
Historical Awareness Quotes

There are 594 quotes

"As for Auschwitz, I can finally understand what people mean when they say you have to see it in person for it to truly hit you."
"The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, but dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well."
"If you don't learn history, you're doomed to repeat it. I hope it is because Mike Johnson, Moses Mike, is full of [__]. You had to go down there and kiss Daddy's ring."
"It is not only in remembering that shameful past that we can make amends and repair our nation, but it is in remembering that past that we can build a better present and a better future."
"If the byelection had been in February of 1940 or 41, would anyone seriously have condemned me for putting the crimes of the Holocaust at the center of my election campaign?"
"Understanding when you're seeing history written in real time is emotionally significant."
"We can't know where we're going until we know where we've been."
"Reading about the Holocaust does not make one a Nazi."
"To keep a republic requires exactly what I'm asking you to do tonight: the hard work of understanding history and context, and of asking difficult questions."
"Before you do anything you remember Dr. King. Before you cheat and steal, I dare you to Google Emmett Till."
"Being set in Massachusetts, Sabrina the Teenage Witch is keenly aware of this history."
"We have to actually recognize the ugliness of our history in order for us to move forward."
"People who ignore their history, they forget not only what happened, but they do not understand what is happening now."
"Each new piece of information concerning the Titanic's Journey surely heightens awareness of its significance."
"This is where people need to learn from history and see the patterns."
"It's really important for us to remember our history."
"World War II, I think, for a lot of people, regardless of your politics, there was something really bad going on in this world, and my understanding is the US didn't know the Holocaust was happening until after they got there."
"I am forever grateful for Oversimplified for what they do for history on the internet."
"Colonization is an ongoing process, and choosing to ignore this fact makes it impossible for us to truly reconcile with its legacy."
"Celebrate with a purpose and also educate yourself about the history of why you're actually celebrating this day."
"If more people understood the true history of our planet... it might even help us to align our priorities as a species that is limited to one single rock."
"The forcible removal of monuments is not the end game; it's the rallying cry. It's the action that brings attention to hundreds of years of oppression and the state's whitewashing of that oppression."
"I can't believe this is still happening is a much more rooted, powerful, bitter reaction than I can't believe this just happened."
"It's never a good look to idolize or say anything positive about Adolf Hitler."
"One of my favorite things about video games, especially historical video games, is that you get to experience a subject that you might not know too much about, and it kind of makes you more intrigued about it."
"The Native American princess costume is especially gross considering the mass genocide of indigenous Americans."
"We look to history to give us guidance to the future. We remember the past so that we are not doomed to repeat it. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes."
"It's important to understand the past. You can't understand where you are if you don't know how you got there."
"We need historical literacy, not just about financial literacy, but also literacy because a lot of the stuff, and you see this all the time, the problems that the crypto space is working through, people have worked through already."
"At this point in history, it's time for us to stop allowing the victors to tell our history."
"The greatest weapon in the hands of our oppressor is our memory of who we were before we were oppressed."
"It's all historical fact. The question is now what do we do with that historical fact?"
"We are not the first society to single out a group this way, and we know where it leads. It doesn't lead anywhere good."
"The Holocaust is a grave act of evil. The anti-semitism that supported it still lives in many human hearts."
"The Insidious nature of anti-Semitism... if we don't deal with that, the myth spreads and it takes root."
"You have to go looking for history; we as Americans are not allowed to know about it."
"We can maintain that and grow that provided we're willing to have an honest conversation about our past."
"A failure to reconcile with all of this history to understand what Britain's role in the world has been." - Akala
"The unthinking or half thinking ways that we approach the past will affect the decisions that we make in the future by determining how we see things in the present."
"Know your history or be doomed to repeat it."
"Entire world now learns of the unspeakable horror of concentration camps."
"Our country will have the opportunity to see a more complete version of our history."
"They knew about societies that we created. Hell, some of the Chiefs and Kings they negotiated with were more intelligent than the slave catcher."
"There's still the feeling that history started in 1984. If it happened before then, it didn't happen."
