
Gradual Improvement Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The best way to achieve big success with almost anything is gradual, small, consistent improvement over time."
"There is no quick fix; it's a long game. So, they are just discovering that every day that little change makes a big difference."
"It's all about building up endurance and stamina gradually."
"Better health doesn't happen overnight. It takes rebuilding habits little by little."
"Take baby steps...You make one change that you know you can live with...until it just becomes second nature."
"Persistence pays off, little by little every day."
"Great change doesn't happen overnight. It starts with one small change, and then another change, and then another."
"If AI development goes slowly, then we could, I think, expect we will learn by that same kind of process of trial and error and gradual improvement."
"Those wounds won't be healed today or tomorrow or the next, but they can be healed by degrees."
"I've been doing this for six years so it didn't we didn't get to this place where we're at right now two years ago you know or four years ago we've been slowly shifting and changing."
"With a little bit of tender love and care, you can eventually get where you want to be with it."
"Instead of growing op overnight naofumi builds his skills and abilities along a very gradual curve."
"Little things over a long period of time are going to help that whole person wellness."
"I'm not at my best yet, but I'm going to get back to work little by little."
"Incremental improvement pays off like compound interest."
"Step by step with the whole situation that we have going on in the world and this shows financial recovery as well all right again it's not gonna happen over in one day it's gonna happen step by step."
"Buy what you can until you can buy what you want."
"Make sure that it feels personal to you and build your collection over time."
"When you have focused for enough days and weeks and months on the little things, you will look back and observe that the large things have taken care of themselves."
"Small steps lead to great changes... focus on quality over quantity."
"Just need to do it progressively nice and smooth step by step you know being in the difficult give you different things in our pockets and then you know use it as experiences back background and improve from it so yeah that's going to be targeted."
"With Sculptra, you do have to get multiple injections, but once you get them, you get that gradual onset of volume restoration."
"It really is not that simple but it does definitely get easier."
"Don't beat yourself up for not getting something on the first try; it's about repetition and slow little baby steps."
"Small, intentional steps lead to big changes in building a life you love."
"Single tasking is a process of baby stepping into longer periods of time."
"Start small and just let that ripple effect add in more power and more influence in your life until you feel like you are at your highest."
"Progress does not happen overnight. Progress is gradual."
"We're getting there, we're taking baby steps but we're getting there."
"Incremental progress... it adds up man it will."
"Put on a few pounds a year and just creep up on everybody."
"Successful change rarely comes from wholesale change."
"You don't have to solve this all in one day, you don't have to pick up and be like I'm going to be happy with my face tomorrow."
"I see recovery, I see things lightening up for you gradually."
"We're human beings, and we want to be the best version of ourselves. It's not about doing stuff overnight. It's about moving mountains with one drop of water at a time over time."
"Take your time, do things right, come in slowly, get your gains."
"There's a lot to explore and learn, so start small, learn the game, and then work up from there."
"Slowly gaining skills or knowledge and utilizing them naturally as the game progresses."
"Cultivate hope through small steps and a shift in perspective."
"My entire transformation has been a steady progression."
"Take it slow, upgrade what you can, don't cut corners."
"You're gonna build those sustainable habits instead of doing something extremely intense and quick at first."
"The world gets better all the time without force being required."
"Everyday things become a little easier even if you're not good at something but that's not the hard part."
"Start out slow. Start doing some stuff in programming. Don't immediately get into the harder sort of thing."
"Start slowly and then just gradually build up speed."
"If you want a serum that does it all slowly but consistently..."
"Embrace small changes over time rather than expecting immediate results."
"You should expect that the first month is a total failure followed by the second month improving and then maybe by the third month you're better than you could have ever imagined it could have been because that's just the learning curve."
"Progressive desensitization is basically you start small."
"You gotta start off with the crawl, then a walk, a jog, and then soon you'll be running."
"Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and your sleep is not going to change overnight either."
"This is what flattening the curve looks like. It becomes a longer, slower decline."
"He's starting with one person first. Get them, yeah? Right. And then, then when you have the confidence, then you go save other people."
"Islam doesn't say commit sins, but with Islam and practicing, step by step, you will move away from this idea of committing sins."
"If you start slow and do it properly, it's going to give you a longer value later."
"God doesn't always solve the whole problem overnight he solves pieces of the problem over time and each piece that he solves he gives you a little bit more peace."
