
Multiverse Quotes

There are 1124 quotes

"Some scientists believe in the concept of the Multiverse."
"It's almost overwhelming for Thanos to sit down and say, all actualities, all realities that exist out there, every universe that exists in the entirety of the Multiverse, I am all those things."
"Maybe this landscape of different possible ways to get down from ten dimensions to four dimensions all take place somewhere out there in some large cosmological multiverse."
"The Harvester devil... they're weird, they're practical, they have a personality, and they pose larger questions about the overall cosmology of the Multiverse."
"What if we combined aliens with the Multiverse? Hold up, good idea."
"Many worlds is also a very uncomfortable idea or beautiful, depending on your perspective."
"There have always been multiverses... the creation of one universe from the collision of others, a never-ending cycle without beginning or end."
"The idea behind The Ultimates is to have them face threats from across the multiverse that threaten the main Marvel earth-616 reality."
"In the midst of conflict, we find Galactus not the only one fighting to prevent the multiverse's collapse."
"Unchecked growth of SCP-001 will cause the annihilation of the entire multiverse."
"The many worlds or multiple universes theory says that anything that can possibly happen does happen, it just happens in a different reality that exists parallel to our own."
"You've introduced a multiverse which basically destroys the very concept of stakes. And stakes are key to any writing endeavor."
"The idea of a multiverse... there's a universe that could be just beside us right here."
"All of this that you are perceiving is one universe; like this, there are infinite universes."
"Listening to a lot of the conversation and thinking about the multiverse... It actually makes you appreciate how incredible and special this exact moment is."
"Freddy’s Diner might be the only restaurant that can claim to be multiversally loved, frequented by customers from multiple different dimensions all at once."
"In the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness, a solution for every problem."
"Countless variants of Kang the Conqueror will start a multiversal war that will end all of reality."
"That's the weird thing, is like when you think of space and time, like the reason we have multiverses..."
"Ultimately, save the multiverse in the process."
"Every time he finds a Hulk... he throws them out into the void of the multiverse."
"There are reasons within physics to predict a multiverse."
"The multiverse theory is one that has been hypothesized and supported by various reputable scientists over the last few centuries."
"I went from the bottom to finding happiness."
"The MCU is slowly starting to incorporate Nexus beings as it begins its multiversal war, which means it should probably bring in the Nexus of All Realities, right?"
"If there was ever a way to introduce the idea of a multiverse, 'No Way Home' was it."
"They want to follow you through all time and universes."
"A multiverse of infinite diversity and innumerable outcomes."
"There may be many other universes existing alongside our own, each with its own unique properties and laws of physics."
"But that's kind of the point? They're from different dimensions so naturally they would look different from what we know to be Pokemon."
"Death is a powerful concept in the multiverse that humans, stars, universes, multiverses, and even gods have to face at one point or another."
"This universe is one of so many, each one created for a different experiment."
"In terms of building up to secret Wars this comes with Doctor Strange - the multiverse of madness."
"What an epic [ __ ] battle am I right? They did what no other world in the multiverse could do – hit him with an axe."
"We're trying to save the multiverse, and if that's not good enough, then go away!" - Miles Morales
"I think eventually we're looking at a multiverse reset."
"He is protect he protected the multiverse with his actions."
"The first tangible proof of the multiverse theory."
"She's the same in all universes so it makes sense to me that you have her... I mean look at that, come on, who doesn't just love her?"
"We keep pushing the envelope on what's possible in the multiverse."
"I think there's a nice scene of America Chavez bringing Doctor Strange through the multiverse that's a lot of fun and that's something the audience could look forward to."
"The multiverse is official! We will be getting our Superman and your Ultra Instinct Shaggy."
"They pulled off pulling together all of the Spider-Man franchises together into a multiverse movie."
"For every choice you make, there are countless other realities where you make a different choice."
"How does Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse succeed at the whole Multiverse storytelling thing where Spider-Man: No Way Home failed?"
"Every conceivable outcome and configuration exists, encompassing an unimaginable breadth of cosmic landscapes from universes where the laws of physics are entirely different to those where life takes on strange forms."
"Time travel causes the timeline to break into parallel alternate timelines, what we will refer to as the multiverse."
"That's like jumping the shark, just in the whole multiverse."
"My little attempt to fix the multiverse of madness."
