
Argumentation Quotes

There are 899 quotes

"There's an incredible three-dimensional structure to the way the argument's being presented...It's not possible for a human being to do linguistically."
"We're not arguing for what we don't know; we're arguing from what we do know."
"When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When the law's on your side, argue the law."
"If you really want to make a good faith like convincing compelling argument that you're going to change, start there."
"Great claims need absolutely fantastic evidence, completely transparent to argument."
"There's a simple, highly effective rule for making a good argument: don't build it on a fallacy."
"When you state your argument... do it in a winsome way with respect."
"The best arguments need to be used, not the best emotional appeals."
"The mere fact that something else could be true does not diminish the validity of the argument presented."
"I think if you don't understand the opposing argument, then your argument could have a lot of flaws."
"Calling your arguments terrible is also not an ad hominem because I've demonstrated why."
"We want to believe in the sincerity of the people who are making arguments."
"You want to take arguments that are against your perspective and you want to make them as strong as you possibly can so that you can fortify your arguments against them."
"A claim that's presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"If you wish people to believe the truth about vaccines, make the argument."
"Don't be so arrogant as to assume that if you're unconvinced by this argument, there definitely is no God."
"Philosophers need to tease out all the problems with certain defenses of certain arguments to make the arguments and the defenses of their premises as strong as they possibly can."
"Insulting someone not only doesn't strengthen your points but actually makes them look weaker."
"The best argument they ever get is, 'Science can't explain it, therefore God.'"
"Don't raise your voice, improve your argument."
"The benefit of this whole thing and going through it this way is the arguments that you realize you don't have."
"As soon as you throw an insult, you've lost; that's it, game over, your argument's gone."
"Logical reasoning allows us to identify logical fallacies, and when an argument is fallacious, that doesn't mean the conclusion is false; it means you cannot affirm that the conclusion is true."
"In conclusion, the argument as it stands now is considerably flawed due to its reliance on several unwarranted assumptions."
"It's about exposing people to the right arguments."
"Be attentive, be intelligent, martial arguments, try to get some evidence, stop contradicting yourself, stop doing ad hominem arguments, be reasonable, draw conclusions."
"The arguments being made are legitimate, they are coming from many different vectors and many different disciplines of science."
"I am arguing with facts, logic, and reason here."
"I don't think that I can objectively win the argument with you or that you could with me."
"Arguments stand and fall on their own merits."
"That the people with the opposition refuse to own their own position. I think that's an indication it's not a very good one."
"The fight is whether or not the argument is sound."
"This is my favorite argument for God's existence and I think it's really, really strong."
"The difference between a coherent argument and a crappy headcanon is evidence."
"Censorship and a major lack of understanding in our society about how to actually make an argument are two major issues that we have in our world today."
"The ability to rely on mockery as opposed to making arguments is a way of securing social power. It implies that the arguments are beneath you, that the people you're arguing against are like beneath your consideration."
"Every logical fallacy has been used as an argument for God, and every argument for God is a logical fallacy."
"Philosophy is kind of like jazz; it's less about the arguments you make, it's more about the arguments that you don't make."
"Allow Me to Retort is an easily digestible argument primer written by Ellie Mistle so that he says people can tell the Republicans in their own lives why they're wrong."
"Just because somebody is criticizing something doesn't mean they're defending something else."
"Be fluent in the other side of the argument."
"Not every conversation needs to be an argument and not everybody out here is out here to score points on you."
"In order to actually make a clear and coherent argument that cuts through the noise, you have to be one very careful. If you overstep or say something that can be misconstrued, they will immediately shove that down your throat and belittle you."
"The fact that there is 'little research in this area' doesn't give you a green light to base your arguments on bad research, even if you admit it's bad."
"Do not win your argument through your words. Win your argument through your actions."
"Connor has built up a very strong defense to why he wants to do what he wants to do, and that's totally fine."
"Forming logical, valid argument structures is very important."
"I just hope that I can help provide you with the tools to critically analyze sources and to form sound arguments."
"I feel like I've made my point very, very clear."
"The only way you can take down a belief is attacking the reasons for that belief."
"You don't have any credibility when you only want to look at one side of the coin."
"It's much easier to get away with bad arguments if it's being presented in a satirical cartoon format."
"You can't win the argument if you don't make the argument."
"You didn't make it this your argument religious but I know that it's really religious so I'm going to argue against it as if it is."
"Make sure that every word and every sentence is exactly where it needs to be in order to argue a coherent thesis because honestly a video essay is just the same thing as an essay that you would write for school."
"Pointing out bias in an argument is one of the most effective ways of delegitimizing it."
"We’ll refrain from using fear of its alternatives as a motivating argument."
"If you can't win by argument who are you kidding."
"Those who can't attack the merits... they can't count nope nope."
"None of these people will do that because they know they can't defend it."
"Argue in favor... use the values you know they already have."
"The arguments are much more important than the people who make them."
"Let's just do this right now for the sake of argument, here we go."
"If you're going to start building a case, premise, premise, premise, premise, conclusion, and I go after like any of your individual premises, you can't complain that I'm just attacking a micro point."