"Understanding this history does give us an additional weapon."
"Although there hasn't been a successful airliner bombing since Pal434, those who forget the past may be destined to revisit it."
"A warning with chilling precision against the loss of history."
"What if you never heard of this story in school before? How would you even know about slavery?"
"Our history needs to be respected, I don't want it swept under the rug anymore."
"You want to be a person that believes what they believe, sticks to their truth, and lives on the right side of history."
"I hope you will take it as a whole and understand what we're trying to do in this 400th year because we cannot change the society if we don't acknowledge how we got here."
"Power is a poison well known for thousands of years."
"Suddenly I'm like, 'Oh wait... black people were kings.'"
"The great reset is not original it has been tried countless times before this is where the phrase if you don't know history you're doomed to repeat it comes in."
"We know we're at war, but we don't know the history, the whole story."
"I'm not smarter than any of y'all, the only difference is I did some research, a bit acquisitive."
"Pretending that we don't exist in the course of history as though this is all tabula rasa brand-new, it's just, it's historically ignorant."
"What you're about to witness will astound you. It would most likely affect you very deeply no matter what race, creed, or color you are."
"The Black Holocaust deserves the same amount of attention."
"I'm not a believer in cancel culture. I want everybody to know everything they can about our history."
"History is the awareness of the presence of the past in the present."
"We better understand our history, who we are, and how thorough they've always learned from us."
"The movement we see today is starting to go too far and lines are being crossed to which any student of history and free thinker will know should not be crossed."
"Do we remember fascism? Do we remember Nazism? Do we remember communism and totalitarianism? Have we completely forgotten the sacrifices of our parents and grandparents in prior generations?"
"The best lover of peace is the soldier, the one that knows history and what happens."
"It pays to understand what's happened in the past so that we can hopefully avoid some of the problems or at least in our own lives if not in a general sense, right?"
"It is critically important to know your true history and who you really are versus regurgitating what you were taught."
"History forgotten is doomed to repeat itself."
"We have to know where we come from if we're going to have a clear idea of where we're going."
"There's a lot of history going on inside Disneyland and a lot of food history itself."
"There's some stuff that's historically explicit that's going to be shown."
"Why isn't our history being lost? Why aren't millennials scared to the core of communism and socialism?"
"Interesting thing about BTS is that they came from a very single group in the K-pop world. You have different labels, and in Korea, they have what they call the Big Three."
"I'm smart enough to understand what's happening and I'm smart enough to see that history is repeating itself."
"We really cannot heal as a country without a fuller understanding of what happened."
"If you don't understand the history, you don't understand tomorrow."
"You're basically like, 'Oh, like that we weren't in denial 20 years ago, now we have to be in denial again.'"
"We must acknowledge that history, see that history for what it is, recognize it, and learn from it."
"It's time for us as Americans to tell the full story of how we got here and where we want to go."
"We have made it romantic in the 21st century, you had a little crucifix, but imagine carrying electric chair on your chain, it's brutal."
"President Zielinski is absolutely right to continue to draw attention to the crimes of the past and very much of the present."
"This threat is an ancient threat that our ancestors confronted... they tried to warn us."
"This isn't so uncommon... 40 young people in our society today don't really consult history as they once did."
"Grains of sand make a heap; you won't recognize the history until it's passed."
"We must learn our history. We must talk about the good, the bad, the ugly, and we must share it."
"Remember to ask your friends if they take their history for granite."
"An understanding of history is also a basis for understanding the present."
"Now that the knowledge of the African contribution to history is being told correctly, it will do for both black and non-black generations what fake legislations, empty speeches, and the miseducation system was not able to do."
"As much as it's very important to remember the past and to be cynical of our mistakes, it's also more important to keep an eye on the future."
"We need to educate our young people to know who they are and respect the struggle that they came from."
"Juneteenth is an opportunity... to raise his issues in a more powerful way."
"The American founders drew on an astonishingly wide range of historical sources... Ignorance of the intellectual trajectory... puts those achievements at risk."
"Fools who don't respect the past are doomed to repeat it."
