
Shipping Quotes

There are 477 quotes

"Using a US-based fulfillment center is a harder transition method but can provide faster domestic shipping, which aids long-term brand credibility."
"Fans really like shipping; that is, pairing two fictional characters together."
"Very early on, Keith and Lance became a fan favorite couple in the fandom, known as Klance."
"The same technology that lets you automate a ship to need only a small crew also lets you automate the factories that build those ships."
"Shipping is very, very safe and as a matter of fact the insurance companies are making money hand over fist."
"Shipping believe it or not is safer than ever before."
"The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill to improve oversight of ocean shipping, a step supporters say will help ease backlogs."
"Quicker shipping times with print-on-demand build trust and brand loyalty."
"Thank you UPS, I'm sure this poster that says 'do not bend' right on the packaging will hang up great."
"Shipping products by water as opposed to land is anywhere from 10 to 30 times less expensive."
"Offer free shipping... include the shipping price within the product itself."
"You want to make sure that you're choosing a product that has a fast shipping time."
"The G7 will instruct all insurance companies not to insure any ships out of Russia unless the agreed price is below the cap."
"I love when people ship our characters. It's so fun to me."
"One of the nice things about once and the actors therein is that the attitude towards fandom and shipping is very open and friendly."
"You cannot deny the ship exists whether you're onboard or not it deserves at least a passing salute."
"Shipping real people that aren't together and/or are only friends is disgusting and almost predatory."
"ShipStation isn't magic, but it will make your shipping stress disappear completely."
"A new program that helps ships keep their distance from the gentle giants of the sea."
"Shipping times make a huge difference for your customer feedback ratings."
"Fulfillment's job is to look after the product, make sure the product quality is good, make sure that they're getting fast processing times and fast shipping times."
"Shipping is just going to help - that's extra money on the pile to help ensure that number is cinched up."
"The Razer Store offers great services like next business day shipping."
"I ordered this on late Wednesday and then I got it yes one day shipping."
"ShipStation is going to save you a lot of time."
"FrostIron has some of the most devoted shippers out there."
"What matters in our view in container shipping is not so much how many ships exist... what matters is how much capacity we deploy in our networks compared to the demand that we have." - Soren SKU
"Do you ship Asher and Caroline let us know your thoughts."
"Shift station got us covered though they got us covered so when we're doing our crew Hazard merch we make sure we use ship station we make sure we get that out early because we want y'all to get your orders on time right."
"Titanic's gross registered tonnage refers to usable interior space of a ship."
"Shipping is sadly a good example of toxic fandom."
"The ineffable husbands as they came to be called was a staple ship meaning one that had an impact on fandom and how it developed."
"You know, like, wouldn't it be cute if this character got together with this character?"
"Here's some advice: if you want to ship, don't."
"It is economical at that point to sail through the region."
"Free worldwide shipping on orders over $25."
"The Northwest Passage was a much more efficient shipping route, it ended up being a much more environmentally friendly route as well."
"A typical ship can be built in the Republic of Korea, crewed by Filipino seafarers, owned by a German investment fund, and operated by a liner shipping firm in Denmark."
"Sell it all, go to your thrift stores, find the 3 to 10 fastest sell-through rate items in any category that's easier to ship and get it done."
"The Ever Given was a wakeup call to everybody."
"More and more ships are waiting. Some captains are even considering taking the 6,000 kilometer detour around Africa."
"These three big shipping lines represent some of the biggest shipping lines in the world; their ships carry 40% of the world's oceangoing containers."
"For about a week, the whole world was riveted by shipping."
"Ten fuel savings translates to maybe 450,000 in savings and fuel per ship per year."
"It's also frankly quite a bit better for the environment."
"The shipping industry is essentially the backbone of globalization, of a global economy."
"...the phenomenon of people shipping real-world people with each other as if they're cartoon characters and not real human beings."
"James is often headcanon as Desi, and he is shipped with either Lily or Regulus"
"Up to 40% off UPS, up to 76% off USPS shipping rates"
"With that fandom came your standard fandom content flower crown edits gift sets medical fanfiction shipping the boys together while also shipping themselves with the boys."
"Just because it fits, don't mean it ships."
"Consciously didn't ship more things, thinking more long term."
"It's for shippers. This entire clip is for shippers. It is, it just is."
"I like free shipping instead of having to pay extra for shipping and Etsy even says they rank you better if you offer free shipping."
