
Chances Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
"Mr. Right is out there. You just have to give him a chance when he comes along."
"Give everything a sporting chance. We all need it."
"It's all about youth and all about giving chances to young competitors."
"Having an outside shot is better than no chance at all."
"The point is that you should have that opportunity to win."
"Life is all about chances, you know, so let's play rock-paper-scissors."
"The multiplier has changed. No zero spot at all. You can still win up to five times the amount of the prize wheel!"
"Opportunity equals victory. Try as much opportunities as possible; if you're giving yourself opportunities, you're gonna have a chance for victory."
"This year I'm taking chances and I'm accepting opportunities."
"You don't get three tries in life, you get one."
"Life gives you chances and choices."
"Life is about chances and sometimes you just gotta take them."
"I have six more chances, six more $1 million cases."
"He had a feeling he'd already taken more chances than he had coming."
It's almost like saying, "Look, we're giving you this chance, take advantage."
"Well, at least we know with Piccolo, his chances are as good as they can get."
"if you never take chances you'll be full of regrets"
"The chances don't come much better than that."
"If you don't apply, your chances are zero."
"Chances are the thing you throw away you need the most."
"Youth matters, but I like our chances."
"He's got one more. He's got one life left. Okay."
"Everyone really does have a chance."
"Take chances, make mistakes. Human beings are terrible messes, Andrew. I'll grant you that."
"The chances created across WSL, which is up to 64 chances created."
"You gotta take chances man. Opportunities man. Gotta have opportunities man."
"They have zero chances of ever getting back into the royal family."
"Famous wealth, lady luck, and second chances."
"2024 is about Taking Chances and we just gotta try."
"One bad experience, one unlucky encounter. There are no Second Chances."
"Sometimes we don't get a second chance at that first opportunity."
"No sunshine, no moonlight, no stardust. We don't stand a chance."
"Life is all about taking them chances, taking them risks, and rolling them dice."
"Life give you a second chance, third, fourth chance and stuff like that, usually people don't even get the first one."
"You got to feel good about your chances."
"If you're in the top four of the Premier League for creating chances and scoring goals, you're just really good."
"There are only so many chances that you can give someone."
"Maybe people will chill the f out and give it one more chance to fall in love."
"I looked at his case, I think I have a high chance of getting a bail application approved."
"I would take my chances getting 12 inches with Josh Allen."
"Plenty of opportunities, shots on goal."
"Take some chances, take some big risks."
"You have one chance, one. When your credibility is gone, that's it. You don't get another chance."
"Even if you apply to enough safety target and reach schools as you should and put your best into your application you do have a good chance of getting into at least one school where you feel like you will do well."
"the chances of finding one are really quite quite slim"
"Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows how many chances he's going to give us, but we don't know."
"I'm a big believer in second chances."
"The best thing you can do is just give yourself multiple opportunities, multiple chances."
"In the end, we only get the chances we don't take."
"You need to forgive and give people more chances."
"We are going to have to pass on every down, and then we got a 50-50 chance."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take and the love we didn't express."
"The Patriots' chances for an AFC wildcard playoff berth stayed very much alive."
"Life is all about taking chances."
"I always believe in second chances."
"God's the god not only of second chances but thousand chances, two thousand chances."
"There's just so much grace and so many second, third, 15 chances that you get."
"I've been given so many chances in my life, who am I to say no, I will give you that second chance."
"Life is all about taking chances, living life to the fullest, and always believing."
"I believe in second chances. I mean, we're in a climate of many chances."
"We are very upbeat about our chances."
"Everyone deserves a third chance."
"We do have to give people second chances."
"I believe that everyone deserves a second chance."
"Using an egg donor is going to give us a better chance, that's just the reality."
"If you don't ask, there's no chance at all."
"How patient He is, how long-suffering He is, how many chances that He gave you to get it right."
"Anil was a very fair person. He'd always give people not a second chance, but a 10th chance."
"I'm all about second chances for people and letting people right their wrongs."
"He'd always give people not a second chance but a tenth chance."
"Grace looks like giving more chances."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we did not take."
"I'm such a ghoster, I do believe in second chances to a point."
"Judgement is about second chances, it's about new beginnings."
"This is a card of second chances."
"We serve a God of second chances, and third chances, and fourth chances, and fifth chances, and 268 chances."
"We thank God for a second chance... a third chance... a fourth chance..."
"I'm just a girl who believes in seconds."
"I believe in second chances because a lot of people have given me second chances in life."
"I do believe in second chances, I do."
"You miss 100% of the Mark Cubans that you don't email."
"I'm giving him another chance because I believe in second, and I guess third, chances."
"There might not always be a second chance for something that you've really worked for, but believe that there are many, many more first chances for way better things."
"God is a god of second, third, fourth chances."
"If she likes you a lot, she'll give you multiple chances to get it right."
"You've got to stop feeling guilty for getting chances."
"I'm all for second chances, third even."
"I really admired her trying to squash beef, but she's giving her way too many chances."
"Everybody deserves forgiveness and a second chance."
"You don't believe in second chances?"
"Give the eighth chance, the not chance, the tenth chance, because that's what Jesus does for us."
"I believe in second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth chances."
"If he's as amazing as you say he is, then maybe he's worth a second chance."
"Cases that go back from judicial review have a very high chance of being approved."
"I'm a firm believer that almost everyone deserves a second chance."
"You only get so many chances, you can't have the long foul ball."
"You miss all the chances you don't take."
"You right, you know third and fourth and fifth chances."
"Everyone deserves second, third chances."
"I strongly believe everyone deserves a second chance."
"I have always given you chances. I have always hoped you would open your heart to me."
"Forgiveness is all about second chances."
"It talks about possibilities, talks about second chances."
"Don't be afraid to give something an extra chance."
"Life is filled with opportunities; you don't just get one chance, you get multiple chances."
"I'm always a great believer in second chances."
"You are someone who gives people chance after chance after chance."