
Eco-consciousness Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I've spent my life dining upon flora and fauna to bring nourishment to my body; in death, it is my choice to be buried so that flora and fauna can dine upon me, completing the great circle of life."
"I'm going to try my best to be more eco-friendly... baby steps."
"Loving the whole idea of being sustainable and eco-friendly here."
"That's the static you hear that play farming soup yes we are farming we're simulating farming right now here in eco."
"Thrifting for the win: a fun, fashionable, and eco-friendly journey!"
"Eco minimalism, the term that I came up with to describe my lifestyle."
"What am I getting in terms of fuel economy? Well, because I'm not driving this like an, I'm almost exclusively in eco mode tooling around, I've been getting an average of 36 miles per gallon."
"Please have yourselves a damn good one, save the environment."
"Being sustainable, we're being more intentional with our choices."
"Do your wallet and the planet a few favors by shopping secondhand instead."
"Just like we need a more sustainable approach for producing our food, we need one for sourcing our raw materials."
"If you're worried about your carbon footprint, these are going to make you feel a lot better about yourself."
"So just a quick note for people who are trying to be conscious about you know the materials and not having waste and throwing things in the garbage most patterns and designs that exist today cause waste."
"If you take a moment to think about which sustainable habits aren't working for you, you will be a better Earth person overall."
"Health is not something to mess around with, and it's no guarantee that the zero waste options are more sustainable anyway."
"It can be hard to know which sustainable habits are actually moving the needle in a positive direction."
"So I'll be taking the rest of this stuff uh to recycle it because yes we are doing our best to stay sustainable"
"I think it's so important to bring your own reusable water bottle."
"I tend to feel dizzy whenever I'm on a bus, but I think walking or using public transportation is more environmentally friendly."
"It's very eco-friendly, sustainability, if you're all about that portion of your lifestyle. They have it here. You'll be surprised."
"It's a simple way to keep your laundry, our earth, and your conscious all sparkling clean."
"I often feel guilty about the amount of waste that I generate by doing concrete work so reusing melamine is a small way I can reduce eco footprint."
"The material here is a durable nylon, known for their environmental consciousness."
"The ice packs that come in the box, they're eco-friendly."
"In 2024 a lot more people are going to be very conscious about buying eco-friendly products and buying things that are sustainable, that are healthy and good for the Earth."
"You can find really good quality clothing for a better price, and it's saving the earth because it is secondhand clothing."
"I'm just a girl doing my best, making the choices that I can to be more eco-friendly."
"It's very aesthetically pleasing in the sense of just being kind of apothecary, you know, but also eco-friendly."
"Focus on creating stylish and sustainable footwear that is eco-friendly and responsible."
"Shifting back to natural fiber as much as possible is an important thing."
"It was a great feeling to know that I was using products that were planet friendly and also friendly for myself and my pets."
"I don't feel as guilty ordering online from them because they have zero waste warehouses and they're delivering it with carbon neutral shipping."
"I feel real good with my carbon footprint right now."
"I've been vegetarian for a lot of my life; I'm really eco-minded."
"It's a great way to recycle and to keep an eco-friendly movement going for clothing."
"We wanted to create an eco village because we were very concerned about the direction the world was going in."
"Commit to sustainable practices... be loud and proud in what you're doing in a conscious manner to be sustainable."
"It is so much fun, so peaceful, and so environmentally friendly."
"One of the things that Thailand Out and About are trying to do is to make their tours as eco-conscious as possible."
"As soon as we put eco in front of something, we're automatically making it radical because we're thinking now in terms of interrelationships."
"A lot of people are eco-friendly... the solar power watch's batteries last much longer."
"Living eco-friendly, sustainability, that's really cool of her."
"Let's save the planet and not have that extra flight."
"Changes to our lifestyles and behavior can reduce our carbon footprint as well as improve our health and well-being."
"She confidently and professionally tells the group about pitching the sandals as comfortable and made from Earth-friendly materials."
"Love the way you look and feel; it's the eco-friendly choice that makes our world a better place."
"It's so sustainable that I almost don't feel bad throwing it away."
"If you buy it, you can feel a little better about yourself for not contributing to the mess we're making of our planet."
"You're kind, honest, helpful, thoughtful, inclusive, eco-friendly, and so much more."
"If you drove 45 miles a day electric only, that's 365 days a year, you'd have around 16,000 miles without using any gas."
"I stop at thrift stores because I try to be more eco-friendly."
"I don't go out of my way to get things that are eco-friendly, but if it's presented to me, if it's an option, I'll go for it."
"We are co-sleeping, breastfeeding, not wearing deodorant, we're vegan... we've gone like super hippy over here, we're trying to be more eco-friendly."
"It means there's a lot less water to heat up, so you're saving quite a chunk of electricity as well."
"Toyota's focus on eco-friendly technologies highlights the intriguing proposition of hydrogen powered internal combustion engines."
"I'm super excited about this brand because they're focused on creating eco-conscious and quality-driven products."
"For people who are environmentally conscious, when they're making the purchase, they are actually supporting to ease the situation of desertification."
"I like to shop sustainably and save money anytime I'm shopping."
"I'm gonna get bundled up, grab all my reusable bags, all my produce bags, and get ready to go outside."
"In this increasingly eco-friendly and cluttered world, small cars are cooler than ever."
"Get yourself some cute dish towels, wash them, reuse them."
"Stop buying paper towels. You will be so amazed how much longer it takes you to take out your trash when you stop using paper towels."
"It's aluminum free and paraben free plus one of the best things I think is that it is vegan and cruelty free."
"Being environmentally sophisticated is a status symbol."
"I've been kind of looking for one for a while for a gas saver, you know, reduce my carbon footprint."
"I bought a whiteboard so I don't waste any paper."
"I think this is a great idea when it comes to minimizing packaging and also conserving the packaging that you already have."
"Swapping down from buying new clothes to second-hand clothes is a no-brainer in two ways: we're saving money and we're saving some landfill."
"I really appreciate the eco-friendliness and the uniqueness of the packaging."
"We are trying to be as eco-friendly and as sustainable as possible."
"I appreciate refillable packaging."
"I love items that you can constantly reuse and avoid using things that are single-use."
"She always talks about being eco-conscious and saving on plastic."
"A lot of things that are eco-friendly actually save you money as well."
"Traveling without harming nature and taking care of the environment is really important to both of us."
"Exactly why throw something in the garbage if it can be used again?"