
Night-time Quotes

There are 841 quotes

"There's not quite anything that matches that feeling of riding on Epona at Hyrule Field specifically at night."
"The best time is at night. That's the only time there is."
"This school is so old, it's always scary in here, but tonight, I think it's even worse."
"If you're at night in your bed looking at the screen, it's best to have this enabled."
"Imagine how terrifying that must feel. This is almost 2 am, right and everybody in the house is asleep. They must have gotten a call saying we just arrested a man for attempted murder of you, a sitting supreme court justice."
"Nighttime is also so beautiful because at this point, all the lights have been placed so it's really nice."
"One thing is for sure: I won't be taking a nighttime drive to help me relax."
"This building kind of comes to life at night when it all turns blue, a little bit like those fancy blue blazes doing their fancy blue enchanting."
"We're already almost at 5 AM... that's kind of wild."
"Pretty much every other night, I would open my eyes to see his face."
"Sleep: Is that fourth meal your ticket to eight quality hours of slumber?"
"I just love the way the snow cities look at night."
"A girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone at night."
"The TV came back on in the middle of the night... it was so freakin scary."
"Go see those monuments at night. It's just awesome."
"I'm gonna go wash up and then go to bed... good night."
"I feel like this person thinks about you a lot at night when they're going to sleep."
"I'm actually most productive at night is the truth."
"I love nighttime drives, it's really relaxing."
"Your person dreams about you a lot, late at night when all the world is sleeping."
"I guess so, you can see that power consumption at night just goes through the roof with all the lights."
"All this did is made me be afraid of houses at night."
"Solitude. He's home alone, the only light on in the house is in his room."
"Detroit was like a ghost town, you know, you went down there at night."
"The biggest thing though was that I used to see what I can only describe as shapes of people at night."
"There's nothing like a good spook at nighttime."
"Nighttime is the best time to get that skin flourishing."
"While you rest this night God promises to answer your prayers and bring about the miracle that has been causing you so much anguish and worry."
"I heard someone whistling 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' in the middle of the night."
"I am the most creative by myself, late at night, on my phone."
"That's just the line, that's the line, everything's okay, see? The creepy part about being out here at night is you gotta listen to everything."
"You're going to get visitations from the Lord, angelic visitations at night."
"Even at 3 a.m. I can tell how fun it is to play Carl."
"There's nothing wrong with me being at a bank at almost midnight, right?"
"One young boy claims that he can see in the dark."
"Driving at night's fine, but I don't love it."
"Have a great evening, you guys. Get some sleep - if it's night by you."
"Playing with your makeup, especially in the night time, really elevates your outfit."
"Let's sleep this night, we found this place again."
"Once the sun goes down, it is actual pitch black."
"I feel like it looks really cool at night because it's so dark, I'm really proud of this house I had fun building it."
"A terrifying noise suddenly shatters the silence of the night." (voice laughs)
"They look really great in this elf form especially at night."
"I just love the nighttime. It's so quiet. There's no distractions like no one's texted me, there's no emails. It's just dead quiet and I absolutely love it."
"I used to not be afraid to walk around at night."
"No better feeling than walking by yourself at night."
"Moonlight cookie, the moon will always shine."
"Love you all, have a good night, stay safe, go to bed, please."
"Everything was fun until it started to get dark."
"It wasn't until later when it started to get dark."
"If you woke up at 3:00 a.m. and saw Catnap at the edge of your bed, that would be the scariest thing ever."
"Look how incredible this place looks at night."
"It's just a creepy, creepy, creepy place. If you go in there at night, you can't help but feel very, very uneasy."
"You can't go overboard with lights if you're driving at night."
"My brain kind of just disappears at this time of night."
"It's almost kind of two different takes on the same concept. Do you want those 'I Am Legend'-esque zombies that will sprint at you and attack you but only at nighttime, meaning that the game is largely playable and functional during the daytime?"
"A killer is always going to be a killer whether here at night. I guess Alpo was."
"Night was setting and I just went to sleep before going out and traveling to the left."
"Sensuality, receptivity, and devotion are all heightened in the midnight hour."
"I realized that I liked my room better at night."
"It's like, kind of late at night so I'm very happy."
"It's 1:20 in the morning and I think it's time for bed, absolutely."
"What could this phenomena be? Is it a benevolent Spirit perhaps a guardian of some kind accompanying him on his nocturnal Journey?"
"This has got the same energy of, you know those crackheads that you find at a petrol station at 2 am in the morning."
"As one might expect, most paranormal and supernatural encounters occur in the hours of darkness."
"It's night time, it's beautiful out, everything is just calm and serene."
"Amusement parks like this really come to life at night."
"It's 3 am and you are walking in a tunnel and you see this, what you doing?"
