
Impartiality Quotes

There are 865 quotes

"This is not a story of partisanship... this is a story of good old-fashioned corruption."
"The administration of law, especially that of criminal law, should be free from all temptation, bias, or prejudice."
"Math is not racist, math is not sexist, math doesn't care if your parents are cray-cray; math is just math."
"The essence of justice is that justice is the same for everybody; it is not driven by individual circumstance, it is not driven by sympathy, it is not driven by empathy."
"Nurses have to look after people, whoever they are."
"The scales of justice should be balanced and the eyes of justice should be blind as to who you are politically."
"To act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate, and entertain."
"The key to objective justice is the blindfold and the weights that are equal."
"At our station, it's our responsibility to pursue and report the truth. We understand truth is neither politically left nor right."
"President Biden should let the process play out right; we can't mix politics in legal proceedings."
"Humanitarian operations should follow the principles of neutrality and impartiality."
"The whole point is to get the word out there without bias, and I appreciate the platform to do that."
"I don't think anybody's above the law, a Democrat, a Republican, independent, myself, or anybody else."
"This encounter demonstrates the importance of officers conducting neutral and unbiased investigations that make conclusions based on the facts uncovered rather than trying to make the facts fit a predetermined judgment."
"Leave it at the door. Don't go in with any type of bias."
"Prosecutors are required to remain impartial."
"Wildfires don't skip towns that voted a certain way. The impacts of climate change don't pick and choose."
"It's a point of pride at Justice to apply the law without the president's personal or partisan interests."
"You never have a favorite kid, so just like you don't have a favorite kid, we can't have a favorite show."
"A judge must apply the law as it is written, not as she wishes it were."
"You can't pick and choose when you stand up for injustice based off who you like and don't like."
"The truth is not left or right; it is the truth."
"We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think, but we don't think they should have an agenda imposed on them."
"Journalists should not act formally or informally on behalf of any special interest, whether political, corporate, or cultural."
"Police officers must be apolitical, impartial, and accountable for their actions. If not, how and what we police will become subject to political whim and electioneering."
"Every Constable is an independent legal entity. The public's guarantee of impartiality."
"Respect, impartiality, and decorum are values I continue to prioritize for my speaker's tenure."
"The speaker must always show impartiality and be seen to at least respect the House of Commons in terms of impartiality, and that is seriously at question here."
"It's not just be seen to be impartial, you have to be impartial in all things that you're doing."
"We need an informative, neutral press that is holding government and political parties to one standard of political accountability, no matter what side of the aisle they are on, no double standards."
"The truth is the truth regardless of who said it."
"Consequences do not care what you think about the situation. They do not care about your political views or how smart you are. Consequences will result from certain actions."
"The judges are not political actors, regardless of what the president calls them."
"Don't let hatred blind you, be just, even with those you disagree with."
"Justice is Swift and true it doesn't care how anyone feels."
"Don't be bullish or bearish because as soon as you pick a team that's the team you're on."
"We enforce the law equitably fairly professionally regardless of who's in the White House."
"Sight. I'm on nobody's side because nobody is on my side."
"The administration of Law... should be free from all temptation bias or Prejudice."
"May the best person win, but facts don't care about my feelings."
"It doesn't know about politics. It doesn't care less. It is a dumb viral RNA based program that leaps from human to human." - Dr. Chris Martenson
"Big tech, like any other business, needs to follow the rules in an unbiased manner."
"If you're going to play Fantasy Premier League, you cannot have club loyalty."
"Always try to be accurate and well balanced, unbiased."
"America's deserve to have confidence in our justice system... so every American is seen by the lady of Justice with a blindfold on."
"The judge has to put that aside based on the facts and the law."
"The rule of law must be impartial, it can't be based on what U.S. politician you support or oppose."
"It is critical that the Department of Justice conducts its criminal investigations free from the reality or any appearance of political interference."
"Without fear or favor, we will follow the facts and the law."
"In a city where Justice is supposed to be blind, it's up to all of us to ensure that it remains so."
