
Light Speed Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, and a Lightyear is a measure of distance. It's the distance light goes in a year at that speed."
"The beginning of everything in Einstein's theories was the idea that the speed of light is the same for everybody."
"The fact that nothing travels faster than light... opens up an amazing possibility, namely authentic insight into the past."
"The dot is propagating faster than light, but it's a different set of photons that are raining down as the dot moves. The photons are coming from your laser pointer on Earth to the moon at the speed of light, but this is perpendicular to the direction of movement of the dot."
"Light travels pretty slowly. So when you look out into the cosmos over sufficiently large distances, you're actually looking back in time."
"The speed of light didn't depend on the source of the light; it didn't depend on who was receiving it. It was a fixed number."
"Gravity does not reach everywhere instantly but is instead restricted by the speed of light."
"SCP-2821, a sphere with no fixed size as it can expand and retract at the speed of light at any given time."
"The speed of thought... faster than the speed of light."
"Does the fact that the speed of light is a constant mean that it is also a speed limit?"
"Out of all of the Admiral fruits, my favorite is Kizaru's glint glint fruit - you got lasers, you could travel with the speed of light."
"In 1887 American physicists Albert Michelson and Edward Morley performed."
"Light races across the universe at 186,000 miles per second."
"A beam of light can get between any two places with zero elapsed time."
"If advanced civilizations in the galaxy have the ability through telescopes to observe our planet, they can only see what the speed of light can deliver them as far as information."
"But if reference points like the intersection between the blades of scissors moving along, if reference points are moving faster than light, how is information not moving faster than light?"
"The implications of the constant speed of light for our understanding of space."
"The constant speed of light is what makes clocks tick off slowly."
"Because of light's finite speed, when you look at the great Galaxy in Andromeda, you are seeing it as it was 2.3 million years ago."
"Maybe we can travel at the speed of light if you can find something that weighs less than light."
"One idea that's been tried is that the speed of light was greater in the past."
"Nothing ever travels faster than the speed of light. Not material things, non-material things, your feelings, your thoughts, quantum mechanical wave functions. Nothing ever travels faster than the speed of light."
"For a long time, physics did not seem to allow humans or anything else made of matter to travel as fast as light."
"Einstein’s speed limit doesn’t directly say that nothing can travel faster than light."
"In our experiments, we have measured that a single photon can tunnel across a tunnel barrier at 1.7 times the speed of light."
"Gear Second Luffy is likely faster than light."
"A particle that has zero mass is a particle that will always and forever be traveling at the speed of light."
"The notion that nothing in the Universe can go faster than light is uncomfortably at odds with the issue that most of the galaxies we can see are now moving away from us faster than light speed, and yet there’s no contradiction."
"If you have electromag interference coming at you it's basically light right speed of light."
"Earth has not yet developed faster than light travels."
"If we could somehow send lots of super bright lights a light year away to surround the Earth and briefly blinked them, what would happen is that the light pulse would take a year to get to Earth and they’d arrive at the same time."
"The gravitational field tends to warp space in such a way that the velocity of light is lower in its presence."
"...there are always objects far enough away to be receding faster than the speed of light."
"...objects with larger red shifts are receding faster than the speed of light."
"So far away that even as fast as light is, you'd think it would take billions of years for the light to get from those galaxies to the earth."
"The speed of light is a basic constant of nature."
"The speed of light in vacuum sets the relationship between electric fields and magnetic fields."
"The velocity of light has not changed over the past 14 billion years."
"Everyone moving uniformly always measures the speed of light being the same."
"Light isn't instantaneous; it takes time to travel across the vast distances of space."
"You cannot travel through space faster than the speed of light, but space can do whatever the hell it wants."
"Everyone sees the speed of light the same."
"The speed of light is the same for all observers. It does not vary, it is invariant."
"The index of refraction is the speed of light in a vacuum divided by the speed of light in the material."
"Light propagating through vacuum is theoretically the fastest thing that we know of that can move in the universe."
"How long does it take light to travel that distance? About 8 minutes and a third."
"Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light and they're affected by the expansion of the universe and the expansion of space itself in the same way that light is."
"Starting from our solar system and traveling at the speed of light, it would take you approximately 1,400 light years to reach it."
"James Clark Maxwell made the remarkable prediction that the speed of light had a very pure dependence only on the magnetic properties and the electrical properties of the space that electromagnetic radiation was passing through."
