
Positive Expectations Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"The greatest deed that you can prepare when you die is husn al-dhann, to expect well of Allah."
"Your energy is exciting, it feels like exciting things are about to happen."
"The end of a difficult situation, embrace the change, and expect things to get better."
"Your wishes are seeking you, love is coming."
"It's almost like everything is aligning all at once in October, so get ready, you're about to receive."
"Everything you have been Desiring is going to be fulfilled."
"Always aim for 'all of this or better' in your manifestations."
"An inflow of money, love, or rewards is coming your way. You definitely deserve this abundance."
"You are worthy of love, you will find love, and love will come into your life."
"Positive developments regarding business and wealth projects."
"Expect the best of others and motivate them to match it."
"This is a time to expect things to work out better than you anticipated. It's a time to look around at the love and support that the universe has for you."
"I actually think this is a really good thing for Assassin's Creed Mirage and for the future of this franchise."
"The results are going to be absolutely glorious."
"Restoration, freedom, and breakthroughs will be a part of God's plan for you."
"Be open, great things are coming towards you."
"Love is coming your way, abundance is going to be flowing."
"Abundance is about to manifest, a steady flow of abundance is coming your way."
"You're going to be reaching some really good surprises."
"The universe is preparing very healthy, very good, very prosperous either relationship or partnership or stable financial life."
"Stay optimistic; the good stuff is coming for you."
"Faith and hope bring expectation that does not disappoint."
"Happiness is coming when you get this message or with this person."
"Expect the unexpected, expect good things for yourself."
"Hope is a favorable, confident expectation of good."
"I have a really good feeling about these new Avatar films."
"We have nothing but good things to look forward to."
"Hope is just an expectation that something good is about to happen to you at any minute."
"Simplified, wonderful things are coming your way."
"Good news is coming and you will receive the blessings you deserve."
"Your rewards are coming, your manifestations are well on their way to you."
"Just add value and your blessings will come to you."
"Expect things to get better for you because they are."
"Expect good things in your life, expect good things to be happening to you."
"We are gonna have a great day today, I know we are gonna have a great day."
"I feel it in my soul that it is gonna be good."
"Brace yourself because I feel like there's a lot of success coming to you."
"Expect some surprises, really pleasant ones, in terms of career and projects."
"Wonderful news is coming your way, a windfall of resources."
"You finally deserve some beautiful love coming your way."
"The world is abundant and I know that wonderful things are coming my way."
"A very positive year ahead overall for you, financially and spiritually."
"Your desired outcome is gonna happen. Something you really want to happen is going to happen."
"I think we're going to see some good things."
"I think we're gonna get some fun surprises with this one."
"You're going to feel happy, you're going to feel blessed, good things start coming into your life."
"Something really good is going to come your way."
"I expect miracles and they manifest in my life."
"Always assume the best and a lot of times you will."
"Trusting the process, Divine miracles, favorable outcome."
"Their karma is you are going to be successful. You are going to make something very public and you're going to be recognized for it."
"I think people will really dig it and it'll be a fun watch."
"Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues." - Mark Meadows
"There's an abundance of opportunities headed to you."
"Expect some sort of either good news or something coming to term in the way that you're hoping for."
"Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities; you won't be fighting or striving for money while Jupiter transits the first house—you'll just be believing that the universe is abundant."
"December is going to be awesome, no matter what comes out in the cards. It's gonna be transformational."
"This is gonna be like one of the most beautiful and blessed chapters of your life."
"Believe in the impossible, because something really amazing is about to happen."
"I believe in you, I look forward to seeing what you bring forth with this newfound leadership and divine energy."
"Your personal success is coming, expect good news!"
"Something is coming towards you outside of this connection that's going to make you feel like a million bucks."
"Having a way to drink with it is is I think vital."
"You're gonna be happy and be ready to expect that overjoy, that compassion, the happiness, the creativity, the love."
"You're moving into the unknown, and only good can come your way."
"Whatever it is that's in the unknown, it's going to be something good."
"Ultimately, no matter what you do this month, you want to focus on opening up to receiving blessings and abundance in all forms and put out to the universe that you have certain expectations but you're willing to be surprised with something better."
"This surprise is gonna be a lot more exciting than you could have imagined it would be."
"There is some good unexpected money coming your way, and it's coming from the gods, it's coming from the heavens, it's coming from above."
"Focus on what is important to you, good news is coming your way."
"Definitely, we see wishes throughout this. Miracles, nine of cups, wishes."
"There's a lot of good stuff to look forward to."
"Expect the unexpected, a lot of nice surprises heading your way."
"Every child should be taught to expect success and happiness."
"Despite all the negativity, Arsenal Football Club will shock the world with their summer business."
"Great Fortune, good Lord, okay, great Fortune."
"Expect the harmony to come in, expect things to work out in your favor, expect to see results, expect to see progress, expect for you to connect more on a deeper, intimate level with the people that are in your life."
"You're about to receive good news in the name of Jesus. Amen."
"Realize that fortune is on its way for you; there is a lot of abundance coming your way."
"Know what's to come and have faith that your best days are ahead."
"There's a windfall of abundance coming towards you."
"Expect miracles to happen for you every day."
"Abundance is coming in many forms; great news is heading your way."
"Imagine that, you might even have some fun along the way."
"Expect miraculous results, blessings are coming your way."
"Expectation fuels our vision... if we expect, it 100% will happen."
"Trust in the flow of life for something beautiful to come into your life."
"Joy unspeakable, joy is about to hit your address, your mind, your heart, your family."
