
Familiarity Quotes

There are 5016 quotes

"This connection feels young, but their energy feels familiar to you."
"It's the best when you know a karaoke song so well you don't even need to look at the screen."
"Nostalgia brings with it this comforting sense of familiarity, it's like revisiting an old friend."
"It's really funny seeing the location that I know that light roots are going to be at and how it looks like I've traveled that way already."
"I believe we're gonna have some unbelievable guests. It's our own stomping ground. Might know a few folks in that area."
"Familiarity teaches us first to endure and then to enjoy humanity in forms most alien to us."
"This isn't new to him, he's familiar with the policy here."
"The minute I step inside, it feels right, it feels familiar."
"That should sound familiar right there, that should sound familiar."
"This is a strong psychic or spiritual connection; you may feel like you've known this person before."
"I really did enjoy going to the church. I knew everybody in the church, like everybody knew each other."
"The safe part of me wants to choose the Artistro pen as the winner. I know this pen. I've used it over and over again, and I'm familiar with it."
"I really like how a skateboard feels when you've fully got to know it and it hits that sweet spot of being broken in."
"It's kind of home sweet home kind of thing. I think it's the most comfortable place, this booth."
"Familiarity has its appeal. It's like a warm blanket."
"People report liking a thing more when they've seen it or heard it before, whether it's a song or even just random shapes."
"Captain Marvel, you need to stop calling me that. I used to change your diapers."
"Hi, I'm D'Angelo and at this point introducing myself would be like introducing the air."
"The essence... it cannot be given a name, it cannot be defined, and yet it is so familiar, we all know it so well."
"Once you've been together for so long, you kind of just know when they're trying to surprise you."
"It's a big overhaul, but it still feels like Overwatch. It doesn't feel that big of a change."
"Familiarity breeds complacency; you don't really appreciate what is there."
"The goal for the animated suit was to create something that everybody who watched Saturday morning cartoons would be familiar with."
"It's profoundly different, yet if you're a fan of Dark Souls, it can feel ultimately familiar."
"This is definitely an iconic treat and one that just about everybody who's been to Disney World knows about."
"Speed Busters is fun, it's got great cars, great controls. I know all the tracks really well, so it's a classic."
"Familiarity brings comfort, and even the most horrifying of locales can become business as usual to someone who's been there long enough."
"A window to a new world can also show you home."
"The good news is Remus is back, not quite the Remus that we knew and loved."
"Supposedly they've already happened and we know them already."
"These ideas and terminologies sound very familiar to Christians and they've really gained a foothold."
"Always relating it to the places and peoples that we know and love."
"People forget that a lot of [__] really does come back to just that basic familiarity."
"As always, this is AJ for Disney Food Vlog and we'll see real soon."
"The familiar is sadly safer than the unfamiliar." - Dr. Judy Ho
"Joe Biden is the comfort food of American politics."
"That's just Brian. He's just Herobrine. Yeah, we're familiar with this game."
"My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me."
"The sea turtle swam right up to him and did it as casually as if they'd met every day. It was as if the sea turtle told the diver that it had something stuck in its shell and that made it uncomfortable."
"The Fox from this video had been feeding this fox regularly at the same spot for over a year."
"He's like an old piece of furniture now, just leave him be, you know what I mean?"
"It strategically pulls elements from a wide variety of games to create something that feels new but also comforting and familiar."
"You used to be kind of like, 'Oh, you know this guy.'"
"You've known each other before, maybe in a relationship or friendship."
"I felt like I knew I'd known this being for a long time."
"It's not a repetition of novelty you want, but a deepening rule of familiarity."
"I've been saying that forever. It's pretty endearing, isn't it?"
"I want that mini split head to be seen as normal."
"When you meet them you're really going to feel like you know them already, they're gonna feel very familiar to you."
"Purity is the classic way of playing The Enclave... it's a bit more focused and everyone's gonna be familiar with it."
"Let me ask you a simple question: I have seen this before."
"When I walked in that room, I knew 15 of the other 16 Republicans who were running for president."
"The only difference between a person that's not famous and a person that's famous is familiarity."
"oh now this is a tune I've heard many many times and I think I've taken it for granted it's a fantastic song it's captivating and I can just imagine hearing it for the first time"
"It's a familiar sight to every ship's captain and boatsman in these waters."
"A fair depiction of several D&D players I know."
"Almost like an echo in here, it's like deja vu all over again."
"Every person is more familiar with his own ethnicity, his own people."
"We have to go into resonance with those ideas which means we have to maybe familiarize ourselves with some of these ideas so that they're not strange when they hit us."
"If you like the Bethesda style of single-player experience, this game will...feel like coming home."
"If you're familiar with the original game, nothing here is gonna throw you off."
"Step 7: Undoing the damage and returning the familiar world."
"Familiarity, if done right, can breed enormous richness."
"Superman is a character that does not need an ounce of introduction."
"It's just been too much new. It's almost like, I don't recognize the MCU right now because it's so unfamiliar."