"Oh no, they're all screaming, they're all awake!"
"Our goal obviously is to make it to the morning, so I think we have to be a little more careful."
"We shouldn't be out after dark like this though I'll probably drop the package off tomorrow."
"In the depths of night when darkness envelops the world, there is a certain allure to the open road. Its vastness and solitude can grant drivers a soothing tranquility."
"The night contains too much magic and beauty and wisdom to walk through it unseen."
"No one likes to live in the dark, no one right? No one wants to be outside in a campground stumbling around in the dark."
"This balcony right now though, imagine being up here at night."
"And as they're heading up this path, by this point, it's completely dark."
"Late-night creep on y'all, man. How y'all doing? Y'all got that Ming slide?"
"I saw something in the woods last night, right before the power went out. When it was still dark outside, Mark woke me up and pulled me over to his bedside window. He pointed frantically into the trees."
"You just have a weird feeling and at nighttime that feeling is emphasized like times 10."
"Good skincare starts in the evening because that's when you're not in the Sun."
"Magic Kingdom at night is literally the best thing ever."
"Tomorrowland looked so good at night when you're on the People Mover."
"I emerged into the little clearing of my campsite, my ruined tent illuminated by a full moon."
"Are you tossing and turning in your bed at night?"
"It's almost as if the darkness pours into my room, bringing with it fear and uncertainty."
"Baron at night, you'll see it lit up subtly. It looks amazing."
"This is one of the reasons I love coming to Disney World at night."
"Sleep tight tonight and love you guys. See you later, goodbye and goodnight everyone."
"The night textures look really, really nice."
"They were always paralyzed as soon as it started to get dark."
"I had to come over here in the middle of the night."
"Don't you ever minimize that when you go to bed at night that God's not going to speak to you in your sleep."
"There's something about London when it's dark that always feels a little bit festive."
"On this particular night, they were sitting on a fence."
"I'm sorry to drag you out at this time of night but it's about the yo-yo vigilante."
"Wow, I cannot believe that has just happened, it's turning tonight so that means we gonna get something cool Pokemon come out and master ball!"
"I don't want a day bloom, okay, more of a night bloom kind of guy."
"A lot of these people running around in the dark."
"I don't know what it is about the nights, they feel like they just dragged on. I'm like, I don't know, we should timeout how long the action."
"You can't go wrong with the night ride on Wick."
"The time was 3 a.m. All the windows have been closed, televisions turned off, none of the lights have been left flickering, all the phones have been answered correctly, and then it arrived."
"A spine-tingling scream rips through the night."
"At night, Hallow has sleep meditations, night prayer, and Bible stories to help you close your day with God."
"I enjoy that last hour or so before I get into bed and everything is done for the day, and I can lie back and rest and think."
"Maybe being sleepless isn't so bad if we get to see these beautiful scenes."
"I love baking at night with just a dim light on and just unwinding."
"It's almost midnight, time to explore. Let's explore."
"Night time is still perhaps one of my favorite times to fly."
"He was the person that I took walks with at the middle of the night."
"Good night, good night, good night."
"It's a great opportunity to serve the community when most folks are sleeping."
"Okay, what's up guys? I'm O Sergy, welcome back to another late-night adventure."
"It looks really spectacular at night."
"Y'all have a good one, good night."
"Survived! There's something that came in the middle of the night."
"Val didn't mind, normally she did her best work after dark."
"It's very sexy, uh definitely to me like a nighttime date night perfume."
"The woods looked more impressive than at night."
"It's a beautiful night to be alive."
"That's right, Bailey's nighttime routine."
"Let's start off the nighttime routine right."
"Late night's great when it's great. It's the best."
"Later at night, after having a dream with the three ghost children."
"Shooting at nighttime has become one of my favorite things to do."
"James Turrell at night, ladies and gentlemen."
"Walking through the spooky main gates, we were immediately surrounded by the deep black of the forest at night."
"This place is terrifying at night time."
"Such a cool gift if you're like a note-taker at night."
"She saw the true gift that nighttime is."
"A lot of patients with POTS have pain, probably because of their joint type of mobility. Whilst we're very good at taking painkillers during the daytime, we don't necessarily concentrate on taking pain relief at night when we're sleeping."
"The clock was close to striking midnight and the whole house was asleep except for me."
"Good night old sport, good night."
"One fateful night I found myself on The Lonesome Road heading home around 10 p.m."
"Everything is calm now. It's midnight, everybody's sleeping. All is peace."
"My favorite time to drive through the desert is at night because the stars majestically illuminate the terrain."
"When midnight rolled around, Tim and Dave were the only ones still awake when they began hearing strange noises outside the cabin."
