
Self-made Quotes

There are 711 quotes

"It doesn't matter how low you've been, it doesn't matter how broke you've been... you can make your own luck in life."
"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions."
"Her success was not handed to her on a silver platter; it was hard-earned."
"You're self-made, original, you don't copy other people."
"The majority of people who become wealthy are people who created it themselves."
"Everything I got, I got it out the mud. I never had to lay on my back or be on my knees or step on no toes to get what I wanted."
"I am truly rich, realizing I create happiness."
"You built this from the ground up with the support of your family and yourself."
"The poor man wishes for prosperity; the rich man makes his own."
"I'm a self-made man; like, I had to work my ass off."
"No rich parents, no connections, no fancy school pedigree. There's a little bit of Anna in all of us."
"School is not for everyone, and it wasn't for me. But here I am, a multi-millionaire."
"The reason it's my favorite is because it's reflective of the success of the entrepreneurs, people building the websites themselves and actually having success and seeing those results."
"I came from nothing, less than nothing. I will not give up everything I've built and have my life cut short."
"I became a self-made millionaire in the city of Jackson, Mississippi."
"Most self-made millionaires in the United States describe themselves as frugal."
"The fact that you can play a small game with something you made isn't the cool thing. It's that you made something that you can play a game with."
"Possibly in luck you are lucky your luck has expanded you make your own prosperity."
"I've gone on to found multi-billion dollar companies and then people tell me, 'Oh that's because you had privilege.'" - Vivek Ramaswamy
"Their success is self-made, they have come from nothing."
"Riri Williams built her own functioning Iron Man suit herself."
"No limit is a university and now he his own boss making millions and millions and soon to be billions of dollars."
"I know I don't deserve Even This Barn when I built this Barn myself it was an empty metal shell."
"Growing up poor and being truly self-made genuinely changes a person's perspective."
"There's no such thing as a self-made millionaire."
"I worked myself up from the bottom, pretty much."
"Some opportunities tease, we have to create them for ourselves. If you don't have an open door, there are some doors that you need to build."
"You don't have to come from a rich family; you don't have to have lots of connections."
"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor."
"I'm rubbish at I'm normally I just normally make the lyrics myself up."
"Neil is the walking embodiment of a self-made artist who's through the sheer force of his ability and will has carved out a space which is wholly his own."
"Life is to a certain extent what you make of it."
"You're a dreamer who pursues your dreams and creates your own happiness."
"Who is really self-made? That'd be a disrespect to the people that have my back."
"We built these assets ourselves through our hard work and ingenuity."
"He created his own opportunities, and that's what it's all about in life, seizing opportunities."
"I've been on my own since I was like 14, so like everything that I have I worked very hard for."
"You can replicate, you can make what you want."
"Batman, on the other hand, made himself who he is."
"I built a platform from doing what I want to do."
"You feel like hard work, you're a self-made emperor."
"A self-made man propelling his nation forward through sheer talent and entrepreneurial spirit alone."
"The American Dream that you make for yourself, the whole concept of paving your own way through the world, I think there's still a place to do that in America."
"I don't come from a wealthy family... if you want it, go and get it."
"He's the only person in my family who was actually self-made."
"She built this huge [ __ ] business around herself and what she's doing."
"That he made so much of it himself was a byproduct."
"We started off on a low ball, yeah we took a 20 and made a 50."
"Trump is an entrepreneur, he's built his future and his empire by himself."
"I fought tooth and nail from the ground up, I built everything I have from nothing."
"He earned absolutely all of his own iconography and aesthetic along the way."
"If everything can make you a millionaire, then how helpful is that to you? You make yourself a millionaire."
"All of us are self-made, but only the successful will admit it."
"We are all self-made, but only the successful will admit it."
"I started with nothing. No IT knowledge, no degree. I still have a degree, by the way. And within five years, I was making more money than I ever thought I would."
"You're creating the luck in your life yourself."
"The blessing here is that you do have a new opportunity coming your way, and it's something that you are creating for yourself."
"I've kind of felt like I've been kind of self-made from the start which I have a lot of pride in."
"I built my seven-figure net worth from zero, nobody gave me nothing. Mindset and hustle, that's the key."
"Nothing was given to you - all sweat equity."
"It's about the leaders of the new school it's about the kids who are doing it for themselves making a buzz making a wave."
"I'm a real living example of what you can make out of yourself if you've got a personality and you're willing to put yourself out there."
"He really has built himself up from the bottom."
