
Contradictions Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"They also have an inferiority complex with a superiority complex at the same time."
"Contradictions are what make characters interesting...every person has a contradiction."
"Oppressed people can simultaneously try to advance their best interests while also perpetuating their own oppression."
"There are mistakes with respect to facts we know outside the text of the Bible, but there are also just contradictions within the Bible."
"It's clear Miyazaki sprinkles himself, his own bundle of contradictions, and all of our contradictions, into nearly every character he creates."
"Walking with God often includes contradictions. Faith on one hand, fallacies on another. Promises on this side, problems on that side. The greater the promise, the greater the problems."
"Loki is a mass of contradictions. And you know what? That's okay."
"This ideology is not sustainable because it is full of contradictions."
"The study of ancient Egypt and of the history of human civilization itself is full of contradictions and mysteries."
"Oftentimes contradictions hold the keys to new discoveries about the world, and resolving them is a key step of the scientific process."
"People are very messy, paradoxical creatures with tons of reasons and explanations behind everything they do, normally reasons that contradict each other as well."
"The movie wants to have its cake and eat it too."
"I'm imperfect, I'm full of contradictions, and my Pellegrino's a hell of a lot better than a bottle of Absolut Vodka every night."
"Long-term and short-term goals sometimes contradict each other, it's very basic."
"Everything has to be fair, but those two things cannot coexist."
"The contradictions in hypocrisy couldn't be more clear."
"You cannot in the same moment of thought, want to harm someone and want to do good."
"Characters' contradictions are what make them most interesting."
"It's just a whole bunch of myths and inaccuracies and contradictions."
"I think they want their cake and eat it too."
"Xi Jinping's governance logic is peculiar, filled with inconsistencies and deep contradictions."
"Contradictions are the ruling principle of the universe. They get us scared, they acknowledge contributions."
"It's contradictory to human behavior to say that everybody's the same."
"The far-left wants to be so inclusive they're willing to include different groups that believe different things even when they're at odds with each other."
"It's an oxymoron. I knew a bunch of girls who would wear like the mini skirts and Ugg boots and it would make all of our female teachers so mad that like if you're cold wearing Ugg boots why are you wearing a skirt?"
"People have stopped using their brain. The spider web of contradictions got so large and it's all emotionally based at that."
"There's no such thing as a contradiction that can't be overcome."
"Multiple contradictory versions of early Christian history."
"Contradictions force you towards a more complex and nuanced perspective."
"Why is there even the appearance of contradiction in the perfect word of God?"
"Nicholson embodied the contradictions of the Jack Nicholson persona."
"Thriving relationships are the ones that straddle contradictory needs."
"You can't say do what you want but then go hate on people. You can't do that. I just... It doesn't work."
"The mystery beyond the capacity of the human intellect is why do they all work when they contradict each other."
"You can't have it both ways: you can't support war and then lecture me about climate change."
"You can't be socially liberal and fiscally conservative, it just leads to contradictions."
"You can't say you want to improve elections and talk about how you are a leader in the nation for free and safe and secure elections but then simultaneously do the very things that would undermine that status."
"Your calling will often become clear because of your contradictions."
"Russia is an old and contradictory country: beautiful but scarred, eloquent and clumsy, cunning and simple."
"Empty baseless assertions that contradict each other, there's no truth to it."
"Once you realize... biblical contradictions exist at all..."
"Navigating through contradictions: The challenge of finding truth."
"Nicole makes so many contradictions and there are just so many red flags."
"Capitalism is full of these kinds of internal contradictions that will in the end knock it out of the box."
"I've always liked Kanye because he's very human and he holds his contradictions."
"Complex designs exist in the Bible with errors and contradictions."
"It's very possible to be anti-capitalist and also really really like shiny pretty things."
"Everybody says they believe in free speech, but..."
"The world works by resolving contradictions."
"That's a contradiction of what it means to be a liberal democracy."
"Nonsense tensions, tensions okay, but they don't have to be contradictions."
"Attempting to create a mathematically precise definition creates a contradiction."
"Society has a long list of expectations about women, so they can be contradictory and even impossible to fulfill."
"...Thailand is a country of captivating contradictions."
"Why are you so hell-bent on having a guy think about you forever, but not actually be with you?"
"The Bible's not the word of God full of contradictions."
"Your contradictions are complex and interesting."
"They want a good guy, but they don't want a guy to treat them too good."
"The black and white of Khrushchev’s grave monument, starkly echoed the contradictions of his eventful life."
"Contradictions are necessary and they're a fact of life."
"Life is full of contradictions, and two seemingly completely contrary things can both be true simultaneously."
"We each need to become Janus-faced and to incorporate into ourselves the banished contradictions of being that so haunt the Enterprise of science."
"I like sunshine, beaches, and misery."
"People do this all the time. In your goal in life is to make sure there are no contradictions in the Bible, you can do that. You can do that with the Quran, you can do that with the Old Testament, you can do that with any biography of Abraham Lincoln."
"The Bible absolutely has contradictions."
"Paradoxes are actually just part of the fun."
"I mean, I love the state, I love everything about it but I also love how dumb it is. I agree with this stuff, it's a party, it really is."
"Every time I read interviews from designers they end up contradicting themselves a lot and it makes me think that a lot of designers aren't necessarily self-aware."