"So we have the weight of our total package, so we're going to go through, we're going to take that out and we're just going to put 1.5."
"Bye, all right, we are all done, and we're going to head over to the post office to get these babies shipped out."
"I envisioned the mass scrapping of container vessels in the end of 2022 going to 2023, that has not happened."
"If you're in Pittsburgh or Iowa or even in the mountains, the Rocky Mountains, you begin to realize how important global shipping is to you."
"Having what you need to ship a particular item so that when it sells you can pack it up easily and get it shipped definitely a best practice."
"There is this criminal underbelly to global shipping that is thriving."
"There's a lot of things that seem to be happening around the world that are all ocean and shipping related."
"However, the most telling sign of just how massive the Irena is... is through how many containers she can carry."
"At the end of the day, any given item has a total value that a buyer is willing to pay, and that includes the cost to ship."
"Ninety percent of all trade travels by sea. Our food, our fuel, our clothes, everything we need or use comes to us by ship."
"Craft paper is your friend when it comes to packing and shipping larger items."
"I listed these shoes with calculated shipping and eBay calculated that the buyer should pay 10.65 for shipping so I'm in the clear."
"Shipping: the practice of taking two characters and making stories or art of them in a relationship. It's been a part of fandom culture ever since fandom culture even existed."
"You can mail a firearm and a suppressor to yourself."
"Anything built in Japan ships from Japan to California."
"There is a giveaway in this video. We have six boxes ready to be shipped out to you guys, so be sure and enter."
"Their shipping is excellent and comes with custom taxes included for international customers."
"I've shipped myself a number of times when I haven't even been sick."
"...but it also continues to promote the idea that if you see two guys on screen or two people of the same sex, you're probably going to ship them or you have to ship them because they are just of the same sex."
"The Albert Dock was opened in 1846 at a time when Liverpool was one of the most important players in global shipping."
"Let's walk through shipping out your first order on Etsy and printing out your first label."
"This is the exact process that you'll go through when someone places an order and you're ready to ship it out to them."
"Let's go through the process of shipping out an order on Etsy."
"This thing ship station is so convenient you just get everything filled out boom they come to your home pick your stuff up and take it. It's unbelievable. I don't have to leave the house. I can do it in my underwear. It's awesome."
"A lot of times what I do is I'm going to split the shipping with my customer so instead of $6.39 I might put $4.99 here and then I'm paying a little bit of the shipping but they're also covering a lot of that."
"I don't think we've mentioned that but yeah she's uh used it for years as her primary way of doing her shipping for her online business and it's been nothing but wonderful for her."
"If we can provide value, more value than any other company, anybody could do shipping."
"Shipping is a big part of any community that's grown well basically at all for better or for worse."
"Docker containers are very easy to ship."
"You can seriously just type in the country and get an estimated cost for how much it's going to be to ship out one of your candles."
"We've got everything loaded up, ready to get shipped right to your doorstep."
"...customers appreciate free shipping, knowing that they're gonna pay 20 for this product and that's it, and no surprises at the end."
"It's against the rules for Eloise to marry Theo, but fans are shipping them anyway."
"That is the power of shipping profiles."
"I like free shipping because, I mean, it's free, right?"
"Doing it this way has allowed me to do all of my shipping and mailing from the comfort of my own home."
"Once that's down you can start routing things that are piled on top of the engine with tie wraps when it's being shipped."
"Go to ShipStation.com, click the microphone in the top right, type in the promo code 'stevo' and make ship happen."
"The shipping companies are still making profits and they're making good profits."
"...these principles can be applied to shipping anything."
"All you have to do is make sure that your item gets to the buyer safe and sound."
"Ship the item out as quickly as possible."
"In short, this thing is a ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships."
"Pirate ship can save me nearly 50 percent of the commercial shipping rate."
"Your package is automatically insured up to $100 when you print a shipping label through pirate ship."
"Shipping is the number one thing that people are afraid of as far as I can tell. It isn't something that remains scary over time because you don't talk to experienced resellers that are still afraid of it."
"I know I talk about packing the more expensive items better, however, this little $8 thing, I still want it to get there safe."
"And the best part is it's shipped directly to your doorstep and there's always free shipping."
"Etsy favors shops in the search results that offer a free shipping guarantee."
"The great thing about priority mail is that you can use the free shipping supplies that you can get online."
"The expansion of the Panama Canal streamlined the shipping process."
