
Star Formation Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"The universe has continued to expand; more solar systems and galaxies are formed, and way more stars have been created."
"Every atom in your body... was created inside of a star."
"It's not what anyone was expecting, and it has the potential to overturn many of the established theories about star formation, galaxy formation, dust accumulation."
"If these masses are confirmed... it implies that these objects formed incredibly fast, in some intense bursts of star formation."
"A contracting star or planet will spin faster and faster until the centrifugal force trying to make things fly off the spinning surface is stronger than gravity, and it fissions and you create planets usually in twin pairs."
"More blue light meant lots of young hot stars that live the shortest lives were present in a galaxy."
"The galaxy that was reddish was no longer forming any stars."
"Understanding the relationship between black holes and star creation deepens our knowledge of the universe."
"My favorite image is of a region called NGC1333, where stars are forming and very colorful."
"Gravity is ultimately all that matters since one way or another the byproducts of star creation will be drawn together by gravity to create planets."
"With every generation, star production slows down, and the Milky Way has been in business for 13 billion years."
"When the gravity's too strong I break apart into smaller clouds, each cloud is a star's beginning, in which I am very proud."
"All of the stars throughout the cosmos have fusion happening at their heart."
"We're seeing individual clusters of stars forming, popping up just like popcorn."
"It's called starburst galaxy because it's got a burst of star formation going on."
"We're seeing all sorts of starburst formation."
"Spiral arms are basically a galactic version of this: They’re just parts of the galaxy that have gotten scrunched up enough to pop out a bunch of new stars."
"One of the reasons that the Tarantula Nebula is so interesting to astronomers is that the nebula is similar in state to the massive star-forming regions present during the universe's cosmic noon."
"So it's the same function, you've got this really powerful stellar wind that's been blasted off these giant hot stars that is impacting where the stars are, and blowing away this material."
"NGC 3982 is striking for its rich tapestry of star birth, along with its winding arms lined with pink star-forming regions, newborn blue star clusters, and obscuring dust lanes."
"Stars and their accompanying planets begin as cold clouds of unassembled gas in space."
"JWST's stunning image depicts clusters of young stars and bursts of star birth throughout Stefan's Quintet."
"They're basically like these star factories."
"The reason the star and the image are so exciting is because this is the youngest star in the vicinity of the solar system."
"Remember, stars are born through explosions of love."
"Everything else passes through each other, the gas sticks together, and that energy feeds the formation of new stars."
"The universe might have been abundant with star formation much earlier than anticipated."
"Stars forming like pearls on a necklace inside molecular clouds."
"The dark ages ended when the first star in the universe was born and started to emit light."
"We live at a time in which there's still star formation in galaxies and all this joyous stuff to enjoy that won't last forever."
"Star formation begins in the densest regions of the ISM, within molecular clouds, also known as stellar nurseries."
"Once initiated, the collapse can lead to the formation of a dense core within the cloud, where conditions may become favorable for the birth of new stars."
"The Orion Nebula is the most active area of star formation in our galaxy. It lights up the sky like nothing else."
"Irregular galaxies typically contain a higher proportion of gas and dust than spirals do, and offer the liveliest sites of ongoing star formation."
"These titanic gas clouds in the early Universe were so large and massive that even after their birth, more and more gas piled on the newborn star, making it grow to unbelievable proportions."
"My problem is the idea that astronomers today... they're going to be interpreting it saying stars are forming and I don't believe stars are still being formed out there."
"In terms of the reservoir, it's the cold, denser regions that happen to be the best places for star formation."
"...suggests that the star formation around the black hole is definitely possible..."
"Star formation seems to directly depend on magnetic fields."
"We want to see how Stars Are Born."
"All of these filaments are very likely baby stars with very powerful jets."
"So essentially what my thesis was about was how the shape, the supermassive black hole, and the environment of a galaxy could somehow stop it from forming stars."
"The scientists refer to it as a kind of a protective shield that seems to surround these satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, preventing the Milky Way galaxy from stealing gas and preventing them from falling apart completely."
"Discovering and confirming a very important feature of various galaxies that allows them to maintain their shape and allows them to continuously create new stars."
"...revealing new details about all of the Star formation and about these spokes."
"...we can actually see that the star formation only happens in certain regions and mostly along the spokes or along the outer ring."
"The net effect of the passage of the black hole is that it creates a wake behind it of newly formed stars."
"The Orion Nebula is a stellar nursery where stars are born."
"Star formation is shrouded in mystery."
"If none of us knew in advance that stars exist, frontline research would offer plenty of convincing reasons why stars could never form."
"The Triangulum Galaxy contains some of the most prominent star-forming regions in the entire local group."
"Explain how gas becomes stars... you've got like leftover hydrogen and helium from The Big Bang."
"The majority of the stars were created in the first 2 billion years of the universe."
"The bar shapes the structure of the central disk, enabling it to be fed with gas and thus support dynamic star-forming activity."
"The bulge of the galactic bulge bears witness to earlier star formation in these regions."
"Elliptical galaxies appear as large, more or less elongated balls of relatively old stars."
"It is from this interstellar gas that new stars are formed."
"The most epic event ever... the two galaxies will start to merge, bright blue stars will burst into life."
"A star is a balance between two fundamental forces."
"A growing black hole causing new stars to form."
"Jupiter could only become a star if its mass suddenly became 85 times greater than the mass it possesses now!"
"A tiny very compact Galaxy... forming just as many stars as The Milky Way is today."
"A nebula is the beginning of the star before its birth."
"Most galaxies form new stars at a fairly slow rate, but members of a rare class known as starburst galaxies blaze with extremely active star formation."
"A starburst Galaxy is a Galaxy that's forming tons of new stars at Breakneck speed."