"Moira X's Resurrection powers imply unparalleled multiversal control."
"A multiverse means that suddenly, Steve Rogers stayed oddly silent throughout national tragedies like the Vietnam War."
"Brace ourselves for the messy, the chaotic, but the much more interesting and narratively fulfilling multiverse to come."
"The surface level plot is pretty straightforward: they're good guys, they're bad guys, and you've got to stop the bad guys from doing bad things that threaten the multiverse."
"One cool way of theoretically going from our universe to another one is to go through... what's called a wormhole, a bridge connecting two universes, kind of like getting on a train or a subway."
"In principle, you can go right through to another parallel universe. If you go through again, you wind up on yet another parallel universe."
"There could be many other universes out there."
"Tapping into the Multiverse, that's what you're showing with Kane the Conqueror."
"By saving their own timeline, the Avengers have doomed four others. Good job."
"Doom is aware of the Multiverse... he would be ready to step in and fix their mistakes."
"We have at least 11,326 timelines that we have visual or corroborating evidence for confirmed in the MCU."
"An upside of Hollywood's recent obsession with Multiverse stories has been the return of obscure or forgotten offshoots."
"Strange's journey through the multiverse is a psychedelic acid trip."
"The ascending over with plague does not remain in the abyss horrors long dead begins spilling through portals and into the astral plane, plaguing dozens of sights throughout the multiverse."
"This variant turns out to be a female version of Loki called Sylvie, who restarts the multiverse."
"Crazy reveal that all the Marvel movies in the Multiverse Saga are set in different universes."
"One of the visions I had was getting the fandoms involved for a multiversal event."
"Nothing could possibly matter more than this conversation happening right now concerning the fate of every single world of our infinite Multiverse."
"The multiverse in Hindu cosmology is perhaps as much a spiritual concept as it is a physical one."
"I need to find out more about what Madara said. There must be a way to save every timeline and Universe from the rule of these monsters."
"Lucky for us, we've got heroes from tons of other dimensions to help out if it does."
"From our experience, the greatest danger to the Multiverse... is Doctor Strange."
"The multiverse concept challenges our understanding of our place in the cosmos."
"The Multiverse is dying. There's all this going on and... whose fault is it? Mine."
"The beyonders represent an enormous threat to the very existence of not only the DC universe but the entire multiverse."
"For the beyonders to be defeated, the presence is going to have to get involved."
"To overpower the multiverse, Darkseid would face some pretty steep competition."
"Maybe gravity is the key to hundreds of thousands of other universes interlocked in a web of creation."
"Everything within the quantum fabric of the Multiverse is actually sacred geometry."
"Could our current universe be surrounded by another larger universe in parallel to this one?"
"This universe is only one of an infinite number..."
"This gradually fades into the individual timelines that make up the one sacred timeline..."
"Avengers Campus leaves open the possibility for it to be part of the multiverse."
"You're gonna see pretty much every dark multiverse version of like every superhero ever."
"Maybe Homer just kept bouncing around from place to place and there's just an infinite number of Simpsons universes."
"But whatever the solution is, he who remains was right that the Multiverse cannot exist unchecked and unsupervised."
"The Multiverse is extremely unstable and unsafe and if left unchecked it can collapse entirely without the me without the TVA."
"What exists outside the observable universe's boundaries... a much greater multiverse."
"Predicted the presence of other universes... the multiverse idea truly gained fire."
"An infinite world produces uncountable variance... oddly occur an endless number of times."
"Multiverses, however, are among the hypotheses... may be tested in other ways."
"The multiverse isn't just a theory, it's reality."
"There are infinite versions of you in infinite universes."
"Alright, so in the MCU, He Who Remains is the OG Kang, the original Kang, and it was he who discovered the Multiverse and how to traverse it, and then brought together his other variants to help him."
"Technically they're saying that there's an infinite version of you."
"Maybe there's multiple versions being played in multiple different universes and multiverses."
"If our universes are all like bubbles and one bumps into the other it's possible that they may merge even just for a second."
"We live in a multiverse of bubbles. It's a bubble world."
"Dark Side is incredibly powerful. He's easily one of the most powerful beings in the DC Multiverse."
"Marvel Cinematic Universe is now a multiverse - hooray!"
"Black holes are gateways to all other realities and universes within our super universe."
