
Societal Tension Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Man needs liberty but also a man needs community, and there will always be a tension between those two."
"Society is really coming to a breaking point, and it's not necessarily politics, but morals and values."
"The tension was this overarching story of coronavirus, and reality was providing the tension."
"Aren't we really much closer to hot Civil War than you guys have been talking about?"
"It's ugly Market out there, no one agrees everybody's fighting everybody."
"People became edgy. Some more than others. But after another couple of weeks, then things began to rip, and anything could set off a big fire very quickly."
"They're targeting anybody. They're targeting you if you like Trump, they're targeting you if you have an American flag."
"I want the rule of law to work here. It's frustrating because even when you try to engage in good faith and honestly, the temperature gets turned up so high it's impossible to have an adult conversation."
"To have white people who wanted to kill me because I was black, and to have death threats against my family because they felt that I was tarnishing the Miss America crown because I was a black person."
"People are becoming more desperate, more restless."
"At some point, it's just inevitable that there's going to be some level of violence."
"All of these misdirect tactics are not going to work and they are beginning to realize it which means things are going to get a lot uglier before they get better in this country pre-election."
"Unfortunately, things will escalate."
"A lot of individuals that you see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are either very well-known actors or actors that have appeared in some critically successful films."
"Don't discount a social breaking point being a contender." - Stephanie Pomboy
"There is slouching Beast is out there and things could get very, very ugly."
"The political connotations aren't unfounded and they highlight tensions playing out in the American church at large."
"Things are very volatile. There's a lot of anger. That anger is legitimate."
"If we don't fix the culture wars happening in this country, we'll just be at each other's throats until it becomes a kinetic war."
"A fair trial seems difficult amidst the violence and demands for conviction."
"Extremist groups from all sides are mobilizing."
"People are serious about their politics right now to the point of violence."
"White conservatives hunting non-white progressives."
"Nobody's replacing anyone, it's just an insane idea." - Rejecting the white replacement theory.
"The storm is getting closer, dark clouds already hang over the shore. Just wait until they start building the guillotine."
"We've just had a feeling that the world is about to break."
"We may think that it's just about fraying the social fabric but there are actual policy ramifications to all of this."
"The purpose is to create conflict and increase antagonism in society."
"Seeing millionaires pretend to be workingclass when people can't pay their rent, it's going to upset people."
"The form of the pitchforks take is not actual pitchforks it's gonna be just like rising resentment and chaos."
"This is getting serious and this year is going to be absolutely insane."
"Everything's so political that nothing's safe anymore."
"The people in charge know this. That's why they're hysterical and aggressive. They're afraid. They've given up persuasion, they're resorting to force."
"Things are going to get very very nasty in the country."
"I'm glad that he was found guilty on all charges... because I want a verdict that keeps this country from going up in flames." - Greg Gutfeld
"This culture War... when you back an animal into a corner they will lash out violently."
"We are truly at war; citizens are considered the enemy."
"I think we're dangerously close to a civil war."
"Forced vaccination of millions of people who don't want it promises to be the issue that brings everything to the boiling point."
"It's going to be chaos for the midterms. If there was chaos before, now it's palpable."
"Your rhetoric, your lies, your influence created this atmosphere."
"We're at a time in history where we can't afford a war between our our the factions of our immunity."
"Affirmative action programs tend to exacerbate rather than ameliorate tensions among different groups."
"I'm asking Black Americans to understand that white Americans feel very uncomfortable and worried, worried that the narrative is demonizing them."
"We are at a flashpoint in history financially monetarily politically socially."
"The right is getting better at comedy and the left is getting nervous."
"You're supposed to de-escalate. How is this de-escalating? How the [__] is this de-escalating, dog?"
"The trigger for white rage is black advancement."
"Pluto and Aquarius increases the control over the population but at the same time increases the desire for freedom of the population."
"And to have them just completely ripped away from her would be really tragic for her and really harmful like an abandonment in some ways."
"Their narrative, although completely false, is being raised in intensity."
"Both sides are going to accuse each other of cheating and unless there's a landslide I'm not even convinced in a landslide things will simmer down."
"The real meat of the story is that powerful theme of forgiveness and absolution with plenty of secrets, intrigue, and a tense society on the edge of lawlessness and chaos."
"I've never felt this much tension in the spirit that has divided people and set people against one another. I've never lived in the tension that I see today."
"We're living in this state of tension and we've been living there for decades now and it's just growing."
"The tension between whether it's a man's world dominated by women or it's a woman's will you know in which men are allowed or whatever it is is the tension that's you know it's a coil that motivates our lives."
"One should decipher in power a network of relations constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess."
"When there's a tension between what's good for me as an individual and what's good for us collectively, life gets interesting."
"What will the next downturn look like if this is the best of times and we're at each other's throats?"
"The middle class is a really interesting faction because they have the tensions of both the capitalist class and the working class."
"It creates this angst in society because we start to just despise each other."