"Justice has to be blind... we have to apply the law equally."
"A civil libertarian shouldn't be loved or hated by anybody but people who deeply believe in civil liberties due process."
"The court seems to apply the law more consistently with less partisan influence."
"We have to look to the evidence in these cases and follow the evidence because it doesn't lie and it doesn't have a narrative."
"I'm not a judge, I'm like the least judgmental person."
"I'm proud to be presenting a nonpartisan view of the Constitution."
"Impartiality and objectivity are virtually impossible for any human, but news reporting demands a certain degree of it."
"You do not want your politicians using the law to go after their opponents."
"Your trades give you... your way of feedback... the market gives you money or takes your money and it's completely impartial... it's actually telling you you're trading the wrong way."
"I solely do believe that there should be no bias on any platform. They shouldn't be skewing anything due to their beliefs."
"A person's name shouldn't mean that something is more right or wrong."
"Do not put a bias in your mind, right, for whatever reason that may be."
"They are specifically told they will not be swayed by Sympathy by Prejudice or passion."
"It all has a bias. Even the best, even the 'quote unquote' impartial media, even NPR. You should always be asking, 'Is there another perspective?'"
"We need black robes, folks, not red and blue."
"The law should look at a case between individual X and Y, regardless of their identities."
"The media are not supposed to have a personal stake in the outcome of the ballgame."
"I'm not here to take a side on any half of the political aisle."
"Trust me, I do not discriminate. If somebody's got the juice, they got the juice."
"A good argument is a good argument regardless of who presents it."
"We do our best to make decisions based solely on the science, regardless of whatever pressure or attempts at persuasion may be made by any outside group."
"Yo, I like this Tim Cast news website. They never tell me what to think, they just tell me what happened."
"I'm not a fan of him, I don't really know what he says. I don't know. I know who he is, but I have nothing that's going to prevent me from fighting that man."
"Science should be in a plane above politics."
"Justice is blind, lady Justice wears a blindfold because justice is blind."
"Jurors cannot make a decision based on sympathy."
"We're reporting on all this stuff not for any party or policy but because we're pro-democracy and pro-truth."
"Real Vision doesn't have a view, but we're going to give you access to the kind of information that the world's best financial professionals get."
"You're not gonna get what you need unless you know what it is, and you're not gonna know what it is unless you think about what it is that you need and you want."
"The law is the law regardless of status, regardless of gender, and in this case, regardless of wealth."
"It’s driven by, no fear, no favor. That’s what’s always been done."
"It still remains one of my favorite films regardless of whether I was in it or not."
"It's not just about Trump, it's about ensuring our justice system remains blind to politics."
"It's the hijacking of an American institution that is required to be nonpartisan for partisan purposes."
"Brett Baier is like the one guy who you'd have to say, 'Alright, he's playing it right down the middle.'"
"We must speak up for human rights in an impartial way without double standard."
"He was absolutely professional right down the middle."
"I automatically said, 'Yo, there's two sides to this, let me go to the police.'"
"Justice is impartial. It represents morals and ethics and principles that don't change no matter which side is more demanding."
"Lord, we ask for a legitimate, impartial third-party investigation."
"The hammer of justice is unisex. It don't discriminate."
"Put the emotions aside, put the bias aside, put racial aside, just follow the law."
"Politics must play no role in federal investigators' and prosecutors' actions."
"There is no political motivation for Robert her report."
"A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no political party, litigant, or policy."
"An impartial ruler had to give us the basic standards for what is right and what is wrong."
"Politics cannot be allowed to impact the administration of justice."
"I think there should be laws governing what kinds of jobs you can take... broadcasters have to uphold a code of impartiality."
"It doesn't have to be about one side or the other, it has to be about just doing the right thing."
"The case is pretty much closed for anyone looking at it objectively and without bias."
"Anyone can be the person who observes the behavior and decides that they will not interpret it themselves."
"Criticizing a game is not an attack on the developers or the company behind it."
"It's the people that will be completely unaffected who are the most gung-ho for war."
