
Workplace Ethics Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The main thing is if you can not be frightened of being fired, then you have to speak out for what you believe in."
"Respect is something which is very essential at workplace. You need to give respect to get respect."
"I think the truth is that this is a predatory workplace and it absolutely is."
"Sexual harassment is not funny; it's serious and has to be taken seriously."
"Small things, big impact. Always, always, if you're unsure about something, if someone's asked you to do something and you think it seems a bit dodgy, this doesn't seem right, talk to your mentor, talk to someone in your team."
"Guaranteeing equal pay for equal work is the right thing to do."
"We value diversity and strive to foster a workplace that offers inclusivity for everyone. There is no place in our company or industry, or any industry, for sexual misconduct or harassment of any kind."
"The fear of losing your job encouraging some people to spit out lies, I don't think that works in the end."
"HR being one of the departments has been utterly corrupted in such a way that HR will befriend abusers and will defend the abusers."
"The conflicts depicted in the boys isn't an asteroid falling from the sky, it's workplace sexual misconduct."
"NBC fired Lauer after a review of his behavior."
"The company has no regard for the emotional traumas it causes or the family-like dependencies it creates."
"If there's nobody controlling the guards, they will act however they want to act."
"I don't know how, but the blurring of the line between honesty and dishonesty seems to be at its height in a workplace."
"Larger funding for games is great, less crunch is great, and accountability, actual accountability, will be great."
"Acknowledge, apologize, and get back to work."
"You can't tell people that they're not valued, abolish their jobs, then ask them to help you."
"Don't disrespect somebody in your work shirt, are you dumb?"
"Bosses get off easy according to nbc hot take ellen degeneres wasn't fired the boss is the one who's ultimately responsible for the environment that's created and yet rarely faces comments a lot of times the bosses always know what's going on"
"Look out for yourself. It doesn't matter how nice and friendly people are or how important they say that you are. Businesses need to learn that they need to pay up or we will leave."
"You get what you pay for, and if you pay people dog [ __ ] wages and treat them like [ __ ] garbage, well that's what you're gonna get."
"Is it honest and fair for a company to fire a man, silence a man while day by day leaking his confidential moments and Communications within the company?"
"Crunch is not a triumph of the workforce but a failure of the management."
"Ubisoft spent years protecting abusers of every type at every level of the company."
"If you were to take the materials they give to these kindergartners and go into your workplace and open these books and show them to your co-workers, this is the point Robbie Starbucks made: you'd be sued for sexual harassment."
"I do think workplace democracy is as morally necessary as democracy in our government."
"It's absolutely unacceptable to harass and pressure our staff for deals after being told no."
"There's no such thing as a consensual workplace environment when there is a dynamic of power involved. I don't care what your opinion is, that's just a fact."
"I am truly and deeply sorry I brought my personal experience into the workplace."
"Suck it up is not the answer. It's on the people harassing them to not do the thing."
"Any happenstances of that nature absolutely need to be called out and taken seriously."
"There is no place for abuse, harassment, or predatory practices in any company or any community."
"We stand with all our friends, teammates, and colleagues, as well as the members of our dedicated community who have experienced mistreatment or harassment of any kind."
"I hope that snooty new manager learned her lesson that day. Treats everybody equally and kindness and compassion do go a really long way."
"It just doesn't sit right knowing that the people who are making things that I love are subjected to this kind of work environment."
"If you're holding a gun to someone's head and making them work for you, you're never gonna get the output that you do when people are working willingly."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"We emphasize the core values of professionalism, integrity, and respect."
"That's one no one should touch, that is professional."
"No one deserves to be sexually harassed at work."
"I think if 99 of the people that are complaining about Hassan saying this had themselves rated out of by a coworker at their office, they'd be talking to HR and they'd be pissed off about it."
"You cannot gain respect from someone who disrespects you."
"If you work for a company that does not live by their core values, then you're certainly in a toxic work environment."
"Racism in the workplace should not be tolerated."
"If they're doing the same job they get the same pay."
"You can't work next to a guy who's a white nationalist or who champions white nationalist ideology."
"When it comes to making accommodations for workers, it's important for employers to focus on being equitable."
"It's a bunch of hard to automate work, which is against the Valve ethos."
"Threatening people's jobs because your ego feels burned is one of the most disgusting things you can do."
"If you're gonna have this kind of responsibility thrust on a lower level employee, the least you can do is pay them what they're worth."
"Let them have their beliefs as long as they're doing their damn job. Are they hurting you?"
"Most people want to keep their job and they put their own career above doing the right thing."
"Ubisoft's system tolerates harassers for the sake of convenience."
"You don't have to check your conscience at the door."
"All you can do is your job and try to apply the pressure."
"At the end of the day, if one of our team members doesn't get home with their family, what's it all for?"
"Running around trying with a bad attitude... It's not professional." - Differentiating between effort and effectiveness.
"Managers told employees to install equipment out of order to make it appear... that the work is being performed on schedule."
"Don't treat your employees like crap and they probably won't delete the google drive before you gotta go present a bunch of stuff."
"It's completely unacceptable for men to engage in harassment in the workplace."
"Do you really think that working your best people to the bone is the right move?"
"This is [ __ ] up and I'm starting to believe like all of the accusations of like crunch and unethical [ __ ] going on at AAA game studios because this is what they do to make [ __ ] Gordon imagine what they do to like a cubicle slave programmer."
"It's not my job to fix that; it is my job to take advantage of that."
"What do you want the liar to do do you want her to resign do you want her to be fired do you just want her to know that you know."
"It is completely unacceptable that we are now living in a culture in which one must choose between remaining in a racially hostile psychologically abusive environment or giving up their income."
"It's not that hard to be professional and set boundaries."
"I'm not a heartless dude. I'd save the employee."
