
Single Parenting Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"I'm a product of a very, very strong single mom."
"I'm a 52-year-old single mom and I'm in the process of buying land for our children to inherit."
"What is courage? Standing up in a battlefield or the single mom who works three jobs and tries to get through life and provide the very best for her kids?"
"My dad is a single parent too, so I thought it'd be nice to reassure her that it gets better."
"He's targeting single moms who do OnlyFans and then brag about it like that's their retirement plan."
"I think being a single parent is hard... kids are hard."
"Betty was constantly complaining... she felt like she was just a single parent."
"I'm just a single mom focusing on being a mom."
"Mothers, single mothers are just as good for a child as a man and a woman."
"I was just a three-year-old kid when his father Samuel Reeves abandoned the family leaving his wife Patricia to raise their two children alone."
"She's been taking care of me all by herself, she says it's exhausting."
"People are essentially saying, 'I don't want to compromise on my standards so I'd rather be alone,' but I'm also going to raise a child in an environment where I prioritize my own standards over what they're going to need."
"The audacity of people to say, 'I want to raise a child by myself but I wouldn't settle,' but you make that child settle for something that's not right for them."
"Salute all the single parents out there. This stuff is not for the weak."
"No one ever said being a single parent is easy."
"We have another fatherless child, I'm sorry."
"It's not fun being a single mama, but it's doable."
"Being a single mom is a full-time job in itself."
"Having a new baby is hard, doing it all by yourself is even more difficult."
"Being a mother has changed me so much. Being a single mother has changed me so much."
"I'm a single mother of two trying to get something decent."
"To be raised in a single-parent household is just numerous strikes against you."
"Sinking funds gave me stability and peace of mind in my life. As a single mom, there's enough stress, chaos, and doubt already."
"How could you not talk about a woman that raised four kids by herself?"
"I was raised in a single family household by my mother who held it down being an amazing strong woman and a role model to me."
"Single moms get food stamps, cash grants, and housing assistance."
"Single moms cost taxpayers half a trillion dollars a year."
"You learn to take hard decisions about work, about custody, about school, about discipline. There's no one else to make them. You have to."
"These single moms today that raised their children they deserve a lot of credit."
"You don't think the black woman got a right to be angry when she's raising two-thirds of the kids by herself for 50 years?"
"He's a father to the fatherless... Every single mother is partnering in their parenting with God Almighty."
"I think single moms out there, you're doing such good work."
"To overlook all of that stuff and just blame it on single mothers to me is crazy when it's the man's responsibility to teach them how to be a man."
"Single moms think they have all the time in the world, ladies father time is undefeated."
"Adopting a child is selfish selfish it's selfish to be a single mother and not bring it and not I think it's better than foster home you're putting you're putting the kid at every statistical disadvantage give it to someone with two parents no no."
"I've been divorced for two years and I have my kids with me full time and it's been difficult just being one person with four kids."
"I never imagined myself being a single father at 29."
"That's raising a kid, though, man. Especially alone, that's just raising a kid."
"The meaning of my name is 'My effort would not be in vain.'"
"Even the animal kingdom has its fair share of single mothers."
"You expect someone to accept you older with two children?"
"It's the same reason why you got so many single mothers and baby mamas in single-parent homes."
"Children who live at home with a dating single parent are 20 times more likely to be sexually abused."
"Raising this kid as a single mother is absolutely better than raising it with this douche nozzle."
"Your sister is immature. She has this idea of a perfect family and is incapable of understanding a single parent can also raise a child."
"In those difficult times when you're a single mom, it's really scary."
"Shout out to single parents right now because y'all taking a big old W."
"Raising children alone is incredibly difficult. Don't assume you understand the experience of single parents."
"My mom was my dad for a very long time."
"I'm honestly so tired like I don't know how single parents do it."
"Thanks for raising me, Mom. It couldn't have been easy raising a child single-handedly."
"I'm a single mom, I've got my life arranged around this flight attendant job, I can't do anything else, I'm really good at it."
"I had three children that I raised since they were two, four, and six on my own. I got divorced when they were very young, and I never remarried."
"Single parents are hands down superheroes."
"It's very difficult, particularly if you're a single parent."
"She was a happy woman, reminiscing with Denis about their childhood dancing, excited about her future as a single mom."
"It feels like there's a real community here. Totally helps when you're just a single dad trying to raise a kid."
