
Privacy Concerns Quotes

There are 593 quotes

"Your birth is pretty much uploaded for 24 million people to watch; you don't even get a say in that."
"Facial recognition technology... It's no longer just humans who can be the targets."
"Imagine a world where everywhere you go, you're being watched, scrutinized, penalized, or rewarded for your behavior."
"The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin."
"Data collection scares me a lot. It's just a fact that people are actually selling your data to the highest bidder out there."
"This data was purchased with the pretext of COVID, but as the agency clearly stated, the entire agency and all of its many departments can use the data for their own purposes."
"Nobody does anything for free. If something is free, you are the product."
"If you know that your information is going to end up in a government database, you may be less likely to go to that gay bookstore or to go to that AA meeting."
"That new digital ID passport thing... it's all about control."
"The push towards a cashless society and ultimately a Central Bank Digital Currency is like stepping into a very Orwellian future."
"Any time you start to mess with your brain, like the idea that someone could upload thoughts to your brain or download your thoughts, that's kind of freaky to me."
"You're gonna film a kid in the one place in their world that should be a sanctuary, it should be a safe haven, when they're sleeping soundly in their room, and put that online for people to see? Creepy people who are gonna use this for nefarious reasons?"
"Apple has plans to scan photos on your device for child abuse material. What this means for privacy in the future remains to be seen."
"The erosion of freedom and privacy occurred because we consent to it."
"We want the same thing: we want for you to have a good experience, but we also want repairability and we want these items to not encroach on our freedom and privacy."
"It's incredibly dangerous if the police think it is their business to monitor what the general public say and think."
"These facial recognition filters are evolving so fast, it's wild. At some point, the CIA is going to get involved when they need to catch someone catfishing as another race."
"That's why I'm also scared of it because they are in there, they know how we think better than we know how we think."
"Google vows to delete data harvested during Incognito sessions." - Announcement regarding privacy concerns with Chrome's Incognito mode
"And it would mean that every other decision relating to the notion of privacy is thrown into question."
"I'm definitely concerned particularly about that because I'm not a fan of surveillance capitalism."
"That's not just data collection, that's digital surveillance."
"Privacy is increasingly this topic of conversation. People are becoming aware of how valuable their data is."
"We have to be extra concerned about how apps like TikTok can be used as a vector for censorship and surveillance."
"Is the convenience worth the possible cost of privacy?"
"Manipulated everyone into saying... we have to ban Tick Tock... they bring in this Patriot Act 2.0 type situation."
"I'm absolutely convinced that Facebook is listening to me and Instagram is listening to me."
"They, the two from Black Box, would regularly review the iPad's contacts, test messages, videos, personal data mirrored from her phone, photos, literally everything..."
"So if we go to a digital currency what that means is that then the central bankers and the government and the establishment will be able to determine if you can pay your bills if you can travel if you can have money to put gas in your car to go."
"CD Projekt boldly answered questions regarding privacy with GOG galaxy 2.0 like, 'Will GOG galaxy 2.0 spy on my computer?' Their response: 'No, we're not in the business of users data.'"
"The reason Windows has such big privacy concerns and security concerns is because it's not free and open source software."
"Google is manipulating your opinions from the very first character that you type into the search bar."
"Companies that use the surveillance business model... they don't sell you anything. They sell you! We are the product."
"The magic of the band and the material they had written was immediately apparent."
"Why is checkout as guest so terrible everywhere? If I'm choosing this, I don't want to provide my full name, email address, physical address, and a three-page report."
"Sooner than most people think, millions of Americans will potentially be pushed down out of the middle class, out of private retirement, and out of a decent life based on independence and privacy into a collectivist nightmare."
"Ask why there is so much evil in this country. That's the question. I don't have the answer but I know God is the solution."
"The Biden Administration is admittedly engaging in a few things one that they're going to be engaging phone companies to censor private text messages."
"Ads tailored to your exact interests can be both helpful and eerie."
"He's saying that the biggest privacy problem today are not the government's it's the ad agencies and the marketing companies."
"Personal freedom and personal privacy are being sacrificed on the altar of some great reset."
"Internet service providers are tracking your every move, big companies are profiting off of you, and cybercriminals are trying to steal your data."
"I never wanted this life, you know, like I never set out to have cameras painted at my face."
"This is clear governmental overreach and is intrusive, improper, and offensive."
"Complete lack of privacy in a nebulous long-term, like massacre of human rights."
