
Historical Transition Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The Lancaster House Agreement in 1979 marked the true shift toward peace, leading to a ceasefire and a temporary reversion to British rule, symbolizing the end of Rhodesia and the birth of Zimbabwe."
"The Christianization of Scandinavia happened remarkably quickly."
"British rule in Ireland is probably in its death throes. The only question is how expensive they are going to make the funeral."
"A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance."
"For more than 70 years, the national anthem of this country has been 'God Save the Queen.' It will now become 'God Save the King.'"
"The line of the Carolingians had ended, and the way was open for the Capetians to rule."
"Changing not just politically and economically, but also moving away from Pagan superstitions into the modern era of technology, medicine, and science."
"If you are gonna buy one get nothing in it... lightweight simple."
"The reign of Henry VII brought to an end a period of massive political instability."
"In many ways his reign was a transitional period from the societal chaos of the Middle Ages to the beginnings of modern statecraft and nation-building."
"The victorian era was a period of transition where old ways collided with new ways to produce a very interesting time."
"China is still in a process of transition from what it was as an empire into what it's becoming in an industrialized globalized world."
"If you are writing everyday, the next day you are going to write a little better than you did the day before."
"The death of the HRE and birth of the Confederation of the Rhine laid the groundwork for Prussia to slowly unite the German states."
"We really do appreciate that, we have just moved from 1916 to 1966."
"We are seeing the end of an era, the end of an Empire, and the birth of something new."
"That was the end of the USSR and the beginning of the Russian Federation."
"Disclosure will be the biggest transition humanity has ever taken."
"The Roman Republic was effectively dissolved... scary times man, scary times."
"Planning your campaign for the eventual transition to feudal."
"Nobody knows exactly when we're moving from one age to the next, but we're transitioning from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius."
"The slave took his name... from slavery to citizenship... quite unique."
"It was a stark sign that the age of European imperialism was over and that a new international order had taken its place."
"It's like the birth pangs begin, the water breaks, this age starts to go into convulsion in order to give birth to the next age of history."
"The dying age of independent Greek city-states finally gave way to an era of monarchical rule."
"In just over half a decade the world had gone from ships Nelson would have recognized by the funnel to ships that were practically immune to the older ships fire and then to ships that were just as immune to those early iron clad fire."
"We're living at the end of an age and the beginning of a new age."
"Theodosius continued to de-paganize the empire."
"The Mesolithic world on the cusp of the Neolithic is a complex and fascinating period."
"We're living one of the most historic times in human history."
"Individuals on the system obviously feel like individuals, but actually, you are part of a collective group mind."
"That's when it really hits you; it's the ashes of the old world."
"It's the literal dividing line between two world ages."
"The old world is dying, but the new world is actually rather slow to be born."
"This farm building dates to the late second century AD and reflects the change from traditional Iron Age roundhouses to a more rectangular Roman style building."
"Despite tensions, the Viking Age transitioned into a period of crusading, marking a new era for Scandinavia's involvement in wider geopolitics."
"We stand at the crossroads of a shift in historic proportions."
"To comfortably say we've moved on into the age of steel."
"Dark Age is over, we're entering the new age."
"As Britain slowly relinquished her empire, the Navy's presence in the Far East became more and more focused on Hong Kong."
"This is the end of a long era but it's also the beginning of a new one."
"Three hundred years of absolutist rule were over, but the conflict between czarist Russia and her growing legions of radicals was not."
"Neolithic pastoral traditions slowly gave way to silver and copper mining."
"There will be a point in history where people say there was before cryptographic truth and it was after, and before cryptographic truth, the world was a mess."
"This era definitely seems transitory between the second great Shinobi War and the Waring States period."
"...this transition that I've been describing is a big deal, as important as the harnessing of fire several million years ago."
"Join us next time as the Confederation falls apart."
"The years immediately following the first world war were strange ones in Germany; the German mind had difficulty in adjusting itself to the collapse of the Imperial dream."
"The Paris School of Medicine... is universally known as the moment of transition from medieval medicine to modernity."
"The rise of the Paris clinic was said to mark a time of transition between the medical Middle Ages and the beginning of a modern era."
"Alleys have survived the transition from horses to cars and they've gone from being called gangways to becoming celebratory party spaces with city sanctioned events."
"The Great Awakening is not a fleeting moment but a significant enduring transition that signals Humanity's Readiness to shed the old skin of outdated societal structures."
"The Mongol Emperors were relatively sophisticated and had learned how to move from being a raiding dynasty, a steppe dynasty based on loot, to tribute and finally to taxation."
"The Neolithic transition involved generally a transition from nomadic behavior, hunter-gathering, to sedentary agriculture."
"In this Greek epoch, there came the impulse of Christianity, which is to lead humanity upward into other regions."
"The empire was still growing to some extent and prior conquests were still being consolidated when Europeans first appeared on the scene in the 16th century."
"The days of life at the vital hub of Mediterranean trade was at an end."
"With the end of the war also brought an end to the Medieval era in England."
"...the people who brought this tradition replaced the population that had just built stonehenge."
"With this battle, it was the end of the Plantagenets' entire era in British history and the mark of the Tudor period."
"The Sephardic Age is over. The modern age has just begun."
"Norman England marks not only a political break but also a change in the political history."
"The complete removal of any sort of real significance for Rome other than that of a symbolic significance."
"For the first time in centuries, Elizabeth's crown passes peacefully to her successor."
"He was elected unanimously in 1961 to replace Dag Hammarskjöld."
"It's important for us to delineate the ways in which the age began to transcend the classical elements and pave way to the romantic elements of the 19th century."
"The eclipse signaled the end of an era full of hate."
"We're getting out of hopefully a Dark Age and eventually, not in our lifetimes, we get back to a Golden Age of Enlightenment."