
Wisdom Sharing Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I've lived these 53 years and learned a lot of things, and all I want to do at this point is just take this wisdom, these things that I've learned, and share them with anybody who wants to receive them."
"I'm in a phase in my life that I want to pass along the things that are of value."
"The internet can be used to show to people on a multi-generational way things that people normally only can learn by being alive for 40-50 years."
"Excited to share your wisdom and vision with the world... excited for what you're creating as a fundamental platform and infrastructure for Humanity."
"Learning from wisdom means listening to others and learning from their mistakes and knowledge."
"I think you can learn from every man. It's old Confucian saying: learn from every man. Learn from some man you learn what to do, and from some men you learn what not to do."
"I think it's time now. Thank you, thank you so much, Guruji, for sharing so many words of wisdom with us."
"Stepping into power as a teacher, sharing wisdom."
"He speaks extremely well and I think he's got a lot of knowledge and a lot of wisdom to share."
"With every good piece of advice, there's always something good you can take from it."
"Don't forget please only take what resonates and leave the rest."
"I've lived long enough to know that [ __ ] does always come around."
"Spread your wisdom by telling us how to stay calm, just stay calm."
"I'm at a stage in my life, you know I'm 72 years old, and the most important thing I could do is pass along whatever I have that's of value."
"A wise man will tell you his mistakes first rather than tell you about his success."
"By not embracing and sharing the wisdom you hold, you deny the world the opportunity to experience your unique healing light."
"Life is getting better. My mom used to always say, 'You learn a lot if you live long enough.'"
"He almost became this father figure to me, you know. He was 46 years old, I believe, and had so much wisdom for me."
"Alfred's line about 'if you're gonna go grab the bull by the horns, don't wave the red cape' was great."
"There's wisdom, there's a different perspective, there is knowledge."
"A prophetic voice of wisdom is about to be released on world changers."
"We're to be warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom."
"Best way to learn is from the mistakes of others."
"You make a point by offering wisdom and criticism, not by harming people."
"You guys give good advice, you're really wise."
"Thank you for spending your time, your energy, and most of all your wisdom."
"There's so much knowledge, so much wisdom, so many stories."
"Share your wisdom. Stand up, be bold, and be brave."
"Shine your wisdom, share your wisdom, share your light."
"Confucius says, 'If three people walk in, one must be my teacher.'"
"Every time we speak to you, we get 10 times wiser."
"Sitting on the ground, probably the greatest piece of advice."
"What kind of advice on life would you give to my younger self?"
"Never assume. That's like, that's one of the main pieces of advice that she's always given to my sister and me."
"I do believe you are definitely one of those people that carry that wisdom from that last age and are giving us the warning we need now because we are at this kind of end time."
"The truth is, from the fruit the tree will be known."
"Share your wisdom and love with the world and those around you because the world needs it right now."
"I try and not be selfish and try and pass my wisdom down through each guy and hope it has a chain reaction."
"He's an incredible personal Confidant, encourager, a source of wisdom for me and for others."
"By sharing this wisdom with others, for me, it is the best thing in the world."
"I'm going to try and give you some pearls of wisdom."
"It were better to declare them only to the men of all time, but even from those that come after we will not withhold the beginning of wisdom."
"The information you've shared has been so wise, so insightful."
"This is the wisdom that I will give you."
"Somewhere in the midst of all that I say to you, ultimately there will be some nuggets of wisdom."
"I'd like to be able to spread that kind of wisdom, 'cause I've been doing it for a long time."
"Do not share wisdom with those who are not deserving because they will not know its value."
"Hopefully, I can just take their pearls of wisdom and replicate them when I am one day in their position."
"I'm drinking tea with the elderly, and they bestow wisdom upon the viewers."
"I can't thank you enough for taking the time to share some wisdom with myself and the folks on YouTube."
"Teaching's a team sport; it's important that we share our wisdom."
"Advice is not a gift, but a debt that the old owe to the young."