserve love, affection, and bodily autonomy, whether their behavior is correct or not."
"Food and water is not a privilege, and it is not your ability as a parent to deny a child of that."
"No one should really marry under 18, and no girl should be subjected to motherhood until she has decided to have a child and has matured enough."
"Outlawing child marriage...the data is quite clear on this and it's across cultures."
"We decided to hold a press conference in hopes of eliminating childhood and violation of human rights in the K-pop industry."
"It's a surprisingly controversial position to see children as full human beings who deserve agency over their own lives."
"A child has a right to be raised by and in the care of their parents."
"You shouldn't feel entitled to someone's children."
"Each child coming into the world should regard it as an inalienable right to become a person."
"The legislation will also provide children under 16 with the right to ask platforms to remove their videos without their parents prior authorization."
"Tiny minority of people think that parents should neither be informed nor have a say. It's up to the child."
"There's literally no other argument that could be made past this: Does the child give consent? No. Can the child give consent? No. Informed consent? A child can say yes, I want to, that doesn't mean that they can give informed consent. That's it."
"There are truths and there are untruths, and to me it is a truth that having your child undergo transition is a form of child abuse."
"We just want to stand up for the rights of children."
"You don't beat a child and refuse a child the right to cry." - Christian Wachovia
"It seems a violation of the rights of the child to an intact body."
"I don't think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances. I don't think it would happen today."
"The basic value of standing up for the rights of children."
"People are waking up and saying this is a child."
"Every child deserves a childhood." - Various supporters
"It's still child exploitation even if some is worse than the other; there is a child being exploited and that will most likely negatively impact that child for the rest of their life."
"I'm not trying to cancel a six-year-old, but obviously this child probably has no idea what her mother is making her do."
"Are we going to force a child that was raped to give birth against her will?"
"It's wrong, it's done. We gotta stop doing that. It's Neanderthal, that's slavery stuff. Stop treating your kids like slaves."
"That child is an equal citizen of the United States."
"Every child deserves an equal playing field of opportunity to access the American Dream."
"There's no excuse for not providing this to her." - Denying opportunities to children with disabilities is unjust.
"This five-year-old little boy wants his mommy, he wants to stay home, but they don't allow that."
"I just don't feel like any kids should be locked up."
"That's not fair. The government is robbing these kids of their childhoods."
"There's really no way in my opinion for kids to consent to being in a family Vlog Channel."
"Children deserve the most basic levels of personal space and privacy."
"Children of influencers: consent and privacy."
"You have the right to feed your child and your child has the right to be fed."
"The treasure of the mother belongs to the child because the child is fully belonging to the mother."
"Nobody's respecting the rights of the child to grow into a competent and wholehearted adult."
"Sweden became the first country in the world to ban the smacking of children."
"Children who are in care, they have a right to choose them and their families. They have a right to choose."
"I think the worst crime that society's committed is ignoring the children born into these societies and not giving them the same rights to protection that every other child in this nation is given."
"Breastfeeding is considered a right of the child... they'll go up until age five or six because... the baby can view how do you get a baby to press his tongue up onto the roof of his mouth."
"There needs to be some law demanding the rights of the child in the content."
"Child abduction isn't about nationality, it's not about the rights of one parent over the rights of another. It's about the rights of a child to have a stable home environment and have meaningful contact with both parents."
"Child marriage means child abuse and torture."
"Just because a child is a child doesn't mean they don't have valid feelings, valid grievances, and deserve to be treated with respect."
"The child has a right to a mother."
"No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."
"Every child deprived of liberty shall be treated with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the human person."
"The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time."
"Every child deprived of his or her liberty shall have the right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate assistance."
"Would you get your daughter married at nine years old today? I would be very averse to that."
"I want to make certain that we're going to have judges on the federal bench and justices that are going to protect those rights of children."
"To this day, I have not heard one convincing argument about why it's okay to exploit children without their informed consent."
"No one has a right to a child; the only one who has a right in this is the child."
"I basically now work to change laws and advocate for change so that child marriage doesn't happen to other minors."
"Parenting time is considered to be the right of the child."
"Every child is entitled to an opportunity to live, to love, to laugh, to be secure."