
Centeredness Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Don't react, respond, and go within you so that you can get centered."
"Blessed are the peacemakers. There is a place in which you are centered, you are clear, you have finished your stuff."
"I just feel so much more calm and centered... excited to see where that leads."
"You need to remember who you are and get centered."
"Just change your frequency within you, be centered within you."
"There's definitely some Zen to the painting, finding that centered place."
"We must always remember to be anchored in our heart."
"Everything you think, everything that you say, and everything you do is aligned from that place of centeredness and groundedness."
"It's not about pursuing... when you're at that centered place then everything that is yours just comes to you."
"Feel more peaceful and centered within yourself."
"Journey inwards is you holding your own. It's you being able to remain centered and grounded regardless of the incoming."
"We remain centered and optimistic for this country."
"Always want to finish grounded and centered."
"Staying centered harness the power to generate high frequency energy which is used for a greater purpose."
"Stay centered and take care of you. Negativity will bounce off of you."
"I fancy myself both, and I've been on a learning journey to become a more centered me."
"You have what it takes to be centered, to be calm."
"You have to become so centered that whatever happens, however the cards are dealt. Okay? That's how it is now."
"Nobody ever died because it said oh Joe he got too centered you know he dropped it."
"You can be absolutely centered and absolutely perfect for whatever you are at this moment of experiencing yourself."
"I realized that I felt very calm and centered and I wasn't being very reactive which is very unusual for me."
"Your purpose is to be heart-centered."
"We'll make sure that we're moving freely in the gap and we're properly centered."
"Stay centered, stay with yourself to find the inner resources."
"No matter what you find, always stay in your Divine center."
"We want to be sitting centered in our chair."
"It's so important to stay centered."
"Centered in which, even the greatest of sorrows will not be able to shake you."
"Feeling more centered and more connected with yourself."
"You seem really centered and great."
"The more centered you stay, the more grounded you stay, the more focused you are, the more passionate you are, the more powerful you are, the stronger you become."
"You have to be incredibly emotionally centered."
"I really want to do all of the things that I feel like really center me."
"Letting yourself feel calm, centered, and at peace."
"It should make you feel more centered, more aligned, more grounded."
"This person is more awakened, they are more centered and more grounded than the last time that you dealt with them."
"You're in a very centered place emotionally to be able to manifest these things in your life."
"I check in with myself throughout the day: am I coming from my centered self, the eight C's?"
"We keep coming back to a centered place, and there's a warmth, there's a belonging, there's something that activates."
"I feel more and more like myself, I feel more and more centered, more and more grounded."
"That quality of centeredness, that quality of being in the middle, is established as a genuine and fundamental equanimity in relation to that."
"The ability to come to any given situation in life with love, be centered in grounded in love."
"I like living alone, you know. My life feels very centered at the moment."
"Every practice is a return to you, the opportunity to immerse in your being and to reemerge in your environments a bit more centered, a bit more calm, a bit more clear."
"It all comes back to your center, to your core."
"Such a person is enlightened, truly centered in the Atman, truly centered in the truth."
"Take one more calm, centering breath in and out through your nose, and when it feels good, slowly come back out."
"When you get centered, when you are able to feel grounded and your heart is open, you have the best information for you."
"You walk in divine leading when you become God-centered."
"Feel your heart settling into Center."
"You can believe in God, reincarnation, or biological reductionism, but you should be centered in that belief."
"If I'm centered, if I'm in my singularity... if I've located the self in the downtown and I can sit there, I am invisible to threat... completely invisible to it!"
"Let's take a nice deep breath in, arms are going to go up, put your hands together and bring it down to your heart center."
"When you are spiritually centered, you don't need nobody or nothing except peace of mind."
"Feeling so connected, feeling centered in my center when I wasn't before."
"We are here, we are centered, we are happy."
"Earth element also relates to the ability to maintain balance and hold center."
"Her creativity and her artistic side need to be expressed because that's where she can get centered."
"The enlightened person... would just remain centered in the self."
"Be centered in your own nature as Limitless Consciousness, awareness."
"Feeling centered and grounded as you exhale, slowly open your eyes."
"Gratitude can really come back to groundedness and to heart resonance, so coming back into our center."
"If you live in God... you become centered in a great aura of light."
"I hope that you are feeling abundant, I hope that you're feeling great, and that you are finding a place where you feel centered and grounded."
"If we wish to feel more centered, we must begin by simply remembering to breathe and live in the moment."
"Your internal compass feels more centered, and a profound sense of calm roots itself within you."
"They become present, they become centered, they become really good at what they're doing."
"They have a groundedness and a centeredness about them that really shows that they understand that they're responsible for how they feel."
"No one was more centered than Jesus Christ."
"Let's get centered, going to drink in some healing before I end."
"The priority is to breathe a nice calm breath so you feel very centered and grounded at the end of your practice."
"The knower of Brahman is centered in Brahman, whatever be the name, whatever be the form, whatever be the condition in life."
"You have to find the thing that helps you to stay centered and calm."
"This is calm, calming you down, it's keeping you centered."
"This next spiritual connection really gets you centered into your heart."
"Come at this from a place of being centered from your heart, your kindness, and your spirit."
"You're very centered in your emotions; it seems like you've done a lot of work on your emotions."
"Stay very centered in the heart space."
"There's a very big difference for those of you that walk away from a place of centeredness and in wholeness and self-honoring."
"You're coming into your own, you're becoming very centered."
"Self-love, stepping into your power, feeling really, really good, really centered there."
"You're grounded, you're connected to the all."
"Following their heart towards something that makes sense for them, that gets them centered and in flow."
"Staying centered will help you resolve the issue more quickly."
"I will not be pulled off center by him or her or you but listen and share and feel inside for what is essential, eternal, and true."
"The whole trip reminded me that being centered sometimes means being at home."
"Stay balanced in your essence. Stand right in your center."
"I find that being in this connection with you, I feel very centered."