"Who knows, information is gettable, we're hackable. Please don't say that."
"Privacy is something that's slowly slipping away from us day by day."
"Internet service providers collect and sell a horrifying amount of sensitive data a government study concludes."
"The digital panopticon: Everyone is being monitored everywhere, all the time."
"AI surveillance isn't just collecting pretty pictures of license plates and jaundiced vehicles, they also have data on your likeness from every possible angle."
"The postal service is running a covert operations program that monitors Americans' social media posts."
"The new police radar is to concede inside homes."
"One innocent looking doll breaches your child’s privacy."
"You don't have any privacy." - The issue with big tech and surveillance.
"My parents hired a private detective just so they could follow my every move and make sure that I'm still following their house rules despite the fact that I'm 25 years old."
"Even if you're not interested in our app, that's the proof of concept for the privacy engine."
"Once the government says, 'Oh, we just want to understand people,' you better run for the hills."
"In this new environment, the state of privacy deserves a closer look."
"You know those things are data mining here or dividing crypto right? No, I'm kidding for real."
"Your social media likes are being harvested so companies can discover personal private traits about you."
"The Internet of Things is the ultimate global panopticon; privacy as a concept onto the Internet of Things may become meaningless."
"I think they're watching, Chuck. I do think they're watching."
"Privacy should always look at the downside to not having privacy."
"Why the [expletive] is she telling people where the [expletive] my staffers live? That is incredibly [expletive] weird to me."
"The purpose of it is to get people used to the chip."
"The CCP's updated counter-espionage law sends a loud, clear signal to the world: there is no such thing as a private company in China."
"You are a tiny grain of sand on an infinite beach and most consumers will take convenience over security and privacy every single time."
"You're not the customer, you're the product being sold."
"At some point we'll have to fight back and stop buying their phones and switch to non-spy devices like computers."
"Kansans will pay their fair share of taxes, but they do not expect, do not want the federal government to have more information, intrude upon their privacy."
"This is a terrible intrusion in the privacy of our lives, in our family's lives, in our business."
"Rand Paul warned about mass surveillance and how American citizens are going to be spied on by our government."
"I do not want my data being harvested so that tech billionaires can get even richer."
"Meta will finally be able to build a far more detailed profile on everyone."
"At this point, it’s probably just safe to assume that China is watching everything you do."
"Facebook now had free reign over WhatsApp and Zuckerberg would turn this into his own data harvesting machine."
"So while a flying robot security drone seems dystopian on its server surface, is it really any more dystopian than capturing everything that happens in your house on Amazon cameras?"
"It would make you uncomfortable for the same reasons that the average person doesn't like the idea of their data being collected by third parties that they didn't consent to."
"In the future, there will be no privacy anymore."
"It is not an okay or normal thing to be monitoring how much time your partner spends in the bathroom."
"Why in the world was the fiancee's uncle allowed to go into her apartment?"
"Facial recognition is going to make it really hard to disappear."
"Privacy is something that's really getting chipped away at these days, especially with actors. The more you know about an actor's personal life, you see it on screen when they're playing a character."
"If you could read minds the government would have huge tools of potential control."
"How frightening. You can't walk around with a camera without people trying not to be filmed."
"A mug shot is a visceral representation of the Criminal Justice System, a symbol of lost Freedom. It permanently memorializes one of the worst days of a person's life, a moment not meant for a scrapbook." - Associated Press
"There is no privacy anymore, and the fact that we think we have privacy just shows how naive the entire world really is. There's no such thing as privacy."
"What the hell, bro, like literally it's boarded up all the way around, there's cameras everywhere, yeah, there's cameras, they're wired, they're probably watching us honestly."
"Privacy has become an increasingly important issue from TikTok to recent leaks about China's massive database on millions of global citizens."
"Facebook is the most appalling spy machine ever invented."
"Twitter really needs is more monitoring more yes we can see you we know what you're doing we can see all of it we can see how you wish to prevent people from actually speaking truth online we can see all of it and so can Elon Musk"
"A move that will go some way toward allaying data privacy concerns."
"Big Brother is watching you, so if you're a safe, low mileage driver, this might give you a reduction in your premium."
"Surveillance capitalism is that because it's so new and so different from what came before, it can be hard to fully grasp the enormity of the situation at hand."
"I worry that we're sliding towards a state of total monitoring on the premise that we're all better off for it."
"Why is he almost crying over it like Shane, it's not even that deep? Yes, your phone listens to you, that's why you'll get advertisements for things that you've been talking about."
