
Establishment Quotes

There are 458 quotes

"The power of the law of repetition: each time we control our attention and express our word along a certain line, repeating over and over again a certain concept, it will become established in the subconscious."
"You deserve democracy. You have more in common with people across the political spectrum than with the establishment elite."
"Be grateful that if you're able to walk and you have two good legs and you have your health, be grateful and stop looking down on other people."
"Good luck, newcomer. What are you talking about? I own this place."
"Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established."
"Powerful forces for stasis, however anodyne they may present themselves, are in fact the agents of the establishment."
"An ordinary person telling the truth up against the establishment."
"The divide is not left versus right, it's establishment versus anti-establishment."
"If you give those people a skill that will give them a comfortable life, then it's game over for the establishment."
"Voters have become disillusioned with the political establishment."
"You have to challenge the establishment. That's the whole point of this organization."
"Much of politics is better understood as pro-establishment versus anti-establishment, or insider versus outsider."
"Contrarians are being heard more than they have ever been heard in the past... The establishment is not being heard in the same way they were because they owned both parties."
"We are looking at a world where the establishment can no longer maintain control over the minds of the public."
"Our most critical debates...are instead being closed off in favor of establishment pieties, and I don't regard anything as more dangerous than that."
"Most of our political differences...are not definable by left versus right or Democratic versus Republican but instead pro-establishment versus anti-establishment."
"Don't fight for things you believe in... just take whatever the establishment is willing to give you."
"Converting struggle into success, prosperity rising, giving you name, fame, and establishment. No doubt about it."
"The revolutionaries are now in charge. Someone has to stop this, and first and foremost, that means the liberal establishment."
"Trump is the bull rampaging through the ivory tower, and the establishment is being forced out."
"The biggest constituency of all is those of us that don't trust the establishment at all."
"In our lifetime...we need to establish His kingdom in our country India."
"Certain truths and questions are censored if they go against the establishment."
"We know that the swamp, or the blob, or the establishment, or whatever you want to call it, looks out for itself and it's very tied in together."
"Stunning night for Joe Biden and the establishment."
"Anyone who challenges the establishment is going to be targeted with all of this stuff. It's everybody. I don't care if it's left or right, whatever."
"Comedy is one of the most effective weapons against the establishment, against the ruling elite."
"The cultural establishment is crumbling before our eyes."
"I hope that Fauci will be one of the greatest tools in waking people up to the lies of the establishment and the media."
"People who would rather die than go along with the lie are the biggest threat to the establishment possible."
"When it comes to the creation of culture, the establishment is failing miserably."
"V is saying the quiet part out loud and you see how the establishment gets upset."
"With the establishment being broadly defined as the mainstream media, Wall Street elites, big tech companies, politicians, federal agencies, academic institutions, and Hollywood."
"If I don't always play by the rules of the Washington establishment, it's because I was elected to fight for you."
"At some point, you become the establishment, the thing that free people rebel against."
"Cryptocurrency is a little bit more established."
"We Are The Establishment... They're desperate to get access, they don't challenge power."
"The system does not allow anybody to rise to the presidency unless they go along with the establishment narrative."
"There is a physics to destroying the establishment."
"The establishment does not want to scrutinize the system that gave us Trump."
"They know that their end, the establishment, is over."
"The establishment thinks she's the biggest threat they have seen in a long long time."
"Long story short, this place was basically complete, inside and out."
"Matt Gates isn't really doing any of that, all Matt Gates is, he's trying to be the guy that stands up against like the establishment."
"Help us fight for a future where we don't have to do the bidding and no media has to the bidding of the establishment."
"We must break from the not-so-obvious establishment and we must vigorously do it, we must expose them."
"All of us here at Navarro Media are working harder than ever to keep scrutinizing establishment politicians and the media barons who protect them."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for returning to the status quo of putting the Washington establishments and the ruling class first at the expense directly of the American people."
"They've done everything possible. The Establishment on the right and the left have done everything they can to destroy this man."
"It's absolutely ludicrous that people can't see into what's happening with the establishment."
"Donald Trump is looking at two things: they've already been biased in favor of the establishment."
"We need to communicate the idea that the Democratic Party, including the Justice Democrats, are not your friends. They're not your allies. They're the allies of the establishment and their own careers."
"I love journalists, not the ones who work for mainstream news. So once we work for mainstream news, are pretty much on the whole, they've been selected... Selected to keep propping up the establishment."
"Some Democrats, especially establishment Democrats, are getting the jitters."
"I think they just wanted a big fuck you to the establishment."
"We are well on our way to establishing our place in the Galactic community."
"It's a warning to The Establishment: underestimate this man and this movement at your own Peril."
"I don't see how like if V removes himself or whatever if Trump and V are removed from the running I feel like that's a win for the establishment."
"The mask has slipped. You're part of the establishment, and you're just protecting yourselves arbitrarily."