"The fact that he built this himself makes it pretty bad ass."
"He's a self-made man. All his life Frank did what he wanted to do, and he did it his way."
"Luck is the good fortune you determine for yourself, and good fortune consists in good inclinations of the soul, good impulses, good actions."
"I always say you make your own luck in life."
"I wasn't born privileged. I wasn't born on third base thought I hit a triple."
"I kind of believe you make your own luck."
"I'm a great believer you make your own luck."
"I grew up dirt poor and had nothing handed to me in life."
"I am blessed to do what I do. I came from bottom up. I made myself over the course of six years."
"The embodiment of the American dream of self-made success."
"Happiness is a destination that you have to make for yourself."
"Happiness is something that you create on your own."
"Now when he grows his channel to 50,000 subscribers in a few months, he did it himself."
"They are more on the side of the givers and they have created this abundance by themselves with their own hands."
"He's self-made, and it's okay to say that he lived his life's dream."
"He 20 years old, he got his own car, he got his own place, he self-made."
"Six years ago I had $500 to my name."
"You talk about a guy that's self-made."
"Everything you've done, it's self-made, you did it yourself."
"Sometimes in life, you make your own luck."
"This Batman is a very, very, very self-made Batman."
"A bad boy to me is someone who gets up and makes a boss of themselves like being a millionaire self-made. That's a bad boy."
"They appreciate how abundant you are and you're someone who is self-made."
"If you ever see me in a Rolls Royce, a six or seven-star hotel, living my life to the fullest, don't get jealous of me 'cause I work my ass off to get it. Nobody handed me nothing."
"We're all self-made; it's just the successful ones that talk about it."
"I'm self-made. Well, I guess you gave birth to yourself too."
"Everything I got, I built it. I took something that was nothing and made something out of it. That's what OG's do."
"Nikki built herself from the ground up. No one had ever heard of Nikki Minaj when she first came out."
"Nobody cares until they see you doing good. Anyway, might as well be self-made."
"Self-made is when you do everything according to how you would like to do it, period."
"If you are self-made, you have a lot of power."
"You can't tell me nothing. I got it the hard way."
"Elon Musk, a self-made billionaire."
"You are a self-made person, deeply respected for your work ethic."
"He's so humble. He made his own wealth, nobody handed it to him."
"Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of a self-made man."
"So many times call me a self-made man, I know what you're talking about but I always want to make clear at the same time I'm not a self-made man."
"Everything you need to know about David Wright comes from this one simple fact: no one gave him anything."
"But don’t ever, ever call me the self‑made man."
"It's amazing that you came from the mail rooms, you're real serious, you're a self-made man."
"I am a self-made person and I think if I can be a self-made person anyone can."
"Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, I argue, are the two preeminent self-made men in American history."
"I'm not lucky, I made this. Literally nothing has been handed to me."
"Remember, people don't realize his story is no one gave him anything. He went and got it himself."
"He is a man who's built his own destiny."
"Morizio started at Rock Bottom his family was poor with no connections or help to offer he had to build himself from scratch."
"As much as yes, you can be self-made, you can work hard, you can get support from your community."
"Lucille Ball basically came from nothing and she did it on her own"
"88% of millionaires are self-made entrepreneurs in the United States."
"I became a millionaire by myself with no mentor."
"It wasn't fate, I made it happen."
"I put myself in that trajectory... I came from nothing... I worked for everything I had."
"The majority of millionaires in the United States are self-made. They did not come from wealth."
"You built it from the ground up, broke, straight cash, nothing, no more gifts, nothing, bro."
"Because of YouTube, I was able to make a life for myself."
"Only the rules you make up yourself."
"I wasn't born with a silver spoon, just made it happen."
"You're starting over elsewhere. You're self-made."
"All the people I know are self-made"
"My name is Tim Sykes and I teach people to trade stocks. I am a self-made multi-millionaire."
"Every single thing they had, they had made happen themselves."
"Every dollar that we've ever had, we made ourselves."
"I'm self-made. I'm God made. Even if today the world stopped streaming Sammy's Music I'm still Godly."
"She's the definition of self-made."
"He built this entire thing himself."
"Ultimately, at the end of the day, it was like the biggest deciding factor for us was, you know, and again, I have a phrase that no one's ever self-made, and I really stand by that."
"Being self-made deletes God as the creator, protector, or sustainer."
"50's just a hustler. He never had no parents, so he's gonna make his own headphones, his own vitamin water."
"You a spoonfed elite, you ain't grind from the bottom to make it."