"I'm not hating on Intel, I'm just reporting the news... selfishly I want Alchemists to succeed."
"I commend Officer Beskin for having the courage to carry out her duties without showing bias or favoritism."
"We must be able to call balls and strikes, even with our leaders."
"I don't think it's actually an ugly game. It looks fine. I'm just not, I'm not especially impressed by any of it."
"A good idea will be a good idea no matter who supports it."
"I love Dragonball and I love Thanos and Chuck does too this is not we're not gonna be wanking off a certain universe here we're not we're fans of both so this is gonna be as fair as possible."
"Even the biggest, most ardent, most invested fan would put aside their hero worship while a jury deliberates."
"Can you give us your Assurance you're going to decide this case solely on the evidence you see in this courtroom."
"Reality doesn't change depending on your nationality or religious, political, ideological position."
"God distributes Talent without regard to race."
"A judge shall perform judicial duties without bias or prejudice."
"I will not waver from my constitutional and sworn obligations to administer the trial with fairness in accordance with the constitution and the laws."
"Candidly, if evangelical thought leaders simply studied carefully what the Bible says about impartiality, it would be a helpful corrective."
"Don't choose a team, just keep the common goal."
"Bottom line, do you trust our federal court system right now to be fair and impartial?"
"I have no qualms with any of these five walking away with the trophy."
"At the end of the day to me, there's no real clear winner here."
"If you give me a thumbs down, give me a thumbs down for the content, not for any kind of political choice you have."
"He is a judge's judge. He is not a Trump hater. He is not a team Cohen player. He is a judicious judge who actually follows the law."
"Look at this impartially, ladies and gentlemen, don't get too caught up in the hype."
"The easiest way to tell who's going to be the next president in the United States is to envision yourself throw aside bias."
"Even my least favorite people in politics, you have to just break down issue by issue."
"This reality serves as a humbling reminder that God does not show partiality. If God judged Angels, he will judge rebellious mankind."
"I've seen them both win and lose before, and it doesn't change my opinions or feelings about these men one bit."
"Advice is advice, good advice is good advice regardless of where it comes from."
"Truth is truth, whether it's delivered by a black, white, or Chinese person."
"The law is not going to enforce itself, especially not in a neutral way."
"It's really lovely to see genre not determining merit."
"We shouldn't be quick to pass judgment we should hear both sides and we should be calm when we pass judgment."
"We will follow the law and the Constitution regardless of who it helps or harms politically."
"Kagame's call for impartial investigations is not just a strategic move to deflect blame but an appeal for a fair and objective understanding of the conflict's Genesis."
"That's how you know [George Carlin] was good... he wasn't trying to pander to either side."
"He treats these cases as if he would any other one, boldly reporting on them."
"It's not partisan in that the FBI's motivation is to continue to be that self-looking ice cream cone."
"It won't be my opinion or yours, it will be what's in the evidence."
"By definition, the criminal investigation should be a non-biased search for the truth."
"Regardless of who this movie was about, this would still be number one on my list."
"If you cover conflict and you're trying to be impartial, you end up looking like an instigator."
"You don't need to be a liberal to refuse to be swept away by war propaganda."
"Both of the parties and the public expect that you will carefully and impartially consider all the evidence in the case."
"The truth is like rain it don't give a half who it falls on that's what we're gonna have to keep in mind."
"I'm not here to defend Weinstein or defend the accusers because honestly I think all these sides could be full of crap."
"Just apply the law to the facts. Don't make up anything. We don't need to go looking for things to make up or people to target."
"It's an unsolved murder that requires us to set any of these biases aside."
"Every member of the Court shall before taking up his duties make a solemn declaration in open court that he would exercise his powers impartially and contentiously."
"Our approach to testing is based on facts, data, and very hard evidence, not partisan agendas."
"We don't try to figure out how to pick sides in these conversations, we actually look for the truth."
"Let's just give him his prize and listen, Giannis is not my favorite player but we got to get out of this like just because a guy is not your favorite player or whatever he doesn't play for your team it doesn't mean you can't give him props."
