
Nudity Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"My fantasy, my dream of how things should be is that people don't see naked people as a problem, don't see it as something that's abnormal."
"Nudity has served as a form of protest since at least the 11th century when legend holds that Lady Godiva rode naked through Coventry, England, to protest oppressive taxation."
"I have no problem with human nudity. We're all nude at birth and we're all nude when we're dead."
"There's such a stigma around like being nude cuz it's over sexualized and people are like oh I'm being accosted by someone's penis or boobs but it's like everyone has them."
"The tallest statue in the ancient world, completely naked save for maybe a cape or some drapery over one arm."
"Shut up! If you're going to jail, don't be nude."
"In the bath, people are truly naked in front of each other and don't feel ashamed of anything; there are no races and colors in the bath as everyone is equal."
"Study shows getting naked in front of strangers lowers social anxiety."
"A woman's most beautiful garment is her nudity."
"I always want to be naked on a film or TV; that's like my goal in life."
"I think ultimately there shouldn't be a stigma around nudity in general 'cause we're just humans."
"I just don't have the taboo around nakedness like a lot of people do."
"All this data seems to be tending to a conclusion that ritual nudity had a place in ancient European religion at certain key moments of transformation."
"Nudity plays a prominent part in magic rituals across various cultures and historical periods, symbolizing empowerment and transformation."
"Ritual nudity is not gendered worldwide, except in specific societies, and serves various purposes beyond just fertility and procreation."
"Nudity in rituals like baptism or Lalia Festival in Rome signifies a metaphorical rebirth or transformation of identity."
"As they are about to walk away from each other, Frida says that since Marius saw her naked she now needs to see him naked as well."
"It felt really weird being naked with shoes on, like I was like, should I be wearing a bikini?"
"Being naked is so natural to me. I think the human body is a really beautiful thing."
"They're a [__] good cook as well, like they'll cook naked for you and you'll just see their little bum like when they're stirring the pot, you're seeing a little bum."
"You're talking about how many pictures of people do you have clothed, and you can then discern what they very likely, within like a 95 percent accuracy, would look like naked under those clothes."
"There's a difference between being naked and being nude."
"Kelsey was naked which revealed the motive of this crime."
"It's good that they censor out the nudity you know you wouldn't you can't be having that. That's very important you don't want to see the butt there and or my side boob."
"I'm very body confident. I'd prefer to be naked if I'm honest. I can't be dealing with clothes. It's my body, and it's what I've got, and other people need to get over it because I have."
"He's naked. Why do we have to see his butt but we don't get to see a boob? That's not right."
"I just love how he's butt naked and nobody cares."
"I am wearing a shower cap and I'm naked."
"You're born naked, and the rest is drag."
"As long as you're and and you know it might even be in the nude so we can see the musculature at work."
"The only argument against public nudity is that human beings are created in God's image and have sanctity."
"I am not naked I am wearing clothes I promise"
"And in our society, women are sexualized if they're seen without a top, whereas in African indigenous cultures, it's seen as sacred and beautiful."
"How pure, confident, and comfortable you are in your nakedness of your skin."
"You're goddamn right she's gonna get naked, that is the point of the magazine."
"Division, violence, and public nudity, three calling cards of Satan."
"Every naked person I see turns me on. Well, I'd hope so, otherwise they'd be standing in there for no reason and it would get really awkward really fast."
"Naked screaming lady with crowbar is easily number one. It's quite frightening."
"Twitter's got pretty bad with all the nudity."
"Nudity was never a problem because nudity isn't a problem." - Dion Cole
"It is completely normal for people to be attracted to people but it is not normal for you to see naked people all the time."
"I got an offer to do Playboy magazine, and I did it. I did a full spread for Playboy magazine. I mean spread, man. I pulled my butt apart and stuff, and I was totally nude, and it was weird."
"Studies show getting naked impresses strangers, lowers social anxiety, and creates a bond."
"It was incredible to be able to pose nude on national television because I was so comfortable doing it."
"When God said Adam and Eve were naked, now there's nothing wrong with nudity."
"If I want to walk outside naked, I'm not. But if I wanted to, what you gonna say?"
"He's just naked all the time, bruh."
"My response was to stick it in the window that my neighbor had commented on, and from that time, I made a point of being nude more than not."
"I don't really care for blinds when I'm naked. I make sure I'm in a place where like, I mean, you look amazing, but we don't want to have to see you, you know?"
"Most of the travel at sea featured a little bit of nudity here and there, because that's how they did things."
"I think nudity completely strips away your inhibitions."
"You want to get tan, you should take your clothes off."
"I think I should be smiling in my nude self portrait. Right? Cause this is fun. I'm naked."
"I think Rob Zombie just likes getting everybody naked."
"I'm comfortable with nudity in certain situations and I wanted to be in the magazine and I think the pictorials are really beautiful."
"I want to paint you in the nude. Not you in the nude, me. You can keep your clothes on."
"Once you've seen each other naked, it'll never be the same."
"Nudity symbolizes innocence, freedom, being comfortable in one's own skin."
"...it caused the entire cast to be seen clear as day through the scrim and completely naked..."
"I just get a weird high off of it of being naked."
"The nudity probably is going to be okay."
"...he's just totally naked and he started he goes right to the front of the plane to serve all the food."
"I should stop saying while being naked"
"Before they had boobs, man. It was dude nudity was very important to the Greeks."
"Recognize, you and I, our human species, we evolved near the equator as nudists. Nature effectively optimized our biology for the environment in which we arose."
"For every Troma movie, there's a lot of nudity."
"Horror actually has less nudity than drama, comedy, crime, and action."
"In the public bath house, we were all equal because we were naked."
"Moulin Rouge was like America's Got Talent but everybody is naked."
"Look at it as art, you take your clothes off and you showcase your arts."