
Calling Quotes

There are 2939 quotes

"What if your calling isn't a career? What if you're supposed to make a bunch of money at your job or your business and use that money towards your calling?"
"When you find your calling in your life, you're going to feel home. You'll feel like it's right where you belong."
"The pathway to becoming happier is finding your purpose, your mission, your calling."
"Your calling, your mission, your crusade will always involve helping other people somehow."
"You are being really called towards your life purpose and destiny."
"A generation is waiting. A generation is calling. Answer that call with us."
"He does not call you to do anything that he does not at the exact same time give us the anointing and the power and the strength and the Grace and the wisdom and the discernment to handle the task at hand."
"God doesn't qualify the called or call the qualified; He qualifies the called."
"Wake up and see that your calling is worth the sacrifice."
"This is your calling, this is your life's path, this is your life's purpose."
"Life is calling to you to give something, not to get something."
"You are making the world more of what it could be; that's a high calling, it's a noble calling."
"Whatever God calls you to, He will equip you for."
"Don't just sit and look at your calling, embrace it, put it on, wear it, and watch God intervene."
"You will have to decide if you're going to answer the call to your greatest adventure, to follow your greatest rapture, to follow your inner bliss."
"Your calling can be unlocked if you discover the habit... of fasting."
"The calling... You feel called to do something, and it's very mysterious because many times we don't know where it comes from."
"God is what calls and what responds in the eternal call to adventure."
"God will always call you to become better, and the way you become better is by growing."
"You've got to do something that you feel you've been called to do in terms of a purpose."
"That is our destiny, and I think all of you should take that on as your purpose and your calling."
"I think God was whispering to me long before I became an adoptive mother, 'It's time for you to be a mom.'"
"What new creations are you being called to birth?"
"The call of God in our lives is not marked by the comfort of our lives."
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
"Potential is everything you could do. Your purpose is the things God has graced you to do."
"Just know that that is your destiny and that is your calling."
"When you do something that you love, or you do something that you feel might be a calling to you, failures motivate me a lot."
"A career is what you're paid for; a calling is what you're made for."
"The real sacred time is when we allow ourselves to recognize that it's part of our calling."
"I felt this unwavering pull, this sense of belonging to Hawaii."
"I felt a hand, an invisible hand on my back propelling me towards Palestine. I have no explanation for it."
"Don't underestimate what God's calling may be in your life and what He may be calling you to do."
"God has called you, God has anointed you, God wants to use your life. There's a purpose for your life."
"Trends come and go, but the call of God remains on your life forever."
"We have some divine calling. That divine calling is to establish what's good in the midst of what isn't."
"When God wants to use you, he'll make a point to find you and anoint you."
"Demons love to attach themselves to the most called, anointed, and appointed of people."
"I'm not called to entertainment; I'm called to empowerment."
"I really believe it's a calling... all of my life, all of my career has led to this."
"We're all called to be great saints. Don't miss the opportunity!"
"We will not let our comfort forfeit our calling."
"When God calls you out, He calls you to solitude, not loneliness."
"What magnifying their calling can mean for you."
"Is this just a coincidence or is this my calling?"
"If the Lord is calling you and has been calling you don't run away from that run towards your calling."
"God does not call perfect people, he calls imperfect people to be devoted to him."
"Remember, this is who we are and this is what we've been called to do."
"You may be a Hollywood actor, a musician that God's called, but there's a saint living on the inside of you that knows you were called for such a time as this."
"It's like you're feeling at peace or you are feeling called or led to something much bigger than yourself."
"It's not something that you are, it's something you have a calling to."
"Your calling, your true calling, will be revealed to you."
"Your soul is calling you, and you can't ignore the call."
"You've got to be all in, all in for His call on your life, for His mission for you."
"I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world."
"Your calling is God's invitation for your participation in the reason for your creation."
"You're gonna go back to the place that he called you out of."
"God looks at you and he doesn't call those that are equipped, he equips those that are called."
"It's time to stop running...a lot of us are running from what we think the calling is."
"What's the field has God planted you in? Be very specific about it."
"For the most part, a calling is a sense of God in our hearts, the moving of the Holy Spirit, a feeling of love."
"God is concerned about me fulfilling my calling, not just my comfort."
"God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."
"This is your calling, it's what you came here to do. Empress soul, it's your Soul's journey."
