
Protectiveness Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"I think we need to start putting our foot down on Mom, on kids, on brother. You're nice, you have a big heart, don't let anyone take advantage of it."
"We are wired so that the average adult feels protective over the most vulnerable."
"If you have kids and you love your kids, you hate your government if they try to get between you and your kids."
"This person is very protective of the people that they care about."
"I can't do anything to a girl that I don't want another man to do to my daughter."
"He's got a genuinely great reason to be so protective."
"They're just very sensitive and so soft but they have this wild side like totally wild and fierce side in them that will just tear someone apart if they make any move to harm you."
"But as soon as Lily saw her sister being sabotaged, her anger flared up."
"Sylvia is literally crazy. She walked me out to my car, I parked right in front of the venue, and when I parked, this car parked right behind me."
"She seems like someone who you just wanna make sure is all right. I'll protect it at all cost of thing."
"I guess I'm very protective of this platform."
"You guys got a shark, the shark with the shark, um, agility, progress, and movement. I feel you guys could be jealous over one another as well or again, very protective and willing to go to battle for one another."
"Anybody who says something to a 12 year old, right? You a [expletive] or a [expletive], right?"
"I see how precious you are, I don't want to lose that."
"He was very grounded and very like protection."
"American Bulldog: gentle, friendly, but fiercely protective."
"Caucasian Shepherd: Gigantic, extremely territorial, and fiercely protective."
"This culture of investing all your free time into someone you idolize has made people overly protective of their favorite celebrities."
"They also feel like you will fight for them, like maybe you'll go into battle for them."
"Despite Charlotte's warm welcome, I can tell she's nervous. These tigers, it's no exaggeration to say, are like her family, and like any protective mum, she'll do anything to look after them."
"They are very protective, caring, and nurturing."
"I would do anything for those girls. I'd step in front of a bullet suburban train for those little girls."
"No parent that truly loves their children would stand by and watch them die in a burning house without doing anything and everything in their power to at least attempt to save their children."
"I come from a very big fiercely loving family who are very supportive of me and very protective of me."
"Succrose has never done anything wrong in her entire life and I would protect her with my soul."
"I keep my eyes on you even when you don't know it, I feel I need to protect you from the world and sometimes even from myself."
"Number 6 people are fiercely protective about their family members, fiercely protective."
"It's very like very nice, it like goes really well with her character where she's like, you know, like super nurturing, super caring, like wants to protect the weak."
"There was nothing I wouldn't do for my children, nothing. I'd kill everybody in this room for them."
"The truth is, I'll fight for justice or anything else like that. Anyone tries to hurt my friends."
"I knew my family was in danger, and without hesitation, I was ready to lay my life on the line for them."
"Nobody can ever take those cookies from me. I like that."
"This is exactly why parents like me and my daughter's mother and so many other parents out there are so protective."
"I will never forgive anybody pillar or whatever who hurts my little sister." - Tanjiro
"They're happy-go-lucky, straightforward, and protective, like a Labrador and a bear combined."
"They're protective and will stand up for those they care about."
"No amount of gossip is gonna make this person stay away from you."
"They won't hold on too tightly, but they are protective."
"Nobody effs with a Biden, okay, got it? Nobody."
"If a child it has made friends with is bullied, grandpa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground."
"This person makes you feel safe, they're very protective, possessive, and like to take ownership."
"He's very warm, you thought he was not caring, he's not, he's very very caring in fact I would say he's very protective."
"I'm more protective of what is important to me."
"They're ready to fight for those that they love... that fiery energy definitely shows up."
"I believe Elvis is hitting on you right now, and I ain't okay with that."
"Some people might even say that, group number one, you're very protective of them, you might fight for your friends."
"He'd be very happy to lose to Steve Austin on any day, anytime. I don't want to lose in Canada, losing in the United States. He was protective of losing in Canada, and people make fun of that, but, you know, he had his reasons."
"She really wants a skull, don't we get your ugly ass away from my girl?"
"I'm not the type of dude to stand around when my girl is getting smashed by somebody else."
"They feel a sense of honor and responsibility towards our relationship. They're protective of what we have."
"Bella has always been the type of person that is looking to protect everyone around her."
"When they love, they love hard, showing commitment and protectiveness in relationships."
"He's generally a very happy-go-lucky person, but if you mess with his friends or family, you're going to get the business."
"You are someone who is fiercely protective of others, of yourself, of the things that you care about, and people love this about you."
"When you have daughters, your life changes. You become a little bit more overprotective."
"You're protective of your fun and your home life."
"I love that song the only person who gets to torture my brother is me."
"This is not up for grabs, that's my baby."
"Would you like another guy to look at your own sister like that?"
"Dude, if someone put their arm around my wife or my child, I mean, I'd attack immediately."
"They feel very almost possessive or protective of you."
"You're fiercely protective of those you love."
"My daughter is not about to be listening to a man to say oh go get this go get that."
"Gemini, you're part of it if you're feeling this bit of protectiveness about what it is that you're achieving."
"I've only had you z a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and myself."
"You don't mess with my friends, family, or team."
"Gallade possesses a desire to protect those that they encounter."
"If anybody's mean or disrespectful to my wife, if they ignore my wife, if they're ugly to her, man, my defenses go up, my emotions go up, my desire to seek justice on her behalf goes up. That makes you somebody who cares about your wife, right?"