"The goal is to foster historical amnesia. If we don't know what happened in the past, we cannot make sense of the present."
"I do believe it is crucial to never forget the past, the good and the bad, so we can prevent things like this from happening again in the future."
"TikTokers are now reading Bin Laden's word and are finally discovering about war crimes."
"Putin looked confident, poised, and in command of his historical facts."
"The more awareness of these contradictions and of these mysteries, I think the more people are going to wake up to the fact that our history is both more complex and far longer than we've been told."
"Celebrate Juneteenth instead of the Fourth of July."
"Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it."
"This is history we are living through history."
"A person who doesn't understand his past won't have a future."
"We have to look back on historical injustices. That's why sunlight is the best disinfectant."
"Visiting the Anne Frank House humanizes the horror of the Holocaust."
"I see a lot of very dangerous historical patterns repeating."
"There's so much that's been intentionally held back from us over the years."
"What does it mean to you? How well do you know its history?"
"Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."
"Can't shake that silly pre-Enron pre-911 pre-Worldcom feeling."
"Nazis killed over six million civilians... they're not tweeting, they're going out into killing people systematically."
"I'm glad you brought it up again because we should not forget."
"Educate yourself on what actually happened in Windrush."
"The ignorance that dominates the educational system today, the lack of history, the lack of perspective, it could kill us as a civilization."
"History class is really just catching you up to speed on everything you've missed before you were born."
"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."
"Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it."
"Please look into the history like I looked into the history. Remember that it wasn't so long ago that we were ruled by our civility and our dignity."
"Now after I have gained a full insight into all the horrible atrocities which have been committed, I am possessed by a deep sense of guilt."
"It's important for everyone to take a moment read about the holocaust."
"Tom Hanks is a white celebrity who wrote an op-ed to discuss the evil of racism and the alleged whitewashing of history."
"History is watching us now, it's waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion."
"If you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it."
"I believe that where we are as a society is that we are expected to believe in narratives that any person with a modicum of intelligence and a certain awareness of history cannot possibly be expected to believe with the straight face."
"History repeats itself. Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
"With the discovery of his death camps, everyone learns the true evil of his regime."
"Black America don't lose sight of why January 6 took place."
"The hysteria, the idea that we now live in a time where there are only good people and Hitler and there's nothing in between, is reducing the left to a level of historical ignorance."
"Everybody's talking about this split that's happening and um yeah you just want to be on the right side you want to be on the right side of History family so let's all tap in do what we got to do family take this [ __ ] serious."
"Even a cursory glance at the historical record of your area compared to what you should be seeing in headlines and out of your window right now should compel you to prepare for the worst."
"There are two sides of history you can choose to be on."
"The solution is not staying complacent in the face of Justice it is not staying on what is clearly the wrong side of history."
"Some say these camps awaken painful memories from human history, how do you respond to that?"
"Those who do not understand the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them."
"We must understand our past lest we risk again the damnation that befell those who came before."
"Isn't it super awesome that we now live in a time where we can look back on our own history and know that we have traveled into space?"
"It's important to cover some of these dark events. I know it's sometimes hard to listen to, but it's a part of our history."
"We shouldn't be mad at white people for not teaching about Dr. Claude Anderson."
"Just what the hell, this struggle, the realization of how pervasive this activity of owning people."
"Once you understand the atrocities of the past, you can see the patterns start to emerge."
"They don't realize that enslaved people built the wall after which Wall Street is named."
"This morning I read letter to America which is Osama Bin Laden's letter to America explaining why he attacked Americans and I am ashamed to say that I not only have never read this letter but I didn't even know this letter existed."
"Sometimes people don't know the history of what we've been through."
"It is about preventing history from repeating itself in the most vicious form."
"May Allah bless him and may Allah bless all of you for watching this video with us."
"This moment is a sign that Britain is waking up to its slave trading history."
"Our economy, our wealth, our privilege relies very heavily on a century of horrifying slave labor camps."
"When we started this journey almost three years ago it was really wanting to tell a really impactful narrative and a story largely to ensure that this sort of conflict doesn't happen again."