"Nighttime, however, began to bring its own set of horrors. Strange sounds echoed through the otherwise silent woods, a cacophony of unsettling sounds that seemed to be getting closer with each passing night."
"If I displayed the most recent gift anywhere in my room where it would be visible from the dumb waiter, the creaky nighttime visitations would stop."
"Needless to say, I didn't come out of my room until morning."
"Always be aware of your surroundings and try to avoid walking alone at night."
"This makeup look is so so so beautiful and stunning for nighttime. It would be so good for Valentine's Day."
"Nighttime rolls around, tensions are high."
"And again from a perspective of this being a phenomena that's explained by demons we would anticipate they would visit at night this is the time when they can have the greatest impact on their human contacts."
"It's time to go lights out. We're going to be up plenty of times filling the wood and the stove just so it can stay warm at night."
"It's late at night, just on 10 o'clock, and I've come to have a look at the pond illuminated for the first time. Let's go and check it out and see how it's looking."
"Running at night, it's pretty nice. It's weirdly relaxing."
"I like running at night. It's like real. It's like relaxing. It just feels calmer."
"By night, with its landmark buildings all lit up, it's truly magical."
"When you cook over the fire, it goes into the night. It sure does."
"In the dead of night, a concert echoes through the camp."
"Safety at Night, Safety in the daytime, everything is all here."
"I left Mark's house pretty late that night."
"Definitely looks cooler at night, isn't it? Wow."
"Nighttime is a great time, when dreams take flight, count all the stars that twinkle so bright."
"Ensuring sustained brilliance during your nighttime adventures."
"Good night, good morning, slept pretty good last night."
"Apparently at nighttime the lake gets covered with fog and when it's at its most thickest that's when it's most scariest."
"It's nighttime right now, we're so sleepy deepy, we've had a long day."
"I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night."
"It does kind of feel like a power move though to walk around at night and have the confidence to walk around at night by myself."
"This house truly does look amazing during the nighttime."
"Why do I have hiccups at nighttime? This is the worst time to get hiccups."
"Night time is the time where you can truly take in every inch of the forest for what it is, the time where you can meander aimlessly, watching as the forest rests and refreshes itself for the next day."
"Tales of joyful things happening at night, tales of fairies, and candle-lit walks, and nights of swimming under the bright moon."
"It's pretty cool actually seeing these lit up at night."
"Before I go to bed at night, I always look out the window and all you would see was the silhouette of the church, and it's just beautiful."
"There's just something so peaceful about filming at night."
"I was waking up last night proper freaking out because I could feel things biting me."
"And a sense of terror began to fill her heart realizing that it's late at night and this truck driver is not going to be content to let her either go ahead or for him to pass her."
"It just reminded me of like so much magic that comes out during the nocturnal hours."
"...sleep tight everyone, and be sure you know who it is before you answer that knock on your door."
"Working at night, that's what turned it up. Out of there, I'm at the house, she's working at night, I'm gone, straight live doing whatever I want to do."
"3 a.m. once again, the time of night I began to dread."
"Exploring this land at night should absolutely be on your list it is absolutely stunningly beautiful amazing gorgeous."
"Welcome everybody to Jerry after dark."
"The nighttime does give a lot of criminals an extra element of cover, but it also gives us a helping hand."
"Plus, I bet with that black shadowing and stuff, it looks really nice at nighttime."
"Even more amazing at night when there's nobody in here."
"I remember waking up in the middle of the night because you're so thirsty."
"I've always been super creative at night."
"Nothing good happens after 9:00 PM. I stopped listening to my brain at 9 PM."
"I'm thinking about me, I like f***ing at nighttime."
"The way Andrew eats at night is the same way I eat when I'm camping by myself."
"He wakes up in the middle of the night just to appreciate how great it is to be able to go back to sleep."
"I think it's very pretty and I like nighttime, the stars and all that jazz."
"Every ride through the night sky would be a peaceful one."
"The parks are absolutely gorgeous at night."
"Hack number twenty: sensor light for night."
"This pool area at night is stunning."
"The night time is the right time."
"This is how hard it is at night if you're a spotter."
"I love every bit of it, it's my favorite place to be at night."
"These lights light up the night, man, it's like daytime when I flick that switch."
"Good night, and I will see you in the morning."
"I almost myself instantly. This was three months later in the same room. The same thing happened to him. The night's going really well, it's about 3 am, and his call light goes off which of course means that he needs something."
"Late night used to mean the kids are in bed, this is for adults, for grown people."
"A great way to end your day would be to experience the nighttime lights at Hogwarts Castle show where projections are cast against the majestic backdrop of the castle to beautiful music."
"I woke up to go to the bathroom at like 2:00 in the morning."
"Tomorrow's best work though is done by night."
"The night is our time to reflect on our day and to be grateful for what we have."