"Nature doesn't pick and choose, it just happens."
"Judge us by what we do because we are fully capable of putting our personal beliefs aside to do what's right for the people we represent."
"We belong in the conversation. If you mention Pac, Biggie, you're going to mention Pun."
"I'm not on anybody's side but I'm on the side of truth righteousness."
"I love the pure peaceable and impartial Christianity of Christ."
"Consciousness is something that has been taught for thousands of years and it holds no opinions at all."
"Effort doesn't discriminate between natural or enhanced."
"Do you promise to be an impartial judge in happiness and in health, so help you God?"
"It was almost as if Darla Davis was allowing the evidence to speak for itself."
"Shiva is impartial and total in his destructive potential."
"The trial should be about the facts and the law, not politics."
"A Speaker has to be trusted, and trusted I believe, as a Deputy I have a proven track record of being impartial, independent, and firm."
"Keep an open mind, don't judge a book by its cover."
"We serve an impartial god. He judges righteously."
"I think in order to be truthful people, in order to be impartial people, in order to be just people, we have to be able to see past the narratives and see things as they really are."
"I don't care about what side made the choice, just solve the damn problem."
"It's hard because even though it's a defendant who's a public figure who you don't like, the law doesn't and shouldn't really care."
"This legislation would in effect treat the Supreme Court Justices almost the same way one might approach a potential jury."
"Clarence Thomas should be nowhere near sitting as a justice presiding over any of these decisions."
"Justice is blind. Remember, Justice is blind."
"We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges." - Chief Justice Roberts
"The great part about being not being right or left but just kind of being in the center state is that I can call out the [ __ ] on both sides."
"Focus on the facts... men lie, women lie, the charts don't lie."
"I don't want you guys to be like 'oh he's a DC fanboy or he's just a Marvel hater.' Listen, I love Marvel, I love comic books. Trust me, I go into the movie hoping it's good."
"We don't care what box you check. We don't care if you're Elon Musk or if you're Jeff Bezos."
"Appeal to third-party dispassionate arbiters."
"You follow the law where it leads you, you administer justice to all regardless of the outcome, regardless of their standing."
"So, for the sake of being impartial, I apologize to you, Mr. Ghosn."
"This movie actively does not pick sides, it doesn't say what side is right or wrong."
"I'll not judge as judgement is not the job for me."
"In other words, we have no bias towards anime. If you have cute anime girls, that's awesome, we don't care. That doesn't give you anime points dude, no bonus points. We are cold-hearted strict judges here."
"I do my very best not to be biased and to give you guys unbiased and neutral objective reviews."
"I believe justice should be blind to your race, religion, political party, and beliefs."
"Keeley's my friend, so I have loyalties, but if I'm going to be completely unbiased, Scott wins this competition, that's phenomenal for a winner."
"I'm here for truth, not on a pro-black kick or any color doctrine."
"TYT is the only media I found that takes both sides to task and attempts to understand both sides."
"That military is not going to ask you whether you're a Democrat or a Republican once it comes for you."
"The left is discovering the virtues of impartiality."
"Justice means being just even if it goes against your own wishes."
"Science for me, science is science, you know whether you're powerful or I'm powerful or Tony Fauci is powerful, one of the things I love about it is it's an environment of ideas."
"Colorblindness means every decision should not play favorites based on race or Identity."
"The law is completely nonpartisan, that's how decisions are made in every case."
"Protecting the country, not partisan interest."
"A judge said the prosecutor and defense in the land use case had a right to a fair and impartial jury hearing the evidence."
"His blessings are like the rain that doesn't discriminate falling on both the just and unjust alike."
"We had somebody that wasn't on my side or her side, it was just on the truth."
"A good prosecutor, like a good law enforcement officer, has to be independent and objective and not political."
"Science is a cold mistress. Its results often stare you very plainly in the face. It doesn't care about what you think or what you want or how you feel. It just is."
"I believe in truth and I believe in Justice whoever it's for whoever it's against."