
Speaking Out Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"A call to share your voice and speak your truth."
"It's easy to speak when you have no skin in the game."
"I don't care, someone died, and you got to speak up about it."
"If you want change and then cry about it that you didn't get the change because you didn't speak up for the change... make a fucking difference, go out there when we need you."
"If you speak up... you will be scapegoated immediately."
"My silence ends today. Please know that this brief account is a mere scratching of the surface."
"You need to summon the courage to speak out."
"I'm tired of creators being afraid to speak out."
"I understand empathize with those who have remained silent but Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator."
"I pray this emboldens all of us victims to finally speak on what we have endured."
"I've come forward after all these years because I want this type of predatory behavior to be brought to people's awareness."
"If I see evil, I should speak against the evil, and if I should see good, then I should speak about that good."
"If you are worried about what others are going to think... think about the consequences of remaining silent."
"It's good to admit you were wrong or if you never spoke up about it, speaking up about it now, it's a good thing."
"If you've been abused, harassed, violated, don't be afraid to speak up."
"I'd rather be the idiot who spoke up and said something to you in life than the cool guy who said nothing and then mourned you in prison or the grave."
"Speaking up on stuff that you know nothing about is very, very dangerous."
"If you want to fight for your future, you need to speak up."
"I was like first off I can't believe I said that out loud and second off I can't believe you just like mhm like that's it like that is like a shocking revelation to me."
"If I just waited, who was gonna say it? Somebody has to go first."
"Your voice is important in November so if you speak it out loud to the universe it's almost like they're showing me that you will get that energy right back."
"My goodness, I am so glad that these days have come where I can finally speak and say my truth."
"To be a modern woman, you need to be able to raise up your voice and deliver a message to the audience."
"Speaking out is really vital but I want people to understand that actually none of us are really disempowered there's so much we can do."
"It's okay to speak out. You're not gonna be known for that. It's just a little obstacle you have to get through."
"Leadership also means being able to speak out against bad practice and behavior wherever it occurs."
"Bernie Sanders finally speaking out on what Status Coup has been reporting for weeks."
"We need more people to speak up, speak out so that everybody feels comfortable."
"Any opportunity you can talk truth to power when that power is being abused yeah a thousand percent."
"To call it out wherever and whenever you find it."
"You don't get to practice vile anti-Black racism and then we're supposed to sit up and not say nothing."
"Unapologetically me, I will always speak truth to power."
"It's not safe to speak and it never will be... it's even less safe not to speak."
"Refuse to speak up and fight for what you believe in? Then your rights will be erased."
"I know that I have done nothing wrong by speaking out about the clearly abusive situations."
"It's terrible and now you have individuals who have lived through the experience coming out and speaking out against it."
"Stand your ground, speak your truth, protect those things that you've worked hard for."
"This had to be said, even if you didn't sign up for it."
"It's my responsibility to speak out for injustice and for the future."
"At the very least, speaking up now is the most important thing you can do. You will never regret it."
"Standing up and speaking truth to power, I get a lot of hope from that."
"When you see anti-Semitism, speak out against it."
"Survivors need to know that it's okay to speak out, that is not taboo, that they shouldn't fear for their lives. That's not how it should be, it should never be that way, guys. Never."
"She spoke her mind even if it would be detrimental to her career."
"This isn't my story to tell, but I want to speak a piece on this."
"You've done nothing wrong, please know that and have your voice."
"If you are one who has never come forward about the abuse that you have suffered, I want to challenge you to at least talk to someone else."
"I'd rather speak up and be wrong than be muffled and wrong."
"My silence at such a time would be criminal."
"You've got to speak up, you've got to take a stand."
"I think that does go to show that we're speaking some kind of truth to some kind of power."
"The Divine will break your heart as many times as it needs to, with hopes of it opening once again to its full potential."
"Peterson says the best thing people can do to fight back against that blindness is to speak the truth even when it's unpopular."
"After decades of watching this happen, generations, it's about time someone stood up and just said enough."
"This isn't me ruining his life, this is me speaking out on an issue."
"We gotta use our voice, we gotta speak up, we can't be silent."
"If you don't speak out about the most transparent injustice, what good are we?"
"We're done being silent, we're done apologizing."
"It's important to stand up and speak your mind, it's for the kids."
"At the end of the day, I'll always be one of the first people to speak up if there's something going on that needs to be talked about."
"When you see something that is not right not fair not just you have to speak up you have to say something you have to do something."
"It was nice to see him call out other bishops who have largely been silent on this catastrophe in Rome."
"Survivors can speak up even if they don't have evidence."
"If they say some [ __ ], I'm going to call it out and talk about it."
"Please speak up if you feel like something is wrong."
"Don't let anybody fool you into thinking that women are not supposed to speak."
