
Globalism Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Independence Day is at the end of the day not just another cute little '90s genre project... it's a two-and-a-half-hour clarion call on behalf of globalism, collectivism, and one-world humanism."
"In the 21st century, good nationalists must also be globalists."
"Globalism is a sweeping force that has changed our markets and lives."
"I'm a huge globalist. I think that the more integrated the world becomes, the better the world becomes for everybody."
"Mullins wrote about an elite class of globalist bankers that he claimed were behind many of the wars and depressions that adversely affect all people of all races worldwide."
"It's about playing out. I have friends, and I consider them friends, they are globalists, and they are friends of mine...you realize you're just a person, you're a person, I'm a person, we disagree with our worldviews intensely, but I will still give you respect as a human being and as a friend."
"Nationalism and globalism can go together...your national interests should make you cooperate."
"The globalist view was, 'Okay, we know the Chinese are kind of bad guys... but if we trade with them and open our doors... they'll grow rich and in the fullness of time, they'll be just like us.'"
"To be a good nationalist, you also have to be a globalist. There is no contradiction."
"The speech cleverly undermined the ideology of globalism." - ex Fountainhead
"The common theme with conspiracy theorists about a new world order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world."
"I know I can look into the future, I can look at the Bible and know that we are going into globalism. I believe we're watching the birth of the New World Order."
"We must abandon once and for all the illusion that we can ever again isolate ourselves from the rest of humanity."
"Globalism: Embracing diversity, criticizing cheap labor."
"London doesn't feel English. It's a proud European global city according to Sadiq Khan."
"He recognizes that the globalist system is dead, it's gone."
"The Republican parties embrace 30 years ago of this new world order politics this globalism decimated working-class jobs and Families it helped undermine working-class culture."
"The Roman Catholic Church basically is, in our day, a tool of globalism."
"It's not just about Democrat Republican okay, it's about establishment and Americans, it's about people who want globalist governance and who want American freedoms and American governance and a constitution that's what it boils down to."
"Clifford, you've hit a nerve. Globalism may have its place, but not at the cost of our sovereignty."
"If you're going to ignore your own population... and you sell out to the wish of the globalist oligarchy, well, you're going down with that, folks."
"We are undoubtedly moving in that direction, and all of this very complicated puzzle we're seeing is beginning to be pieced together."
"We have the physical capacity to be a truly single world."
"Globalists are like crack addicts, they can never get enough power."
"America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them."
"Russia is seen as a nationalist state with a strong cultural identity... all anathema to everybody in the globalist community."
"Trump went toe-to-toe with the globalists in their own house."
"Globalism is collapsing and we're here for it."
"Everything within a political structure is connected... it's all part of the same thing, right? New World Order."
"The last administration sold out American workers like never before, sold them to donors, special interests, and globalists."
"Trump is trying to stop the dictatorship that is globalism."
"It's not about black and white or left and right. It's about globalism and nationalism."
"The future does not belong to globalists." - Trump
"I've shown the globalist special interest donors who have made a fortune off of destroying our country."
"We will drive out the globalists, cast out the Communists, throw off the sick political class."
"Aren't corporations like Google by their nature globalist?"
"Democracy works for the globalists when they're winning elections."
"The fake news, they refuse to talk about it. They don't want to hear about it. Biden's a servant of the radical globalists, the wealthy donors, the big-money special interests."
"Humanity could achieve so much more if it would simply cast aside the notion of borders and then operate as a singular cohesive unit."
"The global liberal order is real, and I think those who tend to question its value typically tend not to live outside of it."
"Together, we can make borders unenforceable. Together, we can create a world in which everyone is free to travel, free to create, free to exist on their own terms."
"Sovereignty is an illusion that has to be put behind us. The days of hiding behind borders and fences are long gone." - Peter Souland
"Globalism is just a modern form of high-tech feudalism."
"The world has melted. Today, with the world meltdown, I think it would be really super to show everybody that Randyland has an intersection of over 250 countries."
"The Great Awakening necessitates an internationalization of the people's struggle against the internationalization of the elites."
"Globalism isn't new, but the American form of government is special."
"At its core, the whole Brexit debate is about globalism vs. nationalism."
"The world or the word globalism was attempted to be smeared as an anti-semitic thing."
"Nationalism versus globalism: The Great Awakening is spreading."
"This is the fault of globalism... It's also the fault of weak feckless incompetent absolutely ignorant US leadership so called."
"Globalism...one-world government...one-world religion...one-world dictator...precedes the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Globalism is about dissolving the boundaries between countries and tribalism is about creating schisms within countries."
"The opposite of globalism is tribalism."
"Being Indigenous is a global thing."
"There's a real movement towards making matters better, a real movement Global movement towards less denseness and more openness."
"International solidarity is very important. Essie Robson at a time when many people were being penalized for having a global view and thinking in those terms really reached out to the world."
"There are conspiracy facts and plans that were sort of spoken about at the globalist level that have subsequently been enacted."
"Human societies began to see themselves as inhabitants of Earth, not of any single country."
"This is a human war. I am a globalist. I mean, I'll be honest about that. I think no government, not one world government, no world government, no world religion, no world money. Is that globalism?"
"We have a global economy, global technology, global migration, and a whole lot of racial mixing... why don't we just legitimize the product of all of that and call the identity cosmopolitan?"
"Very soon we will see a lot of things will happen. They want to unite the world, to control the people in the world."