"You don't do that when you're working customer service. You don't do that. That's not how you handle that."
"We Trust upon us the threatening or thereby ending their employment."
"It should be hard to fire workers, but workplace behavior needs to be addressed without public shaming."
"this can never happen again I mean this was open you know being somebody's employer was not an excuse to control their body and control their medicine and and overrule their religion um and I found deeply offensive at multiple levels"
"They treated beta like a tool to be used and then discarded."
"Never do dumb things. Don't date the boss's daughter. Never dumb things."
"Please understand our job is not to get around people and bend."
"Look guys, how about we just judge people on their actual qualifications, their skills, their work ethic, stuff like that."
"I'm glad you stuck up for yourself. If an employer stips an employee $40, it's no big deal, but if an employee pulls $40 out of the till, then suddenly the cops get called."
"Sure Karen is embarrassed now but if a fat otaku tried the same thing she'd call Human Resources."
"Managers should not be playing favorites. You got a job to do here."
"Every time he walks away from the table, a person, he's got something to say that degrades either the customer, the employee, or everything that's beneath him."
"I know what it feels like to be body shamed on a daily basis, and I would absolutely never criticize or terminate an employee because of their weight."
"If your boss ever tells you to commit suicide or actively advocates for it, don't. Your life matters regardless of how depressed, angry, or empty you may feel."
"Disney admits engaging in unlawful race and sex based workplace balancing."
"Stop snitching to your boss, mind your own business."
"We're not gonna accept that you're gonna try to ask us to trade sex for schedules."
"The most dangerous thing someone could do is come into the firm, see everyone else doing it and think, 'I'll work here for the money but I won't do that.'"
"If I don't want to do this, I should not be in these four walls."
"What you mean by amendments? She had changed a lot of information on his file. I'm not allowed to know the exact extent, but she had access to everything HR would."
"Nothing makes people do their job correctly more than public scrutiny."
"Act a fool, you're gonna lose your damn jobs."
"If my boss were to ask me, I could tell the truth."
"Rockstar Games is controversial work culture... reports of some employees working excessive overtime unpaid... it opened up a dialogue about the necessity of this final crunch." - Rich, WhatCulture Gaming
"There might be an entire like human resources department for heroes in the micro academia universe like there's a hotline that you call when a hero is acting inappropriately like a sexual harassment hotline."
"The idea that someone would say, 'screw them, it's fine that they lose their job,' is genuinely frightening."
"The era of treating your employees like while telling them that their family to get them to work more hours for free is over."
"That's why ladies don't [ __ ] where you eat. Do not [ __ ] you eat. Stop stop sexing your work husband or your boss and all this [ __ ]. You [ __ ] up your money."
"It's just professionalism... unacceptable standards."
"If you accidentally say something that is very easily interpreted as sexual harassment, you say, 'Shit, I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry.'"
"Now we're kind of in bed with the same people we were supposed to be covering."
"Although I never saw anything physically abusive, I definitely had to report staff being verbally abusive to clients."
"The bros before hos thing is so grained even when they claim to be a meritocracy."
"At the end of the day there should be a respect factor."
"You should be true to yourself. If I didn't feel good about the people I worked for, I couldn't work for them."
"As soon as that happens and you're able to kind of prove some evidence of that... they're and they're gone they're [ __ ] gone."
"If any of the animators felt like I was hurtful to them or I manipulated them or that I scared them tell me and let's chat it out."
"We were sent to Washington to destroy hostile work environments, not build them."
"Is it okay for an employee of a church to watch pornography at home and come to church and broadcast that to everyone? Because that's okay for the janitor of the church. It's his private workplace, right? No, that doesn't wash, Dallas."
"Or I can send the recording and transcript of our call two weeks ago to HR and the logs of you deleting the recording from the system."
"This is why 'cover your butt' needs to be drilled into everyone's head when they enter the workforce."
"Being friendly, going on a date, or even having a prior relationship with a co-worker does not mean that a co-worker has a right to behave inappropriately."
"It is everyone's responsibility to report harassment in the workplace."
"...I didn't bother chasing up my last check. As a parting gift, I sent an email to our local food safety board informing them of the poor sanitary practice and reusing leftover soups..."
"If you really a good worker and you be doing all the right things, you show up on time, you do the work like you supposed to, you make the sales, you meet the deadlines, all that, bro, that's they going to start getting jealous of you."
"I explained how I was surprised at some of his comments and that I felt they went against company policy."
"Discriminatory, sexist, offensive behavior, and other harmful acts are prohibited."
"98% of employees have reported experiencing unethical behavior at work."
"An employer has to respect an employee, and vice versa. An employee has to also give respect."
"Don't cheat, don't lie, especially to your bosses or anybody else."
"I wouldn't complain about my co-workers being lazy, but if they had the audacity to lie about me, I would absolutely snitch. That's unacceptable."
"Professionalism by everyone will go a long way in removing sexual harassment from the workplace."
"Workplace harassment? Not acceptable. Employers, you have to deal with that; the law makes it very clear."
"Honesty and transparency at work help with the culture and workplace behavior."
"The most important one is workplace norms or fairness."
"I treat all my colleagues with kindness, dignity, and understanding, as this is a principle that's core to who I am."
"I don't want to work alongside racists, so I think we should call out racism."
"My boss saw through my lie and scolded me for faking sickness."
"It was unprofessional for that to happen in the office."
"A just culture has a safety culture and most importantly, a positive reporting culture."
"Misconduct is no longer tolerated in the workplace, and the safety of all employees has become a priority for our industry."
"Name something a man might buy for his wife that he'd be upset if her boss bought for her."
"We shouldn't have to degrade one another to actually like do our jobs; we should just be able to do our jobs."
"Politics don't have a place in the workplace."