
Google Cloud Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's not magic—it's Google Cloud Spanner, and some planning."
"We designed Google Cloud to virtually eliminate downtime, to keep your critical applications running and available."
"It's been a really exciting few months for Google Cloud."
"Google Cloud depends on the service is $111 per some per some amount of gigabyte."
"Salana goes live on Google's Cloud big query data."
"The operating income of Google Cloud year over year is going to be a long-term intrinsic value driver for the company. It will become a key part of it."
"Google Cloud could become a bigger, more important part than YouTube for the company. That's how bullish I am on this segment."
"Google Cloud has cloud storage and it provides unified object storage for live or archive data."
"When we talk about Google Cloud, one of the key features here is better pricing than competitors, live migration of virtual machines which really interests a lot of organizations."
"When you are using Google Cloud services, you are using the services from the same infrastructure which Google uses for its popular services."
"You can always find a huge list of services or, you can say, at high level, solutions offered by Google Cloud."
"High reliability, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make Google Cloud a good choice for infrastructure modernization."
"No matter what your existing machine learning toolkit is, we've got something to help you on Google Cloud Platform."
"Using Google Cloud's bigquery, business analysts of Ferrero were able to store and analyze massive data sets in a very reliable fast and affordable manner."
"Google Cloud has the feature of hosting secure and reliable websites easily."
"Google Cloud: offers better pricing than competitors, live migration of virtual machines, improved performance."
"Google Cloud offers High productivity because you are using the resources which are based on the same infrastructure which Google uses for its own different use cases."
"Google Cloud and its web hosting basically offers users a chance to run their websites or use a web hosting solution that can benefit in more than one way."
"Google Cloud certifications are a great way to grow."
"Google Cloud Marketplace lets you quickly deploy functional software packages that run on Google Cloud."
"Being Google Cloud certified simply demonstrates to an employer that you possess the necessary skills to manage the various products and services on Google Cloud Platform."
"I'm a big fan of Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel which is my personal favorite resource for Learning."
"Apply the principle of least privilege."
"Know the resource hierarchy within Google Cloud."
"Google Cloud Dataflow is the right technology for a mix of batch and stream processing."
"Google Cloud Data Prep is a self-service data preparation tool."
"Buckle up your seats if there are seat belts. You're going to see some pretty incredible demos and walkthroughs of real world problems that are being solved on Google Cloud with machine learning and AI."
"When you have your data and you have the power and tools of Google Cloud, you can do almost everything that you want."
"Their last game was the first time they used Google Cloud and it was a tremendous success. They were able to analyze player behavior and game telemetry in ways that they never could before."
"Google provides Cloud VPN, Cloud Interconnect, and Cloud Peering for cloud network connections."
"Google Cloud Vision gets it perfect."
"My name is Rachel Goodman Moore, and I'm a product manager here at Google Cloud."
"Now with Managed Protection, Google Cloud customers can leverage the same edge capacity as well as DDoS defense expertise to protect their own applications and other publicly exposed workloads."
"You can generate these high-quality images yourself; this works nicely with Google's Cloud TPU."
"It's like Google's giving you its high-powered computers to be able to mess around with this stuff; it's pretty awesome."
"Google Cloud has features such as global load balancing which makes Google Cloud a unique choice."
"Google Cloud Revenue came in at $9.6 billion, which is up 28.4% year-over-year."
"I hope that this video has given you a good understanding of Google Cloud database services and how you can get started on Cloud SQL."
"The Google Cloud platform is where we can set up our websites to use the functionality that Google software possesses."
"Welcome to the last session of Google Cloud Next; this is for you."
"Once you've got your Google Cloud account set up, it's actually very easy."
"Enable our project within the Google Cloud Developer Platform to be able to use the Places API."
"Our goals are to take someone from a journey: I've got an app, and I want to get it on Google Cloud Platform. That's my primary goal."
"BigQuery, which is a data warehouse package or data warehousing solution from Google Cloud."
"We can all rest as easily as Milo here because we know the best practices for securing your workloads on Compute Engine and Google Cloud."
"My name is Sarah Robinson, I'm a developer advocate on the Google Cloud team focused on machine learning."
"That's why Google Cloud is so committed to developing and deploying technologies responsibly, with privacy, security, and safety at the core and guided by our longstanding AI principles."
"Turn any website in the whole world into an API with Google Chrome, Puppeteer, and Google Cloud."