
Afterlife Beliefs Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"So that's my sort of angle on that; there are others who want to be cremated... if you want to live forever in the universe, then you'll be cremated, and your photons will be traveling across the galaxy."
"Most atheists will tell you there's nothing after death, just the black void. But most people, including myself, feel there's something more, something waiting for us on the other side."
"You will die just like you lived, and you will be resurrected on the day of judgment just like you died."
"The physical evidence within pyramids suggests comfort and companionship was the goal for the deceased."
"To ancient Egyptians, life was really just a dress rehearsal for the perfect afterlife that they were trying to reach."
"I believe that heaven is a better place than what we're dealing with here."
"Our greatest hope is manifested in realizing that abode may Allah allow us to enter into Paradise into it Allah without any form of questioning, and our fear is of entering into the abode of the faithless, the abode of Allah's punishment, may Allah protect us from it and not let us enter it even for a moment. Ameen."
"If there is such a thing as heaven, I hope it's filled with dogs."
"It's very easy language makes it very easy to say things like, 'After someone has died, well, he's in a better place now'."
"Everyone loses on every level. Black, white, they start seeing that this is a cycle in rap music, then maybe they'll stop wanting to have a beef with each other."
"This was the official Book of the Dead and many like it were used all throughout ancient Egypt to help The Souls of the Dead find their way to the afterlife."
"The concept of the afterlife really functions as a substitute for wisdom."
"If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by."
"Religion is to give hope, give hope for the afterlife."
"Heaven and hell, they are very real literal places and each one of us, we're going to spend an eternity in one of those destinations."
"Love doesn't end after the last breath. It's a cruel belief that people have been conditioned to mourn."
"A companion is a sahib, someone who drags you to paradise or hellfire."
"You will be resurrected with the people that you love."
"Will we bury you? But so I got rid of my tent now I'm untinted I'm naked no clothing where am I and he says well you're with Christ."
"When someone crosses over they haven't lost... they're in a beautiful place... they love you unconditionally."
"Hell is real, friend. Heaven is real, and you get to choose."
"The worst part is you realize there was a heaven but now it's too late. You can't choose anymore. You've been eternally sentenced down here."
"For since we call it asleep we know that we shall not remain in it but shall again be awakened and live."
"No other people in history devoted so much time and expense to ensuring a safe passage into the eternal afterlife with their body intact."
"I would carry that with me into the afterlife absolutely."
"That's reassuring in our case that we know JonBenet is safe and we'll see her again."
"I hope this is what death is really like - we just wake up in heaven immediately."
"The incident of death is not the end for man, whether Christian or not."
"Write his name in the register of the righteous."
"Your good deeds will become an actual comfort for you in the grave."
"Thus, the gods and their stories gave meaning to the different cycles of life and even the possibility of an afterlife."
"Wouldn't it be nice when you finally enter Heaven to bump into a thousand people that you helped move from purgatory into Heavenly Glory?"
"Except for dogs because All Dogs Go to Heaven."
"Hell is just as real a place as Heaven is, and it's going to be a place of suffering."
"It really changed my viewpoint on death. If I continued past the point of my body's death, if I was up on the ceiling, who I was all of me, who I am, all of my thoughts and feelings were up on the ceiling."
"He hears the footsteps of those who have come to bury him." - Hadith mentioning the deceased's ability to hear after burial.
"These people hold on to power like it's a death grip because they don't believe in the next life."
"And there is no Salah, there is no Zakah, there is no fasting in Jannah, all of these are for this world, and the next life we enjoy what we have done."
"Jannah is what you desire it to be, they shall have whatever they desire."
"The belief in the afterlife is common across the world."
"When one dies, one does not pass into a world of shadows and ghosts who drift aimlessly."
"The souls in heaven are not resting in peace, they are impatiently waiting for this world."
"Heaven is not really a place but a state of awareness of our true nature, which is creative and is all about the soul's continuing journey."
"Death is not the end but rather it is the beginning of eternity."
