
Military Capability Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The Sarmat's equipment includes several dozen different types of payload, which allows it to perform its tasks practically anywhere in the world."
"NATO does not need all of its equipment all the time. It has a conventional overmatch against Russia anyway."
"Sweden has a world-class air force, a world-class submarine fleet, highly advanced anti-tank missiles, perhaps the best anti-ship missiles in the world."
"Sweden has developed capabilities that will ensure its national security for the foreseeable future."
"Where is the ability to sort of identify, track target and prosecute a whole wide range of targets very quickly."
"A large armored unit could actually do things that nothing else could do."
"Iran would last almost of the day, exactly three weeks is how long it would take our military to completely destroy the military of Iran."
"Ukraine has proven capable of outperforming its material resources."
"This ship can track a cricket ball-sized contact at about 100-150 miles."
"China will have more stealth fighters on the front line than the US does by 2025."
"This will give the U.S government more powerful lethal tools to destroy the cartel."
"Adding the French and the British together, you still don't get anything remotely capable of taking on the Russians in Ukraine."
"Never make the mistake of assuming the person of peace is unskilled at war."
"The Bearcat's maximum rate of climb was a key focus for carrier-based operations."
"There is nothing impossible for military to do. It's all about just adapting to it."
"We now have the firepower because of the last four years."
"The US Navy is only the fourth largest but it's by far the most capable."
"The lack of readiness and capability of the Russian Black Sea Fleet... they are almost a non-factor."
"Our mission here really does make a difference because of the capability that we give the B1."
"Could we handle it from a military point of view? Absolutely."
"It's a capability that we do not possess to my knowledge."
"Let's not pretend the Ukrainians can't fight. They can. Let's not pretend the Ukrainians aren't lethal. They are."
"Submarines exist capable of destroying not cruisers but continents."
"With such forces at their disposal, apart from North Korea, these are undoubtedly the powers that will shape the planet's future."
"What the US military has that no other country can compare with is the ability to deploy its troops to any corner of the world very fast."
"They've got the weapons to attack those Abrams, no problems."
"Britain was able to take on this task because we have good Armed Forces properly funded."
"The truth is leading the world in air power has just never been a Frugal Enterprise."
"Even at their weakest point, these Huns were capable of trouncing the armies of a settled empire."
"The sheer production capability and military assets available to the Empire are unprecedented."
"I think the idea that... Australia would be able to deploy and operate a superpower submarine navy of eight nuclear-powered boats is frankly fanciful."
"Ukraine can prevail militarily, capable of pushing the Russians back."
"Now, of course, we are in the position that we could easily take on France, we could easily take on Prussia, we could take on any great power and probably cream them in a fight."
"I mean, we're clearly playing Canadian. We have like practically no army and practically no Navy. We are Canada."
"It was a small fast package with heavy firepower and it could wrestle with the very best the West had to offer."
"It can fire up to 70 projectiles within one hour."
"The encounter demonstrated that the Ukrainians maintained their combat capabilities and were not deterred by Russian attacks."
"The capture of the bridge resulted from the breach in the novakova dam which submerged Russian forces stationed in Kirsten."
"The Ukrainian Army is able to strike Crimea thanks to the 300 kilometers range of the Grom 2 missile system."
"By november the australian army had showed that it was not only the equal of the japanese in jungle warfare but it may have surpassed them."
"Literally, take off in Louisiana, fly to the opposite end of the planet, do a bombing run, fly back without landing. Insane."
"The Ukrainian military, based on volunteerism, has the ability to repel forcibly conscripted Russian soldiers."
"High mass rocket launcher videos demonstrate Ukrainian strikes on Russian equipment, emphasizing Ukraine's capability and mobility in warfare."
"The rafale is a very advanced combat plane probably is the most technologically advanced and capable overall among the generation 4.5 planes and it is very close to the fifth generation."
"The Ukrainian forces are confident in their ability to outat Russian forces in combat."
"In sheer practical terms, it means that the British have literally hundreds of thousands of men to continue the fight."
"Steadfast Defender sends a clear message: NATO is capable."
"We all overestimated Russia's military capabilities while underestimating Ukraine's."
"Enabled by these new long-range strike systems, the ADF would be able to engage enemy task forces at over a thousand nautical miles from its bases."
"Regardless of how good those dudes were, you couldn't have picked a better, more capable fighting force."
"The f-15 is still to this day one of the most powerful air-superiority fighters out there."
"Most other nations with lowish caliber guns are pretty much incapable of damaging anything."
"Russia is fully capable of conducting an extensive military operation using air and sea transit."
"The Russian government has a very large armed forces but they can't do certain things which we can help them do."
"Tanks are essential if we are to provide a potent defense and a capability to combat threats overseas."
"Even if the U.S. is full will to protect Taiwan, the U.S. might not have the military might to do so."
"We have demonstrated by our own experience that one well-equipped attack drone company is capable of taking out over 100 enemy armored vehicles every month."
"The longer the gun ship could stay in the air, the more damage could be done to the enemy."
"The sejong the great class... arguably in possession of the world's most advanced class of Destroyers."
"Our titans are capable of disabling the enemy."
"The supposedly fearsome Russian war machine proved hard-pressed to supply itself over even short distances."
"Japanese destroyers were even having trouble acting as fast freighters."
"China's strength lies in its conventional submarines, which are on the whole very capable and stealthy."
"During its time in the war, it earned a reputation for incredible reliability, durability, and capability."
"It's prime to deploy torpedoes, mines, depth charges, and a spectrum of missiles and bombs."
"It will never become a proper workhorse to replace the F-16 as originally planned."
"It's much more sophisticated, better equipped, and larger than most people realize."
"The aircraft could fly over deserts and mountains, drop a bomb, and be back at base in time for tea."