
Julian Assange Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Julian Assange is in prison not because he printed lies, but because he printed the truth."
"You will see more posts about Alexei Navalny in the last 48 hours than you will see about Julian Assange."
"What happened to Julian Assange is one of the most corrupt and overt displays of evil that we have seen."
"Julian Assange is perhaps the defining anti-establishment figure of our age."
"Julian Assange did incredible work in revealing to us the nature of hypocrisy and corruption."
"Julian Assange, could he actually walk free? This is a big bombshell part of the Assange story for free speech and freedom of the press."
"I say you know now as for Julian Assange has never even committed a crime."
"It's disgusting what's happened to Julian Assange."
"Assange has been essentially locked up for the last 10 years without ever once being convicted of a crime."
"Assange lost his entire support among Democrats because of his perceived role in the 2016 election."
"Julian Assange is possibly the biggest hero in the world in my opinion who should have a parade and a day named after him."
"Even his detractors now fear that if he is ultimately convicted for espionage Assange's activism could herald a new media environment with even less freedom and not just in the United States."
"I saw Julian Assange as a whistleblower exposing important truths." - Marianne Williamson
"Julian Assange got it on TV, he got them to talk about it."
"The squad led by Rashida Talib has signed a letter asking the Biden administration to drop charges against Julian Assange."
"Julian Assange the most important journalist in the world is still a political prisoner."
"The prosecution of Mr. Assange if successful not only sets a legal precedent whereby journalists or Publishers can be prosecuted but a political one as well."
"Julian Assange is not in prison to have anything to do with Russia or the Hillary Clinton campaign."
"Julian Assange is a world historic figure whatever happens in this court case... he has developed an entirely new model of journalism."
"That's what Julian Assange showed, that's what Ed Snowden showed."
"Any president who actually values constitutional protections should free Julian."
"If everybody really woke up to Julian Assange there would be mass riots."
"Can you assassinate Assange? Trump denied that but expressed sympathy, saying, 'Assange is being treated very badly.'"
"This is rubbish. We cannot tolerate this at the political level or the media level." - Julian Assange
"I can't get over the fact that I've created something so cool like I've never done a village before."
"Hopefully Trump does issue a pardon for Julian Assange."
"If you believe in the First Amendment, then we should drop the charges against Julian Assange and not extradite them to the United States. It's that simple."
"A court has formally approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States on espionage charges."
"That was too much of a threat, of course, and that's why they've tried it. That's why they got Julian Assange who now languishes in the maximum-security prison in London."
"Let's do it let's figure out a way to do the kinds of things that Julian Assange showed us could be done to good effect."
"It is no longer acceptable for people to be supporting Assange's extradition, especially if you claim to care about free speech."
"We all owe it to him and to press freedom and to the public's right to know to continue to report accurately and fairly on this case and not stop until Assange is free."
"The purpose of arresting Julian Assange is to send a message... if we the people allow the government to control us through fear, we are no longer free. We are no longer America."
"Julian Assange does not work for the establishment, he exposes the establishment."
"We all must resist... if Assange is extradited and tried, it will create a legal precedent that will terminate the ability of the press... to hold power accountable."
"Julian Assange is perceived as a hero... for me, he's a hero who stood up and showed the truth."
"Julian Assange - Trump did not have Julian's back, even though in the beginning of his campaign he talked about how great he was in the Wikileaks."
"The crime of the indictment under this disgraceful legislation is compounded by the years of imprisonment and torture that Julian Assange has already suffered." - Noam Chomsky
"It's not because and it has something to do with freedom of speech too sure that Julian Assange has already mentioned that this whole game."
"The United States is going to absolutely, without question, argue that Julian Assange has no free speech or First Amendment rights."
"Julian Assange and what he was doing with WikiLeaks was specifically for the benefit of humanity period."
"We strongly condemn the detention of Julian Assange and the violation of freedom of speech."
"Everything that happens to Julian Assange could not be more important for journalism."
"If you're truly anti-establishment, there is an argument to be made that what Assange did was necessary."
"To me, it's the sheer hypocrisy of the US trying to extradite an Australian called Julian Assange to the US to be jailed potentially for up to 175 years for showing the truth of what happened in Iraq. It's one of the greatest travesties of the modern era."
"I want to tell you the story of Julian Assange."
"We've arrived at a question: What has happened to Julian Assange? What is his story?"
"The U.S. is trying to lock him up for 175 years because of what he did."