"There really are two separate versions of what we sometimes call the multiverse."
"The bubbles in the multiverse model are born as a result of quantum processes."
"Doctor Strange did the spell to make everybody forget that Peter Parker was Spider-Man and now their reality and the multiverse has been severely affected."
"We are the most powerful being in the entire multiverse."
"The biggest thing that this trailer did is confirm the Spider-Verse in this film."
"We literally saw Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs, Doc Ock himself, a blast from Electro, and Doctor Strange talked about how we know basically nothing about the multiverse."
"She can affect the multiverse she can't make it go bad I think that's real."
"Doctor Strange is essentially the ambassador of the multiverse at this point."
"Wanda is the most dangerous person in the entirety of the multiverse because in every single universe where Cathone takes hold, Wanda is the reason."
"You know that's my favorite. I love any reference to that Hickman run. I love the Black Swans. I love that whole multiverse like type of cult. I don't, I know it's so cool."
"Every action creates another spin-off, so there could be literally millions of multiverses."
"So it's a great reason to embrace this idea of different timelines."
"With how complicated the multiverse of madness sounds, it actually would probably be better to wait for Doctor Strange three for Mordo's return."
"The Multiverse allows us to feel all that weight in a visual way. It's a tool to explore something deeper."
"Having said that, that's still a big deal because we know that like America Chavez and Doctor Strange too, America Chavez has the ability to hop from one dimension to the next."
"With the infinite multiverse and the thoughts of other realities that we might be happier in, you've got to remain grateful for what you got."
"I'm sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse?"
"Most people live in a universe; to me, it's a multiverse."
"Doctor Strange casts a spell, it goes wrong and it ends up opening up holes in the Multiverse."
"Hello, Peter. So all these villains from other Spider-Man movies come into his reality."
"It's just crazy to me that we've reached a point with comic book movies that even mainstream audiences can wrap their heads around the concept of the Multiverse."
"The greatest battle that any human will ever have is the battle within themselves."
"The big talking point with Avengers in game is the idea of like multiverses right."
"Strap in because you're about to learn just how mad the multiverse can get."
"And that is the importance of the quantum realm for the multiverse saga."
"A team up makes sense... Loki is all about the multiverse right now and Spider-Man is the hero with some of the most multiverse experience."
"With the dark multiverse presenting a whole mess of problems for Batman, the most dangerous out of all of those was the Batman Who Laughs."
"The possibilities of the multiverse are at your fingertips."
"If the upcoming Flash movie is really going to dive into the multiverse, I think the finale of this movie should come with the Flash exiting into a new timeline."
"For multiverse believers, this is literally true: When men stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything."
"The possibility of direct paths to other worlds, times, or even universes outside our own is one that will continue to fascinate us for centuries to come."
"Navigating the sea of stars: a journey through the multiverse."
"Deja vu occurs when different universes are in sync for a short period of time."
"With infinite universes and an infinite amount of time, there’s bound to be at least one dimension where you control a Big Daddy in Bioshock 2 after you die."
"Odin has also been able to tear the fabric of the multiverse in his battle with Seth."
"Humanity shares a common ancestry throughout the Multiverse."
"There is always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city, and most likely throughout all of the multiverses that exist there is always a protector who is bound to someone."
"In the MCU, certain universes are closer together than others, kind of like the branching timelines that we see at the end of Loki."
"The multiverse seems to be very, very big, but basically big is another concept in terms of time and space."
"Simple, that one event to destroy the Marvel multiverse and merge both the 616 and the Ultimate Universe."
"The best example of a superhero Multiverse film done well is Spider-Man: No Way Home."
"Multiple universes make me dizzy yet there is something about their beauty which revives my spirit." - Narrator
"I strongly believe that this place is not just somehow connected to our world but it is connected to multiple other worlds, galaxies, universes, dimensions all across space-time."
"Prismo resides in the time room at the center of the multiverse and has the ability to grant almost any wish asked upon him."
"We won the war, her one choice gave birth to a whole new history and gave the multiverse a new hero."
"There's an infinite versions of the earth coexisting right now."
"As it turns out, however, the multiversal pals do pop up unexpectedly."
"The multiverse is the next step in the evolution of the MCU."
"Everyone get in, you will all be a part of this transformation."
"So we think this is setting up Strange and Clea going around the multiverse trying to stop incursions and realizing that a multiverse of war is on the horizon."