"The enemy hates to see you walking in your calling with the anointing and integrity."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"You're gonna be shocked at how unique and specific and fulfilling that your calling is."
"God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the call."
"Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, there's a program for you."
"It's not about your resume, it's about resuming your calling."
"Are you gonna answer the call? Because others are depending on you."
"Many are called, few are chosen. Everybody gets invited. Those that choose to come become chosen."
"President Russell M. Nelson has called this the greatest cause and the greatest work in the Lord's Kingdom today."
"Live in a way that's fitting for the calling with which you were called."
"There's something undone something unresolved within my body I can feel it I've shared this story a million times and I'll keep it short but there came a time where I knew my calling was to go all in with my YouTube channel."
"Something out there is calling me, and it's calling you too."
"I knew I had to cry out the name of Jesus Christ."
"God never calls qualified people. He only qualifies people that answer the call."
"There was something on that mountain that was calling to us."
"When we feel called by justice itself to be the servant of justice itself..."
"This is an honor to do this. It's not about the money, it's not about the fame. It's because I know this is what I was called to do on planet earth."
"Every one of us baptized confirmed received... we're all called to the heights of holiness."
"This is a fantastic field to be in. It is a field that I was called to be in."
"I don't think I signed up for this job, I think I was called into this job."
"Your calling will often become clear because of your contradictions."
"The lay catechist is now a vocation, a calling in life that goes well beyond mere professional concerns."
"Jesus Christ is saving those who would call upon his name."
"Real tough, no life calling. Your calling chooses you. That's why it's called a call. You don't call it, it calls you."
"Embrace this calling with joy and expectation, you are not just a spectator but a key player."
"I believe that I am called to do that. I know that the enemy, that dragon, that serpent of old, is defeated by the blood of the Lamb, by the words of our testimony..."
"You have a calling to bring glory to God wherever you are."
"If God has called people in the past to do these miraculous things, then why not me?"
"This was the reality for Abraham when God called him to leave his homeland for a place he would later receive as an inheritance."
"I pray that those that hear this conversation and hear these words will allow themselves to hear your voice and what you called them to do in their life."
"Calling doesn't have an age, maturity matters more."
"God's getting ready to ask you to do something that you've never done before."
"They will fulfill their destiny, they will do everything you call them to do."
"Each one of us has a destiny. Each one of us is called to do something."
"Nobody ever said that a calling was easy. Having a calling requires you to have strength."
"You are never intended to live out your calling alone."
"Priesthood is a calling from God, and if it's coming from God, he'll give you what you need to sustain you."
"God did not call you to a Ministry of infirmity."
"Christ's call to holiness has never changed."
"God will use common situations to invite you into extraordinary callings."
"Confusing situations are many times God confronting you with your calling."
"I feel like God has put me here for a reason... to call out the hypocrisy."
"I feel this is part of your calling in this life."
"When we operate in our gifting, in our calling, there is such a satisfaction that nothing else in this world can bring."
"God calls your spirit... He does not call you with your flesh."
"The calling of God that keeps on knocking on the door of your heart will never stop until you answer."
"Follow your path, follow the calling of your heart and your soul and your intuition."
"Our greatest attacks usually come when we are the closest to our calling."
"God called you to preach, but he called you to preach the truth."
"Set your mind on your purpose. Set your mind on what God has called you to do."
"You can quit your job but you can't quit your calling."
"You're marked by God, and there's something in the earth that he wants to do through you."
"God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the call."
"We must know our place of calling. What are you called to do? Then we work to set at liberty."
"It's more than a hobby, it's almost like a calling."
"You have a purpose at divination, that's what you was called to do by the higher power. Universe calls you to do that too."
"How does calling and career tie into purpose?"
"You're going to be called more and more into your unique expression, your uniqueness."
"You gotta know your call, you gotta know what you're supposed to do."
"He has saved us and called us to a holy life by his own purpose and grace."
"You can find what you're called to do by finding what you can't stand."
"This is my person, this is my place, this is where I keep being called back to."
"Listen to your heart, it's calling you to do something."
"My name is Tyler Feller and I started streaming on YouTube because, really, the Lord told me to."
"Find your calling, and I guarantee you, you'll be successful at your calling."
"You're being called for something; this is your purpose, this is your destiny."
"Your calling is not going to come through the mind, so stop strategizing, stop trying to figure it out by journaling. Be with awareness, be with existence, just be."