"We need to be able to pick up the things that need to be done at a global level but we also need to be modeling that at the local level."
"The world is doing it right this minute. That's what the globalists are doing. They don't know we are waking up."
"Our only salvation comes through internationalism because nationalism proscribing humanity by borders arbitrarily drawn will inevitably lead to fascism."
"The shoes are made in India, but hey, good things can be produced anywhere in the world."
"Imagine a world for one second where no borders exist."
"There must be a regathering of the Jewish nation, a departure from the truth, and globalism in place for the events of the end to take place as the Bible describes them."
"Marcus Garvey put ships on the water to build a global international distribution Network for African people."
"There's only one big island and we're all a part of it, the Big World Island now."
"But actually, the deception and that kind of growth of globalism that happens with the first seal, when's that going to stop? Not until Christ comes back."
"There will be a massive demise of nationalism; it will be global all the way around because everybody will be in turmoil."
"The problem with the globalist theory is that it aims to impose a single rule of law by force on those who don't see it in their interest."
"If I could do anything in the world I would try and create a Global Network of close friends that were truly making this a better world."
"The whole world will be intelligent, educated, and cooperating."
"Recycling and sustainability is such a big thing and you still see it in different cultures different countries and different times as well."
"A global Nation where all countries are united will be beneficial to humanity."
"...this is not an American thing, this is a worldwide work of the Spirit."
"With cryptocurrency, it’s accessible anywhere in the world. That’s one of the joys of it."
"You need to think global but act local. If you're capable of acting local, you understand. But if you think global and want to act global, it's not your local."
"They're leaving, they are leaving and they're going to help the world instead of just America."
"So the idea that we are united by the globe is actually a misreading of the blue planet."
"You've got an entire globalist system working against the church and Christ."
"I believe that there's a big globalist temper tantrum that's on the horizon."
"...nationalism not as something which is opposed to globalism and not as something which is mainly about hate but as something which is mainly about love and therefore can in some cases be completely compatible with global cooperation."
"Your credibility sir is the most important thing with your audience, isn't it? No, it's crushing the globalist."
"The Bible prophesies a soon arrival of a one-world leader."
"The world is going into a more protectionist, less free market attitude."
"I just wish we could share it with our brothers and sisters across the world."
"I have people from all over the world. They bring me things."
"The virus is a global thing, and also we will only heal in relation to this virus as a global humanity."
"It's amazing that there's little, you know, loads of people all over the world now joining me and taking part in the workouts."
"The world yearns for moral and political leadership, and that's exactly what Lato C said, that the world needs a Global leader."
"Joe Biden is a globalist from a globalist camp."
"I don't believe in the concept of borders."
"This whole movement for a global police state for global total control, who owns it?"
"...where some way of thought or human activity is really vital to us, then internationalism is accepted unhesitatingly."
"We don't pick sides. We believe in an open and inclusive world."
"The return, the homecoming, is also a species of historical cosmopolitanism."
"We really need to work closely together under more not less globalism with more not less trust between countries."
"Let's be honest, we live in a global culture."
"I'm an internationalist. I value connections. I like building bridges rather than building walls."
"We're not just individuals in the United States; we are tied to the larger global community."
"I'm not a vaccine nationalist or a little Englander; I'm a global citizen."
"It's this inequality, this oppression of huge numbers of people in the name of globalism and free trade, that Bernie Sanders is describing in that statement, is why Trump won."
"The planet will become like one country, literally like a Federation of Nations."
"Cosmopolitanism should be understood as a fundamental devotion to the interests of humanity as a whole."
"Cosmopolitanism is not afraid of difference in diversity."
"Think global, you are a citizen of the world, expand your vision."
"The basic qualities of a Type 1 civilization are absolutely globalism and guaranteed easy access to all existing knowledge."
"The word 'cosmopolitanism'... combines two specific Greek words: one is 'cosmos' and the other is 'polis'."
"Diogenes... replied that he was not a citizen of any particular 'polis' but he was a citizen of the world."
"Immanuel Kant... talks about a world state and... world laws or 'cosmopolitan' laws which will be applicable to everyone."
"Keeping an eye on the diversity of political visions within a broad idea of globalism is more important now than ever."
"Neoliberal globalism contends that the world economy is sublime and ineffable."
"Globalism is finished, it's over; we're now into this vacuum or interregnum."
"We must be more confident, more positive, more international, and more global than ever before."
"I hope I live in an age where stuff says 'Made on Earth'."
"Only a global citizen can do that, and a human like David, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"In an era of integration and interdependence, it is also my responsibility to lead America into recognizing that its interests, its fate is tied up with the larger world."
"The adoption of a universal language so that we begin to become one people, one planet."
"Our country is the world, our countrymen are all mankind."
"I do think the globalism and the nationalism debate is worth having."
"I'm a certified globalist. I believe in globalism."
"Global problems need global solutions and nationalism just cannot provide us with the necessary solutions."
"I'm a global citizen of the world."
"A genuine revolution of values means in the final analysis that our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional."
"The rise of globalism and the movement towards a one world government... speaks of a future where global political and economic systems converge."
"Globalism... do individual cultures and traditions get displaced by just a generic worldwide community?"
"The whole globe becomes one, as good as that."
"If we all come together, not as separate nations but as one world, we can do this."
"Love your country but love the world."
"We're part of a global network more than 200 countries around the world."