"Even with these psychedelic experiences, there's a huge sense of familiarity, tapping into a more soulful part of yourself."
"You felt so familiar to them, like they felt really at home with you right away."
"The reason why you guys feel like you've known me forever."
"Morrison's words came as no surprise to fans of the group many of whom grew accustomed to his mix of poetic and literary ideas."
"Audiences will accept some pretty wild things as familiar and comfortable if the POV characters are familiar and comfortable with them."
"You've been here, you know what's gonna happen."
"Call of Duty has so many iterations that when you say it's Call of Duty people pretty much know what you mean."
"It's the name of the salon Vidal Sassoon. You've never heard of Vidal Sassoon?"
"It's like a brand new game except you already know how to play, you don't have to learn how to play again. I just really enjoy this game."
"I'm learning the system. I know what I'm doing here."
"Familiar faces find themselves in prime position, ready for whatever comes their way."
"Players are going to be shocked at just how familiar yet different this game feels."
"Welcome to the House of Night... As you know."
"I wonder if they've come to associate my scent and close proximity with feeding time!"
"I played this game so much, it's like riding a bike."
"You know that someone is part of your soul star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet."
"Moonlight greatsword's moveset: solid and familiar."
"I know Daniel. I know him pretty well. I'll take you to him."
"I almost feel like I did when I was a kid, when you never used to watch any of the teams, and Italy had turned up, and you'd be like, I only know two players."
"There's something about this person feeling like your soul family, like you spoke the same language."
"It's both familiar and new at the same time."
"These places are familiar yet unfamiliar, simply giving one an instinctual feeling that they are somewhere other when they finally and seemingly just as suddenly returned to where they had left from."
"Let me introduce you to me and in other ways it's like dude you spend an hour with me every day for the past two years."
"Playing every new Assassin's Creed game when they first come out is kind of like binge watching a TV series that you've already seen before."
"Instantly feels entirely familiar like they know what this is but they'll you know they're also starting to notice a level of care and attention and detail that's all been added new."
"Stumbling across this video? Likely played or know about Diamond and Pearl."
"I get to know the instrument on a physical level."
"They feel home, feel safe with you, like someone from the past."
"As soon as I turn onto my street, it starts feeling like home."
"Deja Vu: A Captivating Mystery of Familiarity."
"You do not need to even leave your cities and towns to encounter the unknown."
"Every time I say Mr. Science Man, he already knows what's up."
"A fight you are very familiar with, Chael, Austin Vanderford."
"I think it looks simultaneously familiar and unique."
"I feel like I know you already, I feel like we've met, I feel like you just feel very familiar."
"This person feels like an old friend. It's a comfortable connection, like coming home."
"Familiarity breeds contempt. It also produces boredom which in turn causes fatigue."
"But luckily that group of friends is all, we're all pretty chill, I mean, yeah, we're like so used to each other."
"The programming was familiar but different, and it was fun to watch you guys take on events that we are all so familiar with." - Tia Toomey
"It might not be quite Anfield here at sunny Deepdale, but after spending the last few weeks traveling around Germany and Singapore, you'd think again back here in the Northwest will feel pretty much like home for these Liverpool players."
"Grab a drink where everybody knows your name."
"I've been watching you for so many years...no offense, Nick."
"The mere-exposure effect: the more familiar something is, the more you trust it."
"You show a picture of Donald Trump to anyone in the world, and they'd be able to tell you, 'Oh yeah, that's Donald Trump.'"
"Paperclip is like the known, the thing that Johnny Harris does."
"It's a really good system that many people would be familiar with from something like Diablo."
"What will stick with me the most is perhaps that feeling of wow, I know you."
"You know everybody, and everybody knows you."
"Jingle Bells is one of the best-known and commonly sung American songs in the world."
"Now we're getting much closer to what we normally have in chat GPT's chat interface."
"It feels familiar but it feels very fresh at the same time."
"It's both familiar yet entirely new, and it works beautifully."
"It immediately felt like a sort of familiar embrace."
"I love that the people who made this clearly know you really well and know exactly how to push your buttons."
"Eventually you're sitting there with a plate of nachos and she knows what you do and she knows everything about you and you don't have the spark anymore."
"I feel like there's a lot of relationships that people are staying in because of the familiarity and not because they love their person."
"Just the thought of you helps them feel at home."
"Inventive, a fresh take, treading familiar ground."
"I know everything about you from the second you moved up here."
"It's like riding a bike... as soon as I read a couple like chapters, I'm back."
"Welcome, welcome, welcome! It's so good to see you lanards. It's been a week, it's been a week."
"Cooper lived in Al’s house as if it was his own."
"That's why when you mentioned it I was like, 'Oh yeah, I know all about Johnny Depp.'"
"It's the kind of lighting that your eye starts to catch yourself being like okay this feels familiar in a way."
"Most paintings, the instant you see them, they become familiar."
"The CR-V is still one of those cars where it just feels homely as soon as you get in."
"Americans know who Uncle Joe is, quirks and all."
