
Muscle Development Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"The Victorian is basically an isometric Rear Delt Fly but can also be isotonic if you rep it out with raises."
"You cannot grow muscle unless you rip them first. This is growth."
"Four seconds of all-out anaerobic activity is just as effective as some huge workouts in prompting the kind of changes in muscle fiber development and other health benefits."
"You have to progressively overload, you have to learn something new or challenge your muscle to do something new."
"A lot of guys have a tendency to try to lift as much weight as they can and they end up using momentum to swing the weight around. You're getting a lot more muscle development if you move slowly."
"Jacked, ripped, shredded, cut. Call it what you like. Right now, muscles are huge."
"Powerlifting puts a much greater demand on hypertrophy; a stronger correlation between how much muscle the athlete has and how successful they are."
"Carbs are one of the best ways to build muscle."
"The more food you start consuming the quicker you're going to build muscle mass."
"Fast twitch muscles just plain-old grow faster and bigger eventually."
"Amino acids, which are in protein, are the building blocks for muscle."
"If volume is equated, a higher frequency training style builds more muscle mass."
"One of the features of squatting is not falling down, and if you don't fall down when you squat, then you've done the job of balancing."
"Ultimate 30-day speed plan: combine technique, control, muscle development, and pattern memorization exercises."
"Ecdysterone...worthwhile in exploring for anabolic muscle growth."
"Muscle fibers can increase in length, known as the increase of sarcomeres in series."
"Significant hypertrophy can be achieved when training a muscle group as infrequently as once per week."
"It's not about lifting weights or sweating, it's about squeezing the muscle fibers."
"Time under tension and metabolic stress: key principles for muscle growth."
"I think most naturals can get yoked and look really good if they actually train their neck and traps."
"Bigger is not better. Better is when you create more symmetry, more definition, more muscle separation."
"Building muscle is more like building a skyscraper."
"As your muscle cells grow, new nuclei come in to help out."
"So that's a great Point yeah it'll kind of sell yeah like the person who's underweight will now put on nice muscle tissue."
"Essentially, being stronger allows you to move more weight with more volume, tearing the muscle down and building it back up."
"If we want to maximize long-term strength potential, we need to get them more jacked, and the sooner we do that, the better."
"If you just do deadlifts, cheat rows, cheat shrugs, and direct work, your upper back and traps will hypertrophy to a large extent."
"But why it's because of years and years of hard work and dedication that over time continue to bring more nuclei into the muscles that were trained the most."
"I think most people who are actively and not as much training are probably pretty aware of it on uh developing sort of strength and muscle in advantageous ways."
"Protein is obviously super important to help build up our muscles... it's also really advantageous when you're in a cutting phase."
"Vitamin D deficiency leads to weakened bones and problems with muscle gain."
"Bench pressing alone is gonna grow a pretty significant amount of muscle mass like you won't find a guy with a full plate bench press who hasn't got a massive chest."
"Repetition, consistency, and progressive overload will give you high-quality muscles."
"Tension and activation are what actually trigger muscle growth."
"Muscle soreness is the precursor to you eventually getting faster."
"It's not just over inflating your muscles with water weight rather it is actually increasing your genetic potential."
"Muscle frankly responds more to exercise than it does to diet."
"Consistency in progression leads to muscle gains."
"Regular pull-ups are useful for building a balanced physique."
"Thirty years of consistent lifting and I'm not fucking super slow but I got good fucking thick muscle fibers."
"One effective way to bring up a lagging body part is to simply increase the number of weekly sets for that muscle group."
"...you're going to start to feel your muscles working."
"So, in theory, it may be beneficial to implement multiple exercises which train a muscle group with different strength curves."
"It turns out that vitamin D is also important for having normal scale to muscle development and for optimizing muscle strength and performance."
"This workout is more about diving into your muscles, the muscle contraction, and developing your strength versus a high calorie burn."
"Calves are largely a genetic muscle. If you don't have the genes for huge calves, you'll probably never get them."
"If you get stronger, you will build more muscle."
"Combine effective barbell movements with supplementary exercises for nasty growth."
"The more you put your mind into the muscle you're working, the more the muscle contracts, and the more strength you can actually build."
"That's why nucleus works so well because when you increase the amount of satellite cells in your muscles, the amount of nuclei, you're also increasing your androgen receptors."
"The legs represent such big muscle groups that getting them stronger to build a little bit has a very profound impact on your metabolism."
"I think the level of intensity in your training is gonna dictate how mature your muscle looks."
"Direct chest work will help you improve your bench press."
"The stronger you get across many rep ranges, the more development you will create in the muscle that you're working."
"Your androgen receptor activity is the number one predictor of your muscle gains."
"Muscle contraction over time generates tension and propels, or stimulates rather, muscle growth."
"The purpose of Plyometrics is to improve elastic attributes of your muscles and to improve your motor unit recruitment."
"Hypertrophy training actually helps you to define and shape your muscles."
"Shaking is that sign of second-stage muscle failure, really good."
"It is the intensity of your workout rather than its duration that determines your rate of muscular growth."
