
Liquidity Quotes

There are 459 quotes

"It evaporated seemingly overnight in a liquidity crisis, which is economics speak for 'all of the money is gone.'"
"We want to make sure that hardworking Americans have liquidity while we wait to reopen the government."
"Having excess liquidity is going to give you that peace of mind."
"Liquidity, cash... is the oxygen you breathe for your finances."
"A house is one of the most illiquid things possible and it's not really a wealth asset, it's a place you live."
"The most fearful thing for the financial industry is a run on the bank and the depletion of liquidity."
"Having money in a form that is inflation-proof and liquid is extremely important for the poor."
"The recent liquidity provision... is not intended to directly alter the stance of monetary policy."
"Cash is king. It's always good to have dry powder."
"Liquidity matters. It's the most important thing for investors really to watch and track."
"Liquidity is the name of the game here; markets are dominated by liquidity, central banks create liquidity."
"Liquidity just means how well we can pay our liabilities off."
"If you just look at the operating mechanics of fiat currency, it's a really bad deal for everyone unless you have access to that new liquidity first."
"The markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay liquid."
"Diversification is important, but so is liquidity."
"For The First Time in Forever, you can get paid to sit in safety and liquidity to see how all this works out."
"Money is liquidity; money is like water. You guys need to position yourself ahead of the curve, ahead of where the money is going, and then wait for it to catch the money rather than chasing it."
"Diversity is important, but so is liquidity. You have to balance both of those."
"Liquidity is very, very important and not given enough respect because in times of financial stress, it's the liquidity that provides you the opportunity to redeploy capital."
"Liquidity is definitely the most important thing you see in the financial markets."
"The liquidity crisis is simply the start of the financial crisis."
"Liquidity is going to be more important than before."
"We're going to have a ton of liquidity to support American workers and American businesses."
"Liquidity is what's going to curb volatility."
"Massive buying drives liquidity down and prices up."
"Rising liquidity correlates with expanding multiples for Equity markets."
"The US dollar for liquidity, nothing better. For preservation, gold, nothing better."
"Market making comes in to provide that liquidity."
"Bitcoin is easier to transfer, harder to forge, and markets are even more liquid."
"Protocol owned liquidity literally becomes owned by the protocol."
"A lot of people are holding doge right and they're actually providing the liquidity for the market."
"ICOs are disruptive in a sense that they have almost instant liquidity."
"ICOs are so liquid compared to regular old venture capital."
"Have that discipline to take some profits, get some cash, stay liquid."
"Markets need to function efficiently smoothly and market makers need to make money so they make deep liquid markets."
"It's not just about injection of liquidity into the economy, it's about investing in infrastructure."
"You should probably diversify your holdings and you should always make sure you have enough cash on hand to hold you through any times where things go down in value."
"Make sure you have cash to cover emergencies."
"Price has one sole objective...to gravitate toward liquidity...market gravitates toward liquidity."
"Price forever gravitates toward creating and taking liquidity."
"I think having a good mix between keeping some liquid coins to play with and just to make sure that you have the capabilities to do the right things at the right time with it is important."
"He's almost guaranteed to never lose money, and he's also very liquid."
"There has to be a solution i believe for liquidity of the world they need another asset that they can call money and that's why i believe xrp will be deemed and designated a currency."
"Thor chain with their native token Rune is a permissionless cross-chain liquidity platform."
"The opportunity is the biggest when the liquidity is the smallest."
"It's a huge thing because if you want to bridge from stable coins to other stable coins or just if you want access to the USC ecosystem, everything becomes way easier when you have the most liquidity."
"Liquidity was going to become the really important driver... it'll be the thing people talk about for this cycle."
"Net liquidity, that's just like the key right if you were to like simplify it all down to understanding, what's going on it's how much money's out there right."
"The situation in China is indeed bad as they face a liquidity trap."
"It's effectively artificial pressure. It would seem as though it's Robinhood buying liquidity."
"By adding liquidity to these pools, you're helping the pool become more efficient and have a lot more depth."
"Liquid: it's at this can be the open source network for the world to tap into on demand instantaneous liquidity."
"Regulators are worried about whether stablecoin firms hold enough liquid assets to back up the value of the currency they issue."
"I love liquidity because it means one big player can't have an adverse effect on the investment."
