
Lobbying Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"The greed that has forced people not to behave democratically... about lobbyists who are people paid to subvert the will of the people."
"Lobbying should be illegal. It shouldn't be a thing."
"The real harm that the ultra-wealthy are doing is not in the Bohemian Club; it's in the policies that they push for by supporting certain candidates and lobbying for certain positions."
"The oil and gas industry has spent billions lobbying against regulations and supporting organizations that question climate science."
"Saudi Arabia has one of the biggest armies of lobbyists of any country in the Western world. They have op-eds, conferences, think-tank sponsorships sponsored by the Saudi government all the time."
"The gun lobby doesn't care who has a gun because they profit off of the fearmongering that everyone should be entitled to it."
"We have too much money and lobbyists fighting over here on the right saying don't touch our guns, and babies are dying, people are dying, kids are dying."
"Imagine that: lobbyists give thousands of dollars to politicians and, surprise surprise, they vote against consumer rights."
"I foresee Washington passing it because, to be honest, in the past five years, I have never seen lobbyists get skewered the way they were by the Senators in Washington."
"China probably has its single most effective lobbying operation in Brussels than anywhere else in the world."
"Big Pharma's massive lobbying campaign and advertising offensive against Democrats' drug pricing plan saved the industry nearly half a trillion dollars."
"Veterans organized themselves into powerful associations to represent their interests and lobby the governments."
"To close that credibility gap, we have to take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists."
"He didn't seem like an individual who was particularly that well connected within the Trump orbit but basically he bluffed his way into some of the biggest lobbying contracts you could imagine with foreign countries."
"The lobby's influence, of course, is no secret. AIPAC was ranked the second most powerful lobby in Washington in a 2003 survey of congressmen and their staffs."
"It's literally a copy and paste of the opposition lobbyist. The opposition lobbyist got to write the bill."
"Politics undermines democracy; political parties lobbying is really a big problem."
"We should note that unlike Owen Paterson, none of the MPs mentioned here have been found to have broken any lobbying rules."
"Labour will end this racket and ban MPs from taking money to lobby for private companies."
"The opioid crisis is one example of how lobbying by wealthy companies has clashed with the interests of the electorate."
"Who decides on the priority deep sea mining has a financially powerful Lobby."
"The more money you spend on members of Congress, the more times you get meetings."
"Every joke has its truth: big pharmaceutical corporations lobbied government and the media to try and convince people to take their drugs."
"Those guidelines and that nutritional advice was the end result of money profiteering and the sugar industry lobbying."
"Mr. Tony Podesta, who is the brother of John Podesta, has earned 1 million dollars for his work in lobbying the Biden White House on behalf of Huawei."
"The entire purpose of that is to reduce the undue influence of special interests and lobbyists."
"They're the shock troops of radical politics, they're not actually the shock troops so much as the lobby fodder radical politics."
"Stop this business of somebody works on Wall Street, draws a big salary, gets a big present going out the door to go regulate the very industry that they just worked for."
"Leave public office, whether it's as a senator or member of the house or a cabinet official or president or a vice president, a lifetime ban on lobbying."
"It is time, we've had it, let's make these simple rules the law now in Washington."
"We're gonna look into becoming the first crypto lobbying group. The BitSquad lobbying group." - BitBoy Crypto
"We're fighting the lobbyists, we're fighting the special interests, and we are serving only you."
"If they're lobbying for crypto, you gotta respect them."
"Lobbyists behind closed doors are getting laws being passed for these big companies."
"You play the corporate side of the equation, but most importantly, you get that justice his extended intellectual heavyweights to lobby for you to be appointed."
"The pharmaceutical industry alone has spent billions on lobbying and campaign contributions. They can charge any price they want for medicine."
"We need to acknowledge that there are powerful lobby groups, powerful cultural and political lobby groups driving this thing."
"We need to make sure that we win this White House... it would be a privilege for us to be talking about what we would lobby the next Democratic administration."
"How does Microsoft make money? How does Goldman Sachs make money? By lobbying government, not by providing good products."
"The playbook which big tobacco used to thwart and delay legislation is the same sort of thing being used by vaping advocates."
"The largest lobby in Washington DC is the pharmaceutical industry. It owns both parties."
"Would you pay Toomey $750,000 to be your good servant if you were going to get billions in return?"
"No, they make their money from lobbying. And so if you hire David Urban, he's going to go on CNN and get to do net propaganda for you at a national level."
"Almost like half the people on television are lobbyists and they never tell you. It's insane."
"Urban urged a military strike against Iran without any disclosure that he worked for defense contractors."
"I just hate the idea that big organizations who have more money to spend on lobbyists get special treatment."
"People still feel so disconnected from their government... influenced heavily by those who can afford high paid lobbyists, the rich and the powerful... people are left behind as a result."
"Who's run by lobbyists anyway? Who got paid to be in that position anyway to do any type of real change? I just don't see it happening."
