
Cycle Of Life Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The only rational conclusion is that at some point in the future, things will be okay and then at some point afterwards they will not be okay again, and then they will be okay, and so on and so on."
"Hard Times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times."
"God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Women inherit the earth."
"Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times."
"Wrap up something so that the new cycle can start."
"This is nature at work, creation and destruction go hand in hand."
"Nurgle sees his plagues as gifts given freely to maintain the endless cycle of death and decay."
"The end of everything is just the beginning."
"To dive into the unknown, to be reborn, and then to do it all over again."
"All good things must end, but good things can begin again."
"Transformation, death and rebirth, a new cycle beginning for you."
"Celebrating the beauty of death in some sense when all of the leaves on the trees are dying."
"Oceans have an unending cycle of predators turning prey and prey turning into predators."
"All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again."
"The earth was given the ability to produce products out of itself that don't look like it, but when they die, they go back to her."
"Winter. Bleak and dark and bereft of hope, yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life."
"That's what it is... we all eat each other and that makes way for new life."
"Our Journey Begins as dramatic and sudden changes are sweeping over the land. The approaching storm may seem violent and destructive to us, but to Nature, it's a new beginning in the cycle of life."
"The goal is to achieve Moksha or salvation which ends the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth."
"The eternal cycle of life, which corresponds with the law of thermodynamics, that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred."
"There must be a cycle of life here, this life cannot just finish with death."
"...and there's natural predators to take care of the you know the body yeah."
"Life and death is probably that, it's the same thing, it's a polarity."
"The death of something always leads to the flourishing of another."
"Earth swallows death, brings forth life."
"It is a violent contract, this involuntary arrangement between caribou and wolf, but it is immaculate. It is eternal."
"For death is merely the beginning; be immortalized in mycelium and rust."
"You were dust, into dust you shall return."
"We are made of stardust, and when we die, we're dust again that will create more universes, and it just goes on forever."
"In death, she became a home... her death will feed them all, lights bright in the midst of the darkness for decades."
"Life is temporary, it's not permanent. What is permanent is the wheel, the continual and perpetual cycle of life."
"When there is coming, there must be going; where there is going, there must be coming; this is how the world is."
"Our body is of the Earth; we came from the Earth, we were made from the dust of the Earth, and when we die, we will go back to the dust of the Earth."
"This garden represents that, being a sort of cemetery where natural burials are held, and the soil is cultivated into new flowers and trees to celebrate this eternal cycle."
"Not all death is bad; the trees and the plants rejuvenate themselves."
"The soul is said to return to the body or a body 10 times; this is the wheel of birth, of rebirth."
"Mothers give birth to children, but where do the flowers come from? When the people we love leave this world, they turn into flowers."
"It acts as the beginning and end of everything."
"Everything ends, and it's always sad. But everything begins again too and that's always happy. Be happy."
"Friends get bored, friends get married, strangers get born, and strangers get buried."
"We are the prodigal son-daughter who must make our return to Africa to wrap this thing up; all the world will return as we are coming full circle, going back to black, the source."
"The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth."
"Hard times bring good men. Good men bring good times. Good times bring weak men. Weak men bring bad times. Bad times bring good men."
"They are the fires of all the people who have gone to the world of the spirits, and all the people not yet born."
"Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame, all going back to one single grain."
"It's the way of all things. You live, you die, but sometimes you live, you die, and then you live again."
"I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love. If you want me again, look for me under your boot soles."
"Life follows death, death follows life, forever."
"Living and dying are the same; without dying, there's no living."
"Isn't that beautiful? Like, if I ate you, then I'm using your energy to nourish myself."
"Wherever there's death, there's a rebirth; wherever there is an ending, there is a beginning."
"The cycle of our world is unavoidable as it is holy, brothers and sisters."
"The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it again."
"Would you do everything to stop this cycle of destruction once having a child of your own?"
"Cherry trees are blooming; on the third evening, the last flower dies and falls."
"The ultimate aim for Buddhism is to break free from this entire process of birth and death."
"Back to the ancient dust, back to the cold black clay, mother of us all."
"Wishes had come true, it was New Year, we'd have summer and snowballs and birthdays and Christmas all over again."
"You make the night to pass into the day, and you make the day to pass into the night, and you bring forth the living from the dead, and you bring forth the dead from the living."
"Nature is beautiful; in reality, plants are actually farming us by giving us oxygen daily until we all eventually decompose so they can consume us."
"When they die, they return back to the earth that made them."
"They're not fallen without reason or purpose. They'll become the nourishment for fresh green leaves."
"Last long enough for your children to continue the cycle and maybe, just maybe, the land is still theirs when a tree sprouts from you."
"The sun goes down, but eventually it's going to come back up."
"When you learn how to propagate, you learn how to keep seeds, it's like this beautiful cycle that just keeps going."
"For Buddhists, the goal is to try to break out of this cycle and to achieve nirvana."
"So Freyja was not only associated with procreation and childbirth, but also with death and the afterlife, making her the very personification of a life-cycle."
"Nothing ever disappears, nothing is ever wasted; it just fits back into the cycle and continues."
"Recycles and I'm billions of other places and my atoms are in plants, bugs, the animals, and I am like the stars that are in the sky."
"From death comes rebirth, so when something ends, it doesn't mean it's completely over, it means it makes room for something new."
"We had the most amazing sighting not of the Lions feasting upon these animals but the vultures cleaning up what the Lions hadn't eaten."
"Liberation, moksha in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and all of these Indian religions, is freedom from the cycle of births and deaths."
"The son becomes the father and the father the son."
"We eat meat, we die, we decompose, the grass eats our decomposed bodies, the cows eat the grass, and we eat the cows. It goes into a circle."
"Martians will probably have a very different view to death as part of a cycle."
"That helps rejuvenate and return all of the elements that went into that parent plant and to these sucker plants to create another amazing and highly productive banana."
"Death isn't ending, major endings when there's a death, there's a rebirth, there's a renewal."
"Living things must die for us to live."
"Something has to die in order for something to be reborn or something to have life again."
"Life in a small country village as the inhabitants lived their lives, grew old, and died."
"Welcome yourself back into nature because you sure as hell gonna return to it."
"Every death comes with a rebirth."
"Prince and Dick deserve a long vacation when the pastures finally spring to life and the feeding chores end for the year."