"I generally think that it's a good sign when the company is able to pay out dividends because it shows that the company has such a remarkably large pool of liquidity that it is willing and able to give cash back to its shareholders."
"The future: Banks appealing for emergency liquidity assistance as counterparties withdraw their funds."
"You're protected from bank failure, you're protected from inflation because you can store your savings in gold yet not give up the liquidity."
"However long term the U.S stock market has some of the best and most innovative companies in the world that are disrupting huge markets with massive liquidity around the world chasing a limited number of quality assets."
"Liquidity matters, volume matters, it's huge."
"We think we can not only survive but we've got a billion dollars of liquidity."
"Gemini exchange recently listed Shiba Inu. ... The more liquidity out there for a name obviously the better it's going to be for everybody."
"He who has cash in a recession is king because you can do things that other people can't."
"If you hold coins that have liquidity threats... that is something you need to take into mind as a risk factor."
"There's so much liquidity rippling through the system."
"I became successful when I understood Global liquidity."
"As a general rule for me personally, and I can't give financial advice but this is just my own opinion and what I am doing, but you really want to have things that you can quickly sell and make money off of."
"Cash is king right now, take advantage of opportunities."
"I'd much rather have a little bit of cash on hand right now."
"Forex trading is full of opportunities... it is the largest and most liquid market in the world trading over five trillion dollars every day."
"Respect liquidity risk first and foremost."
"Timing the market isn't easy, but spotting liquidity zones helps."
"In your wallet if there's no liquidity to that coin you actually don't have any money."
"Market consequences of liquidity withdrawal."
"Cash and things like that liquid cash save cash is likely to be one of the very best places to be."
"Bitcoin has intrinsic value in the sense that it's the most liquid large and safest way to store self custodial portable value."
"Basically Bitcoin has intrinsic value in the sense that it's the most liquid large and safest way to store self custodial portable value."
"I've always had liquidity, and the reason that I'm worth five billion dollars today by Forbes is because I was able to buy things when other people can't."
"If you have maintained sufficient liquidity, you can take advantage of that circumstance rather than being taken advantage of by that circumstance."
"Low inflation and lots of liquidity all right." - Michael How
"I always think you've got to pay attention to what liquidity is saying."
"The financial structure has become more fragile... held together with tape and string by liquidity and by central banks."
"Ripple is being the most successful and xrp is building out the best liquidity in the world."
"The longer term holders have really been gobbling up the supply. They're not going to sell. The liquidity comes from the short-term holders."
"Maintain large cash balances. Having cash during a period of illiquidity will give you the tools, but hopefully the courage to take advantage of that volatility."
"A lot of his wealth is tied to his assets and a lot of his assets are more so just... it's not exactly liquid."
"You should have like 30% of your liquid assets on hand."
"Bitcoin is the only thing with liquidity to match your investment style."
"Cash is king; there's no waiting around for a paycheck."
"Liquidity ratios... assess a company's ability to meet its short-term financial obligations."
"A gamma squeeze comes from the share buying that market makers have to do to keep providing liquidity."
"Liquidity is just a fancy word for how quickly assets can be turned into cash."
"Gold and silver in the end, because it is the most liquid of commodities, then you know this is temporary and it's not going to last that much longer."
"So, in the prior few years, we saw one of the biggest ever liquidity injections into markets, and now we're seeing one of the biggest withdrawals of liquidity from markets in history."
"Adding liquidity and staking at the same time, one of the first ever platforms that actually incentivizes."
"When the altcoin market fades, it's telling us something. Liquidity from the altcoin market is going back to bitcoin."
"I always make sure that I have good enough cash... able to take advantage."
"Global liquidity is on the rise and more liquidity means more money available to flow into more speculative assets like cryptocurrencies."
"Cryptocurrencies take away the bank's control over the flow of your money, so you can have liquidity in the sea of commerce and trade."
"Bitcoin is the prime target, it's the largest asset class, the most liquid thing out there."
"On-demand liquidity is going to be a game changer."
"Liquidity is just how much supply and demand there is in a market at every price level."
"Trading liquid options will make it far easier to enter and exit positions without losing a lot of money from slippage."
"It's really simple, really works if you know where your market structure is, where you're drawing liquidity."
"Old lows are prime liquidity; therefore, I'm able to get in at these lows."
"We're clearly in a bullish trend, we have taken a run on liquidity, and then we've broken structure."