"The shockwaves produced by these two galaxies crashing into each other helps to drive star formation."
"The Orion Nebula, a stellar nursery where stars are being born even as we speak."
"Studying star formation regions like this is incredibly important for our understanding of the life cycle of stars."
"Enjoy the thrill of seeing other galaxies that are light-years away and nebulae where stars are born."
"They may seem like inebriated clouds drifting aimlessly in space, yet as unbelievable as it may sound, these clouds eventually form multiple star systems, planets, and maybe even life."
"The outer ring is dominated by star formation and supernovas."
"The Galaxy spiral arms are rich with star-forming gas seeded with young and emerging stars."
"A nebula can basically be seen as star factories, the only place where enough gas can collect in the void of space to produce anything besides helium and maybe some other heavier elements."
"That nebula collapses due to gravity, heats up, forms a protostar, and then it forms a stable star."
"It is the coolest, densest regions that collapse to form the stars."
"These are called proplyds, protoplanetary disks, and these are what mark areas of new star formation."
"Dust is everywhere in our galaxy... it's involved in several physical processes going on within our galaxy and it's particularly important for the process of star formation and planet formation."
"I'm looking at the beginning and end of a star's life, so I'm looking at how stars are born in nearby galaxies and how stars die."
"Most stars form in spiral arms because that's where all the gas and the energy and all the stuff's kicking off."
"If I were 80 times more massive, I would have become a star, because I'm made of the same elements as the sun, how bizarre!"
"The steel, the iron, the aluminum, the titanium in your cars, the calcium in your teeth, the silicon in the sand on your beaches, the carbon, the nitrogen, the oxygen in our plants and our atmosphere, was all created inside stars."
"Looking at it is like looking into a Celestial Nursery where new stars are born."
"A star is formed when an interstellar dust cloud collapses under the force of gravity."
"Stars are being born all the time, particularly in the flat plane of the disk."
"The large magellanic cloud is the most active of any region in our galaxy and has a star birth rate like no other."
"We're made out of star stuff that had to get from the inside of stars, out of stars, to form new stars, planets, and us."
"We're talking about molecular clouds, the objects that are sometimes known as these stellar nurseries."
"These features usually act as a kind of a stellar nursery, producing a lot of new stars which then sort of travel across the galaxy and spread pretty much all over the place."
"This region is perfect for the formation of stars, very similar to the Orion Nebula."
"When fusion starts, the star comes to life, and we call it a main-sequence star."
"Black Holes have a bit of a bad rep for sucking in stars and galaxies, but they can have an equally important role in creating them."
"The Pillars of Creation are part of the much larger Eagle Nebula, a huge cloud of gas and dust where new stars are forming about 7,000 light years away in our galaxy, The Milky Way."
"The Great Orion Nebula is a stellar nursery. New stars are being born within here."
"Our solar system isn't unique, and that planetary systems are probably just natural byproducts of the formation of stars."
"This bubble and the creation of this bubble might be directly responsible for pretty much most of the star formation in all of the nearby young star-forming regions."
"A star will form from a nebula, that's a cloud of gas and dust."
"There's so much we don't know about the process of star formation and planet formation."
"We can see the structure of the galaxies, some of them we can even see the star formation actually happening in them."
"Those slamming together will cause a bunch of star formation and that star formation will cause a bunch of young supernovae."
"If you're closer to an active region of star formation, you could have a brighter night sky."
"Most of the bright light in a spiral galaxy isn't just at the center; it's along those arms where there's active star formation."
"Even while these galaxies are merging together and tearing stars off of one another, they're triggering collisions and forming new stars as they go."
"You are able to see through the dust clouds into the cores to see the stars that are bright and shining and forming new stars."
"The shock wave from that collision is what caused this huge big star-forming ring around the galaxy."
"We already know that around young stars as they form, there's also material around the young stars within which the Comets, the asteroids, and the planets themselves can form."
"Astronomers claim that a star begins as a cloud of hydrogen and helium."
"Orion is really one of the coolest places where we can study star formation."
"The solar system formed relatively late in the history of star formation in the universe."
"Our best understanding is that that was the time when the Universe cooled enough for matter to clump together to form the first stars."
"Stars form from an accumulation of gas and dust, which collapse due to gravity and starts to form stars."
"The stars and the planets are born from the dust and gas."
"It will hopefully teach us how some of the early stars formed."
"The universe's resources are finite and eventually the process of making new stars will be unable to continue."
"The universe isn't perfectly smooth; that's why we have stars and galaxies."
"...star formation leads to the birth of a very wide range of masses of objects."
"Then stars started forming in galaxies and emitted light that really ionizes the universe and made it transparent."
"Super massive black holes power ultra-bright quazars, encourage star formation, and sometimes change the evolution of galaxies."
"Planets are a pretty standard outcome with the star formation process."
"The best way to map the large-scale distribution of gas to form stars is by doing radio astronomy."
"The infrared is really the key to telling us where the stars are forming."
"It's the nearest place where the most massive stars are forming."
"These outbursts may actually be essential for the formation of a star."
"Tonight's lithograph is of 30 Doradus, a turbulent star-forming region which really should be called the Tarantula Nebula."
"The universe is rife with carbons before a star is born."
"Star formation peaked about 9,000 million years ago."
"We're looking back to see the very first star formation in the universe."
"It's how large stars start to form, supernova that make the elements and the heavier elements in the periodic table."
"The Spitzer legacy program is designed to address how do stars form, what causes them to form, how do solar systems form."
"How do stars form? What causes them to form? How do solar systems form? Do all stars have solar systems?"
"Bursty star formation naturally explains the abundance of bright galaxies at Cosmic Dawn."
"The issue is that there's various feedback processes, feedback loops, where when we have stars form, those stars can then interact with and have effects on the gas out of which they're born."