
Enjoyment Of Life Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Life is supposed to be enjoyed. Life is not just pure work and pure effort."
"Life is short, man. You got to have fun, for crying out loud."
"We should enjoy what we eat, we should eat good food, we should drink good wine, we should drink microbrewed beer."
"We're here for a fun time, not here for a long time."
"You are here to enjoy your life, not suffer through it."
"I am strong, compassionate, and enjoy life to the fullest."
"Enjoy the process, who you're meant to be with, you're gonna end up there just let life happen and enjoy every minute of it."
"If you have money instead of being stingy and saving everything, maybe you should start to enjoy a little bit your life."
"You know how to make life enjoyable, and people really notice that about you."
"We have to be able to even enjoy the things we manifest because it's not just about getting the life; it's also having the ability to enjoy that life."
"Life is great, life is amazing, I'm living for it, I'm loving it."
"Enjoy your life to the fullest cuz we're enjoying ours to the fullest."
"Life is not supposed to be like this. We are here to experience the beauty of life and enjoy it with loving kindness."
"Life is a whole lot more fun when it doesn't."
"Never ignore the kittens, savor every little kitten that comes into your life."
"I'm trying to enjoy it and extract as much enjoyment out of it as possible because I know that tomorrow it could disappear"
"God gave it to us to enjoy it, and I intend to do that."
"Good health is about being able to fully enjoy the time we do have."
"Life is short and unpredictable, eat the dessert first."
"Life's meant to be enjoyed, isn't it? It's meant to be enjoyed."
"Life is to be enjoyed, not endured. I never want to endure a single day. I want to enjoy every day."
"Perhaps then our greatest ambition might simply be to be present, breathe deep, let go, and dance."
"I think a lot of people just want to like enjoy life a little bit."
"You're here to enjoy that life, you're here to feel good and to help others feel good too."
"Enjoy life while you can and live it to the best of your abilities."
"It's about enjoying life. It's about enjoying the journey."
"Live a little, because once you incorporate living a little into your life, you will grow."
"Jesus said, 'I came that you might have and enjoy your life.'"
"Enjoy being young, we won't be this way forever."
"You gotta live every day like it's a field trip."
"Enjoy yourself, bro. Enjoy yourself, sis. Enjoy yourself. Have a nice time. Hey, we're not here for a long time."
"I feel like the world we're living in now, the quick world that we're living in, we don't get to enjoy things anymore."
"If you're happy and you're enjoying your life, you're just going to go out and you're going to enjoy your fucking life."
"God's not saying I don't want you to have joy, I don't want you to go after success, he wants you to enjoy life, he's not saying I don't want you to enjoy the finer things of life."
"Life was not just misery, life was not just about suffering after world wars, and whatever that life was also to have fun, to enjoy ourselves."
"Y'all need to stop and smell the roses... Enjoy your life."
"Let's celebrate it, let's enjoy it this single life you have."
"Life is short, so we might as well have a good laugh."
"There's nothing wrong with having fun, you know."
"Life is short, we've got to kind of enjoy things and part of that is taking care of your brain."
"Reality is supposed to be enjoyable. I mean you can enjoy life for more or less at any level you're at if you have the right mindset."
"There's no time limit when we're having fun."
"Never give up on the good times, but also don't try to force the good times."
"So eat, drink, and be merry. Find new magic in whatever shape it comes."
"Life is short, so you might as well be getting your jam on."
"How we overcome fatalism or how we strive to continue preparing... there is time to prepare and there's plenty of time to have a lot of fun with each other."
"We gotta have fun, we gotta cherish the moments."
"Wendy is absolutely loving life... she's playing video games, she's got some cool traits."
"Moreover when God gives someone wealth and possessions and the ability to enjoy them to accept their lot and be happy in their toil this is the gift of God."
"I'm just here for the ride. I don't want to figure it out. I just take every day as it is. I have fun. I live my life. I don't stress. I'm not miserable. I have no malice in my heart. I'm happy, I'm good."
"Life's short. Go have fun now because tomorrow might not be there."
"Nothing outweighs the fun. Are you living your life for what could go wrong or for what could go right?"
"The more you can slow down and take things very breezy and enjoy every moment I think that's really powerful and something we don't actually do often in a society."
"I think you're never too old to just have fun and enjoy yourself and laugh."
"Life is way too short to not join in on festivities and good times and make happy memories because you're scared of your body changing a tiny bit."
"One of the things that stops people from enjoying their lives is this idea that we need permission. No one else cares what we do as long as we're not hurting anybody."
"If you're having fun, you're already winning."
"At the end of the day, you might have the last laugh because by slowing down you might get to see more of the scenery."
"I appreciate when media like this doesn't make being a superhero like this Ultra serious burden."
"Disagreement is brilliant. That's what makes life fun."
"This is living, proper living this."
"The dragons have gone, so I might as well just enjoy it."
"When God says you're blessed, you might as well just enjoy your blessings."
"This is living, baby, this is living."
"Let's forget the sport; let's just stay alive. We want to ride hard but we want to get home and dance and have dinner at the end of the day."
"Be patient, look up, and most importantly, have fun."
"I'm loving life. What a great weekend."
"Try to be present, be okay with mess-ups, laugh at yourself, smile, have fun, and most of all, stay present in your body."
"Have a day and just have fun, and that's what matters most."
"Go have some fun, man. Go live life. Go enjoy it."
"I just want to live a little bit, you know, have a little bit more fun."
"If you cannot enjoy the sunrise, if you cannot enjoy the breakfast that you eat, if you cannot enjoy the air that you breathe, if you cannot enjoy the Earth that you walk upon, you're simply no good for anything."
"I just cruise and take in the scenery and just enjoy seeing things."
"Everyone should be able to laugh; it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable."
"I just want to be able to enjoy my time here."
"The year off definitely helped me; I've come back and I'm fresh, and I'm really enjoying it again."
"If you're not having a ball, then really, what's the point?"
"Life shouldn't be lived without enjoying the silly times."
"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad."
"You guys are meant to have fun and live your life."