"I'm not a lobbyist, I've never been a lobbyist."
"Lobbying is the greatest system ever invented, I'm confident of it."
"You have people in this town who were consultants or outright lobbyists for foreign governments just running around pretending that they're patriots."
"No member of Congress may lobby after their tenure in office is over."
"Look, I'm in a job where I get told no 90% of the time. You know, when you're a lobbyist, you hear no a lot more than you hear yes. So I tend to control what I can control. That's a very smart way to do it."
"From that stunning report, quote, federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating whether President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani broke lobbying laws in his dealings in Ukraine."
"We won't pander to special interest groups like the cartel in milk, dairy, and poultry."
"I don't think you should be able to Lobby the government... how does that serve the American people?"
"The swamp... lobbyists and DC insiders... rather deal with you than Donald Trump."
"Lobbying sharply increased, deregulation began with a real ferocity."
"The UN has got a very significant Muslim lobby... would not be very happy if the UK did what you just suggested."
"Big pharma has a lot of real estate in the government and they lobby both sides."
"We've got to get rid of these PAC contributions that lobbyists dole out to politicians in Washington."
"There's nothing wrong with lobbying... it's all right so long as no money changes hands. As soon as money changes hands, that's corruption."
"I'm saying that because corporations lobby the government, they're actually hurting their own people. So they're working against the interest of their members..."
"This is an illegal Monopoly no wonder the company spent 1.2 million dollars self-reported in lobbying efforts to avoid any Anti-Trust scrutiny."
"If you want to get a politician to do something, you don't talk to the politician; you talk to the politician's bankroll."
"The greatest threat to the First Amendment in this country at this point in time is Israel's supporters, it's the Israel Lobby."
"What if you could hire enough money to pay for a lobbyist to change the law now you can't bait in Ohio anymore?"
"Last but not least, a lot of policies are results of lobbying by interest groups."
"Doing taxes in America is such a headache... the tax industry is a huge Lobby... it almost seems like it's on purpose at times."
"Because there is one powerful lobby who's happy with the way things are and has been working behind the scenes for over a century to keep tipping broken for all of us."
"Oil and gas companies prefer to spend enormous amounts of money lobbying and running bogus ad campaigns to preserve their situation."
"Money takes money, gotta lobby, gotta be able, you gotta be able to buy politicians, it's legal lobbying."
"You know what, some of those guys don't do that. They lobby against your [__]."
"The NRA is going to have the same power that the tobacco lobby has now, which is minimal."
"Koch began lobbying US senators like Kansas Senator Bob Dole."
"The next big scandal in British politics will be lobbying."
"If you're a politician, I speak to politicians all the time and I find a lot of the time, there's no malice involved. They are literally just hearing one side of the story from lobbying from big corporations."
"The most important thing that needs to be done is to prohibit members of Congress and their staff from ever becoming lobbyists in Washington."
"Jack Abramoff may be the most notorious and crooked lobbyist of our time."
"What resources are they going to put forward to provide us with the lobbyists that need to descend upon Congress to promote the case for black reparations?"
"Insurance industry and gas and oil... they're the largest lobbying in the entire country."
"It's very hard leaving the men's families kept up their campaigning lobbying and petition from his prison cell."
"The gun lobby is incredibly powerful."
"I'm officially lobbying for Name of the Wind questions to take over Avatar questions."
"...I think the reason there's such undying support in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin is because of the power of the Israel Lobby."
"So I think probably the most powerful thing you can do is lobby your MP, your MSP to see what the problem is and to say you want it to change."
"...someone's been gaining access to parliament basically and lobbying for arms deals that he has nothing to do with and they tried to report all that people went yeah and then in the middleweight they just went and they might be doing it with each other."
"There isn't going to be a banishing of lobbyists, unfortunately."
"Let's talk about the issues. Let's talk about why in the 1990s Wall Street got deregulated. Do you think it has anything to do with the huge amounts of campaign contributions and lobbying?" - Senator Sanders
"We educate, we nurture, we feed, and we lobby. Perhaps we're here for more than just war with these bodies."
"I am running to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over."
"If you take so much as a cup of coffee from a lobbyist, you go to prison."
"The other is that its government won't confront their fishing lobbies."
"Don't have the FDA funded by the people it's regulating; ban lobbying right now, immediately."
"Greed, pharma wants to keep their profits high, and they have aggressively lobbied their home countries in the U.S. and in the EU to make sure that they can achieve that goal."
"Once you allow in a vacuum of power, what will assume power in Washington are special interests and lobbyists."
"The City of London has a permanent representative in the House of Commons, whose role is to report back to the City of London Corporation and to lobby parliament on behalf of the City."
"The world of lobbyist is one that a lot of people are very unfamiliar with or just turn a blind eye to."
"Perry passionately lobbied the United States Congress, seeking financial support for drug courts."