
Political Discourse Quotes

There are 747 quotes

"You drag the conversation in the Overton window to the left... when you fight and you stand for something, it pays dividends."
"Discourse and dissent are important aspects of democracy, but harassment and threats are not."
"The left and the right get along perfectly well together as long as they can talk to each other. But as soon as they can't talk to each other, then the alternative is simple: one is slavery, the other is tyranny."
"I think it's important to kind of communicate and talk to people you disagree with politically."
"Two things that should never go together: Patriot politics and Pastor religion. There should always be a separation of church and state."
"It would be much better not only for the history of Russia but also for the country's future if Russian leaders were willing to permit and even encourage a more even-handed discussion of the Soviet Union's role in the war."
"Tax the rich, and all that stuff, and I'm like, 'How about we tax the Hollywood rich?'"
"Coalition building is good. Changing minds is good. But those positions are anathema now in the online left."
"We as Democrats can talk about strong border security and still be respectful of immigrant rights."
"We don't need to agree with the other side, but we need to understand their perspective."
"If somebody on the left does something ridiculous and stupid, and other people on the left are like, 'yeah, that is kind of ridiculous and stupid,' and just moved on, I think a lot of the issues that blow up wouldn't be anywhere near as big a deal."
"For all of the conservative crying about the 63 genders or whatever, this is nothing. This is what they think, this is what they get outraged over, while Bernie supporters are getting outraged over minimum wage and health care."
"Most of the media is left-leaning, so a lot of the conservatives, their voices aren't being heard."
"The aesthetic here is as authentic as it gets, building on a link between punk and politics, shaping ideological discourse, and challenging every rule in the book."
"Political discourse, protected speech at its zenith, deals with campaigning or elections and has always been found to be at the height of protected speech."
"It's very encouraging to see how YouTube as a platform has kind of played its own role in furthering political and cultural conversations among younger people."
"You can criticize a British political leader without being anti-British... It's possible to criticize Israeli policy without being an anti-Semite."
"I think there's a lot of proposals that members of Congress have been debating and talking about, the first part is you have to have a serious conversation with the American people, not a political conversation."
"We have to stop this trench warfare and exploiting the polarization of the country."
"Free speech is not the number of words in your lexicon; it is whether you are able to express political ideas without ramifications."
"I'm not here to call out his lies. Everybody knows he's a liar."
"I think if you take the approach of shunning and condemning, you know, like Hillary Clinton saying 'deplorables' or Mitt Romney saying 47% of people don't want to better themselves, I think if you approach with an attitude of contempt, you're never going to have a prayer of reaching the people who are sympathetic to those views and winning the argument."
"Try among other things not to interpret everyone's words, including our political opponents' words, in the worst possible terms, but think, how can I try to approach even my political opponent's terms in a spirit of generosity?"
"It's not about Republicans versus Democrats, conservatives or liberals; it really is about what's happening to average people."
"You don't even know your schedule; you're too busy writing 30 tweet storms about Hunter Biden."
"This was a beautiful system we created, and I don't understand why so many in the press and the political class are scared of using our constitutional system."
"I think we can have a rational political conversation about balancing rights and risks and rewards of all these different policies, but I don't think that what we need to do is demonize people on the other side as being unfeeling."
"The problem with the 'what about' arguments is that you're assuming I have views about other politicians that I don't have."
"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
"You cannot justify modern political stands by appealing to ancient scriptures which were written in totally different times."
"It's time now for everybody our country to come together."
"Allow Me to Retort is an easily digestible argument primer written by Ellie Mistle so that he says people can tell the Republicans in their own lives why they're wrong."
"The problem with the Hitler analogy is that it doesn't afford any nuance. Hitler, as a symbol of evil, offers no shades of gray and may lead to an oversimplified political calculus."
"We can have our political disagreements, sometimes even yell and get very heated, but still walk offstage and not wish any ill upon each other."
"We don't need hate, we don't need violence, we don't need vitriol and animosity. That's what Biden's voters want, and we're going to fight that with love."
"Our job is to understand people are going to have different views, but on a lot of these economic issues, I am optimistic that we can bring people together."
"It's fun to poke fun at the extremes of both sides, but the minute you start believing that represents the entirety is when you become one of them."
"We have plenty to disagree about, it's important to have sort of political arguments amongst ourselves, that's the nature of democracy, but also, the United States has succeeded in so far as it has succeeded historically by having some sense also of togetherness."
"Had COVID been worse, just enough worse to really get our attention, to really be undeniable, we would have had a different political conversation around it."
"Almost none of our political discussion is actually problem-solving oriented; almost none of it."
"Claims of ethnic or racial superiority place you outside the realm of acceptable political discourse."