"Superman is currently moving at 10 times the speed of light."
"Electromagnetic waves do not need a medium to propagate, and they move at light speed."
"A particle undergoing very high acceleration should be able to move discontinuously and even faster than light."
"The simpler special theory of relativity implies that only particles with a zero rest mass, such as photons and gravitons, may travel at the speed of light, and that nothing else may travel faster."
"The universe is big, so big in fact, that even if we learn how to travel at the speed of light... we'd only be able to explore a tiny fraction of what we can currently observe."
"These bubble universes are expanding indefinitely, and their edges are zooming away from us faster than light can travel."
"The one-way speed of light is in fact not a property of nature at all but a convention."
"It takes 1.2 seconds for light to travel from the earth to the moon."
"If we can travel at the speed of light, that's what it would take to get us there."
"All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, which is 2.998 times 10 to the 8th meters per second."
"One light year is the distance traveled by light in one year through space."
"The speed of light is the product of the wavelength and the frequency."
"The speed of light doesn't change; the speed of light anywhere in time is going to be the same."
"The universe is expanding faster than light can travel."
"At the speed of light, there is no time."
"Light is really, really fast... about a million times faster than sound."
"Snell's law for refraction follows this kind of expression where u is the speed of light in the low refractive medium and v is the speed in the slower medium with the higher refractive index."
"If you take relativity and you punch in the speed of light for the speed that you're going... from the perspective of a photon, they are created and then they fly through space at the speed of light, they experience no time."
"But if you want to go from one end of your galaxy to the other, it will take you a hundred thousand years going 186,000 miles per second."
"Traveling through space at the speed of light, light can cover the distance from Earth to the sun in just 8 minutes and 20 seconds."
"If you could travel at close to the speed of light, what you would see is all of the light in the universe... condensed into a single point at the end of a dark tunnel."
"The speed of light is essential in modern physics and vital to understanding the universe as it really is."
"The speed of light is the same for all observers."
"It only takes light 8 minutes to travel 150 million km."
"Light propagates with an incredible speed of about 200,000 miles per second."
"Things fall away from us and because they fall away from us, eventually if you go far enough out, you will find it moving faster than the speed of light relative to you."
"Light travels through fiber at about 200,000 kilometers per second."
"You can always find a distance in a uniformly expanding space where the expansion is faster than the speed of light."
"You need the power of light if you want to travel at light speeds."
"Any particle that moves with the speed of light has the property that its energy is equal to its momentum times C."
"The speed of light... about 3 times 10 to the power of 8 meters per second."
"Nothing travels faster than light that we know of."
"Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second."
"The speed of light in meters per second in a vacuum."
"It takes eight and a half minutes for the light from the sun to reach Earth."
"A light year is the distance traveled by moving at the speed of light for a year."
"Light travels almost instantly, and therefore what we see is what's really happening."
"Light travels a million times faster than sound does in air."
"Light travels a million times faster than sound."
"Romer is the first to realize in 1672 that light has a finite speed."
"The definition of the meter is now defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum during the time interval of 1 over 299,792,458 of a second."
"The speed of light will be constant, independent of the motion of the source."
"The speed of light is referring to the special case of light or any electromagnetic wave in a vacuum."
"Makes the jump to lightspeed and doesn't slow down."
"The only quantity that all inertial frames seem to agree on is the speed of light in a vacuum, c."
"The electromagnetic spectrum tells the frequency and wavelength of a set of transverse waves that all travel at the speed of light."
"Light travels across our solar system in about a day."
"Light travels around the world seven times in one second."
"Traveling at that speed, light takes a hundred thousand years to get across this section of the Andromeda galaxy."
"The very idea of light, and especially the speed of light, have been as hard to comprehend as the unimaginable vastness of the universe."
"Speed is power. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"
"The speed of light is always 186,000 miles per second."
"The physical structures of the universe are variable, but the speed of light is not."
"You don't need to know everything about light speed, you need to know how to do that."
"The electromagnetic spectrum is a whole series of waves that travel at the speed of light through a vacuum."
"Einstein's relativity: the speed of light's the same for all observers."
"Particles which move with the speed of light can be mono dexterous... the right word is chiral. Chiral means spins only in one direction."
"If light is a constant the speed of your light could never catch up to that reality, it'll be exactly where it has always been because that reality is ever-expanding."
"A light-year is the distance light travels in a year."
"Light travels at different speeds depending on what material it's traveling through."