"Muscles are built outside the gym, so if you are not sleeping a minimum of seven and a half hours, your muscle building results are not going to be nearly as good as they could be."
"There's no such thing as spot reduction, but there is a way for you to train specific body parts to develop areas that you want to develop."
"Limit work training to failure causing that exhaustion is a very powerful trigger for muscle growth."
"Getting really strong in the bench press has tremendous carryover to other muscles."
"Hard training requires intense focus to zone in on one thing and one thing only: the muscle you're training."
"Contrary to popular belief, collagen is critical to muscle growth."
"Muscle hypertrophy follows a dose-response relationship with increasingly greater gains achieved with higher training volumes."
"It's great for anything because it develops all the muscles uniformly."
"You simply recruit more of the muscle fibers and allow them to explode, fire at the same time."
"At the end of the day, if you're staying injury-free and you're training pretty close to failure, even if your range of motion isn't optimal, you're probably going to be driving growth."
"By developing the strength of our muscles, we can improve many things including flexibility, mobility, range of motion, and bone density."
"I think when you subject your body to doing something repetitively for long periods of time as a child, you produce more muscle fibers."
"Increasing time under tension drives more growth."
"The goal here is to burn some calories while we get stronger and build muscle."
"This is a very solid all-around leg day for someone looking for overall lower body development."
"We don't want muscle guessing; we want to tell it exactly what to do."
"The push-up likely does a superior job to the bench press for developing the serratus anterior."
"The fact that free weights are favored shows and indicates that it might be better for muscle gains."
"This work can be challenging but it's so important to strengthen the muscles of the hips."
"It's a great way to help to develop that horse through his body and his muscles before you even place a rider on it."
"A muscle develops; a muscle doesn't know weight, all it knows is the tension you can place upon it through range of motion."
"That's not uncommon at all, what happens is when we rehab, we've never been that connected to that limb before and end up building more muscle on that."
"Squatting to greater depths can elicit greater muscle contraction, muscle hypertrophy, greater strength gains."
"The deltoids... are a key muscle group for unlocking an all-round impressive physique."
"Greater ranges of motion in exercise tend to lead to better muscle gains."
"What develops a muscle is the most amount of stretch and the most amount of contraction."
"If you gain 20 pounds on your bench and you only gain like 5 pounds of body weight, most likely, yeah, you gained some muscle."
"Intensity, volume, and rest are key to building muscle."
"I'm going to give the dumbbell lateral raise an A as well for medial delt development."
"The muscle that's weaker that has to work harder is usually the one that's more developed."
"When you think about bodybuilding, you need to think of them in terms of length and thickness."
"Seated calf raises are important; you don't want those tiny little calves."
"If you can do 180 kilos for 10 reps, really feeling the muscle, squeezing at the top, getting a good range of motion, you will have glute development. It is inevitable."
"Training a muscle group two to three times a week is optimal for muscle growth."
"The emphasis on shoulders and arms is going to be really good for anyone who wants to bring up those muscle groups."
"When is the last time you saw a vertical leg press? The time I had one, it built my hamstrings like nothing else."
"Compound movements... help to recruit more overall muscle groups at the same time and also therefore allow for sturdier progression."
"These exercises are programmed to develop your upper back, your lower back, your lats, to give you a muscular V-shape back and also define your arms, making them bigger, more defined, with a higher peak."
"That's why you break the muscle down and you build it up stronger."
"Hamstrings are absolutely one of the best investments that you can make in terms of lean body mass."
"For maximum strength development in the powerlifting total as well as maximizing our body composition, or basically getting as much muscle mass on our frame as possible."
"Muscle growth is an adaptive response to stress."
"Tension is the main driver of muscle growth."
"By hitting your biceps from different angles with unique challenging exercises, you can help you optimally develop both bicep heads so that your arms look fuller and thicker."
"In most cases, training muscle twice a week is better than training it once a week."
"I stopped doing dumbbell lateral raises... and the difference was big in 2018 which is where I was probably my most muscular."
"Muscle growth is pretty much all about adaptation to stimulus."
"Train with full range of motion repetitions for maximum quality and development."
"A muscle tends to grow best when subjected to about 70 to 75% of its one rep maximum strength."
"The incline bench is an absolutely fantastic movement that you can do to develop those shoulders and the pecs."
"So it's an underappreciated, underdeveloped muscle, but if you can hit it, you'll have arms that'll look amazing."
"If you can exhaust the muscle through all those ranges fully, you can be pretty much guaranteed you're going to get development."
"Time under tension is the thing you're missing when it comes to just the reps that you're doing."
"The thing that gives us that 3D look is the side and the rear delt being super well developed."
"The power of genetics, he fills out extremely quickly, just big broad muscle bellies, he's like dense everywhere."
"This is not spot reducing; this is muscle building stuff."
"Spacing out your protein and getting roughly 40 grams of protein spread out throughout the day every three or so hours keeps muscle protein signaling high."
"You're not only just developing the look of a muscle but developing the function of the muscle."
"If you want your abs to show, you have to work and develop them like you would do any muscle group."