"Mr. President, the country I come from, the country we all swear to, is the United States."
"At least it puts these political issues on the radar and gives us excuses to talk about them and produce content about them."
"Some things never change but the tone and tenor of the show does."
"If we lose freedom here, where else are we going to go to? In fact, Ronald Reagan came from an era where people could disagree."
"Border control is the reasonable stance; it is possible to have border control without being a white nationalist."
"Do you really think that the right doesn't believe that I mean and I don't know if it's if it's intellectual dishonesty or if they've just really have never spoken to a conservative oftentimes I've just never spoken to a conservative."
"Make no mistake, this proposed legislation, everything mentioned in this video, is very real."
"People are able to speak up and say, 'I have very serious concerns about unfettered, unchecked immigration.'"
"I'm not concerned about Russian propaganda, not even a little bit."
"The problem is that the facts have changed and the political class keeps on trying to tell them, 'You're wrong on your facts.'"
"Is there an Illuminati? Is there a secret cabal of pedophiles that Donald Trump has single-handedly trying to dismantle? That man doesn't even care about his own children."
"This dehumanization of the opposition is terrible."
"I know he doesn't support abortion as an orthodox Jew. That's, uh, that's, that'll be interesting news for him to learn from AOC who's not Jewish."
"We need to meet people where they are and not assume that someone who might disagree with you on something is automatically a bad person or a rabid right-winger."
"Trump broke people's brains. People have lost their damn minds."
"It's fun to have on people from the other party and actually talk through the issues."
"One place we agreed upon is that rational debate is what's necessary in our democracy."
"We're going to cut through the political BS and let's have a real conversation today."
"Progressives dominate like 80% of the discourse."
"I'll criticize Bernie's recent comments on Cuba, but I won't engage in this smear campaign."
"The left always projects when they talk about normalizing things. That's what they've been doing all along."
"It isn't about Hunter Biden. This is about pay-to-play for the Biden family."
"Wouldn't you prefer a political climate that wasn't reduced to just dismissing and smearing opponents?"
"Is there the possibility to get your average American to look at our arguments and be like, 'you know what that Byron dude is right.'"
"One of those values has to be the ability of people to speak freely on a variety of political topics, even if we disagree with them."
"The left has to silence everybody because they've moved so far to the left."
"Unfortunately, much of the conversation today, and it's disappointing I think for those Americans who have been watching, has not been focused on those legitimate areas of inquiry but instead conspiracy theories and the like."
"Democracies only function if people who vote... are receptive to reality. If you're not, if you're unashamedly not, what you're essentially saying is discourse is not a tool that can be used to sway me off bad positions."
"If you're gonna talk about true socialism, you should talk about true socialism."
"Just because there potentially would be more hate... doesn't mean we should stifle political dissent."
"Race is not a political weapon... Nowhere do we need more common ground than on the issue of race."
"That person is not my enemy, that's my fellow American."
"People are rightfully skeptical of this election and I don't think that's a problem or a conspiracy theory."
"You can't humanize conservatives, that's not allowed."
"You have one party that is serious about government and institutions, and another side that increasingly treats us like a show."
"It's insane to me that people think assassinations are conspiracy theories." - Commentator
"It's about getting in front of the conversation."
"The great thing about democracy in the U.S. is that even though I hundred percent disagree with your point of view I a hundred percent support your freedom of speech."
"The only way you can respond to this is to kind of mock it." - Discussion on GOP behavior
"You're not allowed to disagree with the left."
"Some people were kind of like yeah that's kind of refreshing because every you know every day some politician is extolling the endless virtues of a country."
"The erosion of our faith in our institutions comes down from an erosion of our political discourse because of this scourge of censorship and political correctness."
"I'm uninterested in people that respond to hard questions with 'you stooge of Vladimir Putin' or 'you traitor' or 'you're lacking in patriotism'. I'm uninterested in that. I'm interested in what serves Americans first."
"So I agree with you that a smug, self-righteous, intolerant left-winger is no less dangerous to the emotional fabric of our country."
"Let's remember that disagreements are the oxygen of democracy."
"That's why all adults, no matter their political views, should speak out against Trump's offensive language and disrespectful treatment of women."
"Conversing across political divides requires speaking the same language."
"Why would you do that, Joe? What the question was supposed to be probing to get more answers but you could hear the exasperation in your voice, why? Why would you say that, Pennsylvania's gonna decide the election?"
"He's taken all the hot buttons that you're not supposed to say and put them all in one place."
"I want the left to return to Reason and logic because they've abandoned that all they've got are these labels."
"It's no problem, right? That's what they're gonna do. And by the way, they brought that up at the DNC multiple times as though literally, you're right, the first sentence led up to it."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, baby Hitler."
