
Social Exclusion Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Everyone seems to be talking about a birthday party that Lacy wasn't invited to. Should we ask her friend or let it go? Just let it go."
"There are hundreds of millions of people who are left in a state of confusion, dismay, dysphoria, and ostracization because the binaries that people have built up around them... exclude them."
"We've constructed a social and economic order with massive structural exclusion... and meritocracy recharacterizes this structural exclusion as an individual failure to measure up."
"It's very frustrating to think that you've gone your whole life here and then it's like they're saying, oh, we don't want you here because you don't make a certain amount of money."
"The suburbs are still a racialized battleground, using space and design as a means of exclusion."
"If the people around you are like, 'No, you're not allowed to join our kayak race if you're not gonna let us hit you in the head with an oar,' then it's okay not to participate."
"Every black person is aware of the power and pain of being considered an outsider within one's own race."
"The pain of exclusion is a very powerful thing in the world."
"This is literally why [ __ ] leave you hating, hating ass [ __ ]."
"The impact of being shunned, being silenced, the impact of emotional abuse is hugely powerful and traumatic."
"Dictatorship here doesn't necessarily mean one person making all the decisions... it's a system that excludes those whose economic interests oppose the majority."
"Karen lost it on me, called me cheap, a bad friend, and then officially uninvited me from her birthday party."
"Don't blame the game because other people don't want to play with them."
"It's not the party ending that upsets you; it's knowing the party will go on without you." - Reflecting on the impact of being removed from social media platforms like Twitter.
"It's about being ostracized and treated as an other in American society."
"Once you're not Church of Christ to a Church of Christ person you're pretty much garbage."
"If we cut out flat-earthers or dismiss them all as delusional, then the only people they've got left to talk to are other flat-earthers."
"Characters who were ostracized and couldn't fit in."
"As Jenn walks away ostracized, the clubgoers laugh at her."
"American whiteness is based on exclusion and separation of others."
"Y'all could do it, he gotta work. Yes, he has to work, and I'm shooting tomorrow. You know I'll just be the red-headed stepchild this weekend. You know, I hate it here. I hate it. I hate it. I'm having extreme FOMO right now."
"He ruins it that day and from then on we just literally do not invite him to have nerf wars ever again."
"Labeling me and casting me aside to the undesirable is not going to further the conversation."
"Anyone considered infam was unable to serve in the Army, unable to serve on a jury, to vote, or to represent others in court."
"Unvaccinated people will quickly receive pariah status."
"It's not just about a movie, it's about the cost of being shut out in the country that you built."
"If you have to push me away from your platform because of a decision that I've made, it is okay because I'm more concerned about what God thinks than what a human being thinks."
"And I'm sorry to bring up the loser transphobes again, but I'm serious."
"You are not invited to this party anymore, okay? Goodbye."
"The most potent weapon is ostracism. Nobody wants to be ostracized from a community."
"I do worry... people who have suffered for so long in Latin and South America are excluded."
"I love you guys because the fact that I can talk to you guys and it's like being on a phone call with my buddies and it goes on for hours."
"They feel outcast and left out in the cold from you, but they see a chance for rebirth between you."
"They never invite me to anything fun. Not that there's anything wrong with it."
"You probably should get left down, you probably will get left out."
"I want you to know whatever you're [ __ ] asking Steve like that I want you to know that there is no way that you're coming home with us tonight."
"The structural problems with the media, which is one of the most socially exclusive industries in Britain."
"You're canceled if you're not in that Hollywood Elite woke left crowd mob some may call it."
"We're locked out in a way that no other minority group has ever been locked out."
"It's crazy how in the last video, the girl wanted to be welcomed at the large table with the food, and the girls just kind of laughed at her."
"Sarah was not invited to Prince Edward or Prince William's weddings."
"There's an awful lot of people are going to be left behind."
"Feels like we're becoming outcasts out here."
"just highlighting how even here, Barclay is an outcast."
"There were plenty of other reasons to be an outsider in high school, not knowing why everyone was talking about Angus but not talking about Stakes didn't need to be one of them."
"Sometimes the most ostracized are the most unique."
"Always left out, but they're laughing. They're all friends."
"Continue to leave these people out in the cold and don't say another word."
"I was never the girl invited to cute dates at the apple orchard in the fall. I was the girl picked last for prom."
"Nobody wants to be associated with a bunch of [ __ ] losers."
"Thinking that your message is the only correct message... is something that deserves to be ostracized."
"I thought I was not like other girls because I didn't drink or party. In reality, I was just jealous because I was never invited."
"As soon as you damn someone, as soon as you say that person is evil, that person is no good, that woman is stupid, that race is bad, that country is a... as soon as you do that exclusion."
"The fact that she has been pushed to the side so severely is becoming normalized."
"Right now, you feel really left out in the cold from this person."
"He doesn't assimilate with like the regular public, mhm. So you know that one scene where he eavesdrops in the shower?"
"Anti-homeless spikes tell communities that certain people are just not welcome."
"People need to let the homophobes, xenophobes, racists, and bigots of all sorts exclude themselves from family events instead of catering for their potential tantrums by doing their dirty work for them." - Trastavia
"When you're not invited to the wedding, the message is clear. True colors have come out today."
"If you've never played this game, I highly recommend it... save for, well, you don't really like Batman, to which I say we can't be friends."
"Imagine trying to get invited to the birthday party when those are your parents, you know, and while that doesn't sound like the most of these kids' problems, being outcasted like that at a young age is really damaging fundamentally..."
"It's like when you're at a party and you see these two guys talking to the whole room and everybody's having a good time with them, and then they just start talking about things that just leave everybody out of it."
"Subalternity is something that gives the person who is a subaltern no access to citizenship."
"There's two great classes of fear... one of them is death, and the second great classifier is fear of social exclusion."
"She was a desperate little child that none of the other kids would play with."
"Throughout the history of time, people have shunned others when they can't pronounce their last names."