"Journalists at least in this beautiful idealized world were the fierce independent folks challenging the establishment holding the powerful to account when in reality they're literally just working for those people."
"When you lie on the behalf of the establishment, there's never a price to pay."
"I think what you're seeing is essentially a push back against the establishment in a really important way."
"He is a middle finger to the establishment which everybody wants to send."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. The establishment is real."
"While they claim to be populists, they're propping up the establishment."
"He was willing to challenge some pre-existing orthodoxies within the Republican establishment."
"Our campaign is an existential threat to the establishment." - Donald Trump
"One man cannot fight the establishment, but one man can put forward a powerful platform for truth, freedom, and health."
"That's the basic message in the Bible, greatest troll of the establishment of all time."
"It's helping Trump. Trump was an outsider, gonna stick a thumb in the eye of the establishment."
"Julian Assange does not work for the establishment, he exposes the establishment."
"Words are hard... The first thing we need to do is establish a base. This is our home base. Let's put it right here."
"Men become more attractive when they're established."
"The problem really is... the establishment... not capable of charting a new path."
"You're headed towards establishment and abundance."
"Transformation leads to establishment and growth."
"Don't ever let them make you believe the establishment is unbeatable."
"The establishment class is losing control... hence why they're just going to keep pushing back."
"It's really remarkable that you have a Democratic Socialist who's going up against the entire economic and political establishment as a front-runner right now."
"I think he does some very, very good things that we've never seen before for years under the political establishment."
"Exposing the lies of the establishment is really what is going on here."
"We will resist the combined forces of the establishment, the media, the special interests, and more. But we will not be intimidated. We will persevere. We will stand tall in the storm."
"What's interesting to me is the way in which the rest of the establishment kind of goes along with him, covers for him."
"The establishment is strong, and hard to overturn."
"Making peace with the establishment is not an important aspect of maturity."
"I could establish myself to the summer 2022 late summer."
"Shaolin American Kenpo is a system devised and established by Grandmaster Remember Sword."
"It's very odd that you have a guy who is basically the establishment in the party and yet at the same time he is the anti-establishment figure."
"He tries to establish himself as an anti-establishment, despite being an exact representation of the establishment."
"Your righteousness, your Justice shall be established."
"Establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands."
"They named their home Plas Newydd, a term meaning New Hall or new mansion."
"Wow, actually the military is an important and vital establishment."
"The journey towards the creation of these commemorative coins began with the establishment of the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Commission in the year 1966."
"It really just comes down to us coming out starting hot... establishing who we are in that first quarter of the year."
"The biggest attack is on the establishment or the firm which they kept on referring to. What is the difference then? Let's explain that."
"Never lose that attitude. Never conform to the establishment."
"The winning streak is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to getting a talent established and over."
"It's just one of those great character-establishing moments."
"The establishment of this country has been on the backs of our labor."
"I never knew what a threat Kennedy was to the establishment."
"Kennedy was such a threat to the establishment."
"I think it's crucial to the defense that she somehow established that he was in on it."
"Because of him, Islam is established as we see it in our time."
"Hello and welcome to am barber shop."
"You know, I mean, that's something that, that was established as well, you know I mean?"
"It's important for us to own something, you know what I mean, because a lot of times we get manipulated by the machine and the establishment."
"Establish yourself as a consistent challenger of the status quo."
"I want us to establish our identity."
"Talina was established in the early 1900s when this spot was designated as a district headquarters for the expanding Alaska Railroad."
"Mayfield print works dates back to 1782, established by Thomas Hoyle to utilize the waters of the River Medlock."
"You got to establish who you are."
"Gifted minds are not celebrated unless you work for the powers that be."
"Don't be afraid to try things that establishment people say that you shouldn't do. You had to be incredibly smart and resourceful to make a movie in this world, so you can figure out creative, ingenious ways to get your film out into the real world out there."
"Destinies are being established in this room."
"...he was effectively in a promotional war with the establishment."
"Principles are established at the point of design."
"Welcome to the mother church. Good to be here."
"The breakers, built by Henry Flagler in 1896, was his railroad that helped to establish Palm Beach County as a getaway."
"Believe the Lord your God so shall you be established."
"A parish church was first established on the site in 1215."
"Pax Judaica has been established."
"The lies and the knots of the establishment [__] can't hold together for much longer."
"You need power to establish your theology."
"When you're successful, you find yourself part of the establishment and you find yourself becoming the very thing you've been fighting against."
"The unsettling reality is we have no established standard."
"Sequoia National Park was the second ever established in the United States."
"Ping Pang Pong has been doing their thing here in Las Vegas since 2001."
"The European Union came into existence in 1993."
"Well, sometimes you gotta do these. This is establishing."
"People began to learn more about the bar he affectionately renamed 'Sullivan's Haven'."
"...Bell Collective started in 2020, right before the pandemic."
"We're here and it's open, bar number 48."
"It's absolutely essential that we behave in such a way as to give the establishment fits, and their defensive weapon is to accuse you of racism. So if you're not drawing that accusation, then you're posing no threat to them."