"When you see a range occur like this, that is ultimately building liquidity on both sides of the market."
"Liquidity... The less liquid, the higher your financial IQ."
"The purpose of the secondary mortgage market is to provide liquidity to the primary mortgage market."
"We live in a world that is ever more levered than before... that liquidity then flows into asset prices."
"You know, anytime you could get cool rare cards, I suggest that you buy them because they are liquid and they move quick."
"Having a cash stockpile... is pretty nice to have an investment strategy that has some cash because that gives you a big enough of a buffer to maintain liquidity."
"ETFs like Spy are typically highly liquid, which means there are many buyers and sellers in the market."
"This stock is so liquid which makes it very good for option trading."
"So, in this class, I'm going to run you through the three forms of liquidity that you need to understand."
"Institutional traders with huge sums of money to trade with can't always get into a trade straight away, so they need to reach for areas of liquidity in order to get into positions."
"Efficient way to set up inbound and outbound liquidity."
"Swapping seamlessly between liquid and lightning."
"The cause of price moving to certain areas is because of liquidity. Liquidity is the biggest misunderstood concept and the missing key for most Traders."
"What I really like about dividend stocks and the stock market in general is the liquidity that you can buy with a click of a button and you're in and when you want to get out you can sell it and just like that it's gone."
"Can you easily convert it into something more liquid like cash and can it be done quickly?"
"I'm looking for those pockets of big volume because that often represents strong resting liquidity at the market."
"That's what I want to see, where the market came into an area of liquidity and that liquidity just soaked up."
"There's always going to be this new batch of individuals that don't know what they're doing and they are liquidity."
"Liquidity means nothing unless you use it to increase your own value."
"Because there's many people who get excited about liquidity, but liquidity means nothing unless you use it to increase your own value."
"Looking for this to go higher, looking for this to stop run and accept higher and continue to go up into higher liquidity."
"to be able to keep that money flowing as quickly as we can"
"Liquidity is like the number one thing that we look for when it comes to trading options."
"When you're trading a potential reversal, it is absolutely 100% necessary to identify where liquidity has been purged."
"The bigger and more liquid the network gets."
"If you're talking about any single AMM no right but as a whole ecosystem right will we have enough liquidity to overtake Binance we have enough markets or innovation to kind of create like new stock systems yeah we can no problem over time."
"By focusing on zones with liquidity sweep patterns, we can increase the probability of trading setups that align with market dynamics."
"I keep telling traders that low open interest and volume in weekly options is because they're newly listed, not because they're any less liquid than monthly contracts."
"...sometimes you're paying that an extra few cents to ensure you get that liquidity and the best way to do that is before you make any trade call that level to see how much liquidity is on that book."
"You have to exit Fiat. You have to buy assets if you can. Crypto allows you to buy $10 at a time versus a house which is very, very difficult to buy, very slow, very cumbersome not a liquid market."
"If it's too liquid, then milk is the key for free."
"Markets are there to process information and consider the implications of it, and it's critical that markets be liquid enough to do that."
"Swings allow for raising cash through selling into strength or when the duration has hit the target. Naturally, as swing trades are moving higher, I've got more cash on hand to deploy."
"The two things you want in real estate are liquidity of sale and liquidity of renting."
"...liquidity is still increasing quite rapidly and once again just a few hours ago we saw tether print another billion usdt adding to that market cap."
"They're low-risk option because if you don't like it you can always sell it."
"Liquidity is the fuel of the market."
"Identify the liquidity or become the liquidity."
"Every single quarter adding a new blockchains so this will essentially be I think in many ways the biggest number one source to be able to easily bridge liquidity into the best new emerging networks."
"The bigger it gets, you know, the more liquid it is, the more dollars coming in doesn't actually move the price."
"If the Cash Ratio is bigger than one then a business is able to pay off all its short-term debt obligations with the cash that it has on hand."
"...exchange-traded funds are super liquid."
"People have the income but no cash flow."
"Liquidity is going up, it's at least stabilizing and probably gently rising, and that's important."
"High liquidity and full depth of market."
"$657 million balance sheet looking great with more than $4 billion in net cash."
"The U.S Stock Market and the U.S options Market is by far the most liquid market with the greatest opportunity set."
"Order blocks are areas on the chart where there is the most liquidity resting."
"With order blocks you'll understand where liquidity is sitting."