"Shout out to single moms who are working hard, that's for real."
"My mother worked harder than anybody I ever met. She raised me alone."
"Lesson number one, if you know you are a single parent and there's no way of balancing life, the best way to go about it is to become self-employed."
"I think single parent really, I think, is the happiest person on God's earth."
"I know there are single parents out there who are doing alone and hats off to you because here are doing an amazing job you really are."
"As a single mom with a challenged child and a supporter of underdogs, I matter."
"Kids from single-father homes are always doing better."
"I grew up the youngest of six with a single mother."
"I raised you by myself, without a dad."
"Remember there is a single mother of four who is going to be needing our help."
"Raising them on your own is amazing."
"Raised by a single mother in the projects, Juan didn't have the most stable upbringing, but that didn't mean his mother wouldn't do all she could to provide the best life for him."
"It's important for anybody who's a single mom out there, and you have kids, you want that man to love your child like it's his own."
"I give tons and tons of props to you if you are also a single parent."
"I was raised by a single mother and I was just paying it forward."
"I was raised by a single mom before it was popular."
"I'm a single mother to four kids."
"I had no time to grieve; I had to raise Henry alone."
"Being a single mom, sorry, especially with three kids... I'm back."
"Successful people I know were raised by single parents because it's just a different level."
"I used to think single mothers had to work non-stop, but with proper allowances and just my daughter to care for, we live quite normally without extravagant luxuries."
"As a single mom, she's worked really hard to get where she is today."
"I got to Associate Executive Director by working my ass off while working a job, by being a single mom."
"It's really hard for single mothers."
"I pay my own rent, I pay my own bills, this is how much I'm making, and I'm struggling, but I'm doing it as a single mom."
"I had our son for five years without his father being involved."
"Two toxic parents that are fighting with each other is not as good as one parent."
"It takes a lot to be a single mom with three kids, raising them and working a job, taking care of bills."
"I was raised by a single parent, and I think I'm a pretty good person."
"My mom's a single mom, so she is my hero today and every day."
"Like one day at a time, I was raised by a single mom, that was such a huge show for me."
"If you are a single parent, pull out your cape, matter of fact, clip off your angel wings."
"It can't have been easy for her to raise you alone at such a young age."
"I had to take the leap of faith that I was going to leave this marriage and literally be a single mom with five kids overnight."
"I'm a single parent and I'm just trying my best."
"If you were raised by a single mom and aren't in jail or rehab, call your mom and say thank you."
"The experiences you've gained from being a single parent household are truly precious."
"I am forever grateful that I am able to make my own hours, work from home, while still being a single mom and being present."
"Having a bed all to yourself, having your house exactly how you want it, living as an independent mom and giving your child the best life possible... I do feel whole with that."
"I was raised by a single mom and luxuries like that in America when you're living paycheck to paycheck and trying to raise a child are just not the kind of thing that you can really afford."
"There's a level of sass and not giving a [__] that gets injected into you when you have a kid by yourself."
"I had gotten a lot of support from the women in al-anon and I knew that I could do it, I could be a single mom."
"I give you the biggest props, Michelle, because you're able to do this as a single mom."
"I'm working on myself, I'm a single mom, I'm supporting myself and my kids."
"I'm a single mom and that's mostly what my life consists of."
"I was raised by a single mum... she worked two jobs to put a roof over me head."
"I've done everything I could to raise you without a father here to help."
"I was working in PR and advertising, I had two children, I was a single mother."
"One healthy parent is better than two dysfunctional ones any day of the week."
"I had to bring up me son on my own, he was six months."
"We would pour lots of love into raising her into a fine adult, even without a father around."
"I've been managing this Cafe on my own while raising Rin."
"I love him from the bottom of my heart. I want to continue raising him responsibly, ensuring his happiness, even without a father, now and forever."
"It's tough being a single parent, so shout out to all the single parents out there."
"My mom was a single mother, she is an artist, and she struggled but she did anything and everything she had to do to make sure that me and my sister had what we needed."
"That desk is for sale. That was my very first piece that I bought as a single mom, and I was so proud."
"I never felt like a single parent. I felt like divine love was really parenting both of us."
"People sympathized with their plight as a struggling single mom."
"None of us blamed our mother though, because we understood that being a single mother was extremely difficult."
"I love my children, a single mom who works two jobs, loves her kids, and never stops."
"I should give kudos to single parents. Single parenting is not easy."