"Your health is very important... set reasonable expectations for yourself and ease yourself into things."
"It's better to start slowly and then just add more as you go."
"Slowly start making your life better one sector at a time."
"Climate change is not pass fail, it's not a binary thing."
"Take steps today you don't need to have a paradigm shift overnight in order to make progress just take steps to bring you closer and closer to where you want to be."
"Snail mucin helps brighten hyperpigmentation over time."
"Rome was not built overnight, collagen does not get created overnight."
"...it slowly builds up...it's not an instantaneous fix...over time you find it gets easier and easier and easier."
"I've never had an experience like it's really, and it really kind of picks up day after day."
"Small changes over a long period of time create massive results."
"The traditional approach to changing yourself is one of small incremental steps, a gradual change."
"So just bear that in mind, you don't have to start big, you can gradually work your way up."
"Start with something that's really simple and then build it up over time."
"...I'm actually liking the very gradual process..."
"It's a slow process, but it's happening."
"Step by step you get ahead, not necessarily in fast spurts."
"Good things take time, little by little to build and to destroy."
"Ditch the all-or-nothing mentality. I started by going on one walk during the workweek, just one walk, a 20-minute walk after work, and I did that for like 3 to 4 months."
"Start slow, start very, very slow. Something that's manageable even when the motivation fades."
"...instead of doing panicking for one month and changing everything about my life and making it this kind of superficial thing how can I long term slowly switch my life around and also bring people along with me."
"...it's the gradual ascent towards divinity..."
"It's always best to start light and work your way up."
"Things are created by tinkering, not by five-year plans. You just have the thing you have and you tinker upon it and you improve it and you make it better over time."
"Make changes slowly, even when going from bad to good."
"Start small, work into it, and then step by step start building up your supply."
"The only way you achieve healing is one day at a time."
"I am making progress. It's slow, but it's fine."
"Recovering from depression usually involves a series of small improvements over a number of weeks."
"Learning is a gradual process; it's not black and white."
"I believe in building things up gradually."
"Start slowly and build up gradually."
"Building habits gradually, slowly, that's how you're really going to get success long term."
"We're just looking for that slow rise in heart rate, nothing sudden, everything increasing gradually."
"Make slow and steady gradual improvements for both security and best practices."
"Having gentle products like this that can over time really help to improve my skin without pushing it too far, I love that."
"Don't try to achieve holiness overnight but start to put in place the things necessary which are habits of life."
"You never try to jump from a baseline to target in one step... do incremental change."
"It's important that when you start exercising again, you have to do it gradually."
"We're just going to level it up gradually, giving you the skills as you need them."
"Remember the law of incremental growth, one step at a time."
"Learn as you go, just sort of build out your wardrobe slowly as you go."
"Habits don't form overnight, so please be kind to yourself and just focus on improving one percent or even just 0.0001 percent a day."
"We just take it step by step, day by day, and it will get better."
"This is going to be a step-by-step process."
"Gradual growth in life is easier than big leaps."
"A progressive miracle is better than no miracle at all."
"There's really no magic shortcut; lots of small changes led to the results we got."
"Be patient with yourself because over time you're gonna get better."
"It is very important for you to start slowly and build up."
"With little by little, you can feel better every day."
"You appreciate the car way more if you enjoyed it for two years when it was NA."
"This is a process of learning; slowly but surely you improve and it should come out naturally whatever you're doing."
"So I will build my stamina, a little bit by a little bit."
"Incremental progress doesn't always feel exciting, but it's actually very important."
"You're probably not going to have such big fluctuations but hopefully a more steady sustainable progress."
"Every day a little better, many thanks."
"That's where going with a little bit slower approach is probably going to be more beneficial for most people."
"It's all about the incremental changes, right?"
"It's just so gradual that one day you're just driving along. And you hear something, and you think, 'Goodness I can hear this.'"
"To gain this understanding and to gain this knowledge is precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little."
"Doing those little shifts at a time and then making adjustments as things change and flow makes a huge difference for me."
"Trust me, with active drills, you have less of a possibility to get injured, and your progress will come gradually, step by step, and you will feel it in every workout."
"Fall in love with where you live, one room at a time."
"Healing is a journey, so it's not something that's going to happen overnight."
"Slowly but surely we are making some progress."