"It's not enough just for you to take it on the chin, you have to speak up."
"I think it's always good to kind of challenge your ideas and feelings."
"When you feel that you are not being treated right, you should speak out."
"Some brave [__] people are actually starting to speak out a little bit in Russia."
"Being an ally is when somebody says something wrong or distasteful, even though it's uncomfortable, be that person to say, 'Hey, that's not cool.'"
"I think that she just wants to speak her mind."
"I feel like people are scared to speak out often times."
"You actually speaking out and showcasing that is actually going to take this thing, this relationship, or this career to the next level."
"And if you've got somebody in your life that's doing this to you... speak out, stand up."
"Proven something to the universe, speaking up despite fears."
"If we see police officers not doing what they should be doing, we should say something."
"If you saw something mind-blowing, you need to speak out loud about it and not be scared."
"I have an obligation to speak about things that might be uncomfortable."
"If you see something bad, speak out, speak out."
"Black folks... scared to offend white people... just say what needs to be said."
"We don't need to be silent, even if it's uncomfortable."
"Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar. I will not participate in that." - Liz Cheney
"I just wanted them to know that I wasn't going to stay silent anymore."
"Where do you draw the line? ... You gotta speak up. You gotta say something."
"You change that by calling it out, you don't change it by being silent."
"You have to use the voice that they have been trying to silence for years and speak up about what they did to you."
"If you see something unjust... you can't be quiet about it."
"It's the moments where I stood up and spoke my truth that I will forever be proud of."
"They've got to break out of their box and be the Emperor and speak their truth."
"I am at a really good place mentally to come forward and speak finally."
"I guess that's my piece. Thanks for letting me get that out."
"Sometimes you've got to stand up and say things even if it makes you quite unpopular at the time."
"The impact of R Kelly's downfall emphasized the strength of survivors' voices, showing the significance of believing and supporting those who speak out against abuse."
"Risk offending you know something isn't right speak it because by speaking it certain things can have an impact that can lead to consequences like this not taking place."
"I'm just gonna come out here and just speak the truth."
"I just feel like we should all stick together and if you guys have uncles, dads, brothers, you know, they're being f***ed up, if they're being perverts like that, you guys need to say something."
"Muhammad had the courage to speak up when others would not."
"People who love and support you will believe you and you deserve to share your story with them don't be silenced."
"I started speaking because I have morals, principles."
"That should be an even bigger reason to speak, it's something about a spiritual awakening."
"We got multiple parents out here saying if you're going through something, say something."
"That was when I finally spoke up about the abuse."
"Twice you have had a moment where you got on the microphone and you said what you wanted and you manifested it, you made it happen."
"I stayed silent for years but was finally ready to tell my story."
"I'm glad that Trisha is continuing to talk about it."
"I think many of us have to carry that torch because, you know, we can't just sit by and watch [expletive]. Somebody's gotta say something."
"After years in silence and darkness, Miss Ventur said in a statement, 'I am finally ready to tell my story and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and guse in their relationships.'"
"Speak out wherever the universal and absolute standards of Justice are denied or violated or withdrawn."
"Speaking out I think is one of the only things that can stop this Behavior because if you're scared and you don't say anything it does keep happening."
"There are some things that you absolutely can never be silent about."
"I'm just speaking 'cause I'm a truthful person."
"I knew that if I was going to do my job properly I couldn't hesitate to speak up and speak out."
"You speak your truth and you keep speaking it over and over. Even if your voice shakes, you keep doing it, because it's necessary to show up and have that kind of agency in the world, that your voice matters."
"Someone has to speak about it, otherwise, nothing's gonna change."
"Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken, for truth, like the sunlight, shines above all."
"If you want a moving argument against silence, read one Joseph Ratzinger, who tells of his childhood in Nazi Germany."
"I'm creating my own justice by talking about it."
"This is about being brave enough to speak out."
"You know, women do sometimes spend a long time reflecting on what's happened until they can get the courage to speak out about something."
"Thankfully now I feel like I'm able to speak more about it and I'm slowly finding that people are a little bit more open to hearing it."
"If you see injustice that's happened in the world, you would want to speak out against it."
"My speaking out did not make me popular."
"...this experience made me realize that the courage it takes to speak out and the empowerment that comes from it is contagious."
"...there's a need for us all to speak out..."
"If all we do today is speak, if all I do is speak, I also miss the mark. We have to do more than just talk about it. We have to act on it and be about it."
"...it should be okay to speak out about assault online."
"Even when it's not the popular way, even when you're going against the grain, even when people don't think it's not that serious, okay that's fine but I'ma still continue to speak out."
"That's how you fight back - you speak out, be a Honeybadger, and then hopefully that instigates or triggers the courage of others and we can solve the problem."
