
Philosophical Argument Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The problem of divine hiddenness is probably one of the strongest arguments against the existence of God."
"The universe has a beginning, therefore the universe has a cause."
"Yes, based on the two premises you provided and the standard philosophical inference, I agree with the conclusion that the Universe had a cause for its beginning."
"It's not an argument from efficiency, it's an argument from consistency and fundamentally of morality."
"I know he exists the same way I know a builder exists when I see you."
"All the evidence shows that design demands a designer at every level. At every level, design demands a designer."
"Why does an acorn reliably go in a direction? Because there must be an external mind directing it."
"Logic is what it is even if the universe doesn't exist."
"There must be a necessary existence which everything depends upon."
"I've looked at the evidence, I've looked at the arguments, and I concluded that it is more probable that God exists."
"If something is non-existent, it can't pop into existence because it's non-existent."
"So, if I stack that against all of the other claims that are made on the god side, I would say that I have a whole lot less to prove with mine than yours. So how can we discount mine and still have yours?"
"The problem for the atheist front is on what basis can these things be claimed as self-evident? What's the grounding for that if it's just not?"
"Making good people helpless does not make bad people harmless."
"The argument is dependent things cannot depend upon other dependent things ad infinitum."
"It would be wrong to tax it away, for example, so that's the argument about well, John Rawls refers to the moral arbitrariness, the contingency of talent."
"We've argued that if one believes the Kalam's causal principle based on induction and inference to the best explanation, it seems one should also believe principles one through six for precisely the same reasons."
"Love is one solid piece of evidence that God exists because love goes beyond a chemical reaction, love goes beyond genetic drive."
"God can't make empirical evidence for non-empirical facts."
"How do I know God exists? Just think of what's required for us to even be having a discussion like this."
"To claim that that Eternal self-subsistent cause has a cause is a contradicting question."
"Premise one: God is necessary for intelligibility. Premise two: we have intelligibility. Therefore, conclusion: God exists."
"The ends don't justify the means because you never meet the ends."
"There is no evidence for such a god; it's like arguing for the existence of a married bachelor."
"Design argument is the most used argument in the Quran, because it appeals the most to the natural human nature of the human being."
"Even if everybody on the planet were to suffer torture for a hundred years, it would still be less than if God forbid would have suffered infinite torture forever. That would still be more. Infinity just changes the whole ball."
"The best answer to that question is that the cause is a personal agent endowed with free will because free will can initiate new effects without antecedent-determining conditions."
"If you freely came to be an atheist and hold religious people accountable, then something like a soul must exist."
"Atheism is the falsifiable proposition, theism is not."
"The arguments for God's existence are much stronger than the arguments against."
"Information comes from other information and ultimately comes from an information Giver."
"Being doesn't come from non-being. Things don't just pop into existence from literally nothing."
"The existence of morality proves the existence of something beyond nature and beyond man."
"Understanding a risk could occur is not the same as giving consent."
"If there's a beginning, you must have somebody outside the universe to kickstart it."
"There's a creator whether you like it or not okay no there evidently isn't whether you like it or not."
"The only source capable of producing information is intelligence."
"The best argument we're in a simulation is considering the probability that we are in a simulation."
"Design in life is not an illusion, mind itself is not an illusion."
"Denying the existence of God is as much a leap of faith as asserting it."
"Now, let me say that the argument from religious experience doesn't prove that God exists... But does demonstrate that believers in God can rationally hold onto belief in God in the absence of defeaters."
"The very fact that you can have a thought and you can have a judgment requires God's existence in the first place."
"Time restricts infinite regression, so there is a first cause."
"There can be no moral obligations without someone laying them upon us."
"That argument also has a name, it's called the argument from analogy."
"I'm going to argue for the existence of God called the cosmological argument."
"You want to know how you take the Bible down? First of all, you have to borrow from the Bible."
"The Euthyphro dilemma is not a dilemma for Christians, it's a dilemma for pagans."
"You seem to be saying that our brains would only be capable of comprehending meaning if the whole universe has meaning, which is just patently false."
"The cause of the universe has to be a conscious cause."
"It's probably the best argument I know, but it's still a lousy argument."
"All the justification from what we see around us indicates and points to one sole truth, which is that there was an Eternal necessary being that chose to create us."
"I do not see how God could be understood to be anything but a deceiver if the ideas were transmitted from a source other than corporeal things."
"...the mind is completely different from the body."
"I didn't believe in God and then the argument from contingency led me to think first that there's a necessary foundation."
"If we can establish moral realism is the best explanation, then we infer from there a grounding in some sort of personal agent."
"The only way we can refute Ivan's ideas is by maintaining that Christ is not an idea."
"For something to come into existence, must have a creator."
"Based on the complexity, the fine-tuning, the design arguments, all those sorts of things seem to point to an ordered cause of the universe."