
Game Atmosphere Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Overall, the OST has such a wide range of Bops and beautifully complements the atmosphere of this game."
"It's not just the gameplay; it's the fear of the unknown, the darkness that sort of gripped the player."
"And finally, this is all rounded out with a vibrant and diverse atmosphere, a lovable cast of characters, and a simplistic yet enthralling narrative with heart."
"Behind the Grim dark violence is a profound sense of melancholy."
"Giving the player the option to explore without a flashlight makes navigating through the darkened streets of Berlin a lot more atmospheric."
"Walking around to detective music just makes you feel more badass."
"The spooky music just makes the game seem like you’re in one of those dreams."
"It's a powerful introduction and it really sets the mood for what's going on in this game."
"There's something hauntingly sad about the music and Golden Freddy just twitching as he fades away."
"It's a thing I physically can't allow to happen; it's a big reason the game has the atmosphere it does."
"The overall feeling of the original Dead Space, in my opinion, is still very much there."
"I like Bloodborne for its good atmosphere, the concept for characters, and the adult and serious story behind it."
"Antarctica section of Tomb Raider 3 is clearly influenced by John Carpenter's 'The Thing' and this level in particular encapsulates that atmosphere of isolation, paranoia, and terror."
"This game has good ass music. It's energizing, it fits the game, and it never bores me."
"The levels, the flow, the ambience - that's where the Kingsfield series shines."
"Every Half-Life game really nails the vibe in the beginning."
"Ambient noises: from crying babies to domestic fights, the dark side of Bully's sound design."
"Fans can be that 12th man for you on the field."
"Sayo Oshi's overwhelming atmosphere makes surreal sequences as terrifying as they are engrossing."
"The opening scenario of the game hits you with this atmosphere right from the get-go."
"I think Halo Reach is the most militaristic feeling halo."
"Portal provides only the forbidding despondent aura of whitewashed yet murky walls, empty surveillance rooms, and your limitation to one portal until chamber 11 of 19."
"The grayness of this game. It feels so gray and so blue, so sad and so empty."
"Each boss has their own tone and atmosphere, and I'm not just talking about the watercolor backdrops or the bosses themselves."
"The aesthetic of Frost Punk adds a chilling ambiance to the game. It's brilliant."
"Wow, this is scary dude, something about this is kind of scary."
"What really brings this new depiction of lost heaven to life is the redesign to the lighting."
"Overall, Exodus has a couple of rough points, but the atmosphere is second to none."
"Resident Evil settings are campy, schlocky, and fun, with horror lurking just beneath the surface."
"Atmospheric and cinematic with intense difficulty."
"This mod makes nights in the Commonwealth even darker, interiors are also affected in the game as well."
"I just hope that as we gain detail we don't lose the charm of what made the Demon Souls dreamlike atmosphere feel unique."
"The game uses impressive dynamic lighting to set the mood for the environments."
"The atmosphere of this game is beautiful... New York is really coming to life at pretty much any time of the day."
"This game has definitely got bad company vibes."
"The music transitions from very groovy and mellow... to very dark, menacing, and scary."
"This game is a little dark in case you didn't notice, but I think that makes it feel more real."
"The atmosphere of this game is stellar, it's top draw if you want to find a game that gets its ambience right."
"The music encapsulates everything the game represents."
"DMC 5 delivers on all of the gameplay while having like the feeling of DMC 1 like that dark like horror kind of vibe."
"It's very compelling, and a big part of it has to do with the sort of voice acting and atmosphere."
"It's like the wild battle has a dark undertone, you know?"
"There's an indescribably serene urban flow to the overall feel of Shadow of the Colossus that only Team Ico have ever managed to deliver."
"This game gets creepier and creepier. Yeah, some nut stuff is gonna happen."
"Five Nights at Freddy's tapped into the childhood uncanniness that is Chuck E Cheese animatronics, ramped it up to 11 on the creepy scale, and added hints of lore to keep people interested beyond just the atmosphere and gameplay."
"Hollow Knight is known for its dark world, intricate lore, and difficult combat."
"Based on that atmosphere, yeah, based on the tools the game gives me but also kind of the oppression going on here."
"The fact that it feels like a Gothic game from its world design and atmosphere to its quests and characters was leveling system and character progression is enough to put Risen on a pedestal."
"The Witcher 3... It's the vibe, the tone, and the atmosphere of the world."
"When the lights are on, you're fine, you're just in that chill jazz area. But when they turn off is when the entity swarm starts."
"Luigi's Mansion 3 is inviting, charming, funny, and moves the series forward."
"This game also remembers something that I cannot celebrate enough: this setting is Goofy and fun."
"Some people might find it childish sounding but I think it just serves to make the world of these games feel even more mysterious."
"There's a lot of cool and interesting things that go on... like their game atmospheres... that would be dope if that was here in the US."
"The anxiety is what we want you to have all throughout it, anxiety and tension because then we can scare you more."
"Metroid Dread knocks it out of the park with its isolating atmosphere, deadly hazards, and insanely stressful gameplay, all while controlling like a dream."
"Everything is so strange and wonderful in soulsborne games."
"There's an awesome one where you're skulking through these empty dorm rooms surrounded by spores, clickers, and an abomination."
"Prey nails the feeling that you are on board an actual space station."
"It's gonna have a very Stardew Valley type vibe to it."
"This game just got kind of dark, a little deep."
"That home advantage of home fans getting you going."
"Music is an essential part of any fighting game."
"Destiny at its best is able to conjure so much atmosphere."
"It's probably gonna be more grim in a sense, more survival-y, more parsed out with character interaction."
"It makes everything feel that much more arcadey and chaotic."
"The booming orchestral swell of pure dread that is the track 'Your Best Nightmare' which plays during this fight is a perfect encapsulation of this."
"I really like the vibe of Valsti Fantastica."
"This one has the most atmosphere, like in terms of making it feel like a real jungle."
"A happy and charming game can feel like a horror experience just by applying the right music."
"Moonlight Sonata tinkling away in the background while wandering the corridors is always eerie and mesmerizing."
"It's atmospheric, it fits each level perfectly. What more can you ask for?"