"It's clear that Trudeau doesn't care about Canadian content creators at all, it invades Canadians' privacy."
"I just don't think that you can have true privacy and true freedom under a capitalistic society."
"What scares me the most, however, was the fact that they knew I had asked for water delivery."
"I think CBDCs are so dangerous because they are a totalitarian control system where you're in a digital prison."
"The only people who don't want their DMS shared in this way are people who are hiding something."
"We are now hackable animals... we have the technology to decipher what you think, what you want, to predict human choices, to manipulate human desires in ways which were never possible before."
"No oversight, no transparency - it's a one-way street with our data."
"The United States government, which illegally spies on Americans, is upset that China might be spying on Americans using an app that they openly decided to sign up for."
"The greatest threat to American citizens isn't China or TikTok; it's the American government that spies on us daily."
"Having our information collected or straight up stolen online doesn't have to be one of them."
"The past few years have been more than eye-opening."
"It's genuinely concerning the amount of our private information that is out there on the internet."
"Is there a way you can tell if your phone has been hacked? Perhaps the most terrifying thing is if your phone had been hacked you would never know."
"All we're trying to do is track the movements every man woman and child on earth in secret."
"Kids today are tagged, surveilled, and tracked like endangered species."
"Sensitive information... how much I spent on buying secret items."
"One Chinese citizen discovers a hidden spy tool attached to the back end of his Android device. It reportedly scans and collects data from all connected devices in the household."
"This is why Airbnb is a sick company that has allowed a lot of people's like weird voyeuristic impulses to take over and they've monetized it. It should be outlawed frankly."
"Big Brother, big business, the CNBC special contains a chilling look at the modern surveillance society."
"It's as creepy as 1984, it's worse, it's real."
"You will actually get banned for three days if you're constantly stalking your favorite YouTubers—joining their games, trying to get in videos, making groups, you know, all of that kind of stuff. Kind of creepy behavior, I guess."
"It's scary times when famous people have to stay in the house to avoid incident."
"Facebook is in trouble and they're panicking. So they're tracking sentiment, they're shutting down politicians, and for whatever reason, I have no idea why, allowing people to break the law."
"We have to give up all of our financial independence and privacy forever to solve this problem, is what they tell us."
"I guess it's more like surveillance but still it's, I was like what's a good app."
"The whole online space is a giant [__] privacy nightmare that needs to be reckoned with."
"The defense counsel has been forced to divert their attention to ensure notes and other materials are hidden from prying eyes."
"If we could leverage the eye to inspect your body on a regular basis without even a doctor in the room, maybe when you take a shower or have you, I know this sounds creepy, but then we might be able to save millions and millions of lives."
"It's widely discussed as hugely damaging. Not great. Very big brother."
"We have been experiencing the death of privacy in many forms."
"We are creating an architecture of surveillance that is so good that if it gets taken over by a bad government we are in serious trouble. Because it will be impossible to resist."
"Privacy's been dead. People have given up privacy for convenience."
"But do I want them tracking every single one of my purchases? That is a different situation..."
"It's dystopian and slimy to put people under the microscope and comb through their entire life."
"It's not something that someone would want to share on their Facebook page for their grandma to see, but it's something they'll watch on YouTube."
"We just want to make sure we ensure the privacy for the family and loved ones that were involved in this situation."
"We care about it, because if people feel like their information isn't private, then that screws us in the long term, too."
"It's not difficult to see a future where we are all locked into a monitored control grid."
"Your personal information could be at risk as well as your browsing history—all of that could be visible to your ISP."
"I mean just look at how the Chinese government is tightening the screws on surveillance."
"Data is more valuable than you. The data you produce is more valuable than you."
"This person's constantly stalking you online, trying to figure out who you are."
"The government having access to what can be said on social media is something none of us should want."
"So now they're trying to get facial recognition technology and you see a lot of pushback for that. They've been trying to get this facial recognition."
"Privacy zuckering: tricking users into giving away personal data without realizing."
"Lesson for all of us to complain at Facebook and Instagram for hoarding our information"
"How do you control all of that without massive invasion of privacy and the attenuation of freedom? It's a fair question."
"Digital Health or V Passports, along with tracking and tracing apps, present a serious threat to Freedom."
"They'll know everything you do, and they love that."
"Vault 7 is like an instruction manual for how the CIA can hack into cars, smart TVs, web browsers..."