"Sure you can always buy a stock but remember when it comes time for you to sell well you need to make sure that there's going to be somebody out there to actually buy from you."
"The only thing you need to understand in trading literally the only only thing you need for bias for entry is an understanding of internal range liquidity to external range liquidity."
"ICT trading is based on liquidity."
"There's only so much liquidity you can pop into the system before you're kind of running out of bullets."
"The coins are just waiting there for you to do that there are pros and cons of each type of liquidity pool but specifically with uniswap or other amms the key benefit is that we can provide our coins to those pools and then earn trading fees from traders."
"Sometimes, having liquidity as an entrepreneur serves you really well, especially for seizing opportunities."
"We believe that having that cash as a call option makes sense."
"Plenty of liquidity, which means that lots of people are getting leveraged."
"During a crisis, when shareholders are selling their REIT shares, the fund manager may not be able to sell the real estate quickly enough to return the money to shareholders."
"With coinbase Advanced, you have access to deep liquidity markets."
"...those are some potential price targets to pay attention to because usually the price of Bitcoin moves towards where there's most liquidity."
"You're telling me you want me to come in and lose money to prove that I have liquidity, that's a really bad idea."
"There's just some sort of all-encompassing kind of liquidity to it that's undeniable when you see it."
"Um liquidity applies across all risky assets and 30-year bonds are risky assets Commodities are risky assets gold Bitcoin any alternative asset is a risky asset cash is not a risky asset."
"If you've got economies dominated by debt refinancing with huge burdens of debt out there... you need balance sheet capacity among credit providers to provide that to do that role, and that's what liquidity is."
"Big money can glide into these stocks, and big money can glide out of them without a hiccup. That's huge. That's big tuna."
"I think like the biggest inspiration I hope you take away from this is amassing each stage of liquidity that we just discussed here just multiplies your options."
"Gold is a storehouse of value, but to be able to break it into small pieces, it's still large amounts of money."
"...when the liquidity is being provided ie at the cash open they're going to either buy or sell the market."
"Manipulation which is taking out the liquidity on this side break of structure taking out the liquidity on this side."
"So now you have your liquidity taken now what you're looking for you're looking for your breakup structure."
"Congratulations Trader, you found the most informative video when it comes to liquidity. Welcome to the liquidity Holy Grail."
"Support turns into resistance, liquidity attracts price."
"Big players need liquidity to fuel their trades."
"Price is magnetized towards liquidity."
"What's the point of having all these super liquid things that might disappear on you one day? It's useless. Better have this thing that's not very liquid but at least it's still there."
"Liquid staking tokens are just like any other token... you don't need to stake and deposit, you can just buy and sell them on exchanges."
"Trading in a more liquid market is very different than trading in an extraordinarily fast market."
"You have these stocks where you get really big moves on actually very light liquidity, light volume, and the problem there is because there's not a lot of liquidity."
"Liquid staking removes the lockup and bonding period, allowing you to use your coins in DeFi to try and get higher yield from them."
"Liquidity attracts, so the liquidity level are magnet."
"You are now providing liquidity on the decentralized exchange, you're getting trading fees, and you're getting incentives there as well."
"Curve creates five to ten times higher liquidity than Uniswap as well as higher profits for liquidity providers."
"Structure break but failure to close and liquidity acts like a magnet."
"What is liquidity? Liquidity is where the orders are resting."
"It's an important thing to have a good market maker on the other side to provide liquidity, especially during times of stress."
"VIX options are some of the most liquid options in the market."
"...cash is king right now. If you don't have money, it's time to look for a partner or merger or an RTO..."
"Don't worry about keeping liquidity right now, liquidity is probably your best investment for the next nine months."
"It's not just about making the better assets, it's about connecting them to liquidity and allowing those assets to remain connected to all the systems while they move across many chains."
"Limited liquidity and wider bid ask spreads are pretty common in the pre-market."
"Liquidity is part of every trade that I take, like understanding where liquidity is in the market is a crucial aspect of trading this style or any style for that matter."
"You want tapes that are thick and heavy. Thick and heavy is like tons of liquidity. It's not just random elos that are going to move it around. It's actual real participants."
"They're extremely liquid from a current assets to current liabilities standpoint."
"Cash is king. I don't mind where we get it from the other day."
"...it's always been that way so we've we tended to have and I think the ratings that were given to us by The Regulators would show that we had substantial amounts of liquidity that's that's good."