
Economic Improvement Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Imagine there was a magic glowing rock and anywhere you placed this magic glowing rock, everything around it, economy-wise, would be better."
"We have created over one hundred thousand jobs during that period with unemployment being the lowest it has ever been in history."
"It didn't fix the wealth gap, but there was absolute improvement. You find more women in the workforce, more women actually making more money."
"Wage growth just hit a 10-year high... and it seems like it's likely to keep accelerating."
"Let's have a Powernomics Christmas, let's have a Powernomics holiday, one where in February of next year we are better off as a people than we are right now."
"200 years ago, 90 percent of the world's population subsisted in extreme poverty. Today, fewer than 10 percent of people do."
"I want to make the economy work better for people."
"We're excited about the fact that they've raised minimum wage; they have increased opportunities when it comes to paid family leave; and that they are increasing salaries to over a million American workers." - Ms. Sanders
"We want to lift our people from welfare to work from dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity."
"Low wage growth is faster now, and unemployment is down. It's all really interesting."
"We need to do more to make sure that there are good paying jobs in communities."
"The unemployment rate among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached record lows."
"Welcome back to the series where we go from old to gold, from rags to riches, from broke to baller."
"Life's good for a lot of people. They're better off now than four years ago under Trump. Trump did that."
"Capitalism improving the standard of living of everybody involved."
"Phenomenal increase in living standards five times what the prior administration had for eight years and we're proud of that."
"Money is going to be on the up and up for you."
"The president included an increase in the minimum wage because he believes it should be long overdue."
"Income gains strongest at the bottom of the economic ladder."
"Unemployment falling, wages rising, conditions improving."
"African-American unemployment, Hispanic-American unemployment, Asian-American unemployment have reached the lowest levels in the history of our country."
"She made $80 the previous year. She made $400 the first year we worked with her. Her income went up fivefold."
"Rising tides raise all boats. Once you see these numbers go up, even the laggards eventually they get back on course."
"Bitcoin is going to empower an entire class of people all around the world to live a better life."
"All of our lives would get better if we had better economic... access to resources."
"After years of stagnation wages are rising fast and the lowest paid workers are making the biggest gains."
"The standard of living increase is unparalleled."
"If you make Guatemalans less poor when they're hit by hurricanes... they will be much better able to deal with it."
"Manufacturing job creation at its best in 20 years."
"Wages for working people are finally, after 22 years, rising again in our country."
"Women's unemployment is at the lowest level in 65 years."
"Putin is still a very popular leader because he has improved the standards of living, prosperity."
"The middle class is better off today than in the 1970s."
"If we can improve the economy and deal with the debt crisis, all this stuff will start to fix itself."
"Financial discipline that has taken the city... from almost the bottom... to this level."
"The best way to make corruption unattractive is to reduce the power of politicians and improve the economy and social structure."
"It's an obligation to pass it down to future generations."
"The little guy gets a better high-paying job at a better wage."
"We had to go from EBT to, you know, to you know, having a little bit of coin, you know what I'm saying?" - School Boy
"Money is looking better or good or it's stable."
"People vote for Trump because of record low poverty, record highs in household median income."
"The greatest rate of job creation, the greatest rate of wage growth, the lowest levels of unemployment among all peoples."
"America is thriving again, winning again, and being respected again."
"From 1981 to 2001...absolute poverty in the developing world dropped from 40 to 21 percent."
"Money is a real thing... it's all a part of us closing the generational dysfunction, getting rid of generational dysfunction, closing that economic gap."
"Hopefully, this leads to a much better and more efficient market and economy for the long term."
"More opportunities, lowest ever black unemployment."
"Your bank balance is going to increase, your wealth will start to grow."
"Now, for the first time in 22 years, wages are rising again."
"This is materially improving the lives of Working Class People."
"Money's been on your mind... how you can create better circumstances and more financial freedom."
"Hispanic American median household income reached an all-time high."
"Wages are up, jobs are up, and today we set a new record."
"We started seeing our wages go up, which is the best thing you can see."
"Unemployment has reached the lowest rate in over half a century."
"You know, from that perspective where your whole life, you and your family's entire existence has been mired in absolute poverty, and then suddenly you can afford to get a mobile phone or you can afford to buy clean water."
"It's not about liking the guy, it's about improving the economic situation for poor Americans."
"Black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in 17 years."
"Stronger productivity gains would be more than welcome."
"Unemployment below four percent. Inflation cut in half. Job satisfaction at a 36-year high."
"Personal finance is not a zero-sum game; the more we improve financial education, the better."
"China, the margins out of China are going to be dramatically better this quarter than in prior quarters."
"That's all gains in margins and gains in return on invested capital."
"Significantly more investment in vocational education and training."
"Real wages increased 10 percent among blue-collar and middle-class workers."
"Household median income increases under Trump."
"If you want to improve your economic status, you're going to have to only deal with improving your economic status. And that includes who you date and how you date."
"Until we start talking about having wealth flowing back to ordinary families, then in my opinion, you cannot see any serious economic improvement."
"In 1800 the average person on the average wage could not afford a candle."
"But fast forward 5, 6 years down the road, the industry in North America is going to be better off."
"To make people's life better materially making their lives economically better."
"The cultivation of dragon fruit has really improved everyone's economic income."
"I would like to see all Americans do better and I certainly would like to see the outlook economic outlook for African Americans improve."
"If the people have their land, they can become rich or at least improve their condition of wealth."
"We have made a good beginning: inflation is down, interest rates are down, the deficit is down, investment is up."
"The unemployment rate is the lowest in more than half a century."
"Unemployment dropped to 3.7%, much better than anyone was expecting."
"It's in the comfort for every person who now has a job for the first time."
"We are actually better off now than we were before the crash."
"It’s an increase in the standard of living."
"He wanted to improve the economy. He wanted to improve the education for people outside of the cities."
"We've just seen the biggest annual fall in unemployment since records began."
"For the first time Russians felt like they could afford things, their lives improved greatly materially."
"Wages and benefits around 3 percent growth, that's a full percentage point higher than it was five years ago."
"We brought unemployment down within a couple of years."
"Improving quality of life and standard of living for the local people as well as improving the environment, this in turn will improve the local economy."
"Physical capital, human capital, technology, and public infrastructure... improves the productivity of private investments."
"Real wages have just started to improve... this matters meaningfully."