
Consumer Needs Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"We're working to make the kind of entertainment that you want, the kind of entertainment that you can enjoy, that speaks to you without speaking down to you."
"We have a lot of industrial demand, so we're just going to have to make sure that we give the people what they want."
"If the consumer wants this, just make it happen."
"Market research doesn't turn up the value of new devices. The big companies weren't in touch with the real needs of people."
"They don't seem to understand what players want."
"Premium is about redefining experiences. It requires listening to what consumers want and need while also being ready to push beyond their imagination."
"In business, people are always going to need to eat, people always going to need clothes, people always going to need convenience, they're always going to need to save time somehow."
"I think there needs to be a better bridge of the conversation because I think people just want what really works for their skin."
"Just release a version of your product without fragrance so it's accessible to people who have fragrance allergy."
"To properly build a business, you first identify what your consumers want and then be very educated in that."
"I'm actually blown away by this range I think that it is exactly what the beauty industry needed right now the versatility and the variety in these products is just insane."
"The best ideas are simple, solving real pain points for consumers."
"Samsung's camera has everything you need in a smartphone camera."
"It speaks to something more. An earnest desire to create a game that responds to what their target market actually wants."
"The customer... has two problems: I want to survive and I want to be loved."
"Start with the audience first... Find a hungry audience and then offer them something to eat."
"Just because a particular product or service is not something that I need in my daily life, as long as they do what they say they're going to do and someone needs that product or service, then we got no problem with that."
"What is the definition of a quality product or service if not providing something that people want and cannot get elsewhere?"
"We're really trying to transition from giving you what you want to really giving you what you need."
"We're making improvements to a product, and these are things that we already know people want."
"I seriously think it will fulfill the gaming needs of a lot of people in ways that are really exciting."
"Don't sell someone something they don't need."
"Entrepreneurs make the product they want. This is the product the customer really wants and needs."
"Can't use a foundation if you don't have your damn shade!"
"Find something people are complaining about and fix it for them."
"It's not like I promote just one product or there's one solution for every single need that people have."
"They're having their needs met by people who have a corporate financial interest."
"And you are getting most of those features that people are wanting."
"The most successful entrepreneurs are able to envision the wants and needs of people even though the people themselves are not aware of them."
"If my end consumer wants to smell great in the office in 2024 and I feel this smells outdated, man, this smell we gotta reformulate it to make you smell fantastic. I will do it."
"The key to successful advertising is finding a way to marry the needs of the advertiser with the needs of consumers."
"For being the better phone to use on the go and for folks who want to do more with their phones than covering the basics like average consumers."
"As marketers, we need to adapt and respond to the need for quality and reliable information."
"Honestly, this is 99 of what mid-sized truck shoppers in America actually need."
"This v6 is really enough power for most drivers."
"Ease, convenience, and discounts: what customers need."
"Herbal Essences vowed to make shampoo and conditioner identifiable by touch."
"I much more prefer bags that are designed by people who are consciously thinking about the wide array of people who are gonna use the bag and the wide array of uses that they're going to want to use."
"Sell them what they want, deliver what they need."
"So the thinking within Apple, as I understand it, is that the iPad's job is to get so good that a majority of people no longer need a Mac."
"We're going to come up with something that people want."
"People buy products because they want them and benefit their lives. It's about solving a problem worth more than what you're asking."
"Has Subaru done enough to make this that go-to for many people's needs?"
"Very consistent because I wanted people to have what they were missing or what they deserved. Period."
"Instead of trying to guess what the consumer wants and hoping that it sells."
"Ultimately what you want to do is just find some of the things that people are looking for."
"So large markets, big addressable space, and successful businesses, let's be clear, they solve the needs of a consumer. Like that's what Steve Jobs got so right, was I'm going to think about how to deliver technology in a package that solves the consumer's need."
"This truck will meet 90% of the truck buying public's needs."
"Smart marketers will tap into the new needs and the emerging values of consumers as society begins to open up."
"...helps make a more informed decision so you know it'll fit your needs."
"That's really important, right? A lot of machines in this price range really skimp on the foot pedal."
"You sell them a dream, you sell them the idea of like, okay, well, Christmas is coming up, you're going to have need to have the fishes, I got you covered on all these."
"Volvo giving you what you actually need, not what you think you need."
"You need to be thinking about who is it for, what's the audience, what are their needs, who's gonna buy it, who's gonna use it."
"Not everyone wants full coverage so seeing them really listening to what consumers want and finally getting around to making this kind of product is really exciting."
"You don't sell people goods, you sell them the needs for goods."
"Consumers want personalized, collaborative, connected, yet scalable, controlled, and trusted solutions."
"Like any smart entrepreneur, Wayne would identify a consumer need and then try and fill it."
"For ordinary consumers, it's sometimes too much... they're maybe simple people who just want things to work."
"It seems to have the bells and whistles that most folks need."
"I think Harley have to keep trying to produce a product that the people with the money want to buy."
"Satisfying consumer demands is a key component within the agile systems."
"It's all about giving consumers what they've asked for."
"At the end of the day, it all boils down to what you need as a consumer."
"Technology is not an end in itself but it's an enabler for meeting needs with consumers or businesses that are currently unmet."
"This tire is perfect for that middle of the road consumer."
"We can appeal to different occasions, to different consumer needs, and different times of the day, week, and month."
"In the real world, people need real experience, real connection, real products, real tangible experience."
"Eve have clearly listened to what people want and have made a monitor that targets the most requested features."
"This Forester is packaged, I think, really well for the people who buy it and its kind of target audience, so to speak."
"Manufacturers are finally giving the market what it wants."
"The best product is always a product that solves some kind of problem for people."
"Nobody wants a drill; they want a hole."
"You have to apply the marketing concept and understand needs because ultimately your job is to build trust."
"I would love for Ikea to be the company that you go from unnecessary to needed by many people around the world."
"Skyzone seems to be really listening to what people want."
"It is now technologically possible to give consumers what they want."
"It was successful because it delivered in areas that people seem to care about the most."
"It's not about what you think is great, it's about what people actually want."
"You have to understand what real people are actually looking for."
"Great marketers don't use consumers to solve their company's problems; they use marketing to solve other people's problems."
"They started it well because they have packed this full of stuff that people wanted."
"Keep it simple and focus your conversation directly to the consumer's needs."
"Consumers love to make their lives more efficient, so if you have a product that can do that for them, your store is going to be booming."
"FX Airguns has really been listening to the market and to a lot of us air gunners things that we're looking for."
"We have a focus now, we know what people want."
"What do your consumers need? That should be the first question in your API journey."
"We create things that actually are responsive to the things that people want from us and the things that people need."
"They're releasing products for every type of makeup consumer."
"Most people that are looking at this don't need a powerhouse, they need something that will be thin, light, nice to look at, of course the aesthetics are important, but besides that it's got to be durable, which it is, and it has to have a good keyboard."
"This will mean that Zoella Beauty can design products that are more in line with what consumers want."
"Entrepreneurs come to their senses and start adjusting the allocation of resources to best fulfill consumer preferences."
"Consumers are searching for more convenient ways to eat better, and we believe Tattoo Chef branded plant-based bars will resonate with our consumer base."
"Consumers tell us all the time why they are looking for a new car; it's about safety."
"I feel like the person who designed that knew what we wanted and what we liked."
"What people really want when they interact with a brand today is they want to be able to get something done and they want it done now. It's all about immediacy."