"Everyone talks to each other like they've been living together for years."
"There's a reason that 'S' means something and that people still know what it is."
"And you never get used to this we've done this a million times and this this feels like the first time."
"People don't know that we really know each other."
"It's instantly very familiar for sf90 in terms of the digital display in front of me."
"The score feels very familiar at the start, emulating the tone of the series itself."
"It's a special place Manchester City been there so many times."
"Regional variants... a fantastic way to make a Pokemon feel new but familiar without adding another Evolution."
"Move towards your destiny more because what's familiar to you is your community."
"There would be scriptures that you would have read probably a thousand times over."
"He appeared to be completely familiar with the parachutes."
"Topic bursts - clusters of repetitions - build familiarity and mental strength."
"Hey Dave, they're all saying hey Dave, Dave, Dave."
"Familiarity can keep you stuck in predictable cycles."
"You are meeting them for the first time although their names do sound familiar."
"I used to reread my favorite books over and over and over again because the comfort of a story I already knew was the best comfort I could find."
"I've seen all of this before and I know Bob's an opinionated crazy bastard."
"Once the unfamiliar becomes familiar, you'll realize that it really isn't that hard per se."
"California, yes California, it doesn't need explaining."
"MMOs just have that thing where they pull us back to the safe and the familiar because at least then we don't feel like our time will be wasted."
"As long as you're looking up and walking like this, you still haven't taken it in. One day, you'll find yourself looking down and walking, and that's when you know you've been in that city and that place long enough."
"I'm not the only one who goes there, you know."
"Another day at the office for you at this stage"
"Nice work, Bruce. I know that place, creepy abandoned warehouse in the bad guy part of town, my favorite kind."
"Whether you're a professional, a hobbyist, or simply a fan of music, it's pretty much a guarantee that you've heard sounds coming from instruments emblazoned with those four letters that form that strange word."
"It's like Wizard of Oz where you wake up and see everyone and you're like 'and you were there, and you were there.'"
"Yo, am I in my hometown or something? What's going on, man?"
"Space brings us back to an old setting we know but shows it in an entirely new light."
"Every time there was a problem, every time there was an issue... I just ran back to what I was familiar with." - Jerry Fisher
"Bethesda is no stranger to supernatural abilities."
"What an absolute joy... these fractal dungeons."
"Everything here is very familiar, very cozy, like putting on a glove again."
"This is my home! We've seen her do this before."
"Literally coming back here it's like a workout."
"Latmagantic is the type of small community where everyone knows everyone by name."
"The only reason that keeps me from saying it is we've seen this before."
"When he adopts her name, a sense of familiarity washes over her."
"Abusive, tyrannical, dictatorial environments feel like home to us."
"Joe Biden is a friend of mine. I've known him for many, many years."
"There's also this deep sense of familiarity and coming home-ness that's completely unmatched by any other person or connection."
"If you know you can't actually do any better, sometimes it's just better to stick to an old tried and tested formula."
"Lexia claims to know the name, she has heard it several times."
"You have deep spiritual roots, like we have known each other forever."
"A vibrant, almost cartoonish world that is both familiar and absurd."
"you're funny though y'all we back at beat us man you already know we always eat here yo wait should I get a new um."
"This technology might look like something that we've never seen before but at the core of it we've seen it for thousands of years."
"If you work this thing right, you're going to be a millionaire before you turn 40."
"I feel like I know this person and I know we're going to be friends even though we're a little different."
"Seamlessly into a system that he already knows."
"It's amazing how when you see something so often, even a slight change reminds you of what you loved about it in the first place."
"If you're too original, people might stray away from that because people like familiarity too."
"SpongeBob is a character with no need for introduction as he is easily one of the most iconic characters in the world."
"The devil you know beats the devil you don't."
"He never felt like a movie star but rather more like a next-door neighbor, family friend, or perhaps even a favorite uncle who just so happened to be famous."
"It's familiar yet fresh, which is also the best way to describe the series as a whole."
"Nevertheless, it is worthwhile, also, from time to time shaking off the anesthetic of familiarity, and awakening to the wonder that is really all around us all the time."
"Your spirit is something that I've seen even before coming here."
"Are you ready for me to become superhuman? I'm already used to it since the day we met."
"Small-town America where everyone knows everyone and no one is outside the realms of safety."
"It's great to have you back, it feels like home."
"You make people feel like they've known you for a lot of lifetimes."
"I'm still the same Sean that you guys always knew."
"I've played this game so many times I know this story like the back of my hand."
"After two decades, Vice City feels like home."
"Optimize every aspect of this encounter down to ripping enemies Quaker and being familiar with all the slow mine spawns. Of course the payoff is extremely fun."
"You're comfortable with somebody when you can make them mad but then be fine the next day."
"Luby's is an institution. It kind of feels like home to me? I know what to expect at Luby's, and it's always a warm environment."
"The concept of a window area or hotspot isn't particularly new and they certainly aren't relegated to Pennsylvania or New York."