"So a part of that rebellious stance came from a natural frustration and anger with the way that they were treated by some of the establishment at the time."
"Being in business is difficult. You have to establish the business."
"He has established it as this will be around for a long time."
"This is how the church was established."
"When push comes to shove, the moderates or the centrists always side with the establishment, with reactionary forces."
"Honda was quickly establishing itself as a major player on the circuit."
"...it's all about building your own tradition, you know what I'm saying? So we're still young and we're building that."
"Good evening everybody, welcome to Opal Bar number 17. Hello!"
"You never know who the hell you are until you're established somewhat."
"She's the voice of the establishment, and she's vocalizing something very, very true about the establishment: they don't actually want marginalized creative voices, they don't want diversity, they want the appearance of it."
"I liked the status quo shift we have in the end where this Kingdom of Haven is now established."
"Jesus is the greatest troll of the establishment of all time."
"There's a crucial detail in running this establishment that has yet to be addressed."
"The church is necessary because Jesus established it."
"It's fine and enter sweep city, established 2022, in honor of when stash club wrestling was established."
"Apparently this place has been around for a while. It's called Too Good to Waste."
"It's just that he is presenting this as like the physics establishment won't listen, and that is why he has developed his own project."
"It doesn't matter what kind of establishment it is, it takes time."
"Even though I keep ranting about how they don't utilize the characters, this movie does a pretty good job establishing them."
"...the Pittock Mansion Museum was born."
"Decree a thing and it shall be established to you."
"Reconstruction requires you to re-establish gates: the ear gate, the relational gate, and the mouth gate."
"A business is hard. Once you're established, you gotta pay for the forklift and the employees and all this stuff, right? It's not easy."
"Holly's Freeze has been a Georgetown, Indiana staple since 1952."
"It's one thing to be touched by God, it's another thing to be established by God. Many of you are blessed, but you have not been established yet. When you are established, there's nothing in creation that can take you out."
"So anyway, yes there is a church now."
"Perfection is in the establishment of Standards."
"An awful lot of the technological establishment is working diligently toward the singularity."
"It kind of sets up the setting and the premise in general."
"The DNA of Hollywood was established in two tumultuous decades from 1910 to 1930."
"Joseph quickly establishes the requirements for this promised blessing."
"But just the simple fact that when all of British society all of the establishment and indeed all of the establishment of the Labour Party itself are saying you cannot vote for this person, he's unelectable is a funny thing when they know that, isn't it?"
"Congratulations host on successfully establishing the squandering sect."
"Populist movements are a revolt against the establishment, saying 'you've become a technocratic elite.'"
"Kia has been working on getting their roots in the ground, and they've done that."
"You shall decree a thing and it will be established."
"Entering Hollywood Land... established 1923."
"The Jubilee is how worship is established at the center of our lives."
"He opened this hotel in 1918 in the silicon of Colorado Springs and nobody comes here."
"Jesus will establish the order in the earth."
"Chesapeake Virginia is actually a recent City since it was established on January 2nd, 1963."
"JP Morgan is one of the oldest banks in the US, founded in 1799."
"David establishes Jerusalem as the capital city."
"You will decree a thing on earth and it shall be established to you."
"Golf Course was built in 1947 by Edwin Cavendish."
"This hardware store dates back to 1840."
"The new dating system was established using Christ as year number one."
"It's us against the government, man. It's us against this federal government. The Establishment, man."
"The London fa actually approved it they knew everyone in the football World knew everyone in the country knew who the true Dawns were and with that AFC Wimbledon was born"
"we do we then nullify the law through faith so do we get rid of the law through faith may it never be on the contrary we established the law so let's see what establish um"
"They built this town from the ground up."
"It's obvious that given the way the planet works, universities really I've come to the conclusion are redesigned to tame our sense of outrage to make us compliant citizens who join the establishment and tell everybody to keep calm while we work out the solution."
"The nascent franchise would make its home at the newly constructed T-Mobile Arena."
"Their success established Vegas as a viable market for pro sports."
"He essentially established the modern papacy."
"The traditional bourgeois culture is rejected by The Establishment and it survives in the establishment still only as a lie, as hypocrisy, as ritualized performance."
"The lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself."
"Amos A. Lawrence decided to establish a university with the donation of $10,000 and land, and the provision that the Methodist Church come up with another $10,000 to establish the university."
"The establishment's defense of the status quo hardens."
"It's been here since 1956 and it's still going strong."
"When God picks you up, he'll turn you around and establish you."
"Batphone seems to be set in a drinking establishment within tranquility base Hotel and Casino called tinsel City, a place where everybody has been grandfathered in and life has become a spectator sport."
"...whatever we commit to you, it shall be established."
"Once you establish yourself as an established artist and you you still gotta keep establishing they're just I feel like you know me you solidify yourself in the book of hip-hop."
"I'm running for president because I believe it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics."
"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."