"I'm soft, I'm sensitive, soft. But when it comes to my sister, I do not play."
"No, no, no, no, no, you don't want to take Black Panther, you better not take my back out, come on man."
"If it was like, I don't know, a 20-year-old girl I love who follows coming in, yeah, it's on sight."
"I was like, you know when somebody disrespect your parents, you go into hyperdrive. So, we were in the car behind these people, and they flipped her off..."
"She threatened to take my boys and go back home with her. Oh hell no. You can leave me [__] but you ain't taking my kids."
"She expected others to be as generous as she could be, and she was fiercely and blindly protective of her children, unable to see how she or they were in the wrong until after the fact when it had been explained to her in excruciating detail."
"There's a strength of spirit to them, very fiercely independent, and you feel protective over them."
"You feel protective over this person."
"I'm the most violent and nonviolent creature you have ever seen. You mess with my woman or my money and you see how non-violent I could be."
"I just find it so [ __ ] hypocritical because if anyone comes at your wife and your relationship you're gonna get butter you're gonna get offensive you're gonna get salty."
"Enjoy your tree, I will, as long as some pea brain doesn't chop it down faster."
"Don't [__] with Batman's kids, I dare you, I double dare you [__] [__] with Batman's kids."
"The essence of masculinity is protectiveness and protecting the receptivity of the female."
"And Mama Bear freaking had it, she was going off on the cop."
"Nobody and I mean no one has the right to say anything about my mum other than me."
"I just want to punch you in the face, you're taking my son."
"If somebody say something about my mama or my wife or my kids, I don't care how much time I normally don't have, I got time today!"
"He's very protective of what he's built, and I would be the same way."
"Don't try to roam through my city thinking [ __ ] cool, it ain't possible. I will [ __ ] your daughter and make sure whoever you marry at a hospital."
"They have an adventurous spirit. They could be a Capricorn or an Aries. I feel like they're going to be protective."
"Honestly, the part of that story that maybe sticks with me the most is the fact that your dad was willing to beat the crap out of somebody because they demanded he share his coffee."
"I think dogs in general are naturally protective. I don't think that you need to get a protective dog to have a protective dog."
"She doesn't back down from a fight and will always protect those that she cares about."
"Sir Floppers, and I've only had him for an hour and I would die for him."
"I commend her, she's also so caring and protective."
"I have to say what I have to say because no, I don't have children, but when I do, I'll be protective over them."
"I'm not saying that she's a bad person for being the way she is, but I just wanted to let you know she's very protective of me."
"When you drag my family into something, that's when I feel like I will retaliate."
"Bastet was the cat-headed Egyptian goddess, originally a ferocious lioness; her image softened over time, although she retained her fierce protectiveness."
"People get really protective of their local fare."
"I'm a little overprotective of my siblings and my children."
"We are very protective of our children."
"I've always been kind of very protective of my parents."
"Strong silent type, walk softly, kick the hell out of everybody when they hit on your friends."
"We have a certain protectiveness over that sound; it's when you're giving voice to something, you're giving it a soul."
"Music is like my child, so if you mess with somebody's kids, you die."
"When you talk about his family, you're talking about my family, so now we have a problem."
"I've always been very protective of my voice."
"I've always been a very protective person and very aware of my surroundings."
"God puts a fierce love in a mother's heart, a fierce sense of protectiveness."
"She's very protective, that's what I love about her."
"They're very protective, they have a very big heart, and they put their heart into everything that they do."
"I'm very ferociously protective of the people that I love."
"They're very protective of the people they love."
"I like how protective you are of me, how sweet you are."
"Don't touch my navigator," he said in a deathly serious tone.
"Better not lay a finger on my Butterfinger."
"I get very protective of people with big hearts."
"Phoenix is friendly, protective and brave, always looking out for her family."
"I try to be evolved, I try to be grown, but if you ever play with my mama like that... I will ragtag you."
"You cross the line with me when you mess with my children."
"Don't mess with the mom from Iowa."
"I sympathize with that because I jump in my sister's battles, and I don't even know what happened. I'm just ready to fight."
"Juliet had a heart so generous she had to protect it against hurt."
"I'm very sensitive about my mama and my husband. I do not play about them."
"She really thinks of him as her own child, being protective of him but in a way that isn't overbearing."
"She's a sweetheart most of the time but she will fight to protect her loved ones."
"I think my protective instinct is a good trait."
"Something sinister exists in this world, something evil and wretched; just be safe and keep your children close."
"She's not a baby, I know, but she's my baby."
"I am in love with her, and this is what I guess dads feel like."
"She was very watchful, very protective over her family."
"He's a little bit intense, he's alive, but he's very protective."
"I've always been pretty protective of my family, but I feel increasingly so now."
"I may seem quiet and reserved, but mess with my boy and I will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem like a happy place."
"I get that when you're pouring your heart into something you're passionate about, you can feel very protective over it."
"You love to protect your younger brothers. You are considerate."
"He's so cute, and not in like a stupid way, he's cute in like you just love him and want to protect him."
"Seeing them in trouble, Percy felt a surge of protective rage. These were the kids who'd taken him in; this was his family."
"I'm so protective of people that I care about."
"You such a good friend, always looking out for my stubborn daughter."
"Concerned or protective, receptive, compassionate, and nurturing."
"Be protective over your work, and you really have to be selective on who you give your music to."
"She's a terror, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to the little M."