"I'm motivated to share my lifestyle as a single mom."
"Two single dads taking on the world."
"There is no tougher job in the world than being a single mom."
"Not being able to work would be a problem for anyone, but for a single mom who's depending on herself to take care of her family, it could be devastating."
"A single parent who did what was necessary to survive."
"Sending love to all of you single parents out there who are going through this and raising kiddos on your own."
"If I can make these changes as a working single mom, I believe anyone can."
"I already loved this little baby in my belly and I feel one hundred percent confident that I can raise and provide for him on my own."
"I have a huge amount of empathy for single parents now... they're superheroes."
"I like to be an example for single moms and for widows out there that you can accomplish anything."
"Being a single mom is hard and there's a lot of hardships, but seeing my daughter's smile makes me feel like I can handle being a single parent."
"My mother, a single, managed to educate all of us."
"I don't know how other people do it... shout-out to you if you are a single parent or something like that and you're still making it happen."
"I understand single parenting and I understand the anguish of kids when there is a parent missing."
"I literally did this vlog to show y'all that it is possible, it is possible even as a single parent."
"Miss Young has been the Sole Provider for the child for most of their life."
"My mom was actually struggling on her own and because she was a single mom, she decided that she wanted to look for a better life for us."
"Respect all the mothers out there, especially the ones who are doing it by themselves."
"I'm a single dad with an 11-year-old boy."
"I'm going to take some time adjusting to being a single mother, but I'm glad that I have a supportive family and network of friends willing to be there for me and help me through it."
"I never thought it was hard being a single parent because I've always been one and I loved it."
"My mother was a single mother... she made it work."
"By the end of the 1230s, she had become one of the wealthiest Jewish women in England as a single mom."
"I grew up with a single mother... we're born and bred in New York City."
"I'm not perfect, I'm struggling, you know, I'm a single mother."
"How do you even go on from this beautiful life to being a single mom and picking up the pieces on your own?"
"People talk about one parent families as if they were lazy or something. To my mind, they're all heroes."
"I was raised by a single mom, and she worked her tail off for everything she ever had."
"I worked, raised a kid, and single mom, you know it was hard."
"God will see you through; He'll help you raise your children by yourself, He'll make a way out of no way."
"I have two children that are very active in life too, and being a single mother, I feel that I have to convey pushing myself."
"Raising a child on her own... why should she have to?"
"I had to work two jobs in order to pay for everything, since I didn't have any child support."
"My mother, she was a single parent. We struggled to make ends meet."
"Mom did her best to raise me with her own two hands."
"My mom fought hard as a single mother against the plight of life, and she won."
"People that can do it amaze me; single mothers or single parents that can do it and survive, my heart goes out to you."
"I commend single mothers doing this on their own because it's like you really have to put in that extra time and effort."
"I do believe that I can find a good man with my three kids."
"I'm getting back out here, I'm a single mom, and so I'm getting to my bag, period."
"It is so much better to have two single and happy parents, or one single and happy parent, than it is to have two miserable parents in a miserable household."
"Being a single parent tends to leave little room for me to do much else but worry."
"This is a story about how two high school-aged boys became single dads."
"Like the Greek god Atlas, it was incumbent upon the single mother to bear responsibility for her one-parent family alone."
"I didn't put my baby daddy on child support when we broke up, I did it on my own."
"I commend the single parents, whether you're a single dad or you're a single mom."
"I always wanted her to be happy because she was my mother, a single parent."
"I think it's amazing that you're looking at adopting as a single woman and feeling super-confident."
"Being a single mom for so long, being able to buy a house was always something I wanted for my daughter."
"Being a single mom isn't easy, and I make it look beautiful."
"I appreciate my parents a lot more, especially my mom too, my mom was a single mom, she raised me by herself."
"I'm very proud of him, he's raising his son on his own, just doing an incredible job."
"Taking care of kids alone is very tough."
"Thank you guys so much for being super supportive to a single mom."
"I did the best I could do with two children by myself."
"I'm here to encourage so many people, even women raising their kids on their own."
"I wanted to let you both know that as someone who grew up without her father in her life and now raising my daughter on my own, I really respect and appreciate how you guys talk about and take care of your kiddos."
"I've never felt more vulnerable in my life as a single mother."
"You make being a single parent look easy breezy."
"The kitchen is the heart of our home, I cook meals almost every single night especially now being a single mom."