"The fates of many worlds rest in these hands."
"There are in fact 10 dimensions in total and each one gets more trippier to understand but through Googling this and learning about all 10 of the possible Dimensions you may see how it makes sense that parallel universes exist."
"The Multiverse is vast and expanding with unlimited choices."
"Now this one wish during the spell basically started pulling in everyone from different universes who knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man."
"Adventure Time going multiversal? Sign me up!"
"All the other universes were brought back and the tournament of power concludes with a peaceful ending."
"I don't see a world where the multiverse doesn't get mixed in as a result of WandaVision."
"Wanda is about to unleash the true extent of her power and ultimately bring us headlong into the Multiverse of Madness that Doctor Strange 2 has promised."
"The future is not stable. There are parallel universes, destiny, and free will."
"The last hope for the multiverse is actually Arnim Zola."
"The peace between reality erupted, each variant fighting to preserve their universe and annihilate the others."
"I saw the chaos spreading across realities, universes colliding, endless incursions."
"Literally almost everything that we know about something like Home points to it being a multiverse Spider-Verse film."
"How badass would it be if Wanda dream walks and connects her mind and magic with every other Wanda in the Multiverse?"
"Save this world in the multiverse, you make us up."
"Every decision that we make opens a door for another universe to be created."
"They are the only ones who know how to save the Multiverse. Kang and hwr are very good at manipulation."
"Every possibility that can happen does happen somewhere."
"Dr. Steven strange may be good and one of the greatest heroes there is at heart but his meddling with the Multiverse could be what causes its destruction."
"What is constructing this world? Then I heard this one theory, I was like, 'Fuck, what if that's true? Multiverse.'"
"She's going to be a pretty useful and experienced warrior on a multiversal battlefield."
"It's like they do with comics, there's eight different Batmans at all times in different multiverses."
"The superhero Multiverse as we know it can be traced back to an unassuming comic book from 1961."
"If we could resolve all puzzles in physics without recourse to a Multiverse, my inclination would be to take those ideas most seriously first."
"The illuminati are rumored to appear in Doctor Strange too as part of the multiversal capers."
"The destruction of the old Multiverse will now give way to the creation of a brand new Multiverse."
"Other universes, there could be millions of them."
"Humans are one of the most wonderful Creations in the Multiverse."
"Now we're heading into the multiverse; it seems like we're gonna get even more Spider-Man and Spider-Women for that matter."
"The eighth dimension is the true or ultimate multiverse, containing every single possibility, at every single moment, in every single universe both imaginable and unimaginable."
"For every universe that exists, there's an eternity. For that universe, an eternity refers to the one above all."
"Doctor Strange flies Peter through the multiverse, a shimmering web with each section within those web strands containing a glimpse into an alternate reality."
"Doctor Strange and Spider-Man are going to team up in some way to face a multiverse-based threat that will involve past alt-universe villains like Jamie Foxx Electro."
"Multiverse stories at their heart are about the characters and the choices that they make they're about the journey the characters take to find themselves and their place in the world."
"Avengers Secret Wars where not just the Avengers not just the Fantastic Four not just the X-Men but all of the different ones in all of the different universes are going to come together to try to save the entire Multiverse."
"Every universe is different, each one unique."
"Is this the thing I like or is this somebody masquerading as the thing I like or is it one of now 10,000 Multiverse variants of the thing I like?"
"In saving someone, you alter the course of history, create a Nexus event, and then this spreads, often fractures into other timelines."
"The multiverse might be the final step in a long line of radical revisions to our picture of the cosmos."
"String theory was describing a multiverse and an extremely diverse one at that."
"In the end, it took Spider-Man reaching out to all the other alternate Spider-Mans from across the multiverse to even stand a chance at winning in a battle with him."
"Let's talk about a world where there are multiple worlds like parallel universes."
"Miles saves the multi-verse because he can believe in himself."
"The way the multiverse is preparing for this war against the former angels is becoming very intense."
"Is the master trying to assemble some sort of legion of the multiverse's mightiest warriors?"
"Of all the timelines I currently exist in, this is my favorite."
"Wonders of the Multiverse is truly a wonder for all of the different things we ended up putting into it."
"This is the simplest solution to the Einstein field equations, and it already contains a black hole, white hole, and two universes."