"79 out of 10 millionaires in America did not become millionaires because of inherited wealth statistically and that's a airtight research solid data to the point that if you don't agree with that you're what's known as wrong."
"But the wig scared the crap out of me, but I am really glad I went for it because if you only ever stick to the stuff you know, you never find out what you can make with your own two hands."
"You've got a choice to build happiness, beautiful happiness, the happiness which is not just based on sort of good luck but which you've earned, which you've built and grown, you know, with hard work."
"I built this [expletive], I built it."
"Anybody can come here and build a business and do something for themselves."
"There is no purpose. We have created our own purpose."
"Take your fist, put them back in the dirt and do the work that made you who you are."
"Almost 80 percent of millionaires are actually self-made."
"Money don't make me, I make money."
"We're not a multi-millionaire, we're old school, roll our sleeves up and go to work."
"You make your own destiny, you make your own luck. It's tapping into the positive forces."
"He was definitely a self-made man."
"There is no such thing as a self-made man. You are just some dressed up dirt."
"You created your own opportunity."
"I'm pledging to become a female billionaire who didn't get her money from divorce or from an heiress."
"Man, it's been a blessing and if I could do it, anyone could do it."
"Man is made or unmade by himself by his thoughts."
"You gotta create your own opportunities."
"...she truly carved a future for herself on the silver screen."
"A milestone for a girl group that doesn't come from the Big Three, and has basically built itself up."
"The best lectures are the ones that you make."
"He was not born nor reared with riches."
"Work extra hard to make something happen for yourself."
"When you've achieved it with your own hands, there's a different feeling."
"He really was a self-made man and to me, that's not a partisan thing, he just was a great man."
"These watches are reserved for people who hustle, who understand the world and can make something of themselves."
"Life is how you make it, so if you make it good, you're going to be good."
"The emotions that seem to happen to you are actually made by you."
"We're humble, we work hard, I've built everything I have by the back of my back."
"10 out of 10. Not because I made it, but because it's fire."
"If a man like me can really go chase his dreams and start from nothing like that, you guys can too."
"My success would not hit the same if somebody gave it to me."
"You have to think outside the box and create your own happiness."
"Meet Sophia Victoria, the girl dominating social media with her self-made guitar."
"Insanely so. He made something out of himself when others said he couldn't."
"He built the image that he wanted."
"Makoto Shinkai got his name out there not by rising through the ranks... but by making his first few films entirely by himself."
"Holy Moses, John Vogel was a self-made millionaire."
"We're sort of creating our own history as opposed to living off somebody else's."
"Home isn't something you find, it's something you build."
"I don't have a rich family; I didn't have any money from my family."
"He was determined to make something of himself, entirely on his own."
"New money is people who've recently become wealthy, typically through earned income rather than inheritance."
"You're a self-made individual... only you know the hungry sleepless nights where your mind kept tinkering at building your ticket to freedom."
"It's a unique thing that everybody in my family became somebody on their own merit."
"You got to start out where you start out and I don't know no other way to do it other than to work for it."
"Many of the most successful entrepreneurs are self-made."
"She wanted to be more financially stable than she was growing up and she just wanted to make a name for herself."
"Anytime you see like a self-made man telling the story, it's always good."
"I kind of made my luck... it was a lot of work too, you know, restoring the houses and it was a risk."
"82% of millionaires didn't inherit their wealth; they came from modest backgrounds just like us."
"You made the decisions, and you did the work. Well done."
"I am an entrepreneur at heart. I feel like I'm a serial entrepreneur because I always find ways to create my own reality."
"Any success you have is usually because you made it happen; it don't just stuff don't just fall together."
"Your role is what you make, build something incredible."
"Start from nothing, build it yourself; that's the type of person he is."
"I've worked hard and made something of myself."
"The internet is a ladder that you can create your own rungs to reach the things that you actually want to do and generate the resources to do so."
"In a world where others indulged, she carefully crafted her own dresses from cheap fabrics, each stitch was a tangible expression of her desire for a life of elegance beyond her reach."
"Studies show that people that become millionaires are people that typically don't like to spend a lot of money; they're mostly self-made."
"Eight out of 10 millionaires come from a middle-class family or even lower than middle class."
"I'm not a gangster. I like the money and the respect of being a club owner."
"You are building your own empire."
"Cipher is a great gang, everybody self-made."
"Nora Roberts is number 50 on America's self-made women list."
"You have to create your own luck."
"I have worked so hard for everything that I am now."