
Divine Qualities Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The Lord is gracious and righteous; yes, our God is merciful."
"Three are the qualities of God in His light home: infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite love."
"For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made."
"God is identical to oneness, infinite love, truth, selflessness, freedom, consciousness, immortality, and liberation."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear, He gave us the spirit of love and power and a sound mind."
"It is human to err, it is divine to forgive."
"The Holy Spirit is more patient than you are sinful, more persistent than you are stubborn, more loving than we are evil."
"Remember, God's armor includes truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the word."
"The reign of Jesus Christ will be righteous, glorious, bountiful, gentle, kind, caring, joyful, peaceful, and everlasting."
"His reign is righteous, his promises are sure, his goodness is limitless."
"I put my faith in the one who is faithful and true."
"When you align yourself with the spiritual qualities of the divine mind, you will also implement your powers of soul perception."
"Love is God and love is not condemning people to hell."
"God is faithful, God has grace, God has mercy."
"The quality of mercy is not strain'd; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath."
"If you can forgive the worst person in the world then that's divine, isn't that what God and religion is about?"
"This discovery magnifies the mercy and goodness of God."
"God is experienceable by creatures as truth and beauty and goodness and is a personal personable being."
"The desire to do the will of God means to increasingly manifest those divine qualities in the life of the being."
"Fill me with your spirit, peace, love, and joy."
"There is no one who is filled with the Holy Spirit that is not supernatural."
"There's no denying that, no one can deny God's goodness, no one can deny God's compassion, His mercy, and His grace."
"There is something divine about dogs, it's the sense of love and purity they have."
"All I can wonder is why, then I feel a new emotion that is being emitted by God, this emotion is absolute patience."
"Holiness describes the characteristics of God."
"The Divine feminine's Light is so bright place of great strength strengthen the sun."
"God's goodness is conveyed mostly in his generosity."
"The love, mercy, grace, and unity that I am looking for will be what it takes in these days ahead to push back the forces of darkness."
"Harshness is not of God; gentleness, kindness, meekness, and humility are."
"The God that Jesus consistently proclaimed is a God of tender mercy, a God of gracious love, whose very nature is to give."
"To forget is human, but to forgive is divine."
"Because he's good, and he's great, and he's faithful, That's why I trust him."
"If we have a God whose ways are mercy and love and forgiveness then we have a God whose ways are higher than our ways, don't we?"
"It's a really good thing for my sister that God is more forgiving than I am."
"We need to accept that there is a divine reality before we talk about the qualities of the divine reality."
"There's one God and there's one person that revealed the highest qualities of God and it was Jesus."
"He's good and he's gracious and he's generous. He's a provider and his ways are higher."
"We seldom see this level of character development. Angels seldom seem to second guess themselves and if they do, they are too holy and righteous to express such things to a human."
"It's not about being great, anybody could be great. Sometimes it's about consistently being good."
"God, you are holier than we could ever imagine."
"He's gentle and he's loving and he's merciful."
"I know that thou art a gracious God, merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness."
"You are a spiritual being of divine intelligence, love, and power. Exercise it."
"We developed ways of bringing forth these amazing qualities that we now call divine, like love and compassion."
"God's mercy and grace move beyond conflict and frustrations."
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in loving kindness."
"But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth."
"God is good, God is amazing, God is awesome, God is beautiful, God can be loved, God can be worshiped, God can be trusted."
"The divine qualities bestow liberation; they are that powerful. They hold you in God."
"Justice and mercy are at the very heart of God."
"God is good, God is gracious, God is generous."
"An utterly unknown quality in God cannot give us moral grounds for loving or obeying Him."
"Each one of us is a spark of His consciousness, a soul that’s one of a kind, that is endowed with all His divine qualities, and that is infinitely cherished by Him."
"Get to know the Father; He's the most wonderful person that you can ever know."
"I am a spiritual being of divine intelligence, Divine love, and divine power, I am that."
"We have his life, we have his ability, we have his love nature, we have his strength."
"God's uncreated qualities are communicated to us and become part of our own identity."
"There are chiefly four divine qualities which are productive of brotherhood... namely, humility, self-surrender, love, compassion."
"He is so good, He is holy, He is faithful, He is kind, He is gracious, He is merciful, and He deserves our very best."
"And understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love, who brings justice and righteousness, and that I delight in these things."
"We're made by God to show forth godly qualities like wisdom, kindness, courage, innocence, and power."
"Just as a grain of sand will not balance in the scales against a great weight of gold, so too is the case with God's justice when it is weighed against His compassion."
"Jesus is the embodiment of the highest qualities love and wisdom because god is love and wisdom."
"God is the most merciful, the most compassionate."
"Respect, dignity, honor, status, nobility, recognition in the hands of Allah today."
"You the soul have to exercise the fact that you are a being of intelligence, divine love, and divine will."
"Our real purpose in life is to express God's qualities in everything we do."
"Reality is spiritual, harmonious, immutable, immortal, divine, eternal."
"Humility and love alone can attract the divine response — nothing else."
"Infinite love, and all of his qualities are contained within his love because he is love."
"God is just, man can be just; God is forgiving, man can be forgiving."
"I testify that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the Way, the Truth, the Life, Light, and Love of the World."