"Are you arguing to be right or arguing for right? Those are two different things."
"What about ism is an argumentative tactic where a person deflects a point being made by redirecting attention to another issue."
"The collapse of ICE vehicle sales is inevitable."
"The fine-tuned nature of the cosmos it's the only argument that's worth making if you're a theist in my opinion."
"Building logical, well-structured arguments."
"Steel manning: providing the best possible case for our opponents."
"Construct an argument, explain why you disagree with that person, have a discourse."
"If someone actually had a legitimately sound evidence-based argument for God, all of a sudden, neither of us would be atheists. That's how it works."
"You have to make one thing that I found is really effective is to make sure that people understand that the other side isn't really offering any good solutions."
"The fact that you can't believe that Jews are capable of doing this doesn't mean that they're not capable of doing it it just means your this is an argument from incredulity."
"The burden of proof is on the person making the positive claim, which is you, Gary."
"The slippery slope is not a fallacy. It never was."
"For any thought, you could theoretically make another argument, but you have to follow a reliable pattern of evidence to conclude something."
"In order to argue with somebody or at least have a conversation with somebody, the best thing that you can first do is realize what they actually believe and why they believe it, otherwise, you may just be talking past them to begin with."
"You preserve your character so you can have the moral high ground. And that's important. That's my point."
"Every time they disagreed with me I had to go make my argument stronger."
"I win my arguments because I always have the truth on my side."
"When this garment business started, somehow we're able to attract these women."
"An argument is won or lost by logic, not rhetoric. Benedict said truth is not determined by a majority vote."
"You should say what you mean, argue for what you believe, and even if it's unpopular."
"I think actually the way he put his point across was so powerful that you can't argue against it... He knows what the Quran says, he knows the ins and outs of it all."
"When critics fight the process instead of the substance of an argument, it tells you a lot about the weaknesses of their defense."
"The moral argument is strong enough and if you're not willing to consider it, we'll make you."
"They argue for it within the paradigm, and this is very important."
"You keep saying that but do not bother arguing with him. For him, the concept of losing simply does not exist."
"A lot of these conversations just become dogmatic very quickly."
"I don't like it whenever people are arguing and they just try to say, 'I mean, I guess that's part of the argument, trying to discredit your opponent.'"
"It's about what is behind those arguments what drives those arguments."
"The existence of competing claims has no bearing on the truth of a claim you're making."
"I've always sympathized with people really taking on a point of view and arguing it to its logical conclusion."
"You argue with people for a living, just for less money."
"A disagreement is ultimately not anywhere near as important as the logic by which you arrive at it."
"It's not a false dilemma; both the individual ways and their cumulative case are convincing."
"The third way is the most compelling for me."
"You're reaching, brother. When you gotta talk this much, you're trying to make a weak point."
"It's about arguing that the things you believe are wrong because my worldview is necessitated on the things I know to be true."
"One of the most basic distinctions that's at work in all of these arguments is that of act and potency."
"These arguments are consistent, they have continuity."
"Every time we try to make an argument by analogy, it's going to fail."
"The argument is also less valid as time goes on because... it becomes harder and harder to hold that same argument."
"You can't argue with people who are so angry and arrogant they don't know what they're talking about."
"I was always waiting for someone anyone who would go into the trenches and entertain both sides of the argument."
"At the end of the day, it's my body... that's not an argument."
"People always defend their opinions like it's a shield for any counter arguments."
"Let your kids make a good case. If they win the argument, they get their way."
"Using empirics is a really good way to argue."
"The onus of proof is on them to prove their claim."
"Defending the indefensible can be futile and fatuous endeavor."
"You can't really know your own side of an argument until you know the other side."
"The number one thing you can do to make any of these Twitter freaks fall to their knees is to ask for proof."
"If you're in an argument and not asking the person what do you mean when you say this or why do you believe that then you aren't actually trying to understand the person."
"I can't make a good argument in favor of censorship."
"Both of these arguments are looking at the issue from the wrong perspective."
"A decent argument followed up with an insult is usually really fine though."
"How do you know that these religious system is true and you appeal to a consensus and I'm saying that is a fallacy."
"I think it's really hard to argue against that."
"The arguments are so bad that even if they were right, they would still be wrong."
"You gotta make the case against him. You gotta win the argument. Persuade people. Democratic politics 101."
"If your response to an argument is to ignore it and then to attack the character of the person saying it, then you aren't making an argument, you're activating the airlock and sucking all of the nuance and intelligence out of the room."
"If you cannot argue your ideological opposition's point of view as effectively as they can, you have no business holding your own position."
"It is impossible to be in good faith and take a singular quote from a book and present it in support of your argument to someone who hasn't read the book."
"You have to be able to think about the people who disagree with you and what they're going to say, anticipate their response and formulate an argument that resolves it."
"When somebody reaches the point where their argument turns into sarcasm, they've run out of argument."
"Every single thing you say needs to be backed up... with a fact, with a statistic, with a date, with a person, with a quote, with a place."
"I don't love the stats argument because your defense piece with Trey I think matters."