"Sun is shining but the rain is welcome too."
"Human beings are limited and wretched but also wonderful."
"Her life was a tapestry of contradictions woven together by the threads of her choices, relationships, and the era she lived in."
"The poems are absolutely full of emotion and feeling yet Arin who famously penned the line 'what will survive of us is love' made himself almost willfully unlovable."
"The contradictions became more visible, Divergent Traditions more difficult to reconcile."
"That's why with all his charisma and audacity and bloody ambition, with all his Martin-esque contradictions, Damon captures us most of all."
"Just how did a civil rights activist, a person so full of love for his fellow man, end up being the one who ordered and oversaw the death of almost a thousand people?"
"Some things are impossible, like contradictions."
"I [ __ ] love Jesus and I'm scared of ghosts."
"Passions often produce their contraries: avarice sometimes leads to prodigality, and we are often obstinate through weakness and daring through timidity."
"Rules are the rules and there's no rules."
"Hey there, remember when I said I wasn't a BMW fan? Well, it turns out that was a big fat lie."
"The bourgeois, drunk with prosperity and arrogantly certain of himself, has just declared that money is a purely imaginary creation; commodities alone are money, he said. But now, the opposite cry resounds over the markets of the world: only money is a commodity."
"All of the contradictions of our age, unbundled, you get to pick a bundle of contradictions and then live suppressing them rather than ever unwinding them because of the futility of action, kind of a real boner, a real owner."
"He found musical ways of making those contradictions so palpable at every given moment."
"The problem of contradictions is a legitimate concern."
"They're basically saying that the reason why there's contradictions is because who Joseph was changing the story."
"No system or no one has ever died from contradictions. Contradictions and difference are necessary to maintain a system because only when a system has the capacity to adapt to change can it keep going effectively."
"If you're going to go nowhere with that relationship, if marriage is really that inconsistent with her character like she professes, why does she write that letter to Laurie begging him to take her back?"
"Both of those things are happening at the same time and it all then plays out in very contradictory ways."
"Division by zero is undefined because it leads to contradictions."
"The results were the same, contradicting some of the information."
"Star Trek is often a franchise of contradictions. It's often inspiring and progressive, yet sometimes woefully offensive and silly and strange."
"Contradictions point toward something we don't understand, and potential resolution of that leads to new ideas."
"YouTube, you can't have it both ways."
"I hate a lot of things about it even though it's got some of my favorite stars in the game."
"The Gospels are packed with contradictions like these from before Jesus's birth to after his death and everywhere in between."
"Sweet water and bitter water should not come out of the same fountain."
"Our is a world of magnitude contradictions, and it isolated and oppressed both of us for too long."
"I feel that we're living in a world of many disparities and contradictions."
"Rational thinking also tells us that contradictions are impossible whereas all physics can tell us is it's never encountered any yet."
"As the awakening process starts in a human mind, one of the first events is the recognition of the immense contradictions of life, of existence, the beauty and the horror."
"Martin Cahill was unique... an extremely complex, complicated man of many contradictions."
"Ultimately, there is no way of reconciling these contradictions; all I can do is try to live within their margins, in the narrow boundary between joy and horror."
"The more uncomfortable we are, the more we're forced to grapple with the problems and contradictions."
"Loki is a mass of contradictions, and that's okay."
"Deal with contradictions and solve problems."
"Life is always going to be contradicting... it's just about what works for you at the moment."
"Take your practiced powers and stretch them until they span the chasm between two contradictions."
"99% of people like things like pets and puppies and cats and don't want to see the contradictions and say, 'Hey, you're not doing something that holds your own principles.'"
"Understand why the contradictions arise and make an informed decision as to how to address it in your particular scenario."
"This world's magic revolves around logical contradictions, which is fascinating alone in concept."
"Once we understand the Quran correctly in its text and context, we see that the Quran is in fact free of contradictions."
"Health consists essentially in being able to resolve contradictions."
"If an assumption leads to contradictions, then that assumption must be wrong."
"Almost everything will fall into place in terms of apparent contradictions that other people can't resolve."
"...they never solve capital's problems; they simply expand those contradictions to a broader sphere and give them a wider orbit."
"The world we are living in today is a world of contradictions."
"Seemingly contradictions may arise, but when you study they just sort of fade away."
"Judas dies in two different ways in the New Testament."
"Draco was an enigma, there were so many contradictions swirling beneath his cold facade."
"I'm most interested in artists that are negotiating these various contradictions of reality and social politics."
"We live in a world of contradictions, where human technology and ingenuity have created an endless frontier in space and genetics, yet human greed has decreed that there be poverty and disease on Earth."
"History isn't like that; it's messy, full of contradictions."
"Noticing a surprising connection or a surprising contradiction is a pretty consistent source of insight for people."
"You've got this conflicted mass of contradictions and you've found a way to rationalize them."
"He was always a man of contradictions."
"I like the watches, I love the watches, I dislike the brand."
"Everybody is not perfect; we're all walking contradictions."
"Often contradictions in historical documents are how we work out what really happened."
"We have all these contradicting beliefs and ideas that kind of create a jail around us."
"Remember that eyewitness testimony can be reliable in spite of apparent contradictions."