"Double stacked our palette probably to save us on shipping which is always appreciated."
"So, our packages from Temu have arrived much faster than they ever did from Wish."
"I have perfected a process and a system to ship your Pokemon cards as safe as possible for as cheap as possible and today I'm gonna teach that to you."
"Pirate ship is a life changer if you don't have to wait in line at the post office you're going to be getting better shipping rates it is so much better."
"Free shipping can help somebody move forward in the process because people are used to that these days."
"We're now able to sell the Ivano from the UK, pre-built or flat-packed, and ship them everywhere in Europe."
"If you are not shipping them then, uh, honestly get ahead."
"Make ship happen we genuinely do not even have a business unless we have ship station."
"You lower shipping costs, make returns easy, and you keep customers happy all the time."
"Article offers fast, affordable flat-rate shipping across the USA and Canada."
"We don't want to overcharge for shipping. We would even take a little bit of a hit on the shipping personally. But yeah, like an extra five for shipping within the United States for this."
"I'm just going to put it out there that if you ship characters don't name your kids after the characters you ship."
"The fun is in making the product. The boring part is shipping it. So don't make it something more than it has to be."
"We're bound to the carrier that our warehouse uh elects for us so we can only do shipping in areas that we're allowed to do shipping."
"I think there could be ways around the shipping to Canada thing but I'm not getting my hopes too high."
"No, no, stop shipping these two right now. He's a robot and she's a [__]."
"Way lower shipping costs and way faster delivery times."
"You need to account for your shipping."
"I love how the shipping is going here. Normally it takes a few days. I ordered this... came super duper duper fast."
"Who do I ship Dandy with? It's always the, you know, honey or Scarlet in a lot of ways, honey."
"You spend a lot less time on shipping, a lot more time growing your business."
"Shipping prices can be really expensive, so keep your packaging efficient."
"Shipping is always free and there's a 30-day refund policy if you change your mind."
"Stamps.com was the easiest, most affordable way to ship things out from my house."
"I just haul this, not even that long ago, like a few weeks ago, and it didn't look the best after shipping."
"This will ship anywhere in the world you just have to pay for international shipping, which is almost 15."
"Do you actually cook your pizza? Yes, you put your pizza right on there, there's so, the other ones are new that have sold, that one's used. It's sold for 45, 45, okay plus 20 shipping, what do you think? Yeah, there's a little tiny little chip there."
"In conclusion shipping can be so much fun."
"You can get Bluetooth delivered within days for free if you use the promo code 85 South. Just pay the shipping."
"With Shippo, I can easily and quickly compare rates for various providers and purchase all of my labels at the same time."
"...and hey look they are literally shipping the Mega Rangers until next time, bye."
"As I was saying we do have a few more kit number four available and we are now shipping to 28 countries I believe worldwide so those of you that are outside of the USA you can now take advantage of getting a scent club kit."
"More big ships on the water more often."
"Now we're going to need total shipping weight for each row."
"They have super fast and free shipping and they offer a lot of high-quality affordable goods."
"Adorable, I will be shipping her out today along with the Corgi and we are being productive this week so we'd love to see that."
"Taiwan's vulnerability is obvious. The Taiwan Strait is one of the world's busiest shipping lanes and Taiwan's lifeline."
"I really don't understand why sellers are still printing ese orders with a thermal printer and then fixing that label onto the pwe when you can print them and it's a lot cheaper and it's a lot quicker doing that method."
"I've shipped hundreds and hundreds of these jumbo cards this exact method and I've actually never ran into an issue where a card got damaged in transit."
"Whenever I do shop on eBay, free shipping, it does mean something."
"I mean I'm just giving reasons if you ask me to I could redo this whole answer with reasons why I should use free shipping yep so I'm not pros and cons to both sides there are."
"When choosing between going to an actual post office and shipping with a Mercari label, Mercari will always be your best bet."
"Six bucks to ship it, not too bad."
"I don’t think anyone in the Social Network fandom really shipped Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, the real people, I think they shipped the ‘characters’ from the movie."
"If you are doing operation Santa just remember that you need to purchase your own shipping supplies we didn't know that so we have to buy boxes like on the spot and shipping is expensive."
"Ship Station makes shipping so freaking easy."
"It'll ship straight from the roastery, so it gets to you for peak freshness."
"So yeah, I got some stuff, she shipped them to the hotel that we're staying at."
"...we will happily ship this to you free of charge anywhere in the world."