"God has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace."
"Get ready, because at any point in your life when you're transforming, it's bringing you towards your calling."
"This is what God put me here on earth for, this is my calling."
"That you might know what is the hope of your calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."
"If there is a place where he is needed, shouldn't he do his best to answer their call?"
"You are getting ready to really know your worth and really step up to your calling."
"I do think that is my calling in life."
"It may happen with a co-founder, it may be that you need more people around you who can carry the weight, the burden, at that level, especially if God is calling you to do something big."
"They are in this world because they were called."
"He said to his disciples, 'The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few, so pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into the harvest.'"
"Who can I send and who will go for us? Then I said, 'Here am I, send me.'"
"God is like no, somebody has a very, very high calling, a mission on their life."
"You're just being called to take care of yourself."
"Everyone is called for different things, and for me, this is what God has called me to in this season of my life."
"My love calling me to light, calling me every breath, calling me to rise from death."
"Stop ignoring the call of spirit."
"Once you've got a calling or vocation, then everything from then on gets interpreted in terms of it."
"I still believe we are all called upon to do things in life at certain times."
"So rise up, beloved, your Father is calling. Answer His invitation and embark on the adventure of a lifetime."
"I can't think of a more honorable calling than to be chosen by the Creator to teach the truth."
"Here I am, Lord. I'm ready to do what I was born to do."
"For many are called, but few are chosen."
"This can't be something you seek after for selfish gain; you have to be called to this, you have to be raised, you have to be trained up by God for this."
"There's something within you, in your heart, this inner calling that's asking for you and your attention."
"It is not hands that call us, it is desire."
"God's call is the outworking of his love."
"When God calls you something, you are what he calls you."
"My mission, my purpose, what I feel like I'm called to do at this season, is my number two priority."
"It's not some special ingredient that matters when questing for something you really think you are called for, but how it's who you are that makes you special."
"You are stepping into your rank, your position, your calling, your purpose."
"Remain in what God has called you to do."
"This is not the time to stay neutral, this is the time to heed the call."
"Nothing fills the void except finding your purpose and staying true to your god-given calling."
"I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, make straight the way for the Lord."
"If you put people into these circumstances where they can catch the fire of the logos, then they will often feel called to reorient themselves."
"Every single one of us has an assignment from God."
"The highest calling of God is whatever God has called you to be."
"I press on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward."
"First and foremost, thank you for working in your calling and allowing God to use you the way He does."
"These are moments that you're made for. You're actually built for this."
"You're being called upon now to go towards cancer type characteristics and cancer type energy."
"God has called you to see the invisible and do the impossible."
"It calls you still, it's my heart and soul."
"You can't run away from what God has called you to do; you have to still be obedient."
"You're anointed before you're positioned."
"It's not about what God's calling you to; it's about who God's calling you to become."
"Whatever shoes you're being called to fulfill, fulfill it."
"When you understand your call, when you understand your purpose, when you understand you're a standard bearer, you have a higher responsibility."
"Every single time God calls you to something, he calls you out of comfort."
"God affirmed to me I was supposed to go into the ministry."
"We felt like that's what God was leading us in the direction of calling that channel Restored."
"God made me a preacher, and I must say He did a good job making me a preacher."
"Answer the call of your soul, of your heart."
"Our call is a very high and noble call."
"What you feel called to do and moved to do has value, and you can't control the response; all you need to do is trust in what you feel guided to do."
"You are in harmony with yourself, you're in harmony with others around you, in harmony with your calling."
"You're here to do something specific and your soul's calling you in that direction."
"Sometimes you can tell the call of God on your life by where the devil attacks you."
"Having kids is the best. I love being a mom, this is my true calling."
"I chose you from your mother's belly to be an apostle."
"Some of y'all are being called to be high priest and high priestess."
"Who you are really does matter; if you're doing the thing God's called you to do, that's an overflow of what He's been doing in you."
"I did not anoint you for the crowd, I anointed you for your assignment."
"I'm just meant to bring incredible females into the world, that's my calling."
"I knew ministry was something He placed on my heart."
"God says that I'm a prophet to the nations. God says that I will mother, be a spiritual mother to many people. God says that He's called me to preach the Gospel. God says I'm good enough."
"We're called to be fruitful in patience our entire lives."
"With a great call requires a deep preparation."