"There are many fences in the world that are worth tearing down but you damn well better understand why the fence was erected before you demolish it."
"You named this abolitionist as a push for everyone's humanity."
"Document it. Learn from the mistakes of our past."
"Be on the right side of history. Do not give these people excuses to continue scamming."
"We need to pass the torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light."
"I never understood Confederate statues... it's long overdue."
"If you can't learn about where you came from, there's no way that's freedom to me."
"More people should be exposed to real history and just the basic facts."
"The Constitution exists because the founding fathers knew your inalienable god-given rights could be infringed upon."
"Every young American deserves to know that they are heirs to an incredible history."
"I'm happy to see the awareness around taking down Confederate statues." - Ta-Nehisi Coates
"Remembering the victims, remembering the people that died will be something that I always work for, and I always want to be able to think about the people that died and not let their lives be lost to history."
"Okay, that's like somebody saying slavery didn't happen, you know what I mean? It's the biggest deal, you know what I mean? Everything in there, that's the one."
"We can't have that, you know what I mean, coming here and settling on lands where you're not welcome. That's colonization."
"People need to know about this story if they don't know."
"Let us not 'open a quarrel between the past and the present.'"
"Don't let anybody tell you slavery was a long time ago. Girl, you got opportunities."
"It's not about victimhood, it's about recognizing what has happened and how do we repair the damage."
"Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it."
"We're prioritizing education, history, and teaching our people how to take care of one another."
"I don't think we need to know the entire history of every Native American tribe ever over hundreds and hundreds of years in order to celebrate Thanksgiving."
"Armed with our history, well prepared by our past and secure in the knowledge of what we have been through and where we're headed, we will Triumph in the Valiant struggle to promote constitutional values and to obtain freedom and justice for all."
"We don't do our children any favors by pretending slavery didn't exist."
"It's quite obvious that they were way more in tune with our origins back then than we are now."
"Those that have forgotten their past are deemed to repeat it."
"Forgetting or not acknowledging the historical narrative impacts present-day race."
"It's like an impervious cloak, not caring about some of these historical events."
"We are living history and we need to take responsibility for that."
"When you say we have streets named after slave owners, we have profited from a vile crime and feel no shame - it is British people that don't learn languages or British history."
"Education is important. We can't ban books. We can't keep ignoring our history."
"The truth of history and context is being dismissed and deflected from."
"Everybody seems to forget World War I, everybody knows the sequel, but World War II was the sequel after the arms race of World War I."
"If people had known the truth about this 56 years ago, we wouldn't be like in kindergarten still."
"He had to lose everything but he couldn't allow history to repeat itself."
"This book is definitely a trigger to a history that was erased from our memories."
"Reason number four: Germans have thoroughly exposed the evils of Nazism..."
"Turnaround plays can be beautiful if you know what you're doing."
"Contextualization is a much better approach to this stuff than trying to silence your opponent, pull down statues, no platform people."
"The infamous quote: 'If you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it,' and we're seeing that time and time and time again."
"The light offers us a fresh start, but if we don't know where we came from, how will we know where to go?"
"Without knowledge of the past events and acceptance of its consequences, one cannot truly understand the present and make considerable steps for progress in the future."
"Anywhere that you walk, you could very well be standing on someone's final resting place."
"It's all about acknowledging the past while also using said past to fuel and motivate the future."
"The horrors of the transatlantic slave trade should not be ignored, downplayed, or excused."
"You don't reconcile yourself to history by erasing it, by eradicating it, by whitewashing it."
"We have to ensure that this madness does not continue and is never allowed to happen again."
"As long as we remember our great history, as long as we never, ever stop fighting for a better future, then there will be nothing that America cannot do."
"I think it's really important to know our history and understand how it informed how our society worked."
"Ignorance of history is a luxury we can't afford because those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."
"We're very proud because everything that we've been taught about it but we haven't been taught everything so it's this weird sense of false pride."
"There's no future for people who deny their past."
"You don't have to live as a slave in order to understand that slavery is cruel and wrong."