"Most of you actually believe that they do 2fa for your security, but folks, that is the fake news. Big Tech has found an excuse to spy on us using 2fa, and we are buying it."
"As the CCP's extensive surveillance expands globally, its monitoring systems are gradually entering democratic countries."
"When your water bottle can text you, you're allowing it into the Citadel of your private information."
"We want to break away from big tech, we want to break away from the military-industrial complex trying to spy and harvest everyone's data."
"I don't ever see a time when people will be satisfied with having no privacy in the digital age."
"There is one place we absolutely want to make sure our privacy is being protected, and that's online."
"Maybe I mean I've even heard like reports of your credit score... eventually will not also be tied to your vaccination status."
"Some temporary adjustment of our digital liberties may be necessary, however, it's really important that those adjustments be temporary."
"This hidden force is manipulating humanity to build its own technological prison."
"Facebook might know more about you than you do."
"Everything wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party that's a Watergate a spy gate."
"Government would have access to all the data that you normally can't get on people's consumption or general behavior at all times."
"Let's just say that he cannot examine my coochie no bro he looks like he's like he got like a secret cam set up"
"No, that's creepy...great place to snap a photo for the gram."
"Depending on where you live, even calculating a personal ESG score can mean giving up your rights to basic privacy."
"If you want maximum control and maximum privacy, and you don't mind getting under the hood, home assistant is your best option."
"If the internet knows more about your kid's medical history than your damn doctor, you are not doing this right as a parent."
"I don't think it's funny that people dox your home, all the stuff I see online. I don't think it's funny that people put pistols and stuff in your home and try to get you in. I don't think none of that is funny, bro."
"Technology is so advanced now that you don't even know where the camera is."
"I'd argue that we shouldn't have surveillance mounted to our homes right."
"Man, she's making [] sign NDAs and she's [] them. I mean, like, she only [] with, like, high-class um, she thinks she with the [] from snowfall or not, but yeah."
"There's no separation between Big Tech and the intelligence agencies."
"I find that as I get older on the internet, I really cling on to the idea of privacy."
"Do you ever feel like you're being watched online? You are."
"It’s our personal data that allows companies like Facebook and Google to exist in today’s world, where data is king."
"When some faceless conglomerate knows your most intimate secrets and holds more information about you than your own mother, you should be worried."
"I'm not gonna use a social media platform just because I think that it's probably an agent of a communist government."
"The great forgetting: If we remember who we are, what we stand for, we won't let these bums hand our private records to newspapers."
"So you know with all this I mean when you look at all the data sharing and the phones and all this sort of stuff eventually it's gonna be much more convenient to have a microchip."
"My actual issue with the whole thing is that it was publicized."
"Technology has become a double-edged sword with every new quality of life improvement we are forced to concede more of our identity in order to use it."
"The ultimate all-seeing surveillance tool: the smartphone, with trillions of cameras, voice recording devices, and sensors scattered throughout the world."
"Forced disclosure of political donors... it's bad when it's used to target and punish average Americans who make political donations."
"Twitter was selling information... they were promising us that they didn't censor anybody." - Video commentator
"Your privacy and behavioral data is monetized and sold to governments, corporations, and advertising agencies."
"China's ability to collect data on global cargo flows is worrying the U.S."
"Most impressed with the ballistic capabilities."
"Karlie was terrified that someone was tracking her on her phone."
"What if Circus Baby's watching us right now? Bro, that's so creepy, man."
"CBDs would cause financial privacy to vanish entirely and could be abused for political gain."
"Consider the 100-mile border enforcement Zone, a Constitution-free zone."
"Nearly every major company in America is already utilizing a secret social credit score."
"It's just unfortunate that this seems to come at the expense of their privacy and the therapists' wellbeing."
"I don't want you to be public though, like right when you're public, it's over."
"We are stuck in their grubby little privacy evading hands."
"It's not just about your secrets. It's about who you are."
"Complete transparency. I mean, this is why people leave nanny cams at home."
"Instagram facing up to 500 billion in fines for illegally harvesting biometric data."
"When you take the wheel, you are not in control of who is watching you." - Jake Ward, NBC News correspondent
"Insurance companies could find out this information and use it against you."
"Sorry, but can you delete this? He belongs to a company and this would give him so much trouble."
"They never told the parents that their children's data would even be compromised."
"The concept of a personal AI that is always on, always available, always listening, always predicting, that's where we're headed."
"The number one thing we got to do this Congress is not reauthorize FISA in its current form."