"You've got some great abundance coming to you."
"Expect good things to come towards you here. Okay, but you gotta be honest with someone about something. Okay, no more wearing a mask, mask off. All right, honesty is essential."
"Abundance: Enjoy the Bounty of Life, Your Supply is Unlimited. Blessings are Coming to You Now."
"Knowing I had the comfort I'm going on with something, I would be elated."
"The stars are aligning for this for you, and coming on in, I'm quite excited for you."
"Whatever you create now, very likely to be successful."
"I'm very excited. It's gonna be awesome."
"Believe that something good is going to unfold for you."
"Some of you intuitively know something's about to happen for you, like you know good stuff is coming to you."
"Abundance is what's coming to you. We're walking towards fully manifested abundance."
"The eagle has landed they're here and let's just hope that we get positives from it."
"Expect great things from Fruit, because I do."
"Be open to being surprised; be open to the universe giving you good news."
"Expecting great things, holding the power to manifest your dreams."
"This looks like it's gonna be great. I can't wait for that."
"Abundance is arriving very soon, I feel like it arrives at the end of the month for you."
"Happy surprises and perfect timing are on the way."
"Let yourself open fully to this and you will be surprised by how good it gets."
"Expect some positivity to come into your life."
"As long as it goes the way we think and hope it will, it's going to be a blessing in the end."
"I think literally everything that you've been trying to accomplish is going to materialize for you this week."
"Blessings coming in for you in the month of September."
"Expect the universe to pleasantly surprise you."
"And we can't wait to hear all the great things that come out of CGI this weekend."
"Let go of your grip, let go of the control, let it naturally unfold because good things are coming."
"Ted Lasso is just gonna prove her wrong and be a good coach."
"Give somebody new and worthy a chance because something beautiful is coming."
"Dreams coming true, money that's coming in, promotion, job. Something is coming in and yes you have someone that's coming in to talk to you about it."
"Expect some type of good news, expect some type of communication, expect someone trying to reconcile or reach out to you."
"It looks like the second half of the year is looking up."
"Good vibes only, especially since this year in terms of life events is gonna be overwhelming in a good way."
"They have so much to offer, but they kind of are in a space where they have to believe that good things can still happen."
"The merger of these two people, it's gonna be phenomenal."
"Tons of positive things coming and miracles coming."
"Expect gifts, expect accomplishments, expect new beginnings."
"Trust that this situation is actually going to unfold for your highest good."
"Invite the universe to wow you. Bring on the Miracles."
"Hope, renewal, good things coming in for you."
"Yes, definitely. I feel like you will do well at your new job."
"Expect good news and good results, especially for those who've been consistent."
"Expect a gift, Libra, or something very unexpected is going to happen, and you are going to be very happy about it."
"Looks like the sun gonna be shining soon from my aquarium right there."
"Good things coming your way, becoming aware of energy drains."
"There's a strong energy of unexpected blessings."
"Expect miracles to happen... believe that great things will happen."
"Blessings, abundance of joy, and gratitude are coming your way."
"We can probably have quite a pleasant summer."
"You over here setting your goals as you're setting your goals you got miracles on the way."
"What you give out comes back to you and it normally comes back to you better than you expect in the most unexpected ways."
"Things are changing, your wishes are coming true."
"Because you know, they have to... There's abundance flowing, they know you have good intentions."
"We're more than good. We're way more good than I even expected."
"You will be exceptionally happy with what's coming."
"Approaching a movie like that is going to wind up reaping great results at the box office."
"This is good stuff, good things are coming in with this person."
"A lot of good things could happen here."
"Expectation becomes the touch that transforms people."
"Good things to come fingers crossed."
"I'm sure the food will be great as well. This is going to be a great experience for me as well."
"People who expected to be lucky... were a little bit better at finding it."
"Everything should end up A-OKAY today; I'm pumped!"
"If this is how Philippines is gonna be, we're gonna be in heaven, I already know that."
"I'm now just so excited for season three because I think it's just gonna be even more wonderful."
"We always hope for something good, we always hope for money, we always hope for a trip, we hope for something wonderful."
"Hope is an optimistic mindset that is based upon positive expectations."
"I think a lot of good things will happen."
"Yes, the timing is right for this new venture; a happy outcome follows your positive expectations."
"I'm very, very excited for what's to come."
"You gotta expect the best from people in order to get the best from people."
"I'm shooting for a 16-7 because, girl, what if I end up with a 17-0?"
"Father, I thank you in advance for all of the wonderful things You'll do this week."
"Expand your vision. Expect a great month, expect a great year."
"Expect all good to come from an urge to wander."
"I feel blessed and always expect good things, good things flow to me now."
"I bet if I went to a birthday party there, it would actually be a pretty decent experience."
"Those expectations aren't a burden, they're wind beneath my wings."
"Expect good things; something good is headed your way."
"Unexpected beautiful changes coming into your life."
"Let's hope that 2024 will bring another season, fingers crossed."
"You can expect big opportunities, big abundance, big love to come into your life."
"Changing the perspective, having better expectations."
"You're looking for the overflow, the abundant, the cup runneth over type stuff."
"Expect the best when it comes to connections, to your love life, to balance and feeling good about yourself."
"Things being better than you could imagine."
"You can expect happiness, fulfillment, joy, and personal satisfaction."
"I'm really excited for my class this year; I think it's going to be a great class."
"Expect good news when it comes to this connection."
"You have some abundance coming towards you here."
"Love and good fortune rush toward where you see victory."