"We need to be talking about politics all the time."
"Conservative viewpoint that dares to question the status quo."
"I'm seeing more Rumblings about term limits."
"Our country is going in the wrong direction so badly, and while it's a little bit early, we have to debate. We have to explain to the American people what the hell is going on."
"The politicizing of the Wuhan virus is going to continue until November and well beyond."
"I hope it opens up a conversation about like, you know, that we're not really on the side of freedom and democracy in this war."
"Both sides. Trust me, I've been canceled like I know the left does. I was saying, these conversations are important, the fact that you disagree and you can still make jokes about it, like, that is what's important."
"If you're going to post about politics, post in a way that shows empathy and tries to reach someone who might vote differently."
"Our politics and our discourse and our online interactions are increasingly shaped by that very toxicity."
"Hey, what's up, conservatives are so big, they're so tough, until they actually have to talk to someone who knows what they're talking about."
"This isn't becoming a place where we can no longer speak our minds."
"It's not supposed to be 'that's my enemy,' it's supposed to be 'that's my fellow American who has a different opinion or political view than I do but we can have a conversation that's respectful at the end of the day.'"
"If you're rooting for a better American discourse, you want less AOC and more Pelosi."
"Palestine and Palestinian discourse is centering itself on the table and it's kicking its feet up on the table, it's refusing to be cornered, it's refusing to be muzzled."
"The civility in politics that did exist is completely gone."
"Our disagreements are not anywhere near as major as people seem to make them out to be."
"Palate politics is not just about listening."
"Advocating for rights should not be political."
"It's a low point, talking about the murder collection of an MS-13 gang member when he brought up Pelosi again."
"Bernie is giving a response to the State of the Union which is great because he of course will focus on policy substance."
"You're basically shutting down one side and then you're gonna create an echo chamber on the left within society."
"Violence, threats, and intimidation have no place in political discourse."
"It's not about party politics, it's about truth and falsehood." - Out of context: Reframing an issue to emphasize fundamental principles over partisan divides.
"I'm blessed, that's all I can say, God is good man."
"Trying to conflate violence and speech is one of the habits of the left right now and it is going to undermine any possibility of living in a republic with one another."
"Our rights are given to us by our Creator... no George Soros, no Rothschild can take our rights away from us."
"It is our mission here in being unapologetically pro-democracy to just talk about democracy to talk about normalcy and compassion and love."
"The rurality argument is completely easily debunked."
"The fix was in before anyone started counting votes."
"The silencing tactics of liberals are not symmetrical. I don't think that conservatives have that all-purpose silencing tactic, which is to call somebody a racist."
"It would be fun to have one of these lefty personalities come... We're not gonna just say what you want to hear, if you want that there's a bunch of other places you can go get it."
"Especially all the political commentators who continue to push this narrative, please holy [ __ ] please, I can't take it anymore."
"Argue against fascists insofar as it is good for discourse."
"Our country is incredibly divided, and it's up to all of us to decide which way we want it to go."
"It's as important to them as winning is—owning the libs. It's so unhealthy, just for us, you know, all of us for Humanity. It is an unhealthy way to live."
"Threats of violence against members of Congress and the President of the United States must not be tolerated."
"They're effectively doing that I mean they've done it and they've shut down um you know smaller political candidates smaller policemen the president of the united states it's it's it's mind-blowing."
"The peace doves were attacked when they call for peace and safety because something is coming."
"It's tempting sometimes to say certain things but when you know like people across the political eye on the other side you're like well no there's probably reasons why this isn't supported by all of America."
"Let's stop treating it like every idea that the other side has is bad just because they had it."
"Trump was not what they claimed to be, they lied about him all day in the media."
"Only certain left wing talking points are allowed on Twitter."
"They're trying to steal an election. They're trying to get rid of the rule of law... It's not about if you even like Donald Trump or not, it's not about if you're a Democrat or Republican, it's: do you want to have basic freedoms?" - Rob Richardson
"When it's a level playing field and we go out and compete and we're going to compete and we're going to have difference of opinions."
"All while the administration talks about unwinding title 42 and not worrying about what's happening at our southern border."
"It's important to have Republican voices coming forward and speaking about the facts."
"Nobody is saying we shouldn't remember who supported whom."
"No election is perfect but there is not evidence of intentional malfeasance."
"Yeah it's menacing gaslighting anti-democratic lowercase d bullsh."
"We proved that the left cannot cancel people if we do not let them."
"Maloney's biggest opponent says she's not a fascist."
"We won't win people over by calling them names or dismissing entire chunks of the country as racist or sexist or homophobic."