"What it really needs to mean is argumentation that is effective and that is persuasive... if we're not persuading anybody to our side, that fighting doesn't have an outcome of winning."
"Argumentation that is effective and persuasive is crucial."
"Taking opposite arguments and then trying to dismantle them."
"A valid and logical argument requires you to develop a thought beyond the one simple shallow slogan."
"Facts are a lot more compelling than emotionalism."
"You could make the argument that you were defrauded, right?"
"Take note of that one thing he can't say is anyone debunked me or proved me wrong."
"We arrive at truth through the best arguments."
"It's not bad logic. It's not the worst logic I've ever heard."
"That, to me, is a comprehensive, cohesive, and pretty convincing answer."
"Build an argument, come up with a counter-evidence, but don't just try to cancel someone."
"None of the arguments made against... stand up under careful scrutiny."
"You're making a good point, not sure if it's the point you think you're making."
"You cannot make a positive claim without positive evidence to back it up."
"You can't use an argument that actually doesn't make sense and then just be like 'oh well that's just what I like'."
"It's because we're making arguments that work that if they will look for a moment in their own life they'll go 'Oh yeah.'"
"She brought up some great points and used perfect examples in real-time evidence of the situation."
"Saying that the Iraq war is a bad idea because all wars are wrong is just about the worst humanly possible argument you can make."
"Cutting out inefficiencies anywhere is difficult to argue with."
"Paul Vander Clay did make a lot of really interesting arguments about interpersonal relationships that I found compelling."
"People's emotions and perceptions and powerful facts make for a case."
"Instead of attacking someone's actual position, you waste your time attacking a view that no one holds."
"You have to be able to wrestle with the very best arguments on the other side."
"Here's a tip: keep an eye out for logic traps when you're chatting with a person."
"If they try and argue with you, you can ask them what is the first line of the police caution."
"We're going to take a look at logical fallacies and some people who are really bad at making arguments."
"You will encounter a lot of bad arguments while you are trying to find sound ones."
"To avoid circular reasoning, we must ensure we do not rely on our conclusion within the premises of our argument."
"It's not that complicated, even a hillbilly can prove these people wrong."
"Good luck winning an argument with this person... they'll remember things you don't even remember."
"The arguments for God's existence are much stronger than the arguments against."
"If you're that confident in your argument, have a debate with characters. There's nothing wrong with that but that never happened."
"Real argument engages the mind and moves the issue forward in a non-violent way."
"If we empower sophists, sophistry does not have to be answered in order to proceed."
"The instant anyone stops defending their argument and starts complaining about their right to have it – something has gone horribly wrong."
"The libs are not even trying to make arguments anymore."
"It seems like circular logic to me... that's my argument against it."
"If you have facts on your side, it shouldn't be that hard. Just state them."
"Even if you lose the vote, you are entitled to go on making the argument."
"We open ourselves up to a lot of really dangerous counter-arguments."
"Acknowledging their points and then breaking them down leaves them with nothing but ash."
"Getting them to drop their actual point early, they have no steam, and conspiracy seems like a post hoc justification."
"We keep, how hard is this concept? So, you're making an argument, yeah, that all of a sudden the baby goes through metamorphosis of a species change."
"So he's a great arguer I'll give him he's a very good debater."
"You can avoid so many bad conversations and arguments if you just decide to define terms before you get into the actual argument or debate itself."
"Interactions and exchanges are no longer rational. They're not based on argumentation, they're not based on logic. You can't have actual debates with people anymore because people have lost all their moral compass."
"Hit them with facts, and they have nothing to say back."
"Engagement's key. You have to be able to engage with the arguments posed by the other side."
"Correlation equals causation. You can't deny this, there's absolutely no other possible explanation."
"Let's call it 95, just for the sake of argument."
"NASA lies. Now if you have to start off your argument by trying to prove that one of the world's space agencies is lying about well basically everything then you've already lost."
"What about ism is a logical fallacy, it doesn't matter."
"To be able to see one side of an argument and then argue against it is enormously important."
"Science is about measurements, conclusions, hypotheses, and arguments."
"Can you argue the other side? That's it. Can you argue the other side?"
"Stop with your insults and try to answer arguments concretely."
"Philosophy fills the gaps by actually building sound arguments from evidence."
"It's the fastest way, there's no argument you can have."
"I'm gonna prove using data and science which side is indisputably the correct side."
"You can show them where they're wrong without being rude or hateful."
"Winning arguments and solving problems are not the same skill."
"Name-calling is the worst way of conceding that you've lost the argument."
"If you let people know that once they've insulted someone... you have automatically lost that argument."
"Debates are a test for your idea... tested through questions by the opposition."
"Begging the question is actually the fallacy of basing your argument on the assumption that the thing your argument is based on is true ironically."
"Can we just push back against the actual arguments people make instead of just trying to label them something and walk away? Like it's so lazy."
"The recovery of real argument is a desideratum."
"We tend to steel man as much as we can... Sometimes you can't steel man strong."
"You can't use generalization to back up a very specific point."
"You can build a strong case for the resurrection with a base factor."
"You don't need the clown costume if you have legitimate points to make."