"What stands out for me is the fact that small children who've not been contaminated with adult ideas or concepts are telling us that something of us does survive death."
"The pagan Norse believed that the dead in their burial mounds would become álfar - elves - spirits of the land."
"The biggest preparation you better have is knowing where you're going when you leave this Earth."
"Dying is an act of faith, it's a surrender to the mystery. No matter what you believe in regarding the afterlife, even if you believe nothing happens at all, you're still betting that you're right."
"If you go kill kids in school you're not going to see people in another life you're not gonna like what happens to you don't do those kind of things that's evil sick demonic satanic stuff."
"Death was not the end of someone's involvement in the world of the living."
"The Capuchin friars and their fellow embalmers have perfected techniques to perpetuate at least a semblance of life after death."
"Two things gonna happen when I die, I promise you this: Hell will rejoice because I left the battlefield, and I will make Jesus Christ proud."
"I firmly believe there's life after death because that happened to me that day."
"If hell exists, atheists are almost certainly not going to be atheists anymore."
"Death doesn't scare me because I know I have something waiting on the other side."
"At this very moment, your parents' souls in heaven are completely conscious and aware of what's going on in the room right now."
"The fear of death was taken away, and now I'm just as certain that when I die, I'm going into another world that's just as real as this one."
"If I'm going to hell, I'll see you when you get there."
"Someday you're going to be judged for everything."
"When the role is called up yonder, I don't mind you calling the role down here."
"You scared of bishop? That's right. You and your bishop will go to hell."
"A viking can't go to Valhalla unless they die with a weapon in their hand."
"The life after Yom al-Qiyamah and the life in Jannah... that's the real life if they only knew."
"If your grandma died went to heaven she could look down on what's going on here on earth and knowing how much she worried about you, when she was alive now she's up in heaven she can enjoy heaven looking at all the troubles you got right."
"They're not looking down worrying about what's happening down here, they're sleeping."
"God has placed a great demon as overseer of human souls, judging them based on the character they developed during their lifetime."
"But from a loving space, they feel like there's something else going on. So, I never see family members or spirits or guides come through with an aggressive or kind of an ugly personality when they're on the other side."
"Ghost marriages... a 3,000 year old tradition... is thriving in rural China... carried out to ensure the unmarried dead are not left alone in the afterlife."
"Unforgiveness is a condition for being in purgatory."
"Relationships would continue on into the spiritual world, so yes it's entirely possible that you will be in a spiritual community with people who were in your extended family in this world."
"Memories are the biggest treasure that we bring with us when we transition on to the other side."
"I believe in heaven and I know that my cat will be waiting for me up there and you know everything that is good will be waiting for us when it's our time."
"These burials and what we find in them are the earliest indication we have that our cousins, the Neanderthals, may have believed in an afterlife."
"Infants who die... according to Scripture, I believe that this group, this biblical teaching is that they go to be in the presence of God."
"Eternity is too long for me to come out here and sugarcoat things. You may not believe in there's a hell or afterlife, that's up to you. But I don't want you to be experiencing it when it's too late. That's why I'm here, to tell you that."
"Hell is full of people who didn't believe, because they weren't chosen."
"Bizarre mummies: golden tongues placed in their mouths to help them speak in the afterlife."
"All the prophets warned about Hellfire and gave the good news about paradise."
"In short, they both decided and created death so people who were good should join Ahura Mazda, while the evil ones, Ahriman."
"If you make my son die tomorrow, you will face justice from a jury of your 12 countrymen in this world and terrible judgment from God in the world to come."
"It's just a temporary pause until they're brought back in the resurrection when you get to see them again."
"If there are no dogs in heaven then when I die I want to go where they went."
"Life continued after death, profoundly changing those who experienced it."
"I believe in an afterlife in which you continue to grow."
"There's a heaven, there's a hell. The Bible says that man is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body."
"Die with a smile and you will be treated the way you perceived Allah to treat you."