"It's so cynical and dishonest and gross to say that if you don't have the same politics as me on this issue then it's because you don't care about these children."
"We can have a real real discussion about immigration reform but we have to have adults in the room."
"One of the things I bang on about is the crisis of democracy."
"We need to start listening to real working-class people."
"Democracy is at the heart of this whole issue."
"Your channel is like a very interesting intersection between left wing and right wing politics. That's probably why you're so popular, and I think that's a good thing."
"Everything we're talking about gets this issue of polarization."
"We're gonna talk about all this, especially just the crazy swampiness that's going on."
"We're going to be seeing more and more truth coming out and we're going to see more and more Americans looking for people that have the courage to be able to articulate what that truth is."
"There is not a single democrat who's not talking about the stimulus check."
"This isn't left versus right. This is just about truth."
"I think we should like stop demonizing people for having certain political beliefs because I think that really kind of makes it hard to have conversations like these."
"A more diverse politics can only be to the good."
"You cannot run just on a fear-based platform; you have to run on a Hope Place based platform."
"Calling out your own side really does end well."
"This isn't about class warfare. This is about the nation's welfare."
"Conspiracy theories like if not for conspiracy theories what would the right talk about?"
"A country that spends all its time talking about politics is already so thoroughly sick."
"The closer we get to the election, the less facts and nuance will matter."
"It's not even a matter of policy debate anymore. It's like this whole different worlds that we exist in to where, like, I don't even really fault some people for things that they believe in."
"If I just fought with every uh contention I had with like the online left I'd never get any work done like against the right you know."
"The question is, radical left, will you listen? Who is on your list, Joe?"
"Trust but verify. It's called we do a little trusting but verifying because I've noticed that a lot of people who aren't our friends are promoting Desantis."
"You need to lead by uniting people not dividing them. He talks about dividing us all night long. It's what he does. It's who you are. It's what he's about."
"It's not lone wolves, it's all based on a political ideology."
"It's important we talk about honestly and right now there's just a lot of propaganda going on in revisionism about radical Marxism."
"Republicans don't do that Republicans have more spine but they don't care if it's a Republican president if you didn't do it right so I'm not interested I think we need to hold our politicians more accountable particularly as Democrats."
"We need to do a much better job of stigmatizing left-wing views."
"We are speaking the truth, the hard truth, without apology." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"Free speech is the one thing we actually have to give to our opponents if we want it for ourselves."
"If you say the same thing that Joe Biden said, which is hundreds of thousands of people will die by the end of the year, and you're a Democrat, this is you telling hard truths to the American people."
"The overton window is only so wide right and obviously given everything that's happening in the world right now certain political figures have stretched that overton window to places where it's sometimes insane or crazy."
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"They wanted him to be talking about 'this country is a great country,' but that's a blue lie."
"We shouldn't be on two sides... let's work together for the best of Scotland."
"How to tell when someone is an NPC: logic and facts in an argument do nothing to change their mind and only cause them to just repeat themselves ad infinitum."
"Twitter exercises a degree of power and control over political discourse in this country that is immeasurable historically unprecedented and profoundly dangerous to open democratic debate."
"Words matter, they do matter, and I think we can both criticize the PRC leadership and also support that we have an environment in the United States that is embracing diversity and treating individuals with respect." - Maggie
"We're a secular nation and now... We've sidestepped away from that and make it seem as though this is simply a conversation about murder."
"Everybody's tweeting about catastrophes and coups and Donald Trump."
"The abandonment of civility from the right feels like a return to some of the worst political elements."
"It's not enough to say, 'Oh, I'm going to read some conservatives and some liberals.'"
"She's acknowledging bias that she has she's not moving to the right or anything like that but she's trying to commit to a more honest political conversation."
"We have to stop trying to cancel people and shouting down our allies."
"Truthful speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy."
"Why does everything immediately need to devolve into a partisan issue?"
"America still is more liberal on free speech than European but the political discourse on that..."
"I find that so much of political discourse right now is like really just plastering the other side is backward or idiots."
"We know the mainstream media has so as we go into breaking and kind of go into the next half hour here I'm curious are we on a path for confirmation or on a path for disclosure because that's the big drawing line."
"Embrace the culture battle and embrace the fact that everyone is opposed to what you think." - Michael Knowles
"I love how it's always framed in the media: voting restrictions, voting suppression. You give them an inch to take a mile, absolutely."
"People being fascists isn't the problem. Hating fascists is the problem."
"Human beings change there; we keep forgetting that people on the right and the left... it's about changing minds, it's about persuasion."
"The insert X socialist country failed statement is a sad and petty non-argument used to end the dialogue before it even begins."
"Because he was the president, we have advanced this conversation and it's become even more mainstream under a Democratic president."