
Winter Beauty Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The world was covered in a beautiful frost... everything so frosty and magical and just sparkling, it all looks like Narnia out there."
"Winter is incredibly beautiful and it also has such a range of gameplay." - Ralph
"One thing I love about Lapland is the snow-covered trees."
"I'm in my own Winter Wonderland this is so beautiful."
"Perfect snowflake I got on my sleeve this morning."
"Rainbow chard is one of my favorite things to grow in the garden, especially during autumn and winter; it brightens up a winter garden, it's so colorful."
"Okay snowy yet beautiful morning and I'm on the highway next stop will be the town of Creston."
"These frozen bubbles create an incredible display, especially because the clear water of the lake turns into virtually transparent ice."
"Get outside, enjoy the winter, it's beautiful. You might love it."
"Did you ever see the moonlight on Lake Dugan in wintertime? It's a spectacle."
"It's absolutely beautiful out. Everything is snow-covered. Looks like a movie out here. I love it."
"In winter when there's nothing in bloom, you still have these beautiful things to look at."
"It's beautiful, it is 30 degrees cold, we got hot chocolate."
"Other times you might gaze out of the window at a cloudless moon while the snow falls."
"I love the first snowfall, it's always so majestic."
"One pretty thing about this snow is it is sticking to all the trees and making them pretty."
"I love ajuga; it turns this gorgeous, gorgeous purple in the winter time."
"It's the most beautiful snow outside. It actually feels like Christmas finally."
"Snow is great if you're in a beautiful place with vast open fields or mountains."
"The city looks so beautiful in the snow."
"Manhattan has been transformed into a winter wonderland."
"Winter is that beautiful, very still and calm time of year where it can be so beneficial to really take time to go within, reflect."
"It's actually our first snowfall on the canals, and it's so beautiful."
"The bright sunlight, magnificent snowy scenery outside the window, and delicious soup and bread before him all make Leighton feel like he's in heaven."
"It's beautiful blue skies, we had an amazing clear night last night looking at those stars, and everything just looks so pretty in the snow."
"The snow is actually so pretty, and it was actually very peaceful, and it's glittery, and I love it."
"I love the Nordic winter, the incredible sunsets, sunrises, the Northern Lights, the wildlife, the landscapes."
"There's something about the icy cold air and then contrasting with some beautiful white winter floral that is just captivating and stunning to me."
"What a lovely idea," Reve said softly, lifting her face to the cold air to gaze at the lights.
"It's a beautiful night, a little nippy, but hey, for the middle of winter, not bad."
"It's so frosty, I love it, even though you can't see anything on the roads this morning or any of the views, it is blooming beautiful."
"How delicious does that look? No footprints in the snow but mine."
"The heart of winter has that curtain of bright light, the aurora borealis, and everything is white."
"What about the romantic part of it, like when you look out the window and it's covered in that beautiful white light."
"It's so pretty and it's snowing outside, how perfect is that?"
"You cannot deny the beauty, and it always amazes me how God has created the animals to not only survive in the winter but to embrace it."
"It's a beautiful January day today here in Wisconsin."
"Minus four freezing here, but it makes things so beautiful."
"Good morning from a very beautifully snowy somewhere on the way to Sweden in the middle of Norway."
"I think it's going to be really gorgeous for winter."
"It's actually turned out very pleasant, the sun is shining, and it's a beautiful winter's day in the low felt of South Africa."
"I long for those beautiful winters' mid-mornings when the air is still, and the sun is out, it's just very warming and pleasant to be out here in the lowveld."
"It's amazing as soon as the Sun comes up and South Africa's just so lovely, best place to be in the winter."
"It would be so gorgeous here when it snows."
"I really love all of the red barns with the white snow; it's very cool."
"The snow extends across the landscape like a shining carpet."
"It really does feel like a crisp winter's morning. I love it when it's a clear blue sky day."
"It's beautiful right now, it's like those big thick snowflakes."
"I picture me bundled up looking at the aurora borealis in the wintertime."
"Sun shining, just a beautiful winter day, I guess."
"I really love the way these snow drapes look, don't you?"
"I love when it blankets on the trees."