
Public Declaration Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"We celebrate on July 4 simply because that's the day the founding fathers went public."
"He totally disavowed the klud klux klan. I've been doing it now for two weeks."
"I love you and everything I have ever done has been motivated by that love."
"I love you, I love you, let the whole world know it."
"Say I love you, say it loud and clear, in front of everybody and shit."
"Tell the world, Johnny, tell them I'm a victim too."
"Refusing to let the love of his life leave, Steven tells the council how precious Celeste is to him."
"Try Jesus... if you're unashamed, put me in the comment right now."
"Governor DeSantis is saying enough is enough."
"I'm delighted to discover that I have been wrong and to publicly come out and admit it."
"I'm doing you a service, okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I believe that I, August the Doug, have found God."
"Where I stand on the election in 2020 is the same place I always stood. He lost the election of 2020. I said that the day that he lost the election, that night."
"I promised everyone today we are going to resist every single attempt to bully, interrogate, and intimidate me."
"If you didn't say it in public, then it didn't happen."
"Right now, Mr. Trump, to answer your call for political honesty, I just want to say: you're not going to be president."
"When you profess your goals to the public there's somebody on the other side working witchcraft trying to make sure you don't get that."
"Luffy proclaimed to the crowd that he would become the Pirate King."
"May make a spectacle of it and do it in a way that aligns with your values and gets out the message."
"Are you man and woman enough to stand up and say it in people's faces?"
"If this is truly not true, I would do everything I can to let the whole world know this is not true."
"This is a statement, everybody. This is a massive statement."
"We will not stand for it. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election."
"It's insane. Someone needs to say it's insane out loud and break the spell, the hypnotism."
"God is our refuge he is always present and always sufficient."
"Sometimes I am right, and anytime I am, I'm happy to proclaim it from the rooftops."
"Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Wisdom cries out in the marketplace above everybody."
"I've always believed that 'well done' is better than 'well said,' so I'm not gonna say much more. I'm just gonna get to work." - Tom Brady
"I have to stay true to who I am and what I'm about, and I stand behind the things that I said."
"I will not be shamed into being quiet. Never again."
"Both Superstar quarterbacks... boldly unapologetically and authentically declared gratitude to God for their being there and gave clear testimony."
"I make a public declaration of my feelings because I want others, I want many others like us, to follow their hearts."
"He's my best pal in the whole wide world and I love him. I don't care who knows it."
"Nothing shook us as much as All Might pointing out to the crowd to tell Deku that he's next."
"I want truth. Let that be your public declaration of your love for truth."
"I'm gonna show you that I'm not just all talk bro I back it up."
"It's not a comeback, I'm back, ladies and gentlemen."
"We hit to Millie, I still can't believe it sounds crazy to say out loud."
"And until they say that, until someone says that, this will continue."
"How many of you tonight would like to take a stand for Jesus?"
"You're witnessing greatness, I'm trying to tell you guys bro."
"People should show where they stand and put their own actions with their own words."
"It is a signal, not necessarily for a pardon. That's not what my reporting shows. It is a signal he is finally ready to say publicly that this is basically what I am going to do."
"Believe what you want, guys. I said my piece."
"Community loves you, Taylor. I'm a man of my word."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse; getting an attorney is a public declaration that you are incompetent."
"American Atheist is a hard-line organisation and we want people to come out."
"He decides in 1887 to publicly declare Islam."
"Cardi practically shouted from the rooftops that she was all in for marriage and settling down."
"I've told you so many times, I'll say it publicly a million times: I think you have so much awesome potential."
"It's time to stand up and say we've had enough."
"Make your choice and make it loud, tell the world you've made your choice because your silence is consent."
"It's time for the American people, fair-minded people to stand up and go enough's enough."
"He is nothing but Athena has absolutely everything and I will make sure that everybody in this world knows that he is nothing and she is everything."
"He disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them triumphing over them."
"If I were the nominee, I would stand in front of the public and say, 'You know, I maybe I'm not naturally leading that way, but as a lifestyle choice, it is my right to make it.'"
"I hope they weren't I hope it was a big mistake put it like that you know they need somebody needs to come out and publicly say something."
"I just want everyone to know that I can scream it from the rooftops."
"They want to acknowledge to you Libra that they were always meant for you and that they want to make this official, they want to scream from the houses..."
"I'm here y'all, I'm [___] here, I'm here in my rawest form."
"If you prayed that prayer and you're not ashamed of it, stand to your feet."
"Baptism has always been the way that Believers go public in their faith."
"There's something about doing it publicly and openly that settles it in your heart. And this is what Jesus said. And every person he called in the New Testament, you'll notice he called publicly. There was a reason for it."
"By coming to this altar, you're saying publicly, 'I receive Jesus.' By coming to this altar, you're saying in childlike faith, 'I'm willing to repent of my sin and turn my heart to Jesus.'"
"Seeing this, Kijun holds her hand and announces in front of the entire class that they're together now."
"He then chases after Yong and hugs her tightly. At this moment he announces in front of the press that he's married to her."
"Jesus called people publicly and there's something about a public stand for Christ that settles it in a person's heart."
"I really like how osmodius stood up for Fizz and was like what I don't care if you tell everyone I love him I don't care if The Secret Gets Out I do I really love that and now they can finally go out in the public."
"God, I need your intervention, but when you do this, everybody in town is going to hear me giving you glory."
"Jesus did this so often, he would call people publicly, and I think it's important that you learn how to make a stand for Jesus."
"Tonight, I will confirm my feelings publicly with you guys."
"...there's some people out there... so obsessed with their ethics that they literally have an ethics statement on their website."
"Every single person who's discipled should be baptized because it's the believers way of going on record."
"Go public with your healing, get healed."
"I have declared your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your loving kindness and your truth from the great assembly."
"We're going to have a big wedding, and we're going to show everybody in this town that we love each other, and we don't care who knows it."
"Heaven holds its breath, waiting in anticipation, as an inner transformation becomes a public declaration."
"Baptism is a beautiful thing, and I think when you truly understand why it's necessary, what you are professing publicly, I think it's a beautiful thing."
"This baptism is symbolic of your testimony, confessing openly to the public."
"I swear there is something about just putting it out there and making your goals known to the general public that really just a hundred X's the likeliness of you achieving those goals."
"Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent."
"I love you. Hey, you don't shout that in a public place if you don't mind."
"It's harder to find true believers and it's harder yet to find a true believer who will go public with her story."
"Baptism is a declaration to the world that I am a follower of Christ."
"God help me," he said so loudly that people turned, "I'm in bloody love."
"He began to publicly proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him."
"Wisdom shouts in the street, she lifts her voice in the square."
"Wisdom, we cry loud in the street; wisdom, bind yourself to us."
"Wade confesses his unconditional love in front of everyone."
"Isn't this a little public? Who cares, I love you. You hear that? I love her!"
"What more can I have done? I declared with all the emphasis at my command in my speech to the Guildhall that my heart is set upon peace."
"We're here because we cannot contain our love any longer."
"I'm going to let everyone know about my love, so I really hope you love me too."
"If you wanted to really know how you feel, you have to tell her in front of everyone."
"They want to fix this relationship... they really want everyone to know that you guys made it."
"But touching the procurement and desire thereof by me on my behalf, I do wash my hands thereof in innocence before God and the face of you, good Christian people, this day."