"It's hard, but you know, speaking out is so powerful. So powerful."
"Keep going, speak your truth even if your voice shakes."
"The main thing to take away from this is just understand that people are getting killed for speaking out loud and they're getting away with it."
"I gotta speak 'cause if I don't speak, your lies become the truth after a while."
"Your season of being quiet is over."
"If there aren't people that are out there willing to say how they feel and to speak their mind and to fight the fight, then we're never gonna make any progress."
"It's been very important for me as a silence breaker."
"If you see something is wrong you have to speak out against it whoever is doing the wrong."
"Thank you for speaking out about mental health. It's nice to know I'm not alone."
"If you speak out and you speak the truth then it doesn't backfire and you actually get set free."
"To be silent, he says, is to be complicit."
"The only person who was willing to speak out was the late Nia Rivera."
"They've been speaking out since Mia came out with their story."
"You're doing the right thing. Feeling like you are pressured to be silent can be scary; however, you are doing the ethical and informative."
"Silence is no longer an option. Violence is actually violence now."
"Speaking well of the Lord means speaking well of Him irrespective of circumstances."
"If you do know something, then silence is complicity. Until justice is executed, here, I will never remain silent."
"The Lord commanded Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon to lift up their voices and speak the thoughts that he would put in their hearts."
"I would never let what happened to me or my trajectory happen to another person in this business if I could stop it, and that's why I chose to speak out."
"The fear of speaking out shows a lack of morality and fear of being disliked."
"...being part of a community also means not being silent when you see problems."
"We need to speak out because there is a victim group that is entirely incapable of speaking out for itself."
"...I started speaking out in the beginning..."
"It's time to talk. It's time to change."
"Abuse happens behind closed doors and thrives in secrecy, so we must speak up."
"...now we had a woman that could come out and also speak and speak openly about subjects that people didn't expect women to do."
"If you've been abused, you're not required to stay silent."
"It's now time to push back. It is now time to say something."
"If you guys ever feel mistreated, make sure you speak up."
"If you care at all about the world, you've got to speak out."
"I'm sick of all that stuff they say you the only one you one of the only fews that actually speak the truth that's why I was asking you."
"The health of the church and the text depends on your speaking out when things go wrong."
"I firmly believe that if I don't tell people the truth, God will ask me in that day why I did not speak about it."
"This entirely validates Emily's speaking out in the first place."
"I'm going to speak up, I'm going to speak out because others had the courage to speak out."
"It's more honorable now for you to speak out than for you to kill a role."
"He encourages Peter to rise and tell the world about the abomination."
"She's so brave for standing up to him and speaking out about this against everyone else who has been trying to silence her."
"Just because a small group of people hold a bad idea, it doesn't mean you shouldn't call out that bad idea for what it is."
"How do people think that things are going to change unless people speak out?"
"So if anyone sees evil, you change it with your hand. If you cannot do so, then speak against it. If you do not have the power to do so, then think of it as something evil in your heart."
"We cannot be silent... People need to speak up when they hear that there's something horrible going on."
"Don't suffer like me, don't suffer in silence, get help."
"If you think you are being abused, you should speak out."
"I'm so proud of the people who have spoken up."
"I would rather live in a world where survivors speak up than a world where survivors don't speak up."
"...you can't put a timeline on someone's courage to speak out about going through something like this."
"Surely now is the time to break that silence."
"She put silence to bed; she had finally found a voice loud enough."
"I can't just stay silent. That's your story and your reality, and you have every right to share that."
"Don't accept that. If it's something you don't like, speak up on it."
"Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you."
"It's the first time I'd ever had a chance to actually speak about me, what I felt, and how I was coping."
"But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak, remembering we were never meant to survive."
"So it is better to speak, remembering we were never meant to survive."
"I'm just so glad that there's people like yourself who are speaking out and saying no, this isn't right."
"Remaining silent never helps an abused person; it only helps the abuser."
"We need more people speaking out."
"My whole family was affected, and I'm the only one who has the guts to talk about it."
"They're making this decision to come forward and speak their truth."
"You have every right to speak out against mistreatment."
"As victims, we will no longer be silenced by sexual abusers."
"To use my voice... in the midst of bombs being dropped on children, we have to speak."
"When something is wrong and you do not believe in something, you should speak up 100% and voice your concerns."
"Speak up, you should not have to be subjected to this behavior at your work or anywhere for that matter."
"I found the courage to step forward and say, this is something that I struggle with."
"No one should get hurt at home, and you can't keep it to yourself if it happens."
"The highest form of jihad... is to speak truth to power."
"This is going to really provide that opportunity to say what's on your mind, to speak those truths."
"Never let anyone make you feel ashamed to prevent you from speaking against error with Scripture, whether it's the error of critical theory or the sin of racism."