"Remember, I've got flat rate shipping around the world at twenty dollars."
"We ordered the stuff, but, you know, some takes a while to get here. Yeah, 'cause I saw the containers. They said shipping is gonna be kind of delayed now."
"We make sure that the shipping is going to be covered at all costs."
"Good news. We start shipping on December 12th."
"Shipping is supposed to be fun. I like the idea of this character dating that character even if it's not confirmed in the show, even if their sexuality isn't confirmed."
"Shipping is just for fun, so let's try to be civil and have some fun with the show, huh?"
"Now every last thing is out of this, this is how we would want it if you are shipping it to us completely stripped down."
"With all this fan service, the shippers are eating really well."
"They're not ripping you off. I mean, I can break that down for you too. When it comes to Ice Yarns, you're really paying that much for shipping when you buy some from somewhere else."
"I personally hope Hermione and Harry end up together."
"Did you know that air and ocean shipments into Canada can take 15 minutes to an hour to clear customs?"
"We're constantly adding and removing inventory, weekly we pull about 2500 Parts on orders for shipping."
"You have to pay to ship it to them."
"Amazon set the standard for fast shipping or in this case one day shipping."
"This actually has geolocate, which will actually find out where your customers are and charge them a shipping price and taxes automatically. Shopify offers that, but you gotta pay $300 a month. This is free. So that is a big reason to use WooCommerce. It's way better."
"Yes this is so [ __ ] cute I shipped them already."
"Let's create a shipping zone, click on add shipping zone, zone name: Zone, reason: United States."
"We do ship these setups with a couple of bump-ons, these are rubber bump-ons, they're self-adhesive, they have a nice adhesive on the back."
"otp top of the top best of the best s-tier ships"
"If you're looking for a way to cut costs, why not start paying less to mail and ship?"
"Stamps.com saves you time, money, and stress for more than 20 years. Stamps.com has been indispensable for over 1 million businesses. No matter what business you're in, Stamps.com will help you save on shipping."
"Memorialized in Gordon Lightfoot's popular 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald', the Fitzgerald stands as one of the most tragic losses in modern Great Lakes shipping."
"The worst by far of these disasters on Lake Erie in terms of loss of life was the loss of the G.P. Griffith in June 1850."
"Packing peanuts, wow, helpful obviously for shipping, definitely make the unpacking process really painful."
"Our process is the easiest from offer to shipping label to payment. It's a very, very short time frame."
"The number one thing though that really stands out to me... is how hard it's made me ride for Rose and Dimitri as a couple."
"I ship it. I ship all three of them with each other."
"Hopefully it's been really helpful if you're looking to start out on Vinted and you wanted just to know the absolute basics of how to sell on Vintage, how to ship things on Vintage, how the shipment charges work."
"He was doing free international shipping which is expensive"
"It had fairly fast shipping considering it comes overseas. They are very, very sturdy, nicely made products, and they're super cute."
"You just want to bubble wrap as much as you can to really be sure that your item is going to get to the customer intact and not scratched or damaged."
"All shipping options are trackable."
"I'm very rarely dwived like oh I ship these people I don't usually care but I'll be all for it if they got together."
"This box took about 3 weeks to get here, it was easily the slowest shipping out of all the fishing subscription boxes that we ordered."
"The real goal of this video is just to have people acknowledge that Naruhina is a terrible forced ship but to ship it anyways because it just makes them happy."
"Ship items ahead with balikbayan box, send it three to four months in advance."
"I can ship to Australia, but I ain't gonna lie, it's very expensive."
"This show is sponsored by ShipStation. ShipStation makes it easy to automate shipping tasks for orders from every marketplace in one dashboard. Get 84% off USPS and UPS rates and try ShipStation free for two months using promo code 'YKWD'."
"But when these new packages are shipped overseas, they need still further protection against moisture and corrosion, and that's where wax comes in to help solve this problem."
"You get your first item for 50% off plus free shipping and handling in the US and Canada."
"The first thing that you need to do is print the packing slip."
"It's very unlikely for you to have a graphics card that comes off together with the PCI slot itself during shipping."
"Whatnot has a really good combined shipping system so they can bid on the 4810 items that they wanted as an example."
"Very important, get yourself a label printer if you're gonna do any kind of shipping regularly."
"This is my shipping station, this is my NAS, shipping supplies."
"Sending out the wrong item: Custom skew everything, especially when it comes to like items."