"Just because they don't answer while they're living doesn't mean they're not going to answer at the bema."
"Houses, family, and property. You're gonna get this in the next life."
"There is no heaven and there is no hell... there could be no condemnation in the choosing."
"Babies are going to be in heaven... they're not morally aware therefore they're not morally accountable."
"We will recognize each other in the afterlife."
"So Merit didn't want to spend eternity as a wise old lady but as a youthful and attractive woman in the afterlife. You wanted to be the very best you could be."
"That's the moment when I had died, so that was what was happening in my physical body. I don't remember any of that, but my spirit was clearly in heaven."
"I believe that we can communicate with those who've passed on."
"Every single thing that I've learned about heaven and the afterlife has come from speaking to your loved ones in spirit."
"The reason Christianity was successful was because it told you in the afterlife, things get better. The meek will inherit the earth."
"Folks, we're all going to go to either heaven or hell, and that decision is completely up to you."
"Never give up hope. We're all here for a reason. I did die one time, and I mean, I know you keep your conscience, it goes on forever."
"We trust that there is some justice after this."
"the afterlife of the ancient Egyptians is a long journey it's such a heroin Journey that they built an entire ship to assist the deceased"
"Some aspect of the individual definitely does last beyond life and that we will be held accountable for the lives that we've led."
"Only the richest weapons accompanied the warrior to Valhalla."
"The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead."
"You won't be a diabetic in heaven."
"Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not here, I did not die."
"The concept of the afterlife in Egypt evolved over the years, depicted as a joyful eternal existence."
"The dead and the gods are part of the audience."
"Coffins... carried vital symbols and magical spells meant to streamline the transition into the Afterlife."
"This tomb I shall certainly restore, and may the favor he does be requited him above; may his omens be propitious, and below may his ghosts drink pure water."
"Being face to face with one of the very earliest Egyptians gives us insight into the development of their ideas about the afterlife."
"Souls migrate after death, souls go under the water, the family initiates the right rituals for that soul after death."
"The shining ones had discovered the far shores, islands of safety where the righteous dead feasted and suffering was unknown."
"We cannot earn our way into Heaven by being a good person or doing more good deeds than bad."
"The Etruscans believed that the afterlife would be very similar to the life that they lived while they were breathing."
"Your ego, that is your personality, your consciousness, doesn't die and it goes on something else."
"I love you and I'll see you in heaven where you will learn that even with your Heavenly Body, I am better in badminton."
"After this world wasn't necessarily the nicest place for the Greeks; that's why this life mattered to many of the Greeks much more."
"When you die, you're not going to heaven. God's going to bring heaven to earth."
"Some people think we go to a new place, a paradise, and some people think we even come back as our favorite animal or object."
"The belief that people could return from the dead as evil spirits was not only common, urgent measures were taken to prevent it."
"Many believe they allowed the soul of the Pharaoh to soar to the stars after death."
"Board games in the afterlife... Senate wasn't just a pastime; it was a reflection of their deep connection with the mystical world."
"The solar boat of Pharaoh Khufu... was designed to carry the Pharaoh through the afterlife."
"Burying a person face down would prevent their tainted soul from leaving; this would result in the witch being stuck in a kind of hellish purgatory with her body deep in the dirt and her soul unable to find release."
"They say that the dead only want one thing: to go into the light."
"Villages are believed to be shared by both the living and the dead; they coexist in a union with each other, one does not exist without the other."
"The very fact that both cultures came up with the idea to preserve dead bodies so that their souls could travel safely into the afterlife is a wild coincidence."
"Who I am matters little. Who I was matters still less. We do not take our Earthly prominence with us into the spirit world."
"People never really died, they only went on to a better place."
"In a unique impact to the conception of the afterlife..."
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the dead would need food and drink in the afterlife, just as they did in this life."
"Heaven is a choice, hell is a choice."
"Stephen talks about how the Egyptians believe that a person's heart was weighed in the afterlife to see if they'd been good or not."